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D Yankov (talk | contribs)
D Yankov (talk | contribs)
→‎message: new section
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what does that message mean. can you translate that in english i don't understand.
what does that message mean. can you translate that in english i don't understand.

== message ==

it is D Yankov can you change that message into english because i do not understand.

Revision as of 21:39, 19 January 2008

Go home! Jingby 08:24, 7 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

A word of advise

Jingiby, this is just a reminder and I am sure this wont happen again but just to be safe: Do not call other people offensive names, ethnic slurs etc, not in English, not in any language. Try to maintain neutral tone, and simply ignore or delete personal attacks if you think they are such, or ask an admin to delete them. Mr. Neutron 14:05, 7 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

If you do not suspect my in homofobia and fascism, thank you! 14:47, 7 September 2007 (UTC)

No suspicions. Just stay out of trouble and dont get yourself blocked. Also, try to use English in Wikipedia. For privacy, use the email function. Mr. Neutron 14:50, 7 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]


If you want your talk page semi-protected for a while, say so on my talk page. --AnonEMouse (squeak) 20:32, 7 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

About your image

Dear Jingiby, your facsimile of MPO's newspaper is authentic and interesting, no doubt about this, but it is irrelevant as included in IMRO article. I read the texts on it and I didn't find any direct connection with IMRO in them. Please, try to offer materials more closely related to the articles. About your question, connected with images from the Worls War II. I'll think about this. Greetings, Jackanapes 11:21, 8 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]


You have been blocked for 1 week for adding images under invalid and patently wrong fair-use rationales, after being warned. For instance, you are including rationales that the 70 year copyright term has expired on pictures from 1944, which would not expire until 2014. You also are adding photographic images under the "book cover" fair use template inappropriately, and have been uploading high-resolution pictures of copyrighted newspapers as fair use, claiming that they are "free for public use" without any source for that claim. Jingiby, you have been repeatedly warned about using copyrighted images to push your POV on various Bulgarian and Macedonian articles. If you do not stop, you'll be finding yourself blocked for longer periods, perhaps indefinitely. Wikipedia is not the place for you to pursue your macedonian/bulgarian battles. This is an encyclopedia, written in a neutral point of view, and if you cannot comply with the rules you will no longer edit here. I cannot find a way to make it any more clear. You should strongly consider editing articles in an entirely different area than where you are now. I understand you've been having problems with Frightner and other vandals, but that does not give you leave to push a POV as well. Take this time off to consider how you will be editing in the future. SWATJester Denny Crane. 18:05, 9 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Hay Swatjester, if you show me, where I placed a image including rationales that the 70 year copyright term has expired on a picture from 1944, I will block myself for adding images for two weeks! Regards! Jingby 06:56, 10 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

There were multiple ones, including this one (Since deleted, note you will not be able to view it, but other admins will), under the PD-RoM tag, which states that the copyright has expired as the image was created more than 70 years ago. None of the images uploaded as PD had any source to any statements that they were released PD, or created more than 70 years ago; nearly all physically could not have been created more than 70 years ago because they are photos of events that took place in the 1940's. Further, you have several images that were used under FairUse -- Book cover, when they clearly were not book covers, and most of your fair use rationales provided contained bad claims, including self-admittance that the images were not low-resolution. Therefore you were blocked. I strongly suggest that you refrain from uploading more images. SWATJester Denny Crane. 17:28, 10 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Swatjester, the Image:Bulgarian_troops_greeted_as_allies_in_Prilep1944.jpg was taken from Macedonian internet site and in line to info from another user, this was not copyright violation according to the law of Republic of Macedonia!

This work, although possibly copyrighted, may be freely used or released in the public domain, permissible by law in the Republic of Macedonia on the grounds that: - disclosure or reproduction of parts of copyright works as well as works of photography, fine and applied art, architecture, design and cartography, for teaching purposes and - disclosure of articles on current topics in daily or periodical press discussing general issues if the author has not expressly prohibited. Alternatively, any copyrighted material; made in, or related to, the Republic of Macedonia; may be used freely in accordance with 'Law on Copyright and Related Rights' of the Republic of Macedonia:

A copyright work shall be in free use for the purpose of acquiring informations of general significance, for teaching purposes, for private and other individual reproduction, quotation and other cases.Some material, produced either in the Republic of Macedonia, or outside of the Republic of Macedonia but bound by Macedonian law, may be used under an entirely free license: Works of folk literature and folk art shall be used freely. This license applies to this work accordingly; Section 5: Copyright Duration of the 'Law on Copyright and Related Rights' of the Republic of Macedonia: The use of a copyright work shall be free on the expiration of the terms of the copyright duration determined by this Law. See Copyright. A detailed source should be included so that the status can be verified.

I did not know the info was not correct! Jingby 05:59, 11 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

That information is incorrect. Before you upload images here, it is your duty to ensure they comply with our policies on free content. SWATJester Denny Crane. 15:49, 11 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Swatjester, I will no more dispute! My mistake was unpremeditated, but it was violation! However I nowhere violated 70 year copyright term deliberately! Jingby 18:35, 11 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Todor Zhivkov‎

--LeyteWolfer (talk|contribs) --16:00, 22 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Todor Jivkov was a dictator! Jingby 16:24, 22 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]


My friend, you are right except your in the wrong time !

Your maps are mid 800s. My map is mid 900s, after which time, the peak of Bulgaria's empire was in a period of decline at this time.

If you really want, we can put in more maps from different times . Say 800s, 1100s, 1200s ? Don't worry i like making maps, and have nothig against Bulgarians Hxseek 10:23, 28 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

За снимките и картите в статията за Илинденско-Преображенското въстание

Когато се създава статия за един проблем, се изисква онагледяващият материал да е пряко свързан с него. Главите "Prelude to uprising" и "Subsequent history" са само увод в предшестващите и ретроспекция на последвалите процеси, те не са посветени пряко на самото въстание. Твоите изображения "Balkan states around 1900", "Ethnic map of the Balkans prior to the Upspring" и "The partition of Macedonia and Thrace in 1913" са свързани по смисъл именно с увода и завършващата ретроспекция, не със самото въстание от 1903. Получава се сериозна диспропорция, защото пасажите за въстанието са доста къси, а допълващите части са пренаситени с информация и изображения и буквално задушават основния елемент.

Снимката на пленените комитаджии е още по-проблематична. Първо, тя не е описана точно нито с дата, нито чрез източник. Второ, Солунските атентати са извършени от група анархисти, които не са били интегрална част от ТМОРО, действали са полусамостоятелно. Освен това атентатите са извършени през април 1903 без никаква връзка с останалите въстанически акции.

Съгласен съм картите да останат въпреки че според мен прекаляваш. Виж, не е необходимо на всеки втори ред в "македонските" статии да се опитваш да натъртваш, че македонските славяни са били българи, че въстанието от 1903 е било предимно българско и т. н. Достатъно е това да се каже ясно и аргументирано само веднъж. Поздрав от бившия Jackanapes и Dimitar Navorski, сега Vulgarian 12:18, 1 October 2007 (UTC).[reply]

Много уместно предложение. Картата е готова. Поздрави, Vulgarian 15:17, 1 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]

A request

Jingiby, when you work on potentially controversial articles like Macedonism, can you please make it a habit of always using informative edit summaries describing what you are doing? With all this shuffling of text, it's quite difficult to follow what your changes are. Thanks, Fut.Perf. 08:00, 11 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]

You are wright! Regards! Jingby

Please, add it to your watchlist and make use of it well. Cheers. --Laveol T 21:16, 12 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]


I am writing again to appeal in good faith to stop this endless edit -warring about the Macedonians article.

It is stupid and unproductive. I really beleive I am making good faith edits, and since I am a native english speaker, i think i am making the article read better, and more professionally, improving it to a real encyclopaedic article rather than what is was- a piece of Balkan propagandarist diatribe.

Secondly, i do not think that what we are writing is in conflict, it is just that, you must admit, you seem absolutely determined to proove that macedonians are bulgarians. Where you mistake me is that I am not trying to disprove it. I am merely keeping the article more balanced and encyclopaedic. As you are aware, you have been accused of being a greater-bulgarianist.

So please stop endlessly mass reverting the article. Please take time to read it, and take in what it says. If you disagree with something, just discuss it first. because if you keep just adding bits of 'facts' to show your point, it destroys the article becuase it breaks the natural continuity, and your english is not very refined.

I trust that you will consider my suggestions

Regards Hxseek 05:50, 25 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]

OK! 05:57, 25 October 2007 (UTC)


Hi, re. Image:ThemesintheByzantineEmpireunderBasilII.jpg, can you clarify why you think it's public domain? The website you got it from doesn't seem to say when it was published, and not everything on that site is free. Do you know what printed work this was originally from? Fut.Perf. 06:25, 25 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]

On the map is the date of it's publication - 1925. I propose, the map was worked out earlier! Jingby 07:31, 25 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Umm, I can't see "1925" anywhere on the image. I only see "1025", which is the time period pictured, not the publication date (obviously). Fut.Perf. 07:43, 25 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, I see now. It is not 1925 but 1025! Jingby 08:11, 25 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Okay, in that case, unless we can find out what book it is from and unless that book is from before 1923, I'm afraid we'll have to delete it.
Another thing: Image:Teophylact of Ohrid jpg..jpg is certainly a nice image, but it seems a bit irrelevant in the places where you put it. It actually isn't Theophylact's hagiography of St Clement. But we can put the image on Theophylact of Bulgaria, that's where this specific book (his bible commentary) is actually mentioned. Fut.Perf. 08:29, 25 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Можеш ли да докажеш

че името на революционната организация в Македония след 1919 е Вътрешна македоно-одринска революционна организация? - GriefForTheSouth 12:39, 26 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Виж този текст на МНИ и по-специално цитата от Окръжно №9 на революционната организация:

"Поради изменилите се условия в Македония и Тракия от Балканските войни насам, организацията се преименува от ВМОРО на ВМРО, като нейната цел си остава извоюване на автономия и обединение на разпокъсаните части на Македония."

При още една твоя неуместна намеса в статията ще вмъкна в нея този и още ред други документи и изследвания, които говорят срещу тезата ти. - GriefForTheSouth 12:54, 26 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Предупредих те. Ти продължи да пишеш неверни неща. Съжалявам за избора ти. - GriefForTheSouth 12:57, 26 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Можеш ли да докажеш, че ВМРО и ВТРО са клонове на една и съща организация? Имат ли единна структура? Единно ръководство? Единен статут? Единни конгреси? Единни локални структури? Ако не - тогава това са две организации, произлезли от ВМОРО, но въпреки това съществували паралелно и отделно. Координирани съвместни действия не означава принадлежност към една и съща организация. Такова нещо в българската научна литература не може да се прочете. - GriefForTheSouth 13:04, 26 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Говорим за една организация, която се саморазпуска, след което едното й териториално подразделение, което определено е водещо се възстановява, след което се възстановява и другото й териториално подразделение. Става въпрос за две нови организации на базата на една стара, които след 15 години са забранени. След около 60 години имаме ВМРО-СМД и СТД /Съюз на Тракийските дружества/! Jingby 13:30, 26 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Погледни предложението най-отдолу и кажи ако имаш някакви идеи по него. --Laveol T 19:06, 30 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]


I've blocked both you and Dzole for edit-warring, mainly on Mala Prespa and Golo Brdo but also elsewhere. Duration is 24h. Fut.Perf. 18:50, 8 November 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Arbcom case

I've taken the whole set of Macedonia-related edit warring to the Arbitration committee. You are named as a party to the case. Please see WP:RFAR#Macedonia. Thank you, Fut.Perf. 09:58, 10 November 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Hello Jingiby, just a piece of (genuinely well-meant) advice about the Arbcom case. Your statement on WP:RFAR is, I believe, not very suitable for that page and unlikely to make you look good in the eyes of the arbitrators. You are all talking about why you think you are right in that content dispute. But that's not the issue the committee is going to be interested in. It's all going to be about people's behaviour. It would be more helpful (and better for your own standing) if you entered a statement on what you think is the disruptive behaviour that needs to be addressed. Fut.Perf. 20:26, 11 November 2007 (UTC)[reply]

An Arbitration case involving you has been opened, and is located here. Please add any evidence you may wish the Arbitrators to consider to the evidence sub-page, Wikipedia:Requests for arbitration/Macedonia/Evidence. You may also contribute to the case on the workshop sub-page, Wikipedia:Requests for arbitration/Macedonia/Workshop.

On behalf of the Arbitration Committee, Picaroon (t) 00:48, 15 November 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Uhrana article

It reads much better now. Thank you Jingiby! --Tsourkpk (talk) 18:47, 20 November 2007 (UTC)[reply]

your edits

Hi Jingiby! About your edits... According to the source, the northern part of the republic of Macedonia was covered by Paeonia, and the southern part was covered by Macedon (although it is "centered" in Greek macedonia, it also covered southern parts of the republic of macedonia like Bitola, Gevgelija, and Prilep). I noticed that you wrote too much about the origins of the Paeonians and Dardanians, but if we write the origins of the Paeonians and Dardanians, then we must also include the origins of the ancient Macedonians because Macedon covered the southern parts of the republic of macedonia. That is why the origin of these three peoples are not important in the republic of macedonia article, and that is why I tried to keep this section short and simple. Thank-you, Fatmanonthehorse 23:56, 1 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Fatmanonthehorse! The native inhabitants of RoM's territoty ware Traco-Illyrian tribes since 3000 BC. The Kingdom of Macedon was established in 8th cenury BC from people with obscured origin: Thraco-Illyrian or Helenic, but probably mixed. It did not cover today RoM, but was situated in the plain, watered by the rivers Haliacmon and lower Axius - today Greece. After Hellenisation by Philip II, around 400 years later, Macedon conquered the southern regions of today RoM. Alexander the Grеat prolonged the conquests on the most of RoM's territory, whitouth the northern regions, which never became Macedonian province! After 200 years Macedonian rule, your territory became Roman province - for much more! Pleace, read the articles about Macedon, Paionia, Dardania (Europe), and about their inhabitants. Then read the added sources and, watch the added maps! Thank you! Jingby 07:16, 2 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

According to this map by Encyclopædia Britannica, you can clearly see that Macedon covered the southern parts of the Republic of Macedonia and Paeonia covered the rest [1] Fatmanonthehorse 15:44, 2 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Whats wrong now? I put exactly what you showed me from Britannica Fatmanonthehorse 17:54, 2 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Macedon during Peloponnesian War around 431 BC.
Kingdom of Macedon after Philip's II death in 336 BC.

Even by Philip II the northern regions were authonomus! Jingby 15:56, 2 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

See here detailed map!South East Europe History pages - Map showing Upper and Lower Macedon and the growth of Macedon 4th BC. [2] Jingby 15:59, 2 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Map of the Paionian kingdom in the 4th century B.C. during the territorial extension of the Ancient Macedon. (Eleonora Petrova: The Paionian...Skopje, 1991)[3] Jingby 16:01, 2 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

East Europe History pages - Map showing languages around the Aegean in 5th century BC.[4] Jingby 16:04, 2 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I don't think these maps were made by academics, I'm sure you can agree that Britannica is a more trustworthy source than these fringe websites, and I noticed that the source you gave in the Republic of Macedonia article is actually on the history of Kosovo, not the Republic of Macedonia. I will only make a small edit to your contributions Fatmanonthehorse 16:32, 2 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

On the contrary. Where were thе first Macedonin cities in today RoM? Heraclea Lyncestis, also spelled Herakleia Lynkestis, was a town founded by Philip II of Macedon in the middle of the 4th century BC. Lichnidos was located along the Via Egnatia, which connected the Adriatic port Dyrrachion (present-day Durrës) with Byzantium, it was a town in the empire of king Phillip II of Macedon. Tell my about some Macedonian city fouded before him in RoM! Jingby 16:58, 2 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I am not aware of any "named" city, but there are many ancient Macedonian archeological sites in the Rom, such as Vardarski Rid in Gevgelija. Anyway, I don't see how any of this is important, if you have any objectives you can contact Britannica Fatmanonthehorse 17:18, 2 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Thank You so much for pointing that out to me! Fatmanonthehorse 17:42, 2 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

The last time I edited the article, I put exactly what you showed me from the Britannica page, and you still reverted my edit. What was the problem then? Fatmanonthehorse 18:22, 2 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

The problem is the manipulative way of editing the article! Now it is OK! Regards! Jingby 18:27, 2 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

You have been Blocked from editing

You have been blocked from editing for a period of 31 hours in accordance with Wikipedia's blocking policy for edit warring at Republic of Macedonia. It is essential that you are more careful to discuss controversial changes with the user in question, rather than simply revert them repeatedly: this applies even if you think or know you are correct. Edit warring helps nobody, and actually harms the page in question, and the encyclopedia - please bear this in mind.

Kind regards,
Anthøny 20:17, 2 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

If you believe this block is unjustified, you may contest the block by
adding the text "{{unblock|
your reason here}}" below this text, or contact me.

The above arbitration case has closed, and the final decision may be found here. Any uninvolved administrator may, on their own discretion, impose sanctions on any editor working on Balkans-related articles if that editor fails to adhere to the purpose of Wikipedia, the expected standards of behavior, or the normal editorial process. Discretionary sanctions imposed under the provisions of this decision may be appealed to the imposing administrator, the administrators' noticeboard, or the Committee. For the Arbitration Committee, Picaroon (t) 02:31, 3 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Wake Up!

According to this mapfrom A History of the Ancient World by George Willis Botsford Ph.D., published by The MacMillan Company in 1913, Macedonian Empire certainly covered Skopje and as north as the Danube as well. Fatmanonthehorse 20:53, 4 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Why are you attacking the RoM article with this issue, (which always mentioned that Paeonia covered parts of it), when according to your sources, Paeonia also covered a big piece of Makedonia Province of Greece, and that article doesn't even mention Paeonia at all! Fatmanonthehorse (talk) 21:40, 4 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Your signature

Hey dude, I was wondering, is this your edit? If it's not, than you have a serious problem with other people signing your nickname. You should think about it. iNkubusse? 20:36, 14 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Maedi location

My map is correct , the Maedi are placed here maediby Hoddinot,Fol & Cah.They were in the area of Modern Greece.Megistias (talk) 14:05, 15 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Hello. I hope the Bulgarian perspective is accurately reflected in this article--further clarification is welcome, though I did get a helpful one already. In particular, if you know anything about the klepalo's status in the Rep. of Macedonia, that would be interesting. Serbs assure me that Macedonia is very Serbian with a fake Tito-imposed "Macedonian" layer on top, so I assumed they'd be following the Serbian rite there, but I also know Bulgarians have a rather different view of Macedonia. Do let us hear that perspective, if you have any information on the subject (klepali, I mean, not who "owns" Macedonia, which is a debate for another day!). Biruitorul (talk) 23:37, 17 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

What was that?

In this edit, what is you aim? --Ilhanli (talk) 16:21, 4 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Целта ми е да придам по-обективен вид на статията. Първо, по- голямата част от турцизацията и ислямизацията са били доброволен процес, а не насилствен. Второ, по-голямата част от българските турци са местни хора, а не някакви пришълци от Централна Азия, както и самите турци в Турция. Последното е вярно, колкото че днешните българи са славяни или и те идват от Централна Азия. Религията и езика се сменят, но хората остават! Jingby (talk) 18:54, 4 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

This is your opinion. bg:Tova e tvoeto mnenie. --Ilhanli (talk) 23:23, 4 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Why have you wrote Turkification with small case latter but not you have not changed Bulgarization with small letter? --Ilhanli (talk) 12:30, 8 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Hey, can you reply?!! --Ilhanli (talk) 20:24, 9 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

You have edits since my last question. You don't reply because it is shame for you! --Ilhanli (talk) 12:37, 11 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

I do not understand you! What need I reply? What need I shame about? Jingby (talk) 12:48, 11 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

You changed the word "Turkification" to "turkification". But you didn't chance "Bulgarization" to "bulgarization". Why? --Ilhanli (talk) 16:55, 11 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Hi, there. Out of curiosity, what is your source for the ancestry of Atanasoff's mother? Robert K S (talk) 12:57, 6 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

° From there: Irish-bulgarian John Atanasoff -the father of modern computer. Did you know!? Jingby (talk) 13:12, 6 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Before I do anything about the redirects, please make sure you clean the copyvio/plagiarism out. There seems to be lots of near-literal stuff from sources such as that Nicolas essay [5] (which also may be doubtful as a "reliable source"). Fut.Perf. 09:42, 16 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Re [6]: Counting footnotes is not a way of assessing reliability. Has that essay been published in any reputable scholarly outlet, is its author a reputed academic, was it peer-reviewed? But this issue about reliability is only one part of my concern anyway; the other is that somebody (you?) has plagiarised the essay. And you were revert-warring to include exactly that passage. Please clean that up. Fut.Perf. 10:14, 16 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

bulgarian ethnogenesis

what does that message mean. can you translate that in english i don't understand.


it is D Yankov can you change that message into english because i do not understand.