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Aside from her initiation into the principles of Theosophy, what stands out among all that was learned, was the association of this light focus to a spiritual master's discovery, activated by the white light of [[Serapis Bey]], an [[Ascended master|Ascended Master]] who works with the fourth ray and the ''base of the spine chakra'', as well as the ''heart chakra'' (on the diaphragm), the fourth [[chakra]] (in the Catholic tradition, this ''chakra'' is symbolized by the ''luminous heart'' of Christ), guiding spiritual artists and musicians in harmony and creativity. In the public life this discover had as consequence the practice of some idiosyncrasies, guided by Troncoso, as the adoption ever since of the inseparable white clothing, that symbolizes the Spiritual Purity, Peace and the ascension to the Light and it seeks to honor the master, besides the habit of lighten incenses and praying before entering in the stage. Thus, it is for this reason that ''Simone is always wearing a white clothing''; also in honor of her master she recorded ''Raios de luz'' Cd ([[1991]]), which was also a tribute to [[Clara Nunes]]. ``The roses are a form of gratitude, it is my memory to the public. And the white clothes already comes from a long time. The white is the unification of all the colors and it symbolizes my spiritual master, that accompanies me always´´ <ref> ''Jornal Paraná On-Line'', September 28 2007 </ref>.
Aside from her initiation into the principles of Theosophy, what stands out among all that was learned, was the association of this light focus to a spiritual master's discovery, activated by the white light of [[Serapis Bey]], an [[Ascended master|Ascended Master]] who works with the fourth ray and the ''base of the spine chakra'', as well as the ''heart chakra'' (on the diaphragm), the fourth [[chakra]] (in the Catholic tradition, this ''chakra'' is symbolized by the ''luminous heart'' of Christ), guiding spiritual artists and musicians in harmony and creativity. In the public life this discover had as consequence the practice of some idiosyncrasies, guided by Troncoso, as the adoption ever since of the inseparable white clothing, that symbolizes the Spiritual Purity, Peace and the ascension to the Light and it seeks to honor the master, besides the habit of lighten incenses and praying before entering in the stage. Thus, it is for this reason that ''Simone is always wearing a white clothing''; also in honor of her master she recorded ''Raios de luz'' Cd ([[1991]]), which was also a tribute to [[Clara Nunes]]. ``The roses are a form of gratitude, it is my memory to the public. And the white clothes already comes from a long time. The white is the unification of all the colors and it symbolizes my spiritual master, that accompanies me always´´ <ref> ''Jornal Paraná On-Line'', September 28 2007 </ref>.

A few features of Simone's social behaviour, statements, religion and professional path stand out as coincidences that draw ones attention towards a spiritual singularity and point to an undeniable link to Christianity.
A few features of Simone's social behaviour, statements, religion and professional path stand out as coincidences that draw ones attention towards a spiritual singularity and point to an undeniable link to Christianity.

Revision as of 00:28, 8 November 2007

Simone Bittencourt de Oliveira

Simone Bittencourt de Oliveira, known simply as Simone[1], is a Brazilian singer (born December 25, Salvador, Bahia) and one of the icons of Brazilian Music. She is also the most notable and respected interpreter of Ivan Lins.


Born eight months prematurely, seventh daughter in a family of nine children, her father, Otto, wanted to name her Natalina [2], but her mother Leticia [3], had her baptised as Simone. During her teenage years she was a professional basket ball player and moved to Sao Paulo to become a member of the nation's Official Women's Basketball Team Players[4]. She studied in Santos (São Paulo), majored in Physical Education, and was a contemporaneous to Pele.


Her career begun when a close friend and guitar teacher Elodir Barontini invited her to sing in a pre-schedule dinner with Odeon´s marketing manager. At the end of this meeting, specially scheduled for the performance, came an offer of a contract to record not one but four albums at once. Her eponymous debut album [5] was recorded in October 1972 at low cost and with a few musicians, conducted by José Briamonte. This inaugural edition circulated only for friends, relatives and artists; ten years later it would be re-edited and with a different cover. By the 20 March 1973, Simone was launched for the press in a closed meeting at the Hilton Hotel, in São Paulo; later on she would appear for the first time ever on a Tv program, for Tv Bandeirantes. Followed by another expected show up on Mixturação[6] (director/producer Walter Silva, April, 1973), a Tv Record program where she was one of the promising new talented. Thus success gradually took place.

A previous sportswoman who had already met success now turned to the stage, supported by the family's incentive, her father, an opera amateur singer, and her mother, a pianist, from whom she received a great stimulus. Before becoming familiar to the Brazilian public, she was one of those invited to participate in an international tour in Europe, starting with a presentation at the Olympia, in Paris[7]. This tour was then organized by Hermínio Bello de Carvalho [8], regarded as one of the most important Record producers in Brazil. They performed at Olympia, Madison Square Garden, in New York, Belgium and Canada with great success, originating Brasil Export 73 e Festa Brasil - both produced by Hermínio Bello who would also produce the next two albums, Quatro paredes and Gotas d´água; the latest with Milton Nascimento´s production [9].

Success, Shows, Tv festivals

In the late '70s, in 1977, she reached national recognition singing Jura Secreta, Começar de novo, Face a face and O que será. The last, by Chico Buarque, became the soundtrack of Dona Flor e seus dois maridos movie, by Bruno Barreto, which helped to popularize the music [10]; an outstanding year when she also met Chico Buarque at the studio: "O que será opened doors for me and my career ". In the following year (from June 16th to September 15th, 1978), her name stood by those artists of the Projeto Pixinguinha [11] which aimed to travel around the country with renowned and also new talented singers.

An excerpt of the Projeto comments the growing success: In 1977, beyond launching 'Face a Face' and 'Dona Flor e seus dois maridos' soundtrack, she was acclaimed in a spectacle at the 'Museu de Arte moderna'. At the 'Teatro Clara Nunes', directed by Hermínio Bello presented 'Face a Face'. She is improving her performance in each spectacle and is featured now among Brazil's best singers. She has just recorded 'Cigarra', singing Gonzaguinha´s 'Petúnia Resedá', Fagner and Abel Silva ('Sangue e Pudins'), Milton Nascimento and Ronaldo Bastos ('Cigarra'). (Excerpt by Funarte.) Along with Belchior young Simone crowded João Caetano theater presenting Seis e meia (25 August, 1977), and was highly acclaimed when singing Gota d´água; a prognostic of a career ascension still not outlined.

But this wouldn't take long. Two years later, Pedaços (December 12th, 1979, Canecão, Rio de Janeiro),[12] was a definitive landmark and acclaimed by critics and public. First presented in October, was considered the best of the year, and in terms of public, it was only surpassed by annual spectacle of Roberto Carlos. Directed by Flavio Rangel, who included Pra nao dizer que nao falei das flores in the repertory, celebrating the first public hearing [13] of this political hymn in her voice. For such was the excellent repercussion amid critics and public that her interpretation was just not more popular than that of the composer himself, Geraldo Vandre. Simone was the first artist ever to sing Caminhando after censorship´s lift: When I started to sing at the Canecão, everybody sang together and this was wonderful. Caminhando is a typical song of the collective unconscious and this is very moving for lots of people. The birth of a social artistic attitude and its excellent response would follow her along the career and would be emphasized by other coming successes, such as: Disputa de Poder and Louvor a Chico Mendes, Maria, Maria, Uma nova mulher, O sal da Terra, Será, Pão e poesia e Isto aqui o qué. At the end of the broadcasted Delírios e delicias (Rede Globo) show she claimed for Diretas Já, the greatest popular demand for democracy and the end of dictatorship in the country's history. Later, in 1989, along with Marília Pêra and Claudia Raia she made public her support to the right-wing candidate and close friend Fernando Collor de Mello[14]. An artist whose shows ended with flowers distributed to the public, was now not only the greatest voice for Vandre's lyrics, she was also, along with many other artists, living each verse of them: [15]: Yet they make of a flower their strongest refrain, And believe flowers to defeat guns.

According to Revista Veja: Simone Bittencourt de Oliveira was born twice. The first, in 1949, in a low-class Salvador area, in Bahia. The second, in the last February 7th, at the 'Morumbi Stadium', in São Paulo, when she raised a vibrant chorus of 90.000 at the 'Canta Brasil' spectacle, singing 'Caminhando'. When presentation ended, she was another shining star in the sky. Success granted career's first golden disc and an eponymous program for 'Rede Globo', recorded alive at the 'Globo Theater' (march, 1980). The program, 'Simone Bittencourt de Oliveira', was the first of a series called 'Grandes Nomes. Still, in this glorious year of 1979, she was present at the Festival de Música Popular Brasileira, interpreting Para Lennon & McCartney (by Márcio and Lô Borges and Fernando Brant).

Since the '60s, when Festival de Música Popular Brasileira series were launched (Tv Record), until the '80s, Brazilian television was marked by the great audience of the transmitted programs from live music festivals. Mulher 80 (Rede Globo) was one of these remarkable ones; the program exhibited a series of interviews and musicals aimed to discussing women's role in society with an approach to the national music evolvement and the indisputable predominance of female voices: presenting Elis Regina, Maria Bethania, Fafá de Belém, Marina Lima, Simone, Rita Lee, Joanna, Zezé Motta, Gal Costa and the extra participation of Regina Duarte and Narjara Turetta, from Malu Mulher TV series. On an interview to O Pasquim journal (nº 572, from 13th to 19/06/1980), Elis Regina talks about her: Elis, from all of these new talents, is there anyone to look at with attention?: "I Like Simone very much. Potentially, there is a talent to bloom out. She is a beautiful woman, her repertory is very good and she is very well orientated by Flavio Rangel and Nelson Ayres".

At thirty two years old she headed a historical deed when for the first time in history a female singer crowded Maracanazinho Stadium. She again pioneered when long before Paul Simon or Michael Jackson recorded with Olodum, from Bahia; or when, during a spectacle, surprised the public bringing a bed to the stage, a year before pop star Madonna shocked the world with the same idea. In February 1982 some 15 to 20 thousand people crowded Canta Brasil spectacle to see her interpreting Milton Nascimento, Ary Barroso, Chico Buarque, Tom Jobim, Fernando Brant, Vítor Martins, Paulo César Pinheiro, Hermínio Bello de Carvalho, Isolda, Sueli Costa e Abel Silva; by the end of 1982 reached a record sale of 700 thousand copies of Corpo e Alma album. In December 1983 Quinta da Boa Vista was invaded with over 150 thousand people expecting to see her on Rede Globo's first live transmission for a New Year's TV show. Also in 1983 she dedicated Delírios e Delícias to one of her idols, Fernanda Montenegro; the actress returned the tribute with a manuscript [16] dedicatory on the release of the following LP, Desejos (1984).

Throughout the '80s, a decade marked by a wide recognition of female singers, she consolidated her name reaching sales records and packing nightclubs, gymnasium, stadiums: her records flew out of the shelves as soon as they were thrown and the name Simone shone as one of the greatest icons of the local show business. Announcing her shows were an assurance of crowded theater, coliseum or wherever she´d go. The longest show season ever lasted for eight months straight on a traditional theater in Rio de Janeiro, Scala II, in 1986; the largest public ever was 220 thousand people in a single live presentation.

Originally idealized for the setting of the Bale Teatro Guaira, the spectacle O Grande Circo Mistico, was launched by 1983. Simone participated of this slected group that traveled two years around the country, presenting one of the greatest theatrical spectacles presented in the country. Simone interpretated Meu Namorado, written by Chico Buarque and Edu Lobo. It tells the story of a love affair between an aristocrat and an acrobat and the saga of an austriac family owner of the Grande Circo Knieps, century's first decade world voyagers.

Still benefit from political activities, she would now embrace another social fund raising for Nordeste já [17], a Brazilian version of the American hit We are the world or USA for Africa. The 155 chorus voices recorded a compact disc with two songs, Chega de mágoa and Seca d´água. Eulogized by the competence of the individual interpretations, it was however criticized by the incapacity of harmonizing the voices and the framing of each one of them in the choir.

By 1989, ten years after the first golden album, success was still flowing, and the artist was one of the few ones to be protagonist on TV music specials: Simone, special (Rede Globo), presented flashes of Sedução show broadcasted from Palace theater, in São Paulo; divided the stage in the traditional presentation of New Year along with Roberto Carlos. She also participated of Rede Globo's special Cazuza --A love proof singing Codinome beija-flor. In 1989 she recorded a fund-rasing TV clip for the rehabilitation of children, entitled Luz do Mundo; it aired on Fantástico (Sunday evening Rede Globo program) and was idealized by Betinho, a renowned Brazilian sociologist.

Public's success, sales records, Tv special and a refined repertoire, placed her as one of the most respected names of MPB's elite; from an elitist singer she would pass, by mid '80s, for the most obscure phase of the career, facing the stigma of the specialized critics towards her voice, interpretation, arrangements and chosen composers --it was the so called kitschy, or overly sentimental phase, which also featured the social and cultural attitude throughout the eighties. In spite of that she remained a record sales singer and reached enormous popularity: no matter from whom was the composition she interpretated, the Mida's touch would guarantee one hit after the other.

Flavio Rangel, Jorge Fernando, José Possi Neto, Nelson Motta, Ney Matogrosso e Sandra Pêra are among the names that sign the direction of her shows. The show Sou Eu, by Matogrosso, won the Best show of the year prize in 1992 and originated an eponymous album --which also celebrated the 20th birthday career and the rerecording of older hits. In 1997 Brasil, the Show live from Metropolitan theater in Rio, was directed by Possi Neto and presented classical sambas (Paulinho da Viola, Adoniran Barbosa, Dorival Caymmi, Nelson Rufino, Carlinhos Santana, Elton Medeiros, Hermínio Bello de Carvalho, Toninho Geraes, David Nasser, Alcyr Pires Vermelho, George Israel, Nilo Romero, Alocin, Ary Barroso, Gonzaguinha, Mário Lago, Ataulfo Alves, Cazuza) amid other hits of her previous album Café com leite.

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During a presentation at the Bourbon Street Night Club, in São Paulo (06.06.06)

In may 2006, in a pocket show at Bourbon Street nightclub in São Paulo, Simone and the band presented a romantic repertoire and delighted the public with an unusual arrangements, within a jazzy tone, for the Credicard Project. Among the most recent presentations, stands out the ones in Peru, where she was praised by the public who stood by the stage clapping for more than five minutes straight; in Miami, along with Ivan Lins, was acclaimed by critics who considered the show one of the best ones in the late years. By June 2007, the Coliseum of Santos enthusiastically received an icon of MPB who was one day an unknown dweller [18]. Amigo é Casa, sharing the stage with Zelia Duncan, was a show for the recording of an eponymous Dvd and aimed to mark the partnership she evolved along with Z. Duncan for the past two years.

Repertoire [19]

In the history of MPB [20] the tradition of romanticism was overly intensified during the eighties and the themes of romantic love, passion, were thoroughly explored by singers and composers. Simone, whose repertoire has been predominantly romantic since the beginning of her career, is one of them, and she is for this reason categorized as a romantic singer; her repertoire comprehends some 350 interpretations, one of the largest and most diversified among Brazilian female singers.

The themes of romantic love, passion, (Começar de Novo, Jura Secreta, Corpo, Medo de Amar nº2, Raios de luz, Lenha), samba, (O Amanhã, Disputa de Poder, Ex-amor), and religious songs, (Cantos de Maculelê, Reis e rainhas do Maracatu, Então é Natal, Ave Maria, Jesus Cristo), are the most frequent on her work.

During childhood and teenage years the main references of this romantic repertoire were Roberto Carlos, Maysa Matarazzo, of whom she is a great fan and who has a great influence on her work, Dolores Duran, Angela Maria, Nora Ney --the most relevant names of the samba-canção or fossa (gloom) gender. Often compared to bolero, for the featured exaltation and exploration of romantic love or the suffering of a non accomplished love affair was also called "elbow ache" (jealousy, heart ache). Samba-canção preceded the bossa nova music style, with which Maysa was associated. But this one, inheritor of the American jazz, presented a more refined, gentle and soft melodies and interpretations, in detriment of those resented, melancholic ones. Maysa's legacy, although it points to a bossa nova bias, is that of a more dramatic singer and it would be more properly linked to the bolero and samba-canção rhythm [21]. Simone's manifested fondness for boleros results from this musical heritage.

As an interpreter, Ivan Lins, Vitor Martins, Milton Nascimento, Fernando Brant, Paulo César Pinheiro, Gonzaguinha, Chico Buarque, Martinho da Vila, Fátima Guedes, João Bosco, Aldir Blanc, Isolda, Roberto Carlos, Hermínio Bello de Carvalho, Paulinho da Viola, Sueli Costa e Abel Silva, are those with larger number of interpretations in the voice. The current repertoire includes Zélia Duncan, Cássia Eller, Adriana Calcanhotto, Aldir Blanc, Joyce, Martinho da Vila, Ivan Lins, Paulinho da Viola e Zeca Pagodinho.

Talent, voice

From first LP recorded then to the current days the talent discovered is expressed by the spontaneity, the gifted talent , without any registration of passage for music schools or song classes, either uses the reading of ciphers as a resource to the chords. Marked by an accentuated accent from Bahia, that the time never wiped off, and an exclusive metallic timbre of mezzo-soprano, the voice is also revealed by a light hoarseness with romantic inclination, meanwhile exalted by a contained emotion, as in the romantic dramas of Começar de novo, Jura Secreta e Gota d´água. In the nomenclature of Canto her voice range is of a medium vertical tessitura, counterbalanced by a wide horizontality or versatility; nowadays, in the maturity, it can be defined as a contralto, more grave one, that the one of the tenor and the one of the mezzo-soprano; it is also observed in the work the use of the falsetto, as in some verses of Jesus Christ's chorus, in which the timbre reaches a sharper tone, much beyond the conventional usage. Professional path that consolidated with an eclectic repertoire enabled by a high degree of vocal versatility, including interpretations solo in Castilian and along with interpreters such as Pablo Milanés, Plácido Domingo, José Carreras and Julio Iglesias. She was for three times nominee to compete to Grammy Latino.

From the albums recorded after the eighties, a period regarded as a more popular one, stands out Simone Bittencourt of Oliveira (1995), that brought ballads among other classic and consecrated samba composers; Café com leite (1996), a tribute to Martinho da Vila; Seda pura, an incursion to the pop (2001) and Baiana da gema, a tribute to Ivan Lins (2004)--works regarded as a reunion of a more refined repertoire and more selective arrangements. Among these stands out the renowned Café com leite, in which she notably interprets Martinho da Vila's sambas, silencing in high style those critics who once in a while oppose her interpretations. The singer and composer Caetano Veloso is among the public admirers of this album: Simone's disk with Martinho's compositions, I find divine, divine and nobody said anything... The press fakes that is not anything. That is divine. His repertoire fits her very well --that disk is the kind I like to listen to at home, alone, together with my favourites. She gave clarity to those compositions, it is beautiful. And it was a project thought by the recording of a singer that would sing an author, combined, don't know how was it, but it is beautiful, it is wonderful the result. And she is a great singer, very good, I adore. A very beautiful voice which makes one feels good'.

Songs, hits on Simone's voice, Cigarra, Começar de novo

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Amigo é Casa Show, for the recording of a an eponymous Dvd along with Zelia Duncan

She is known for her charismatic stage presence, her tall, athletic body dressed in white clothes and—and a characteristic gesture where she opens her arms in a cross, as if contemplating the songs. Simone ends her shows by distributing flowers, white roses, to the audience. On request, she received in 1978, from her friend Bituca, Milton Nascimento, the composition that later became the nickname, Cigarra (Cigarra), of the homonymous disk thrown in the same year. The request for a song with the cicada theme came from Simone herself because of an event that happened in Salvador, when Simone affirms she was surprised by a voice that repeated three times the word cicada being addressed her and in an unusual way.

The lyric refers to Aesop's famous fable, the The Ant and the Grasshopper, as in the passage: ...because you asked for a song to sing, as the cicada it tears of so much light and it fills with sound the air... because the ant is the best friend of the cicada, roots of the same fable that she scratches, she weaves and she spreads in the air...because it is still winter in our heart, that song is to sing as the cicada lights the summer and it illuminates the air...

Apart from Cigarra, many other songs were consecrated on her voice: Começar de Novo, Jura Secreta, Medo de amar no. 2, O ronco da cuíca, Face a face, Cordilheiras, Bodas de Prata, Quem é você, De frente pro crime, Fantasia, Quatro paredes, Desgosto, Mar e lua, Novo tempo, Música música, Condenados, Encontros e Despedidas, A distância, Outra vez, Danadinho danado, Canta canta minha gente, Disritmia, Sangrando, Cantos do maculelê, Louvor a Chico Mendes, Será, Sou eu, Você é real, Voltei pro morro, Samba de Orly, Reis e rainhas do maracatu, Caçador de Mim, Sob medida, Maria Maria, Iolanda, Quem te viu quem te vê, Tô que tô, Tô Voltando, Gota d'água, Me deixas louca, Vida, Pão e Poesia, O Amanhã, Pra não dizer que não falei das flores, Disputa de Poder, Uma nova mulher, O que será, Loca, Procuro Olvidarte, Raios de Luz, Tudo por amor, Tudo bem, Alma, Corpo, Amor no coração, Codinome beija-flor, Ex-amor, Um Desejo só não Basta, Amor explícito, Então é Natal, Jesus Cristo, Lenha, Separação, É festa, Pedaço de mim, Desesperar jamais, Saindo de mim, Começaria tudo outra vez, Veneziana, Idade do céu, Matriz ou filial, Cofre de seda, Muito estranho, Então me diz, Existe um céu

The anthological Começar de novo, from Pedaços album (1979), stands out as the most outstanding success and for it being also the theme song of the Tv series Malu Mulher (Rede Globo, 1979), that revolved controversial issues at that time such as the feminine emancipation, divorce, abortion and domestic violence. The character Malu (Regina Duarte) was the first to take birth-control pill on Tv. Simone was chosen to interpret it in detriment of Maria Bethânia, also cogitated for the interpretation, but that refused. In the voice, the composition, that was written especially for the series, by Ivan Lins and Vítor Martins, became a great success at the time and a landmark in the history of MPB.

Começar de novo was recorded by Barbara Streisand and Sarah Vaughan. The North American impresario Quincy Jones is one of the greatest admires of this interpretation of her [22]. He also extends his admiration to her talent, quoting Simone as "one of the best singers in the world"" [23].

Aside from Quincy Jones, Hermínio Bello de Carvalho, Caetano Veloso, Martinho da Vila, Sandy, Ney Matogrosso, Ivan Lins, Milton Nascimento, Elis Regina e Zélia Duncan, are among her public admires, the actresses Regina Duarte, Fernanda Montenegro, Christiane Torloni, Marisa Orth, Cláudia Jimenez, Cláudia Raia, Ângela Vieira, Sílvia Bandeira, Marieta Severo, Aracy Balabanian, Marília Pêra; the talk show host Hebe Camargo, Xuxa, Ana Maria Braga, Adriane Galisteu, the Tv journalists Marília Gabriela, Leda Nagle, former president Fernando Collor de Mello, Rede Globo's chief executive office Boni, jazz pianist Brad Mehldau and basketball players Hortência Marcari e Maria Paula.


Spirituality has been expressed publicly in her career, especially esoteric religious interests. At the beginning of her career, she had a very significant encounter with Mário Troncoso, who introduced to Esoterism and was her guru for some years. Since she was a child, Simone used to see a light focus that appeared occasionally and which she attributed to the eleven degree near-sightedness of her right eye. The guru, without knowing her, explained the occurrence of this phenomenon by introducing her to some Theosophy principles and to the Great White Brotherhood.

Aside from her initiation into the principles of Theosophy, what stands out among all that was learned, was the association of this light focus to a spiritual master's discovery, activated by the white light of Serapis Bey, an Ascended Master who works with the fourth ray and the base of the spine chakra, as well as the heart chakra (on the diaphragm), the fourth chakra (in the Catholic tradition, this chakra is symbolized by the luminous heart of Christ), guiding spiritual artists and musicians in harmony and creativity. In the public life this discover had as consequence the practice of some idiosyncrasies, guided by Troncoso, as the adoption ever since of the inseparable white clothing, that symbolizes the Spiritual Purity, Peace and the ascension to the Light and it seeks to honor the master, besides the habit of lighten incenses and praying before entering in the stage. Thus, it is for this reason that Simone is always wearing a white clothing; also in honor of her master she recorded Raios de luz Cd (1991), which was also a tribute to Clara Nunes. ``The roses are a form of gratitude, it is my memory to the public. And the white clothes already comes from a long time. The white is the unification of all the colors and it symbolizes my spiritual master, that accompanies me always´´ [24].


A few features of Simone's social behaviour, statements, religion and professional path stand out as coincidences that draw ones attention towards a spiritual singularity and point to an undeniable link to Christianity.

  • Born in the Christmas day, December 25th;
  • It is widely known the gesture she does on the stage of opening her arms like a cross (or like a Christ); so much that Brazil's most important weekly magazine stated: "When Simone opens her arms on the stage, no one is more powerful on MPB";
  • The magical number seven occurs repeatedly for her: seventh daughter; born seven minutes after midnight; in a 2+5 day (or seven); according to english letter numeric values, the sum of her full name results a seven ("6" is the sum of all vowels and "1" the sum of all consonants) and has twenty seven letters; the first two letters of her name SI is also the seventh musical note: Do - Re - Mi Fa - Sol - La - Si;
  • In the beginning of her career she met a guru that introduced her to the principles of Theosophy after the first meeting between them. Without telling him anything, he explained why she used to see a light colorless focus. Together they discovered Simone's spiritual master, Seraphys Bey, who acts on the fourth ray by a colorless light (or white), which is, in the catholic tradition, symbolized by the luminous heart of Christ.
  • The habit of praying before entering the stage;
  • The many statements she does thanking God for her gifts;
  • 25 December is the name of an album she launched and which was the record sale of the career, reaching over 1.2 million copies in the Portuguese version and 2.0 million in the Spanish version;
  • As one of the top romantic singers in Brasil, she has love (which is also the central philosophy of Christianity) as the central theme of her interpretations.


Among the most remarkable duets are: Milton Nascimento, Chico Buarque, Isolda, Roberto Carlos, Martinho da Vila, Zeca Pagodinho, João Bosco, Ivan Lins, Gal Costa, Toquinho, Cazuza, Erasmo Carlos, Gonzaguinha, Ney Matogrosso, José Luis Rodrigues, José Carreras, Plácido Domingo, Pablo Milanes, Julio Iglesias, Luís Represas, Fátima Guedes, Grupo Olodum da Bahia, Meninas Cantoras de Petrópolis, Daniela Romo, Eugénia Melo e Castro, Dulce Pontes, Hebe Camargo, Marília Gabriela, Ângela Maria, Zélia Duncan.

Officially, the minimum sales of her albums is of 7,2 million copies, among which enrolls at least, twenty disks of gold, sixteen of platinum and one of diamond. Just with the CD December 25, only with Christmas songs, it crossed 1,2 million. The reedition of this CD counted with the special participation of the Meninas Cantoras de Petrópolis, in the song Ave Maria, not presented on the original version. The version in Spanish sold two million copies.

Songs that featured an epoch, themes of movies, of soap operas and Tv series, besides guaranteeing to the singer a comfortable position on the hit parades for more than three decades of success.


  • Travessia: A vida de Milton Nascimento. Maria Dolores. 2006. Rcb Publisher.
  • 1985, O ano em que o Brasil recomeçou. Edmundo Barreiros e Pedro Só. 2006. Ediouro Publisher.
  • História sexual da MPB. Rodrigo Faour. 2006. Rcb publisher.
  • Nada será como antes, a MPB nos anos 70. Ana Maria Bahiana. 2006. Senac Publisher.
  • Timoneiro - Perfil Biográfico de Hermínio Bello de Carvalho. Alexandre Pavan. 2006. Casa da Palavra Publisher.
  • Toquinho: 40 anos de música. João Carlos Pecci. 2005. RCS Publisher .
  • Viver de Teatro - Uma biografia de Flávio Rangel. José Rubens Siqueira. Nova Alexandria Publisher.
    • Bibliography not critical. Just citations.

Main Spectacles

  • 1973: Panorama brasileiro Feira Brasil Export de Bruxelas (Bélgica) e Olympia de Paris (França)
  • 1973: Simone, Turnê nos Estados Unidos e no Canadá
  • 1973: Expo 73, Esporte Clube Pinheiros, São Paulo
  • 1977: Projeto Pixinguinha, Teatro Dulcina, Rio de Janeiro e turnê nacional
  • 1978: Cigarra, Canecão, Rio de Janeiro
  • 1979: Pedaços, Canecão (RJ) e turnê nacional
  • 1981: Simone, Maracanãzinho, Rio de Janeiro
  • 1982: Canta Brasil, Estádio do Morumbi, São Paulo
  • 1982: Corpo e alma, Canecão, Rio de Janeiro
  • 1992: Sou eu, Estádio do Morumbi, São Paulo
  • 1997: Brasil, o Show, Metropolitan, Rio de Janeiro
  • 2000: Fica comigo esta noite, Canecão, Rio de Janeiro
  • 2004: Baiana da Gema, Tom Brasil, São Paulo
  • 2004: Baiana da Gema, Canecão, Rio de Janeiro
  • 2004: Baiana da Gema, Scala, Rio de Janeiro
  • 2005: Baiana da gema, Claro Hall, Rio de Janeiro
  • 2006: Projeto Credicard Vozes, Bourbon Street, São Paulo
  • 2006: Simone Canecão, Rio de Janeiro
  • 2006: Simone e Ivan Lins, Au-Rene Theater, Broward Center, Miami
  • 2006: Tom Acústico com Zélia Duncan, Tom Brasil, São Paulo
  • 2007: Santos Coliseum
  • 2007: Casino, Estoril, Portugal

Album Sales

  • Simone (1972) - 5 thousand
  • Quatro Paredes (1974) - 50 thousand
  • Gota d'Água (1975) - 50 thousand
  • Face a Face (1977) - 140 thousand
  • Cigarra (1978) - 140 thousand
  • Pedaços (1979) - 250 thousand
  • Ao Vivo (1980) - 300 thousand
  • Simone (1980) - 300 thousand
  • Amar (1981) - 400 thousand
  • Corpo e Alma (1982) - 700 thousand
  • Delírios e Delícias (1983) - 300 thousand
  • Desejos (1984) - 300 thousand
  • Cristal (1985) - 500 thousand
  • Amor e Paixão (1986) - 800 mil thousand
  • Sedução (1988) - 250 thousand
  • Simone (1989) - 250 thousand
  • Raio de Luz (1991) - 100 thousand
  • Simone Bittencourt de Oliveira (1995) - 300 thousand
  • 25 de Dezembro (1995) - 1,2 million
  • Café com Leite (1996) - 600 thousand
  • 25 de diciembre (1996) - 2 million
  • Brasil O Show (1997) - 100 thousand
  • Loca (1998) - 100 thousand
  • Fica Comigo Esta Noite (2000) - 100 thousand
  • Seda Pura (2001) - 68 thousand
  • Feminino (2002) - 53 thousand
  • Baiana da Gema (2004) - 50 thousand
  • Ao Vivo (2005) - 100 thousand
  • Ao Vivo (2006) (DVD) - 25 thousand
  • Total: 7.231.

Brazilian soap opera's song themes

  • Um desejo só não basta (Corpo a Corpo) - Sony
  • Pensamentos (Explode Coração) - Universal
  • Íntimo (Uma Esperança no Ar) - Sony
  • Naquela noite com Yoko (Brilhante) - Sony
  • Quem é Você (A Próxima Vítima) - Sony
  • É festa (Senhora do Destino) - Universal
  • Sentimental demais (Laços de Família) - Universal
  • Será (Perigosas Peruas) - Sony
  • Desafio (Mulheres de Areia) - Sony
  • Apaixonada (Pantanal) - Sony
  • Então Me Diz (Belíssima) - EMI
  • Raios de Luz (De Corpo e Alma) - Sony
  • Muito Estranho (Desejos de Mulher) - Universal
  • Veneziana (A Lua me Disse) - EMI
  • Seu Corpo (Sassaricando) - Sony
  • Loca-Crazy (Torre de Babel) - Universal
  • Tô Que Tô (Sol de Verão) - Sony
  • Anjo de Mim (Anjo de Mim) - Sony
  • Em Flor (Roda de Fogo) - Sony
  • Amor explícito (Corpo Santo) - Sony
  • Carta Marcada (Araponga) - Sony
  • Beija, Me Beija, Me Beija (O Amor Está no Ar) - Universal
  • Uma Nova Mulher (Tieta) - Sony
  • Sob Medida (Os Gigantes) - EMI
  • Saindo de Mim (Chega Mais) - EMI
  • Medo de Amar nº 2 (Sinal de Alerta) - EMI
  • Povo da Raça Brasil (Terras do Sem Fim) - EMI
  • Mulher da Vida (Champagne) - Sony
  • O Tempo Não Pára (O Salvador da Pátria) - Sony
  • Começar de Novo (Malu Mulher) - EMI
  • A Outra (Roque Santeiro) - Sony
  • Desesperar jamais (Água Viva) - EMI
  • Face a Face (O Pulo do Gato) - EMI
  • Valsa do Desejo (Força de um Desejo) - Universal
  • Mundo Delirante (Elas por Elas) - Sony
  • Vento nordeste (Pé de Vento) - EMI
  • Existe um céu (Paraíso Tropical) - EMI
  • Jura secreta (O Profeta e Memórias de Amor) - EMI
  • Cigarra (Cara a Cara) - EMI'
  • Ela disse-me assim (Os Imigrantes - Terceira Geração) - EMI
  • Então vale a pena (Salário mínimo) - EMI
  • O que será (Dona Flor e Seus Dois Maridos) - EMI
  • Enrosco (Paixões Proibidas) - EMI


  • 1973 - Simone
  • 1973 - Brasil Export
  • 1973 - Expo Som 73 - ao vivo
  • 1974 - Festa Brasil
  • 1974 - Quatro Paredes
  • 1975 - Gotas D'Água
  • 1977 - Face a Face
  • 1978 - Cigarra
  • 1979 - Pedaços
  • 1980 - Simone Ao Vivo no Canecão
  • 1980 - Simone (Atrevida)

Sony BMG / CBS

  • 1981 - Amar
  • 1982 - Corpo e Alma
  • 1983 - Delírios e Delícias
  • 1984 - Desejos
  • 1985 - Cristal
  • 1986 - Amor e Paixão
  • 1987 - Vício
  • 1988 - Sedução
  • 1989 - Simone (Tudo por Amor)
  • 1991 - Raio de Luz
  • 1991 - Simone - Procuro Olvidarte (Espanhol)
  • 1993 - Sou Eu
  • 1993 - La Distancia (Espanhol)
  • 1995 - Simone Bittencourt de Oliveira
  • 1995 - Dos Enamoradas (Espanhol)

Universal / Polygram

  • 1995 - 25 de Dezembro
  • 1996 - Café com Leite
  • 1996 - 25 de diciembre (Espanhol)
  • 1997 - Brasil, O Show - ao vivo
  • 1998 - Loca (Espanhol)
  • 2000 - Fica Comigo Esta Noite
  • 2001 - Seda Pura
  • 2002 - Feminino - ao vivo


  • 2004 - Baiana da Gema
  • 2005 - Simone ao Vivo

References and notes

  1. ^ Simone is a female given name derived from Simon, Hebrew Simeon. It first appears in Iberia from the 10th century, as Jimena, Ximena, feminine eponym of Jimeno (Simeon) II of Pamplona, founder of the Jiménez dynasty. The Italian form is Simona. Simone itself is the French spelling. Simone is also the Italian spelling of the male given name, for which see Simon.
  2. ^ because Simone was born on Christmas day. In Portuguese, Christmas is translated by the word natal
  3. ^ With her parents
  4. ^ On the floor, the third, from left to right
  5. ^ First album recorded
  6. ^ Mixturação
  7. ^ Biography at AllMusic.com
  8. ^ Picture of Simone and Hermínio Bello
  9. ^ The repercussion of Gotas d´água
  10. ^ Dona flor e seus dois maridos
  11. ^ Projeto Pixinguinha
  12. ^ Show Pedaços
  13. ^ Canta Brasil Spectacle, whne she gathered over 100 thousand people ina chorus
  14. ^ "Me cansei de ver tanta coisa errada, de gente que promete, promete e não faz nada. Não participei da campanha deste ano porque me sinto cansada de tanta impunidade que existe no nosso país"
  15. ^ Ainda fazem da flor seu mais forte refrão, E acreditam nas flores vencendo o canhão
  16. ^ Manuscript dedicatory
  17. ^ Nordeste já
  18. ^ Show de Simone no Coliseu de Santos, São Paulo, dia 09 de junho de 2007
  19. ^ Simone´s official web site, Albums
  20. ^ Revista Veja, A nação das cantoras
  21. ^ Com letras e melodias sofridas, estrelas como Maysa, Dolores Duran e Nora Ney fizeram brilhar o samba-canção em sua versão mais sentimental, a música de fossa Template:Pt icon
  22. ^ From left to the right, Maria Rita, Simone, Quincy Jones, Milton Nascimento, Ana Carolina
  23. ^ The compliment was made during an interview for Flash Program, Tv Bandeirantes
  24. ^ Jornal Paraná On-Line, September 28 2007