User:Homayoun mh/Books/MyDFT

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Functional Derivatives
Functional (mathematics)
Linear form
Nonlinear functional analysis
Functional derivative
Identical particles
Pauli exclusion principle
Second quantization
Slater determinant
Free electron model
Born–Oppenheimer approximation
Density functional theory
Thomas–Fermi model
Hartree–Fock method
Fock matrix
Electronic correlation
Exchange operator
Coulomb operator
Local-density approximation
Korringa–Kohn–Rostoker approximation
Hybrid functional
Screening effect
Kohn–Sham equations
Koopmans' theorem
Crystal Systems
Bravais lattice
Wigner–Seitz cell
Reciprocal lattice
Brillouin zone
Primitive cell
Band Structure Calculation
Electronic band structure
Bloch wave
Wannier function
Tight binding
Muffin-tin approximation
Linear combination of atomic orbitals
Electronic density
Density of states
Time-dependent density functional theory