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==Clone trooper armor==
==Clone trooper armor==
===Phase I Clone Trooper Armor===
===Phase I Clone Trooper Armor===
[[Image:Clone Troopers Phase I Armor.jpg|right|500px| Phase I Armor]]Phase I clone trooper armor was the armor worn by early [[clone trooper]]s of the [[Army of the Republic|Grand Army of the Republic]] during the [[Clone Wars (Star Wars)|Clone Wars]].
[[Image:Clone Troopers Phase I Armor.jpg|right|thumb|375px| Phase I Armor]]Phase I clone trooper armor was the armor worn by early [[clone trooper]]s of the [[Army of the Republic|Grand Army of the Republic]] during the [[Clone Wars (Star Wars)|Clone Wars]].

It was composed of twenty form-fitting plates of lightweight plastoid-alloy composite, sealed to a black bodysuit and resembled [[Mandalorian]] shock trooper armor. The austere sensibilities of [[Kaminoan]] society resulted in the blindingly pristine white state of each set of armor, although command units had stripes of different colors, depending on their rank. The armor was heavy and uncomfortable and not very well liked by its wearer, but it did its job. Its inconvenience was due to the Kaminoans' knowledge, or lack thereof, of [[Human]] anatomy. The armor could take some modular attachments, like a [[bacta]] pack for a medic or a small flamethrower for ARC troopers.
It was composed of twenty form-fitting plates of lightweight plastoid-alloy composite, sealed to a black bodysuit and resembled [[Mandalorian]] shock trooper armor. The austere sensibilities of [[Kaminoan]] society resulted in the blindingly pristine white state of each set of armor, although command units had stripes of different colors, depending on their rank. The armor was heavy and uncomfortable and not very well liked by its wearer, but it did its job. Its inconvenience was due to the Kaminoans' knowledge, or lack thereof, of [[Human]] anatomy. The armor could take some modular attachments, like a [[bacta]] pack for a medic or a small flamethrower for ARC troopers.

Revision as of 03:31, 28 June 2008


Grand Army of the Republic's clone troopers
Class: Infantry
Species: Human (cloned from the Mandalorian bounty hunter, Jango Fett)
Type: Front-line soldiers
Affiliation: Galactic Republic
Standard weapon: DC-15 blaster rifle

Clone troopers are soldiers in the fictional Star Wars universe. All were clones of a Mandalorian bounty hunter called Jango Fett. They first appeared in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, and returned in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith where they were played by Temuera Morrison. In these movies, clone troopers comprised the bulk of the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. While they were outnumbered by the droid armies of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the clones' adaptability and creativity made the Republic the superior fighting force.


In Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, it was revealed that the genetic template of the clone troopers was Jango Fett, one of the most feared bounty hunters in the Galaxy. In exchange for a clone "son," Boba Fett, Jango provided his genetic material and Mandalorian battle training to the cloners of Kamino. The clone troopers were outfitted with armor styled after Mandalorian battle armor (notably the helmet and its T-shaped visor) and armed with weapons and vehicles produced in secret by Kuat Drive Yards, Rendili Stardrive, and Sienar Fleet Systems.

Clone troopers were engineered to mature at nearly double the rate of a normal human, which allowed the Kaminoans to build an army quickly but resulted in greatly reduced clone lifespans. Other modifications to the clone genome made clone troopers more docile and obedient to orders. Each clone's first ten years of life were spent training on Kamino: standard clone troopers were trained by droids and Kaminoans, while ARC troopers and clone commandos received instruction from Jango Fett and other bounty hunters.

The Battle of Geonosis marked the first deployment of the clone troopers as well as the beginning of the Clone Wars. Beginning with the rescue of the remnants of Mace Windu's Jedi strike team, the clone army fought the Separatist forces of the Confederacy of Independent Systems throughout the galaxy. After Geonosis, clone trooper armies were led by Jedi generals, who were in turn accompanied by Clone Commanders. Notable Clone Commanders included Commander Cody, who served with Obi-Wan Kenobi throughout the war, Commander Gree, who served with Jedi Master Luminara Unduli and Jedi Master Yoda, Commander Bacara, who served with Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi, and Commander Bly, who served with Jedi Knight Aayla Secura.

While they had normal human emotions (and in the later stages of the war had developed an underground culture), standard clone troopers were genetically modified to obey orders from their superiors. The clone troopers eventually carried out Order 66 at the behest of Chancellor Palpatine, turning on their Jedi generals. This marked the end of the Clone Wars, as well as the death of the Old Republic. After the war and the birth of the Galactic Empire, the clone trooper army was superseded by the Imperial Stormtrooper Corps.

According to Star Wars Battlefront II, the surviving clone troopers were renamed stormtroopers and became the main fighting force of the Empire. Jango Fett clones throughout the force were slowly replaced by non-clone recruits because of their susceptibility to manipulation by the Kaminoans (who led a revolt against the Empire). One of the few stormtrooper legions to remain "pure" (completely composed of Jango Fett clones) through out the era of the Empire was the fictional 501st ("Vader's Fist"), which was named in honor of a real-world fan group called the 501st Legion.

Only one original Jango Fett clone fought for the Rebel Alliance in the Galactic Civil War: Able-1707, formerly under the command of Shaak Ti.[1] Able-1707 was stranded on a planet for 20 years after his unit was destroyed in battle against Separatist forces. He assisted the Rebels when a group of them - which included Luke Skywalker - were attacked by Imperial forces while trying to establish a listening post on the planet, and subsequently joined Rebel Alliance Intelligence.


Rank Color Function
Clone Trooper (no color markings) standard infantry
Clone Trooper Sergeant green markings commands squads, made up of 9 troops
Clone Trooper Lieutenant blue markings commands platoons, made up of 36 troops (4 squads)
Clone Trooper Captain red markings commands companies, made up of 144 troops (4 platoons)
Clone Trooper Major orange markings commands battalions of 576 troops (4 companies)
Clone Trooper Commander yellow markings commands regiments of clones (2,304 in total, 16 companies)
File:Clone sharpshooter.jpg
In Star Wars Battlefront, colors are assigned to military specialties instead of ranks. Red represents a Captain in the movies, but a Sharpshooter in the game.

Clone commanders were grown with more capacity for independent thought than lower-ranking troops. It was from these ranks of original clone commanders that the ARC Commanders were born. Notable clone commanders included Cody, Bly, Gree, Bacara, Appo, Keller, Neyo, and Thire. Clone commanders were broken up by rank, similar to real-world generals on Earth. Among these ranks were the Senior Clone Commanders - such as A'den - and the Clone Marshal Commanders, such as Bly. Clone Marshal Commanders typically served under Jedi Knights or Masters serving as Generals in the field.

Clone Commandos typically did not have any rank among themselves and in many cases eschewed the idea, concentrating instead on teamwork.[citation needed] Squad leaders were often born through interaction and organization, making the Clone Commandos an unconventional yet extremely lethal unit.

Clone pilots, such as Commander Odd Ball, also gained some notoriety for their audacious maneuvers in many Clone Wars battles, including the Battle of Muunilist and the Battle of Haruun Kal.

Late Clone Wars

With the introduction of Phase II clone armor, the Galactic Republic allowed more freedom and designated legion, platoon, and battalion designs more so than rank. Some clones added custom shoulder plates and other equipment to their armor such that there were many specialized units with their own armor designs by the end of the War.

Specialized clone troopers

Clone trooper captains

Clone Trooper captains are specialized Clone troopers bred in Kamino to act in special missions. They are recognized by (usually, although the color may vary) red markings on their helmets and torso armour. The Clone Trooper captains are also assigned to leading companies of 144 Clone troopers. Their helmets are modified with a visor containing information, which flips up over their heads. Their weapons are the DC-15 blaster rifle and many pulse grenades. They are also trained to handle the Aratech military speeder bikes. They first appear during the Battle of Geonosis where they use their Aratech speeder bikes to round up and destroy the huge and clumsy Confederacy spider droids by throwing pulse grenades as they raced across the rocky battlefield.

Clone trooper commanders

Clone trooper commanders are clone troopers bred on Kamino for leadership roles in the Grand Army of the Republic. They led regiments of 2,304 clone troopers into battle. At the start of the war they are distinguished by yellow-orange markings on their armor and helmets. They are given special training to fulfill their advanced roles and are also bred with extra capacity for critical thinking and tactical coordination and allowed more independence. In combat, they are often assigned to any command centre that had been set up though sometimes they participate with their fellow clone troopers if badly needed.

Advanced Reconnaissance Commandos (ARC troopers)

Advanced Reconnaissance Commandos - more informally known as ARC troopers - are part of the elite special forces of clone troopers under the Grand Army of the Republic. They were trained by hand-picked Mandalorians and other mercenaries. The thought processes of ARC Troopers were not altered to make them more obedient, allowing for independence and creativity. Their armor is standard Clone Trooper armor with modifications, headsets, and specialized weapons.

Galactic Marines

Under the command of Commander Bacara and general Ki-Adi-Mundi, the Galactic Marines are troops in the Grand Army of the Republic. They specialize in space and ground battles (mainly in cold regions,) and wear maroon armor with a back-pack that pumps hot water into their suits. The Marines are precursors to the Snowtroopers of Episode V.

Towards the end of The Revenge of The Sith, Master Mundi and Commander Bacara lead the Marines into combat on the planet Mygeeto. After Emperor Palpatine enacts Order 66, the Marines kill Ki-Adi-Mundi.

The Marines wear maroon kama, or "command skirts", similar to the type ARC Troopers and clone commanders wear. They are equipped with DC-15 blaster rifles and specialty clones were equipped with heavy repeating rifles.

Clone SCUBA troopers

The clone SCUBA trooper was created for the animated series Star Wars: Clone Wars. Clone SCUBA troopers are aquatic assault clone troopers grown on Kamino for the Army of the Republic. As the Confederacy of Independent Systems equips itself with Manta droid subfighters and other aquatic machines - and allies itself with aquatic races such as the Quarren and the Ishi Tib - the war is taken to the oceans of Mon Calamari. Jedi General Kit Fisto lead a clone SCUBA battalion into battle against the members of the Quarren Isolation League and their Confederate allies.

The SCUBA troopers suffer many losses to the Quarren artillery defenses, but gain the upper-hand when they ambush Trade Federation Sub-Carriers and hamper the launch of STAP mini-sub fighters.

The Clone SCUBA troopers are the predecessors of the Imperial Seatroopers.

Clone Shocktroopers

The Homeworld Security Clone Shocktroopers of the 65th Legion are specialized clone troopers of the Galactic Republic/Galactic Empire who serve under Palpatine and are led by Clone Commander Thire. Their armor is painted with distinctive red patterns, with various red stripes and rectangles covering the majority of their armor.

The Shock Troopers, similar to the 501st program, consist of a batch of randomly selected clones after birth and maturity. [citation needed] The Shock Troopers and the 501st legion were both shipped to Coruscant quietly after the Battle of Kamino, along with a few Kaminoans, under the order of Palpatine. Both legions are unique, compared to other clone legions, in that neither one ever serves under a Jedi(s) commander(s) during the Clone Wars; the Shock Troopers are used to patrol Coruscant streets and landing platforms, checking identification and protecting key installations. They also act as normal security guards, and are Palpatine's exclusive military force, while the 501st served independently and serve under Lord Vader only after Order 66 and the fall of the Old Republic. During the beginning of the Battle of Coruscant, when CIS forces land on-planet and attack, the Shock Troopers and the 501st effectively defended the planet with the assistance of the Home Fleet and Master Yoda and Mace Windu and were able to hold back wave upon wave of CIS forces, but remained unable to prevent Palpatine's capture by General Grievous.This sequence of events was illustrated in the Clone Wars Cartoon Series, Season 2. Since Palpatine's capture was pre-meditated and planned, it is possible that Palpatine specifically prevented his own rescue, and the Shock Troopers probably played a role in it.[citation needed]

In addition to providing security for Coruscant, the Shocktroopers assist Emperor Palpatine in searching for the body of the presumed-dead Jedi Master Yoda on the Senate floor. Several Shocktroopers accompany Emperor Palpatine to recover Anakin Skywalker after his duel with Obi-Wan Kenobi on the planet Mustafar.

Clone Assassins

Clone Assassins are one of the ever-expanding specializations that Advanced Recon Commandos evolve into during The Clone Wars. When the threat of Count Dooku's compatriots became too much for even the Jedi Order, the Clone Assassin Corps is trained and disciplined for the sole purpose of taking down any form of Force-sensitives classified as enemies of the Republic.[citation needed] To effectively confront their would-be adversaries, any form of assistance is carefully researched; from agility enhancing stims to Advanced Jedi flow techniques [citation needed] and even black market far-ranging weapons technology. They are also taught the martial art known as Teräs Käsi making them capable of avoiding most blows. [citation needed]

In Star Wars: Battlefront and Star Wars: Battlefront II, clone assassins are used as snipers. All assassins were required to have special training to improve their eyesight so that they could use their sniper rifle to take out any enemy threats in the battlefield efficiently.[citation needed]

In the video game Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, clone assassins are used to guard the Jedi Temple's signal beacon. They are armed with twin vibroblades and were extremely fast. They are also invulnerable to Jedi mind tricks. [1] ark

Clone commandos

The Clone commandos, also known as a Republic Commando, are elite Special forces soldiers of the Grand Army of the Republic. Trained in sets of four from the day of their birth, they are placed under command of soldiers hired by Jango Fett. (Many of which are Ex-Mandalorian soldiers, much like Jango himself, and called Cuy'val Dar.) [2] These sets of four—based on Kamino's native Aiwha predators—are encouraged to think for themselves in a similar way to the ARC troopers. As a result of being in such small groups, they develop a very strong sense of camaraderie. [3]


Commando's training was both accelerated and harsh. They started training with simulations, but at the age of five (ten), they started using live-fire rounds. Atin (see above) lost his entire squad in training, and then again on Geonosis. Delta is one of the only intact squads left by the 1st year of the war. They had many types of training, including beachhead exercises and the "Killing House", a house that was to be stormed, and was different every time. Defective clones were killed by K-9 Enforcer Droids. Clones trained under Walon Vau (on of the ex-Mandalorians) were some of the toughest; by the end of the first year only the 3 from Geonosis had died, while 13 out of the group of commandos trained under Skirata died.


Clone Commandos wear Katarn Armor, the latest of which is Mark III. It can withstand the pressures of space for 20 minutes, at which time it runs out of air. It has a highly advanced HUD (Heads-Up-Display) and a built-in gauntlet vibro-blade. The armor can also withstand blaster rounds, Verpine Shatter Gun projectile rounds, and small-grenade level explosions. The helmet has numerous features, including toxin-filters. It can also display the views from other squadmates. The armor itself is roughly 20 kg however the novel properties of the metal used in the construction of the armor allowed each piece of the armor to create its own shield. However, it was not very comfortable to sit with, as Scorch, RC-1262, the resident explosive expert on Delta Squad, noted.

Equipment and Weapons

The standard weapon for commandos is a DC-17 ICWS (standing for Interchangeable Combat Weapon System). It has a blaster, sniper, anti-armor (essentially a grenade launcher), and more recently, a stun/pulse attachment, and a DC-15s Rechargeable sidearm, which can recharge at 8 bolts a second. In addition, clone troopers often carry one or more grenades of varying types, such as the Merr-Sonn V-1 thermal detonator and occasionally Geonosian Sonic Detonators. Despite being their traditional weapons, they have been trained to use any weapon with deadly efficiency, including Geonosian Force Pikes (in the case of Fi), Verpine Shatter Guns, APC Array Gun (more like a shotgun than anything else), APC repeaters, concussion rifles, and APC Heavy Repeater Guns. The pouches and compartments on a clone troopers highly functional utility belt contained a multitude of equipment including a grappling hook, spare ammunition, and a rudimentary medical kit containing enough synthflesh and bacta to keep a wounded soldier alive until a medic could arrive.

Clone Swamp Trooper

The Clone Swamp Trooper, are specialized scouts that served for the Grand Army of the Republic. Swamp Troopers training was focused on wet areas. Training in mud and other harsh areas was usually done. Due to this there main area for combat was in green lush areas.

Each Swamp Trooper was equipped with DC-15A Blaster Rifles and DC-15S blasters. [4]

Clone trooper armor

Phase I Clone Trooper Armor

File:Clone Troopers Phase I Armor.jpg
Phase I Armor

Phase I clone trooper armor was the armor worn by early clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars.

It was composed of twenty form-fitting plates of lightweight plastoid-alloy composite, sealed to a black bodysuit and resembled Mandalorian shock trooper armor. The austere sensibilities of Kaminoan society resulted in the blindingly pristine white state of each set of armor, although command units had stripes of different colors, depending on their rank. The armor was heavy and uncomfortable and not very well liked by its wearer, but it did its job. Its inconvenience was due to the Kaminoans' knowledge, or lack thereof, of Human anatomy. The armor could take some modular attachments, like a bacta pack for a medic or a small flamethrower for ARC troopers.

No clone trooper costume was produced for their first onscreen appearance. As revealed in the audio commentary of the film, every single clone trooper in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones is a computer generated image.

During the later part of the Clone Wars, it was replaced by Phase II clone trooper armor.


Phase II Clone Trooper Armor

File:Clone Troopers Phase II Armor.jpg
Phase II Armor

Phase II clone trooper armor was a superior version of Phase I clone trooper armor, incorporating all of its predecessor's systems in addition to polarized lenses, padding, sensors, and stronger, lighter armor plates. It could also support more modular attachments, making it infinitely superior to its predecessor. It was far more comfortable to wear than its predecessor, since the Kaminoans were now more familiar with Human anatomy. Unlike the Phase I armor, color was used to denote affiliation, not rank.

The Phase II armor in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith is also computer generated.

The Phase II armor was the basis of the stormtrooper armor worn by the soldiers of Emperor Palpatine's Empire, which is known as Phase III armor.



  1. ^ Barlow, Jeremy; et al. (2004). "Issue 27". Star Wars: Empire. Dark Horse Comics. ISBN 1-59307-466-2. {{cite book}}: Explicit use of et al. in: |author= (help)
  2. ^ Traviss, Karen (2004). Hard Contact. Del Rey Books. ISBN 0-345-47827-4.
  3. ^ Traviss, Karen (2006). Triple Zero. Del Rey Books. ISBN 0-345-49009-6.
  4. ^ http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Clone_swamp_trooper

See also