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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                Wiki editor level: Novice  / Confirmed Extended

Hello, Wiki world.

I'm a transplanted American on the other side of the globe.

How I got my "Wiki handle" ... around the same time I came on board with Wikipedia, I'd been looking at Iceland Air's website a lot to get some flight information, and I found it so cute what the airline kept flashing on the screen in the few seconds between my making a request for flight information and when it would arrive: "Augnablik: that means just a second in Icelandic, literally 'blink of an eye.'" That's my only connection to Iceland, if you can call it that!

I've done a lot of proofreading and editing over my life, though I identify more as an educator, instructional designer, and writer. But I'm one of those picky people who react to egregiously awful grammar, punctuation, and spelling — as well as lack of clarity and coherence — the same way as if I heard nails screeching down a chalkboard.

Tip of the day...
Section edit button

At the top of each section of an article (if it has sections, that is), located on the far right of the screen, is an [edit] button. The button is offset slightly above the section, and sometimes new users get confused and think it belongs to the section above it. When you click on the edit button, the edit window opens up, displaying the source text from the section immediately below the edit button. Please use these whenever you can. You can set your preferences to have the section headers themselves to act like the [edit] links.

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