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'''Jerome Hauer''' is the director of the [[Office of Public Health Preparedness]] (OPHP) of the US since [[May 5]], [[2002]]. He was a former empolyee of [[Kroll Inc.]] which studied biological terrorism attacks.
'''Jerome Hauer''' is the director of the [[Office of Public Health Preparedness]] (OPHP) of the US since [[May 5]], [[2002]]. He was a former empolyee of [[Kroll Inc.]] which studied biological terrorism attacks.

Revision as of 05:13, 15 June 2007


Jerome Hauer is the director of the Office of Public Health Preparedness (OPHP) of the US since May 5, 2002. He was a former empolyee of Kroll Inc. which studied biological terrorism attacks.


Hauer joined IBM in 1993 to manage programs for Hazardous Materials Response and Crisis Management and Fire Safety. For his production of related training videos he received the International Film and TV Critics of New York Bronze award in 1996. In the early 1990s when Hauer went deeper into the bio defence and military aspects of his knowledge. He achieved a master's degree in emergency medical services from the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health and later became a member of the Johns Hopkins Working Group on Civilian Bio Defense. He wrote several articles on possible bio terrorist attacks. On April 10, 1998 Hauer attended a "roundtable on genetic engineering and biological weapons" under President Clinton, where he may have become known to expert Barbara Rosenberg who took a major role in 2001 in generating a list of anthrax suspects when the origin of the toxin was determined to be an Ames strain from the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID), Fort Detrick, MD.

Hauer joined the Office of Emergency Management (OEM) in New York in 1996. He was able to raise funds from New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani for vaccine development against the West Nile virus. Only one year later the virus was found in the city. Hauer organized a conference for experts and press called Reporting on Weapons of Mass Destruction—Responsibility, Reliability, Readiness. on July 26, 1999 in New York. At the same time he lead the West Nile fumigation operation in New York. Contacts to persons like Brigadier General Bruce Lawlor of the U.S. Army (later the Senior Director for Protection and Prevention at the Office of Homeland Security) and FBI assistant director Lewis Schiliro (who went later to the credit card backbone and explosives dumping business MBNA Corp.) were likely established during that period.

In 2002 some drafts of legislation for mandatory vaccination surfaced. As journalist Mitchel Cohen found out, the author of that policy is Jerome Hauer. Hauer was in the midst of designing rules of health administration for his local, urban, densely populated area. The results looked rather drastic in view of the fact that no crisis existed, even if expert recommendations for any real epidemic are similar to this:

The Public Health Authority may isolate or quarantine ... persons who are unable or unwilling for reasons of health, religion or conscience to undergo vaccination ... or treatment.

Hauer had several connections to the Red Cross in his OEM phase and was assisting in erecting a new OEM headquarters nicknamed "the bunker" which was located in building 7 World Trade Center on the 23rd floor. That building was the third object that collapsed during the 9/11 attacks, eliminating offices of the CIA, Department of Defense, the International News Service (INS), which until then were quite close to the OEM. The presence of an illegal, large gas tank on floor 23 that was hit by WTC debris was identified for its ultimate collapse.

During this period at OEM he worked with Steven Hatfill, later reported to be a Senior Research Associate at USAMRIID, in a role of an expert for advising the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) which in turn advises the US government and several other countries. Members of the CFR include Pentagon top advisers Richard Perle, Henry Kissinger, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, ex-CIA chief James Woolsey and biosciences specialist Joshua Lederberg. Hauer and Hatfill presented a topic called Building a 'Biobomb': Terrorist Challenge on May 28, 1998 at a CFR conference. He later took part in a meeting at the CFR called "Independent Task Force on America's Response to Terrorism" on November 6, 2001 which defined a framework for public relation goals in communicating the 9/11 events. Several parts might be attributed to the ideas of George Soros.

In 2000, there was a major exercise on bio terrorism response headed by the Johns Hopkins Center, in collaboration with the ANSER Institute for Homeland Defense, the Center for Strategic and International Studies, and the Oklahoma Memorial Institute for the Study of Terrorism located at the Andrews Air Force Base. Several roles, like the president or the CIA director, were acted by other high ranking persons. Hauer took the role of the FEMA Director. This quote is supposedly originates from observer Tara O'Toole, MD:

One of the striking observations of this exercise was the unfamiliarity of these distinguished and experienced professionals with the basic decisions and trade-offs associated with managing the response to the epidemic.

Subsequently a few more such exercises took place. The last, codenamed Dark Winter, was held on June 22-23, 2001 and was where Hauer played the role of Director of FBI.

Hauer started his work for the NIH by September 10, 2001 as a national security advisor. He might have been there earlier, but public sources are not clear. At the time he still held the position of Managing Director at Kroll Associates, Inc.. On 11th September he gave a secret recommendation to the White House to take Cipro, an antibiotic that is effective against anthrax.

In late 2001 Hauer managed the cases of the antrax attack by mail. Here Rosenberg provided early, relatively good information for tracking down the origin, including a list of names with people from various institutes, including USAMRIID at Fort Detrick. But it took some time (after November 2001) before Hauer became involved. His public relations campaign was titled "De-Mystifying the Biological Weapons Debate" where he spread claims like this: suspects are Osama Bin Laden and his Al-Qaeda network and sympathizers to US right wing extremists.

On May 8, 2001 a new Office of National Preparedness for Terrorism at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was announced by President G. W. Bush while FEMA's budget got cut by $200 million. Hauer's appointment to director of OPHP happened in May 2002 through Tommy G. Thompson. He started on 5th of May. His predecessor Dr. D. A. Henderson stayed at the offices in an advisor role.

9/11 controversy

On September 11, 2001, Jerome Hauer was a national security advisor with the National Institute of Health, a managing director with Kroll Associates, and a guest on national television. His background in counter-terror and his specialized knowledge of biological warfare served him well on that day. On September 11, 2001, Jerome Hauer advised the White House to begin taking Cipro, an antibiotic which is effective against anthrax.

Mr. Hauer's advice was not made public. Its value may have been underestimated at the time, but it was clearly demonstrated a week later, when the first anthrax letters appeared, and again three weeks after that, when anthrax appeared in letters to Democratic Senators Daschle and Leahy. Strangely, perhaps, this is not the first time questions of prior knowledge have surfaced in Jerome Hauer's wake.

Jerome Hauer joined New York City's Office of Emergency Management (OEM) in 1998 and quickly obtained funding from the office of then-mayor Rudy Giuliani for the study of West Nile virus. The following year the virus appeared in the city, and Jerome Hauer led the fumigation effort.

Jerome Hauer managed the NIH response to the anthrax attacks. The anthrax used in the attacks was identified as an Ames strain, which means it had to have come from the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick, Maryland. Jerome Hauer received relatively good information for tracking down the origin of the anthrax. He even got a list of people from various institutes, including USAMRIID at Fort Detrick. But his response was slow and hidden behind a public relations campaign spreading Orwellian claims like "Suspects are Osama bin Laden and his Al-Q'aeda network and sympathizers to US right wing extremists".

Stephen Hatfill, at one time considered a prime suspect in this still-unsolved case, had worked for USAMRIID at Fort Detrick. Strangely, perhaps, he had also worked with Jerome Hauer, for Science Applications International Corporation, at the Center for Counterterrorism Technology and Analysis.

The World Trade Center

On September 11, 2001, in addition to his job with the NIH, Jerome Hauer was also Managing Director of Kroll Associates, a well-established security firm serving clients in the military and the US government. In the 1980s, Kroll was known as the "CIA of Wall Street" because of the sorts of the people it hired, and the sorts of tasks they were assigned. On 9/11, Kroll was in charge of security for the entire World Trade Center complex. The head of security at the WTC on September 11, 2001, was former FBI counter-terror specialist John P. O'Neill.

O'Neill, considered the world's leading expert on Osama bin Laden, had resigned his post as Deputy Director of the FBI during the summer, very unhappy with the Bush administration's head-in-sand "approach" to terror, after investigations into Osama bin Laden and al-Q'aeda had been blocked. John O'Neill started his new job at the WTC on September 10, 2001, the day before he was killed there. His having landed that particular job at that particular time raises some very interesting questions.

If, as many people believe, 9/11 was a false-flag operation designed to implicate Osama bin Laden, then a legend, or a cover story, involving bin Laden would have to be fabricated , disseminated very quickly, and swallowed whole -- not just by the American people but by the people of the world. And John O'Neill was a most -- if not the most -- formidable obstacle in the way of such a cover story. He was not only the world's leading expert on bin Laden, but he was also regarded as a "loose cannon", because of his record of working outside normal channels when normal channels were "blocked". He knew FBI investigations into bin Laden and al-Q'aeda had been shut down in the summer of 2001 and it is extremely unlikely that he would have remained quiet about it. He also knew whether or not Osama bin Laden was capable of inflicting the amount of damage the US suffered on 9/11.

John O'Neill was given the WTC position by his old friend Jerome Hauer, Managing Director of Kroll.


  • Very few cities at this point in time are prepared to manage the consequences of bio-terrorist attack. (interview with Eyewitness News, October 1, 2001)