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BLIND DAY is a day of solidarity with the community of the blind and visually impaired in Israel. This day is not a day of fundraising and this is its uniqueness – its purpose is to increase awareness of this section of our community and to encourage their integration into society. The group THINK IN COLOR initiated the idea of BLIND DAY, and this day is officially marked in Israel each year on the date 6.6 with the intention that everyone, can think in color even if they do not see 6/6. (It should remembered that in addition to this day International Vision Day is held on October 11th every year, too ) .

BLIND DAY every year takes place under the slogan : " Close your eyes - and see ! " This is from the idea that even when someone does not have 6/6 vision, it is still possible for them to think in color . Throughout the day, led by The Center for the Blind in Israel, there are a variety of activities in the area of blindness, organized both by blind organizations, that deal with improving the daily life of this community, and by the public and private sector working together. Activities are conducted with an focus on sensory activities which is not based on sight, in order to highlight and show the capabilities and abilities of the blind and visually impaired community. The pinnacle of events of BLIND DAY is the activities in the Israeli Knesset, in which the various committees hold meetings on topics that may enhance and promote the rights and status of persons with blindness / visual impairment and aid with their integration into society. Non-Profit organizations joining The Center for the Blind in Israel every year and participating in activities are : ALEH, OFEK LEYALDENU, THE SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND IN JERUSALEM, ISRAEL GUIDE DOG CENTER, MIGDAL OR, NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS IN THE NORTH UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE RASHI FOUNDATION, MINISTRY OF WELFARE SERVICES FOR THE BLIND, SHESHET, KEREN OR, BEIT DAVID INSTITUTE, ELIA, NA LAGAAT, DIALOGUE IN THE DARK. Also joining are many other organizations around the country including local Associations of the Blind, with an ever increasing amount every year.

Facts , Statistics and Distribution[edit]

Israel is home to approximately 24,500 holders of a Blind Card comprising about 3.3 per thousand of Israeli citizens. 76% of the blind in Israel are over the age of 50, of whom 21 % are completely blind. 4 % are under the age of 15, of these 35% are completely blind. 36 % of Israeli blind women are over the age 20, and married, compared with 61 % of Israeli blind men and compared to 60 % blind women in Israel. The three main causes of blindness in the elderly population in Israel are : age macular degeneration (AMD), glaucoma and diabetes – these three can be prevented with early diagnosis and proper treatment. The main disease that causes blindness in children up to age 18 is RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA - which is a generic disease .

A study conducted in Israel found that the employment rate of people with blindness is the lowest of all employed persons with disabilities : 28% compared to 42% of the severely disabled.

Another study found that the employment rate of people with blindness increases amongst those with higher education : 68 % of blind Israeli academics are to be found in the labor force in the economy. Despite multiple obstacles standing in the way of a person with blindness in the workplace, many (although not enough) who fail to deal with the difficulties facing them do manage to participate in the open labor market. The most usual work areas are: Manager, professional expertise , technical support, sales and marketing, administrative support, agriculture, art, production and telephone operators. It is important to emphasize that the use of the term "person with blindness " and " blind man " indicates that blindness is only a condition and does not represent the whole person. A person with blindness can do everything. We have to believe and trust his abilities, and treat him like any other person.

Black lettering on a yellow background is most common for people with residual vision. Not everyone is familiar with Braille, which is used as an international means of communication, and only a few blind people use this method. Today, there are screen reading software programs, which allow access to the world of technology for people with blindness and the use of the Internet provided that the site is accessible for visually handicapped, and for the reading and sending of text messages.


For information on the activities on site Center for the Blind in Israel

Facebook page


Video 2011

Video 2012

Video 2013

the world today

Speaker of the Knesset plenum commemorating Blind Day, 2012

Speaker of the Knesset plenum commemorating Blind Day, 2013