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Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative

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The Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI), also known as Baby Friendly Initiative (BFI), is a worldwide programme of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), launched in 1992 in India [1][2] following the adoption of the Innocenti Declaration on breastfeeding promotion in 1990.[3] The initiative is a global effort for improving the role of maternity services to enable mothers to breastfeed babies for the best start in life. It aims at improving the care of pregnant women, mothers and newborns at health facilities that provide maternity services for protecting, promoting and supporting breastfeeding, in accordance with the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes.[4]


UNICEF, WHO, and many national government health agencies recommend that babies are breastfed exclusively for their first six months of life. Studies have shown that breastfed babies are less likely to suffer from serious illnesses, including gastroenteritis, asthma, eczema, and respiratory and ear infections.[5][6][7][8] Adults who were breastfed as babies may be less likely to develop risk factors for heart disease such as obesity and high blood pressure. There are benefits for mothers too: women who don't breastfeed have increased risk of developing heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, breast cancer, ovarian cancer and hip fractures in later life.[9][10][11] The BFHI aims to increase the numbers of babies who are exclusively breastfed worldwide, a goal which the WHO estimates could contribute to avoiding over a million child deaths each year, and potentially many premature maternal deaths as well.[12][13][14]


The criteria for a hospital's Baby Friendly accreditation (2018) include:

Critical management procedures

1a. Comply fully with the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes and relevant World Health Assembly resolutions.

1b. Have a written infant feeding policy that is routinely communicated to staff and parents.

1c. Establish ongoing monitoring and data-management systems.

2. Ensure that staff have sufficient knowledge, competence and skills to support breastfeeding.

Key clinical practices

3. Discuss the importance and management of breastfeeding with pregnant women and their families.

4. Facilitate immediate and uninterrupted skin-to-skin contact and support mothers to initiate breastfeeding as soon as possible after birth.

5. Support mothers to initiate and maintain breastfeeding and manage common difficulties.

6. Do not provide breastfed newborns any food or fluids other than breast milk, unless medically indicated.

7. Enable mothers and their infants to remain together and to practise rooming-in 24 hours a day.

8. Support mothers to recognize and respond to their infants' cues for feeding.

9. Counsel mothers on the use and risks of feeding bottles, teats and pacifiers.

10. Coordinate discharge so that parents and their infants have timely access to ongoing support and care.

The program also restricts use by the hospital of free formula or other infant care aids provided by formula companies and recommends that when formula is medically needed, it should be given in a small cup or spoon, rather than a bottle and should only be used to supplement breastfeeding.

As of 2011, approximately 15,000 facilities in more than 152 countries had been inspected and accredited as "Baby-Friendly."[1][2] The number of accredited hospitals has continued to grow. As of 2019, a survey found that 28% of the hospitals in the US were registered as Baby Friendly.[15]

The World Health Organization recommends that if a mother is unable to breastfeed, chooses not to breastfeed, or if her baby (often premature) shows signs that it isn't getting enough breast-milk, a healthy wet nurse or milk from a donor is a healthy alternative to formula.[16] A special formula is manufactured for premature babies, although the World Health Organization recommends it only if breast-milk is medically not an option such as if a premature baby has to be fed formula through a tube to maintain a healthy weight.[16] The World Health Organization advocates the importance of a baby being close to its mother whenever possible even if the mother does not breastfeed.[17]

Regional schemes


In Canada, the provinces of Quebec and New Brunswick have mandated the implementation of the BFHI. All public health units in Ontario have been required to work towards having BFI designation since 2011.[18] In 2012, the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care in Ontario added BFI status to their progress indicators for Public Health Units thus requiring all Public Health Units in Ontario to begin implementation of BFI.[19] Other provinces and territories are implementing strategies at regional and local levels.[20] As of 2008, 18 health care facilities (9 hospitals & birthing centres and 9 community health services) had been designated "Baby-Friendly" across the country.[21] The B.C. Women's Hospital and Health Centre has been recognized as a breast-feeding and “baby-friendly” hospital by the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF since 2008. It is the largest hospital in Canada to receive the designation.[22]


China, now has more than 6,000 Baby-Friendly Hospitals, exclusive breastfeeding in rural areas rose from 29 per cent in 1992 to 68 per cent in 1994; in urban areas, the increase was from 10 per cent to 48 per cent.[1]


In Cuba, 49 of the country's 56 hospitals and maternity facilities have been designated as "baby-friendly". In the six years following the initiation of the BFHI program, the rate of exclusive breastfeeding at four months almost tripled - from 25 per cent in 1990 to 72 per cent in 1996.[1]

Hong Kong

In Hong Kong several hospitals have shown interest in being designated Baby Friendly. However, only Queen Elizabeth Hospital has advanced past the Award of Level 2 Participation stage and is well on its way to receiving BFHI accreditation.[23]


The BFHI started in Ireland in 1998 under the auspices of the Irish Health Promoting Hospitals Network (a WHO programme). The BFHI in Ireland became an independent registered charity in mid-2016 and changed their name to Baby Friendly Health Initiative. They offer two levels - a participation or membership level in which maternity facilities are encouraged to implement the standards and network with other maternity facilities but with no external assessment process, and the designation level where there is external assessment and on-going monitoring to ensure the standards are met and sustained.[24]


Sweden is considered the global leader in terms of BFHI implementation: four years after the programme was introduced in 1993, all of the then 65 maternity centres in the country had been designated "baby-friendly".[25]


In 2014 78.60% of babies were born in BFHI hospitals. Between 2001 and 2013, the increase in certified hospitals was from 38 to 176.[26]

United Kingdom

The UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative was launched in the United Kingdom in 1995.[27] The Initiative works with the National Health Service (NHS) to ensure a high standard of care for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers and babies in hospitals and community health settings. The Baby Friendly Initiative accredits health-care facilities that adopt internationally recognised best practice standards for breastfeeding.[28] During each stage of accreditation, the Initiative provides support as facilities implement standards relating to policies and procedures, staff education, effective auditing, educating pregnant women and mothers, and other relevant areas.

In 1998, its principles were extended to cover the work of community health-care services with the Seven Point Plan for the Promotion, Protection and Support of Breastfeeding in Community Health Care Settings.[28] It has been estimated that if all babies were breastfed, over £35m would be saved by the NHS in England and Wales each year in treating gastroenteritis alone.[29] Despite that, in 2013 breastfeeding rates in the UK were amongst the lowest in Europe: 78 per cent of babies born in the UK were breastfed at birth, falling to 63 per cent at one week. Only one in five babies still received breastmilk at six months.[30] In 2013 the success of the initiative in Scotland showed that 90% of Scottish mothers gave birth in a UNICEF-accredited Baby Friendly hospital. This compared to 30% of mothers in England, 58% for Wales and 57% in Northern Ireland.[31] In 2022 UNICEF reported that "the majority of maternity units (93%) and health visiting services (90%) across the UK are now working towards Baby Friendly accreditation, and new neonatal and children's centre standards have been introduced to help more services improve care."[32]

United States

The first hospitals verified as Baby-Friendly in the US were on the Pacific Coast. The first US hospital to receive this designation was Evergreen Hospital Medical Center, in Kirkland, Washington, which was certified in September 1996.[33] All of these early adopters were able to achieve 100% breastfeeding initiation rates.[34] In New York City, the Harlem Hospital Center was the first hospital to receive the "Baby Friendly" certification granted by Baby-Friendly USA for the city in 2008.[35] In 2011, New York University Langone Medical Center became the second hospital to receive the Baby-Friendly Hospital designation in New York City.[36]

The Johns Hopkins Hospital in Maryland describes the process of receiving the Baby Friendly designation.

It involves changing long-standing policies, protocols and behaviors. The Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative includes a very rigorous credentialing process that includes a two-day site visit, where assessors evaluate policies, community partnerships and education plans, as well as interview patients, physicians and staff members.[37]

As of 2 May 2018, the United States had 512 hospitals that hold the Baby-Friendly designation. This translates to 24.57% of annual births. As of 2019, 28% of hospitals in the U.S. have been accredited by the WHO.[37][38]

Criticism and responses to criticism

One group of authors expressed concerns in a paper published in October 2016. It questioned whether full compliance with the ten steps of the initiative might inadvertently lead to the promotion of potentially hazardous practices and/or counterproductive outcomes. Specific concerns described in this paper included increased risk of sudden unexpected postnatal collapse, rigidly-enforced rooming-in practices leading to exhausted or heavily medicated mothers caring for newborns, and an unnecessary ban on pacifier use.[39]

A 2016 systematic review examined the impact of BFHI implementation on breastfeeding and child health outcomes worldwide and in the United States. The authors suggested that following the BFHI Ten Steps had a positive impact on short, medium, and long-term breastfeeding outcomes. However, they warned their results for the United States explaining "All of the United States BFHI evidence comes from observational studies, the vast majority of which are of very low or low quality. Although there is consistent empirical evidence that BFHI has led to improvements in breastfeeding outcomes in the very short and short terms, its impact on BF outcomes in the long term remains unclear". Looking at 58 studies, the review found that community support was the key to long-term sustainability of breastfeeding that was initiated in the BFHI hospital setting.[40]

A study published in the Journal of Pediatrics in 2019 showed that increased rates of implementation of the BFHI were temporally associated with a decrease in the rate of infant deaths in the first six days after birth. The authors said that their findings dispelled the suggestion that hospital-based breastfeeding initiatives might increase infant death from asphyxiation. The authors did not discuss the other potential harms to mother and baby that critics have raised, such as increased incidence of neonate hospital admission due to dehydration and poor maternal mental health outcomes.[41]

A 2017 study focusing on hospital readmission among infants based on method of feeding raised concerns that exclusive breastfeeding is linked to double the rate of readmission to hospital among neonates as compared to formula feeding.[42] Critics of the Baby Friendly Initiative point to this type of data and several anecdotal stories of babies harmed at hospitals following the Baby Friendly Initiative as evidence that the current guidelines are potentially harmful and not meeting the needs of mother or baby. Additionally, critics point to the Initiative not requiring hospitals to inform mothers about the risks of exclusive breastfeeding, and only discussing the risks of not breastfeeding, as providing insufficient information to allow mothers to make a fully-informed decision regarding infant feeding choices.[43]

A 2021 article outlines the harms caused by insufficient milk intake in neonates, and discusses accidental neonatal starvation alongside current scientific evidence while offering a historical and policy perspective on the rise of the Baby Friendly initiative in part as a response to inappropriate advertising of formula in Africa, which led to poor outcomes among children who traditionally would have been breastfed.[44]

A 2021 review of systematic reviews raised further doubts about some of the claims raised in support of the Baby Friendly Initiative, as it was found that the majority of cited studies concluding benefits of implementation were of low or very low quality. The authors raised a number of concerns surrounding quantification of long-term outcomes on maternal and child health apart from breastfeeding initiation, and suggested that outcomes may differ substantially among poor and wealthy countries. Additionally, the authors described potential negative outcomes associated with full implementation of the Baby Friendly Initiative, including promoting unrealistic breastfeeding expectations, mothers feeling pressured to breastfeed, and increased feelings of maternal guilt. Further high quality studies were recommended to evaluate both long-term breastfeeding outcomes and other aspects of maternal health.[45]

Notably, despite the substantial criticism regarding the increased pressure and anxiety felt by mothers due to Baby Friendly implementation, the current guidelines provided by Baby Friendly USA make no mention of the importance of maternal mental health in the context of a healthy baby, nor do they have any indication of mental health experts having been involved in creating or editing the implementation guidelines.[46]


  1. ^ a b c d UNICEF. The Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative. Accessed 4 August 2011.
  2. ^ a b World Health Organization. Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative. Accessed 4 August 2011.
  3. ^ UNICEF. Innocenti Declaration on the Protection, Promotion and Support of Breastfeeding. Adopted at the WHO/UNICEF meeting on "Breastfeeding in the 1990s: A Global Initiative", held at the Spedale degli Innocenti, Florence, Italy, 30 July-1 August 1990.
  4. ^ "Breastfeeding Initiation at BFI Hospitals". Sacred Heart University. 2 February 2015. Retrieved 26 July 2016.
  5. ^ "Breastfeeding and Maternal and Infant Health Outcomes in Developed Countries". Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality. 6 December 2012. Retrieved 1 September 2013.
  6. ^ Greer, F. R.; Sicherer, S. H.; Burks, A. W. (1 January 2008). "Effects of Early Nutritional Interventions on the Development of Atopic Disease in Infants and Children: The Role of Maternal Dietary Restriction, Breastfeeding, Timing of Introduction of Complementary Foods, and Hydrolyzed Formulas". Pediatrics. 121 (1): 183–191. doi:10.1542/peds.2007-3022. PMID 18166574.
  7. ^ Mahr, Todd A. (1 November 2008). "Effect of Breastfeeding on Lung Function in Childhood and Modulation by Maternal Asthma and Atopy". Pediatrics. 122 (9): S176–S177. doi:10.1542/peds.2008-2139H.
  8. ^ Ogbuanu, I. U.; Karmaus, W.; Arshad, S. H.; Kurukulaaratchy, R. J.; Ewart, S. (10 November 2008). "The effect of breastfeeding duration on lung function at age 10 years: a prospective birth cohort study". Thorax. 64 (1): 62–66. doi:10.1136/thx.2008.101543. PMC 2630423. PMID 19001004.
  9. ^ Rich-Edwards JW, Stampfer MJ, Manson JE, Rosner B, Hu FB, Michels KB, Willett WC (1 September 2004). "Breastfeeding during infancy and the risk of cardiovascular disease in adulthood". Epidemiology. 15 (5): 550–556. doi:10.1097/01.ede.0000129513.69321.ba. PMID 15308954. S2CID 13094501.
  10. ^ Richard M. Martin, David Gunnell and George Davey Smith (2005). "Breastfeeding in Infancy and Blood Pressure in Later Life: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis". American Journal of Epidemiology. 161 (1): 15–26. doi:10.1093/aje/kwh338. PMID 15615909.
  11. ^ "World Cancer Research Fund" (PDF). UK Baby Friendly Initiative. UNICEF. 2007. Retrieved 1 September 2013.
  12. ^ World Health Organization. 10 facts on breastfeeding, accessed 20 April 2011.
  13. ^ Schwarz, E. B.; Ray, R. M.; Stuebe, A. M.; Allison, M. A.; Ness, R. B.; Freiberg, M. S.; Cauley, J. A. (2009). "Duration of lactation and risk factors for maternal cardiovascular disease". Obstetrics & Gynecology. 113 (5): 974–82. doi:10.1097/01.AOG.0000346884.67796.ca. PMC 2714700. PMID 19384111.
  14. ^ Bartick, M. C.; Stuebe, A. M.; Schwarz, E. B.; Luongo, C; Reinhold, A. G.; Foster, E. M. (2013). "Cost analysis of maternal disease associated with suboptimal breastfeeding". Obstetrics & Gynecology. 122 (1): 111–9. doi:10.1097/AOG.0b013e318297a047. PMID 23743465. S2CID 9952739.
  15. ^ "The Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative". Baby Friendly USA. Retrieved 9 January 2022.
  16. ^ a b "What if a baby is born preterm and cannot breastfeed?". World Health Organization. Archived from the original on 14 July 2014. Retrieved 8 July 2014.
  17. ^ "Feeding in exceptionally difficult circumstances". World Health Organization. Archived from the original on 31 October 2013. Retrieved 8 July 2014.
  18. ^ Ubelacker, Sheryl (1 April 2013). "Push on for more baby-friendly hospitals, support for breastfeeding key component". Globe and Mail. Retrieved 21 March 2018.
  19. ^ Technical Document:Public Health Accountability Agreement Indicators 2011-13 Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Public Health Division Health Promotion Division "Technical Document" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 3 February 2014. Retrieved 6 October 2013.
  20. ^ Breastfeeding Committee for Canada. BFI in Canada. Archived 5 December 2011 at the Wayback Machine Accessed 2 August 2011.
  21. ^ New Brunswick Department of Health. New Brunswick Provincial Report of the Baby-Friendly Self-Assessment Survey.[permanent dead link] March 2008.
  22. ^ "B.C. Women's Hospital recognized as 'baby-friendly'". Archived from the original on 12 April 2019.
  23. ^ "Healthcare Facilities". Retrieved 3 April 2016.
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  25. ^ Hofvander, Yngve (2007). "Breastfeeding and the Baby Friendly Hospitals Initiative (BFHI): Organization, response and outcome in Sweden and other countries". Acta Paediatrica. 94 (8): 1012–1016. doi:10.1111/j.1651-2227.2005.tb02038.x. PMID 16188842. S2CID 80543504.
  26. ^ "The Gender Dimension of the MDGs in R. O. C. (Taiwan)". Retrieved 24 March 2016.
  27. ^ "About Baby Friendly: All about us: History of Baby Friendly in the UK". UNICEF UK. Archived from the original on 12 September 2014. Retrieved 24 August 2014.
  28. ^ a b UNICEF UK. What is the Baby Friendly Initiative? Archived 27 July 2011 at the Wayback Machine Accessed 4 August 2011.
  29. ^ "Local Authority Approach" (PDF). UK Baby Friendly Initiative. UNICEF. Retrieved 1 September 2013.
  30. ^ "Infant Feeding Survey - 2005, Early results". Health & Social Care Information Centre. 19 May 2006. Retrieved 1 September 2013.
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  32. ^ "The Baby Friendly Initiative is transforming healthcare for babies, their mothers and families in the UK as part of a wider global partnership between the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF". UNICEF. Retrieved 10 January 2022.
  33. ^ Lopez Williams, Sarah (17 October 1996). "Evergreen gets world praise". The Seattle Times. p. B1.
  34. ^ Merewood A, Mehta SD, Chamberlain LB, Philipp BL, Bauchner H (September 2005). "Breastfeeding Rates in US Baby-Friendly Hospitals: Results of a National Survey". Pediatrics. 116 (3): 628–634. doi:10.1542/peds.2004-1636. PMID 16140702. S2CID 10181030.
  35. ^ "Baby-Friendly Harlem Hospital". HHC Today. July 2008. Archived from the original on 3 December 2013. Retrieved 1 September 2013.
  36. ^ "NYU Langone Medical Center Awarded Official Baby-Friendly USA Designation". NYU Langone Medical Center. 2011. Retrieved 1 September 2013.
  37. ^ a b "The Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative". Johns Hopkins Medicine.
  38. ^ "The CDC Guide to Breastfeeding Interventions" (PDF). CDC. Retrieved 9 January 2022.
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  40. ^ Pérez-Escamilla, Rafael; Martinez, Josefa L.; Segura-Pérez, Sofia (July 2016). "Impact of the Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative on breastfeeding and child health outcomes: a systematic review: BFHI breastfeeding and health outcomes". Maternal & Child Nutrition. 12 (3): 402–417. doi:10.1111/mcn.12294. PMC 6860129. PMID 26924775.
  41. ^ "New Study Shows Baby-Friendly Practices Associated with Decreased Rates of Early Infant Deaths". Baby Friendly USA. 18 November 2019. Retrieved 7 March 2021.
  42. ^ Flaherman, Valerie; Schaefer, Eric W.; Kuzniewicz, Michael W.; Li, Sherian X.; Walsh, Eileen M.; Paul, Ian M. (August 2018). "Health Care Utilization in the First Month After Birth and Its Relationship to Newborn Weight Loss and Method of Feeding". Academic Pediatrics. 18 (6): 677–684. doi:10.1016/j.acap.2017.11.005. PMID 29191700. S2CID 46799402.
  43. ^ del Castillo-Hegyi, Christie (24 January 2018). "Exclusively Breastfed Newborns Have Double the Risk of Being Rehospitalized". Fed Is Best.
  44. ^ Wilde, Vera K (4 October 2021). "Breastfeeding Insufficiencies: Common and Preventable Harm to Neonates". Cureus. 13 (10): e18478. doi:10.7759/cureus.18478. PMC 8491802. PMID 34659917. S2CID 238988150.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: unflagged free DOI (link)
  45. ^ Fair, Frankie J.; Morrison, Alison; Soltani, Hora (1 June 2021). "The impact of Baby Friendly Initiative accreditation: An overview of systematic reviews". Maternal & Child Nutrition. 17 (4): e13216. doi:10.1111/mcn.13216. PMC 8476409. PMID 34076344.
  46. ^ https://www.babyfriendlyusa.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Baby-Friendly-GEC-Final.pdf [bare URL PDF]