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In semiconductor, valance bands are well characterised by 3 Luttinger parameters. At Г-point in band structure, and orbitals form valance bands. But spin-orbit coupling splits six fold degeneracy into high energy 4-fold and lower energy 2-fold bands. Again 4-fold degeneracy is lifted into heavy- and light hole bands by phenomenological Hamiltonian by J. M. Luttinger.

Three valance band state[edit]

In the presence of spin-orbit interaction, total angular momentum should take part in. From the three valance band, l=1 and s=1/2 state generate six state of |j,mj> as

The spin-orbit interaction from the relativistic quantum mechanics, lowers the energy of j=1/2 states down.

Phenomenological Hamiltonian for the j=3/2 states[edit]

Phenomenological Hamiltonian in spherical approximation is written asCite error: The <ref> tag has too many names (see the help page).

Phenomenological Luttinger parameters are defined as


If we take k as k=ke_z, the Hamiltonian is diagonalized for j=3/2 states.

Two degeneated resulting eigenenergies are



() indicates heav-(light-) hole band energy. If we regard the electrons as nearly free electrons, the Luttinger parameters describe effective mass of electron in each bands.

Measurement of Luttinger parameters[edit]

Luttinger parameter can be measured by Hot-electron luminescence experiment.
