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===Oil ''paro''===
===Oil ''paro''===
Fedecámaras and the CTV called for a fourth ''paro cívico'', which turned out to be the most serious, and is known as the 2002-2003 oil lockout/strike, to begin on 2 December 2002. The opposition also called a recall-referendum-petition-signiature-gathering day for 4 December.<ref>McCaughan, p 123.</ref> The key element of the ''paro'' was the stoppage of production at ''Petr&oacute;leos de Venezuela'', which was effected by management's locking workers out of facilities, changing computer codes so as to disable equipment, and performing other acts of sabotage.<ref>INTENSA, the information and technology enterprise that was formed to run electronic operations at ''Petr&oacute;leos de Venezuela'', was at this time 60 per cent owned by a United States company, Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), which is "closely linked to the U.S. government", with "former chiefs of staff, ex-CIA agents, and high-level government employees comprising its board of directors." (Golinger, "Machine", p 135.) During the work stoppage, INTENSA refused requests by ''Petr&oacute;leos de Venezuela'' president Ali Rodriguez to provide him the computer access codes so that ''Petr&oacute;leos'' employees could operate the company's machinery. Eventually, ''Petr&oacute;leos'' employees had to enter INTENSA headquarters and seize equipment to reestablish opertations. Source: Golinger, "Machine", pp 135, 6, on INTENSA; and Goliger, "Media", p 100, on the management's activities.
Fedecámaras and the CTV called for a fourth ''paro cívico'', which turned out to be the most serious, and is known as the 2002-2003 oil lockout/strike, to begin on 2 December 2002. The opposition also called a recall-referendum-petition-signature-gathering day for 4 December.<ref>McCaughan, p 123.</ref> The key element of the ''paro'' was the stoppage of production at ''Petr&oacute;leos de Venezuela''.

Petroleum production soon fell to one-third normal; Venezuela had to begin importing oil to meet its foreign obligations; and domestically, gasoline for cars became virtually unobtainable, with many filling stations closed and long ques at others.<ref>One third normal: McCaughan, p 126; gas shortages: López Maya, p 18. According to a previous version of this article, Venezuela's normal production of oil and oil derivatives before the strike was 2,800,000 barrells (450,000 m&sup3;) per day
Petroleum production soon fell to one-third normal; Venezuela had to begin importing oil to meet its foreign obligations; and domestically, gasoline for cars became virtually unobtainable, with many filling stations closed and long ques at others.<ref>One third normal: McCaughan, p 126; gas shortages: López Maya, p 18. According to a previous version of this article, Venezuela's normal production of oil and oil derivatives before the strike was 2,800,000 barrells (450,000 m&sup3;) per day

Revision as of 04:32, 14 May 2009

Hugo Chávez

Venezuela under the presidency of Hugo Chávez (1999–present) has seen sweeping and radical shifts in social policy, moving away from the government officially embracing a free market economy and neoliberal reform principles and towards quasi-socialist income redistribution and social welfare programs. Chávez has just as radically up-ended Venezuela's traditional foreign policy. Instead of continuing Venezuela's past support for U.S. and European strategic interests, Chávez has promoted alternative development and integration paradigms for the Global South.

Chávez's reforms have drawn both critical acclaim and bitter condemnation. He has alienated many Venezuelans, especially in the upper middle and upper classes, and widespread political repression and human rights violations have been reported under his rule. The severe controversy surrounding Chávez's policies spawned a transitory 2002 overthrow of Chávez, a 2004 recall attempt, and rumors and allegations regarding foreign conspiracies to overthrow Chávez via additional military coups, assassination attempts, and even military invasions. Nevertheless, Chávez remains a powerful figure in modern politics and a focal point for growing international resistance to the Washington Consensus and United States foreign policy.

Background: 1970–1998

Hugo Chávez's political activity began in the 1980s and '90s, a period of economic downturn and social upheaval in Venezuela.[1] Venezuela's economic wellbeing rises and falls with the demand for its primary export commodity – oil. Oil accounts for three-quarters of Venezuela's exports, half of its government's fiscal income, and a quarter of the nation's GDP.[2] The 1970s were boom years for oil, during which the material standard of living for all classes in Venezuela improved. This was partly due to the ruling AD and COPEI parties' investing in social welfare projects which, because of the government's oil income, they could do without heavily taxing private wealth.[3] "Venezuelan workers enjoyed the highest wages in Latin America and subsidies in food, health, education and transport."[4] However, "toward the end of the 1970s, these tendencies began to reverse themselves."[5] Per capita oil income and per capita income both declined, leading to a foreign debt crisis and forced devaluation of the bolivar in 1983.[5] The negative trend continued through the 1990s. "Per capita income in 1997 was 8 percent less than in 1970; workers' income during this period was reduced by approximately half."[5] "Between 1984 and 1995 the percentage of people living below the poverty line jumped from 36 percent to 66 percent, while the number of people suffering from extreme poverty tripled, from 11 percent to 36 percent."[6]

Along with these economic changes came various changes in Venezuelan society. Class division intensified. Lander (2007: 22) summarised these changes:

A sensation of insecurity became generalized throughout the population, constituting "an emerging culture of violence . . . very distinct from the culture of tolerance and peace that dominated Venezuelan society in the past." (Briceño León et al., 1997: 213). Along with unemployment, personal safety topped the problems perceived as most serious by the population. Between 1986 and 1996 the number of homicides per 10,000 inhabitants jumped from 13.4 to 56, an increade of 418 percent, with most of the victims being young males (San Juan, 1997: 232–233). Countless streets in the middle- and upper-class neighborhoods were closed and privatized; increasingly, bars and electric fences surrounded houses and buildings in these areas. The threat represented by the "dangerous class" came to occupy a central place in the media – along with demands that drastic measures be taken, including the death penalty or direct execution by the police.

During this period, the prospect of a reasonably comfortable life for most Venezuelans, which had appeared attainable in the 1970s, became increasingly remote; poverty and exclusion appeared inescapable for many. According to Lander (2007: 23):

These crises-like conditions increasingly became permanent features of society. We are dealing here not with the exclusion of a minority categorized as "marginal" in relation to society as a whole but with the living conditions and cultural reproduction of the great majority of the population. The result was the development of what Ivez Pedrazzini and Magalay Sánchez (1992) have called the "culture of urgency." They describe a practical culture of action in which the informal economy, illegality, illegitimacy, violence and mistrust of official society are common. Alejandro Moreno (1995) characterizes this other cultural universe as the popular-life world that is other, different from Western modernity – organized in terms of a matriarchal family structure, with different conceptions of time, work , and community, and a relational (community-oriented) rationality distinct from the abstact rationality of the dominant society. This cultural context is scarcely compatible with the model of citizenship associated with liberal democracies of the West.

On the political front, the AD's Carlos Andrés Pérez became president in 1989 on a platform of anti-neoliberalism, describing International Monetary Fund (IMF) structural adjustment recipes as "la-bomba-sola-mata-gente" – the bomb that only kills people.[7] However, shortly after attaining office, Pérez, "faced with a severe crisis of international reserves, fiscal as well as trade and balance-of-payment deficits, and an external debt ($34 billion[8]) that under these conditions could not be paid," signed a letter of intent with the International Monetary Fund stipulating that he carry out a neoliberal adjustment program that entailed privatisation, deregulation, and the dismantling of social welfare programs and subsidies.[9] The agreement was not submitted to parliamentary consultation and was made public only after having been signed.[10] On 25 February 1989, the government announced an increase in gasoline prices, and two days later a public transit price rise precipitated the Caracazo, a series of mass demonstrations and riots in Caracas and Venezuelas other principal cities.[11] Pérez suspended civil rights and imposed martial law. The military's suppression of the rebellion resulted in, by the government's own admission, 300 deaths; and others estimate the toll at more than 1000.[12]

Chávez, who had been involved since the early 1980s in a leftist group in the military called the Movimiento Bolivariano Revolucionario 200 (MBR 200), first came to national prominence as the leader of a coup attempt on Pérez in February 1992. Although the attempt failed, before being imprisoned Chávez was granted one minute on national television, during which he apologised for the loss of lives and called on his forces to cease fighting, but also defended his goals of reform and stated famously that he was putting down his weapons "por ahora" – for now – implying that he might one day return. That brief television appearance gave Chávez national recognition and caused him to become for many a heroic symbol of resistance to the disliked regime.[13] Pérez survived another coup attempt in November 1992, but was impeached by Congress in 1993 for illegaly using $17 million to finance the campaign of Violetta Chamorro in Nicaragua and his own inauguration fiesta.[14] Rafael Caldera, campaigning on an anti-neoliberal platform, succeeded him by winning elections in December 1993 with 30% of the vote to his nearest rival's 23%.[15] As per one of his election promises, he released Chávez and other army dissidents in March 1994. Like Pérez, however, he reversed himself on economic policy, adopting IMF programs in 1996 and 1997 that stipulated neoliberal adjustment and opened the state oil industry to private investment.[16] In November 1996, about 1.3 million workers walked off the job in a general public sector strike; and in late August 1998, Caldera obtained legislation from Congress enabling him to rule by decree.[17]

During this period, the late 1990s, the principal leftist parties were La Causa R (LCR), which won 48 congressional seats in 1993, and the Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS).[18] Hugo Chávez and the MBR 200 also remained active. At the MBR 200 national assembly in December 1996, its members voted to participate in the presidential and congressional elections coming up in 1998, and created a new organisation, the Fifth Republic Movement (Movimiento Quinta República, MVR) intended to unite groups opposed to the mainstream parties.[19] Chávez's bid for the presidency was supported by a coalition called the Polo Patriótico (Patriotic Pole, PP) which, besides Chávez's MVR, included the PPT, and significant portions of the MAS, LCR, Movimiento Primero de Mayo, and Bandera Roja.[20]

The major planks in the election platform enunciated by Chávez during his 1998 campaign included the following:

  • Reorientation of the oil industry:
    • Cease privatisation of the state oil company, Petróleos de venezuela.
    • Review concessions that the state had granted to foreign oil companies (New York Times, 2 September 1998, section A, page 11).
    • Redistribute income from the oil industry to more benefeit the lower economic classes (BBC World Service, 9 November 1998).
  • Pursue an economic course independent of global capitalist, especially United States, dictates; he characterised this as a "third way", an alternative to "neo-liberalismo salvage", "savage neo-liberalism" (La Jornada, Mexico, 3 December 1998; also The Militant, December 21, 1998).
  • Rewrite the 1961 constitution. He proposed to hold a referendum seeking approval to dissolve Congress and convene an elected "constitutional assembly" whose task would be to write a new constitution (New York Times, 8 December 1998, section A, page 26; The Militant, December 21, 1998).
  • Attack corruption, which he said eats up 15% of public revenues (New York Times, 2 September 1998, A 11; El Nuevo Diario, Managua, 8 October 1998; La Jornada, Mexico, 3 December 1998; New York Times, 8 December 1998, A 26).
  • Crack down on the epidemic of tax evasion by major contributors (El Nuevo Diario, Managua, 8 October 1998; La Jornada, Mexico, 3 December 1998; New York Times, 8 December 1998, A 26).
  • Raise the minimum wage, provide a 30,000 Bolivar ($53) stipend to the unemployed, improve job security and retirement guarantees, increase spending on job creation and education.(The Militant, December 21, 1998; US News and World Report, 13 December 1998).

1999: Economic crisis and new constitution

File:Hugo Chávez (2000).jpg
President Chávez in the year 2000. He is the first President of Venezuela to wear a military uniform since Marcos Pérez Jiménez in 1958.

Chávez won the presidency on 6 December 1998 with 56.4% of the poular vote. His nearest opponent was Henrique Salas Romer with about 40%.[21] He took the presidential oath of office on February 2, 1999, the principal points of his mandate being to reform the constitution, break up what his supporters perceived as an entrenched oligarchy, reverse Venezuela's economic decline, strengthen the role of the state in the economy, and redistribute wealth to the poor. Chávez's first few months in office were dedicated primarily to constitutional reform, while his secondary focus was on immediately allocating more government funds to new social programs.

However, as a recession triggered by historically low oil prices and soaring international interest rates rocked Venezuela, the shrunken federal treasury provided very little of the resources Chávez required for his promised massive anti-poverty measures. Consequently, in April 1999 Chávez set his eyes upon the one Venezuelan institution that was costly for the government but did little for the systematic social development that Chávez desired: the military. Chávez ordered all branches of the military to devise programs to combat poverty and to further civic and social development in Venezuela's vast slum and rural areas. This civilian-military program was launched as "Plan Bolivar 2000," and was heavily patterned after a similar program enacted by Cuban President Fidel Castro during the early 1990s, while the Cuban people were still suffering through the "Special Period." Projects within Plan Bolivar 2000s scope included road building, housing construction, and mass vaccination. The plan faltered at the end of 2001 with accusations and revelations of corruption by military officers, including both military officers who later rebelled against the president in April 2002 and officers linked to the president. [22]

Chávez sharply diverged from previous administrations' economic policies, terminating their practice of extensively privatizing Venezuela's state-owned holdings, such as the national social security system, holdings in the aluminum industry, and the oil sector.[23] However, although Chávez wished to promote the redistribution of wealth, increased regulation, and social spending, he did not wish to discourage foreign direct investment (FDI). In keeping with his predecessors, Chávez attempted to shore up FDI influxes to prevent an economic crisis of chronic capital flight and inflation.

Chávez also worked to reduce Venezuelan oil extraction in the hopes of garnering elevated oil prices and, at least theoretically, elevated total oil revenues, thereby boosting Venezuela's severely deflated foreign exchange reserves. He extensively lobbied other OPEC countries to cut their production rates as well. As a result of these actions, Chávez became known as a "price hawk" in his dealings with the oil industry and OPEC. Chávez also attempted a comprehensive renegotiation of 60-year-old royalty payment agreements with oil giants Philips Petroleum and ExxonMobil.[24] These agreements had allowed the corporations to pay in taxes as little as 1% of the tens of billions of dollars in revenues they were earning from the Venezuelan oil they were extracting. Afterwards, Chávez stated his intention to complete the nationalization of Venezuela's oil resources. Although unsuccessful in his attempts to renegotiate with the oil corporations, Chávez focused on his stated goal of improving both the fairness and efficiency of Venezuela's formerly lax tax collection and auditing system, especially for major corporations and landholders. Template:ChavezElections1999

New constitution

In April 1999, a national referendum was held, the question being whether to create an elected assembly to draw up a new constitution. The result of the referendum was 71.8% in favour.[25] Consequently, in July 1999, elections were held to choose delegates to the assembly. In these elections, Chávez's slate of candidates received 90% of the vote, winning 126 of the 131 seats. Fifty-four per cent of the eligible electorate did not vote.[26]

The job of the assembly, which was called the Assemblea Nacional Constituyente (ANC), was to come up with a new constitution in six months or less. The draft would then be submitted to the Venezuelan people for acceptance or rejection via a referendum. The Assembly set up 21 commissions to work on specific topics, including citizen power, indigenous rights, sovereignty, economic issues, defence, education, health, the environment, human rights, women, sport, culture and justice.[27]

Conflict soon arose between the Constitutional Assembly and the older institutions it was supposed to reform or replace.

However, in August 1999, the Constitutional Assembly established a special "judicial emergency committee" with the power to remove judges without consulting with other branches of government—over 190 judges were eventually suspended on charges of corruption. In the same month, the Constitutional Assembly declared a "legislative emergency," resulting in a seven-member committee that was tasked with conducting the legislative functions ordinarily carried out by the National Assembly. Legislative opposition to Chávez's policies was immediately disabled. Meanwhile, the Constitutional Assembly prohibited the National Assembly from holding meetings of any sort.[28]

Chávez holds up a miniature copy of the 1999 Venezuelan Constitution at the 2005 World Social Forum held in Porto Alegre, Brazil.

The Constitutional Assembly itself drafted the new 1999 Venezuelan Constitution. With 350 articles, the document was, as drafted, one of the world's lengthiest constitutions. It first changed the country's official name from "Republic of Venezuela" to "Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela." It also increased the presidential term of office from five to six years, allowed for two consecutive presidential terms rather than one, introduced a presidential two-term limit, and introduced provisions for national presidential recall referendums—that is, Venezuelan voters gained the right to remove the president from office before the expiration of his presidential term. Such referendums can only be activated by a petition to do so with the required number of signatures. The presidency was also dramatically strengthened, with the power to dissolve the National Assembly upon decree. The new constitution converted the formerly bicameral National Assembly into a unicameral legislature, and stripped it of many of its former powers. Provisions were also made for a new position, the Public Defender, an office with the authority to check the activities of the presidency, the National Assembly, and the constitution. Chávez characterized the Public Defender as the guardian of the "moral branch" of the new Venezuelan government, tasked with defending public and moral interests. Lastly, the Venezuelan judiciary was reformed. Judges, under the new constitution, were now to be installed after passing public examinations and were not, as in the old manner, to be appointed by the National Assembly.

This new constitution was presented to the national electorate in December 1999 and approved. Over a span of a mere 60 days, the Constitutional Assembly thus framed a document that enshrined as constitutional law most of the structural changes Chávez desired. Chávez stated that such changes were necessary in order to successfully and comprehensively enact his planned social justice programs. He planned to enact sweeping changes in Venezuelan governmental and political structure, and, based on his 1998 campaign pledges, to dramatically open up Venezuelan political discourse to independent and third parties. In the process, Chávez sought to fatally paralyze his AD (Acción Democrática) and COPEI opposition. All of Chávez's aims were, in one move, dramatically furthered.

On December 15, 1999, after weeks of heavy rain, statewide mudslides claimed the lives of an estimated 30,000 people. Critics claim Chávez was distracted by the referendum and that the government ignored a civil defense report, calling for emergency measures, issued the day the floods struck. The government rejected these claims.[29] Chávez personally led the relief effort afterwards.[30] Subsequent mudslides in 2000 left 3 dead.[31]

2000–2001: Reelection


Elections for the new unicameral National Assembly were held on July 30, 2000. During this same election, Chávez himself stood for reelection. Chávez's coalition garnered a commanding two-thirds majority of seats in the National Assembly while Chávez was reelected with 60% of the votes. The Carter Center monitored the 2000 presidential election; their report on that election stated that, due to lack of transparency, CNE partiality, and political pressure from the Chávez government that resulted in early elections, it was unable to validate the official CNE results.[32] However, they concluded that the presidential election legitimately expressed the will of the people.[33]

Later, on December 3, 2000, local elections and a referendum were held. The referendum, backed by Chávez, proposed a law that would force Venezuela's labor unions to hold state-monitored elections. The referendum was widely condemned by international labor organisations—including the International Labour Organization—as undue government interference in internal union matters; these organisations threatened to apply sanctions on Venezuela.[34]

After the May and July 2000 elections, Chávez backed the passage of a Ley Habilitante (enabling act) by the National Assembly. This act allowed Chávez to rule by decree for one year. In November 2001, shortly before the Enabling Act was set to expire, Chávez used it to put into place a set of 49 laws central to the implementation of his program. These included a Hydrocarbons Law and a Land Law. The Land Law, or Ley de Tierras, proposed giving some of the many Venezuelans who have constructed makeshift homes in the barrios that surround the country's major cities legal title to the land they occupy. It also contained provisions for rural land reform, including: incentives for people to return to the countryside and farm; tax penalties against leaving cultivable land idle (intended to encourage large land owners to sell plots to people who want to farm); grants of federal land to qualified farmers; and limited, compensated, expropriation of idle portions of privately-owned latifunda land for distribution to poor agriculturalists.[35]

The 49 laws, representing as they did the first major concrete step toward economic redistribution, were strenuously resisted by business and the former political establishment. McCaughan (2004: 65, 68) describes them as the "plus ultra non," the "point of no return for Chávez's troubled relations with business, church and media leaders." The Venezuelan Federation of Chambers (cámaras) of Commerce, – Fedecámaras – and the Confederación de Trabajadores de Venezuela (CTV) – a labour union federation with strong links to the AD party[36] – called for a general business strike (paro cívico) for December 10, 2001[37] to protest the 49 laws[38]. According to López Maya, at this time the president of the Fedecamaras, Pedro Carmona Estanga, emerged as the leader of the opposition movement.[39] The paro "attracted thousands of people, many of them drawn by the employers' federation promise of a day's salary if they took to the streets."[40]

With the strike, the positions of both government and opposition became more intractable. The opposition warned that if the 49 laws were not ammended, they would take to the streets again to attempt to force the issue,[41] and later demanded the outright revocation of the laws.[42] The government, for its part, refused to consider ammending the laws.[43] [44]

By the end of the first three years of his presidency, Chávez had successfully initiated a land transfer program and had introduced several reforms aimed at improving the social welfare of the population. These reforms entailed the lowering of infant mortality rates; the implementation of a free, government-funded healthcare system; and free education up to the university level. By December 2001, inflation fell to 12.3% the lowest since 1986,[45] while economic growth was steady at four percent.[46]Chávez's administration also reported an increase in primary school enrollment by one million students.[46]

2002: Coup and strike/lockout

The atmosphere of heightened confrontation initiated by the December 2001 paro cívico continued into the year 2002. The opposition formed a "Coordinating group for Democracy and Freedom," later known as the Democratic Coordinator (Coordinadora Democrática, CD) to organise joint action against the government. On 23 January, the opposition staged a massive march, which was met by a counter march by government sympathisers. On 4 February, a large pro-government march was countered by opposition marches in several cities.[47]

The CTV, supported by Fedecámaras and other opposition groups, called for a one day paro for 9 April 2002; later it extended the paro for 24 hours, and then announced that it would be indefinite, and called for a march to the PDVSA headquarters in Caracas on 11 April to protest recent management changes there.[48] On late morning of the 11th, by which time about 200,000 people were standing outside the PDVSA offices, CTV leader Carlos Ortega suddenly called for a continuation of the march to the presidential palace at Milaflores, saying "With a great sense of responsibility I address our nation to request in the name of democratic Venezuela. I do not rule out the possibility that the crowd, this human river marches united to Milaflores to expel a traitor to the Venezuelan people." and explicitly stated an objective to "remove Chávez." [49] At this time, however, Milaflores was already surrounded by Chávez supporters who had been conducting a vigil there since April 9th to protect the president; and, when news of the opposition's movements spread, thousands more rushed there to augment the pro-Chávez side. By early afternoon the two sides were about 200 metres apart.[50] Around 2:30, shooting began. The first victims were four pro-Chávez demonstrators who were hit by sniper fire from rooftops. Later, Chávez supporters with handguns were filmed shooting at an unidentified target from the Puente Llaguno bridge near Milaflores. People were killed on both sides. As might be expected, there was great confusion, and the exact account of events remains disputed.

After the shooting had begun, a group of dissident military officers, headed by Vice Admiral Ramirez Pérez, appeared on television and stated that "The President of the Republic has betrayed the trust of the people, he is massacring innocent people with snipers. Just now six people were killed and dozens wounded in Caracas." and that because of this they no longer recognised Chávez as president of Venezuela.[51]

Chávez took over the Venezuelan airwaves several times in the early afternoon in what is termed a cadena, or a commandeering of the media airwaves to broadcast public announcements, asking protesters to return to their homes, playing lengthy pre-recorded discourses, and attempting to block coverage of the ensuing violence.

Then, unexpectedly, Lucas Rincón Romero, commander-in-chief of the Venezuelan armed forces, announced in a broadcast to a nationwide audience that Chávez had tendered his resignation from the presidency. While Chávez was brought to a military base and held there, military leaders appointed the president of the Fedecámaras, Pedro Carmona, as Venezuela's interim president. Immediately Carmona issued a decree nullifying the constitution, dissolving parliament and the supreme court, abolishing the ombudsman, and firing governors and mayors.[52] He also reverted the country's name to República de Venezuela and reversed Chávez's main social and economic policies, loosening credit controls and ending oil price quotas by raising production back to pre-Chávez levels. The US government quickly gave diplomatic recognition to the coup plotters.

Carmona's decrees were followed by pro-Chávez uprisings and looting across Caracas. Responding to these disturbances, Venezuelan soldiers loyal to Chávez called for massive popular support for a counter-coup. These soldiers later stormed and retook the presidential palace, and retrieved Chávez from captivity. The shortest-lived government in Venezuelan history was thus toppled, and Chávez resumed his presidency on the night of Saturday, April 13, 2002. Following this episode, Rincón was reappointed by Chávez as Commander of the Army, and later as Interior Minister in 2003.[53]

Chávez waves to supporters after disembarking at Salgado Filho Airport on January 26, 2003 while on route to the World Social Forum convened in Porto Alegre, Brazil (Agência Brasil).

Controversy about the coup

After Chávez resumed his presidency in April 2002, he ordered several investigations to be carried out, and their official results supported Chávez's assertions that the 2002 coup was sponsored by the United States.[54] On April 16, 2002, Chávez claimed that a plane with U.S. registration numbers had visited and been berthed at Venezuela's Orchila Island airbase, where Chávez had been held captive. On May 14, 2002, Chávez alleged that he had definitive proof of U.S. military involvement in April's coup. He claimed that during the coup Venezuelan radar images had indicated the presence of U.S. military naval vessels and aircraft in Venezuelan waters and airspace. The Guardian published a claim by Wayne Madsen – a writer (at the time) for left-wing publications and a former Navy analyst and critic of the George W. Bush administration – alleging U.S. Navy involvement.[55] U.S. Senator Christopher Dodd, D-CT, requested an investigation of concerns that Washington appeared to condone the removal of Mr Chavez,[56][57] which subsequently found that "U.S. officials acted appropriately and did nothing to encourage an April coup against Venezuela's president", nor did they provide any naval logistical support.[58][59] According to Democracy Now!, CIA documents indicate that the Bush administration knew about a plot weeks before the April 2002 military coup. They cite a document dated April 6, 2002, which says: "dissident military factions... are stepping up efforts to organize a coup against President Chávez, possibly as early as this month." According to William Brownfield, ambassador to Venezuela, the US embassy in Venezuela warned Chávez about a coup plot in April 2002.[60] The United States Department of State and the investigation by the Office of the Inspector General found no evidence that "US assistance programs in Venezuela, including those funded by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), were inconsistent with US law or policy" or "... directly contributed, or was intended to contribute, to [the coup d'état]."[58][61] Payments by the NED had been stepped up in the weeks preceding the coup. According to The Observer, the coup was approved by the government of the United States, acting through senior officials, including Otto Reich and Elliott Abrams, who had long histories in the US-backed "dirty wars" in Central America in the 1980s, and top coup plotters, including Pedro Carmona himself, began visits to the White House months before the coup and with the man President George Bush tasked to be his key policy-maker for Latin America, Otto Reich.[62] Carmona also met with U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell in Bogata, Columbia, on the second day of the 2002–2003 oil strike, and frequently met with the U.S. ambassador to Columbia, Ann Paterson.[63]

Chávez also claimed, during the coup's immediate aftermath, that the U.S. was still seeking his overthrow. On October 6, 2002, he stated that he had foiled a new coup plot, and on October 20, 2002, he stated that he had barely escaped an assassination attempt while returning from a trip to Europe.[24] During that period, the US Ambassador to Venezuela warned the Chávez administration of two potential assassination plots.[60]

After the coup

Following his return to office, Chávez quickly took steps to secure support for his government. First, Chávez fired sixty generals and completely replaced the upper echelons of Venezuela's armed forces, substituting them with more pro-Chávez personnel (including Rincón?).[citation needed] The preceding two sentences are at variance with the following source information: "The coup was defeated but Chávez opted not to move against all but the most visible leaders of the conspiracy. The absence of sanctions against the opposition was interpreted as a sign of government weakness."[64] Chávez attempted conciliation by replacing some of his cabinet ministers with people more acceptable to the opposition, reinstating the PDVSA managers who he had fired in February and removing their replacements, and inviting various international figures and organisations to the country to help mediate between the government and opposition.[65] Chávez also took another measure to reduce the likelihood of a recurrence of the coup attempt: he sought to strengthen support among rank and file soldiers by boosting support programs, employment, and benefits for veterans. He also promulgated new civilian-military development initiatives.

Despite these measures, conflict simmered throughout the rest of 2002. On October 22, 14 military officers who had been suspended for participating in the coup, led by General Enrique Medina Gómez, occupied the Francia de Altamira Plaza in a wealthy Eastern Caracas neighbourhood and declared it a "liberated territory".[66] In early November, there was a major clash of government and opposition demonstrators in downtown Caracas; and, in the middle of the month, a shootout which resulted in three deaths occurred in Caracas' Bolivar Plaza between the Metropolitain Police and the National Guard.[67]

Oil paro

Fedecámaras and the CTV called for a fourth paro cívico, which turned out to be the most serious, and is known as the 2002-2003 oil lockout/strike, to begin on 2 December 2002. The opposition also called a recall-referendum-petition-signature-gathering day for 4 December.[68] The key element of the paro was the stoppage of production at Petróleos de Venezuela.

Petroleum production soon fell to one-third normal; Venezuela had to begin importing oil to meet its foreign obligations; and domestically, gasoline for cars became virtually unobtainable, with many filling stations closed and long ques at others.[69] Many privately-owned businesses closed or went on short time, some out of sympathy for the strike, others because of the fuel shortage and economic paralysis. The private media backed the strike: Eva Golinger writes that, "In support of the opposition's objectives, the private media symbolically joined the strike by suspending all regular programming and commercials and donating one hundred percent of air space to the opposition." [70] Large pro- and anti-Chávez marches were held in the first weeks of the strike, which on December 9 the opposition had declared to be of indefinite duration. Before the strike began to dissolve in February 2003, it produced severe economic dislocation. Reportedly, millions of citizens, even in the middle of Caracas, reverted to using wood fires to cook their food.[71] The country's GDP fell 25% during the first trimester of 2003; open unemployment, which was running about 15% before and after the shutdown, reached 20.3% in March 2003; the volume of crude oil produced was 5% less in 2003 than the previous year; and the volume of refined oil products was 17% less.[72]

The strike began to dissolve in February, 2003, when "small- and medium-sized businesses reopened their doors, admitting that the strike now threatened to turn into a 'suicide watch' that could well bankrupt their businesses for good." [73] The government gradually reestablished control over PDVSA; oil production reached pre-strike levels by April 2003.[74] In the aftermath of the strike, the government fired 18,000 PDVSA employees, 40% of the company's workforce, for "dereliction of duty" during the strike.[75]

2003–2004: Recall vote

Chávez waves to a cheering crowd from the high balcony of the Piratini Palace, seat of the government of Rio Grande Do Sul in Brazil, on January 26, 2003 (Agência Brasil).

In 2003 and 2004 Chávez launched a number of social and economic campaigns which had become possible as for the first time he had a good economy and the oil industry, which produces 80% of Venezuela's exports by value, 25% of its GDP, and 50% of the government's income, was for the first time not under hostile management. In July 2003 he launched "Mission Robinson," billed as a campaign aimed at providing free reading, writing and arithmetic lessons to the more than 1.5 million Venezuelan adults who were illiterate prior to his 1999 election. On October 12, 2003, Chávez initiated "Mission Guaicaipuro," a program billed as protecting the livelihood, religion, land, culture, and rights of Venezuela's indigenous peoples. In late 2003, the Venezuelan president launched "Mission Sucre" (named after independence-war hero General Antonio Jose de Sucre), which is primarily a scholarship program for higher education. As of about 2005, it was giving out about 100,000 need-based grants each year to bright students who would have been financially barred from university education in the past.[76] In November 2003, Chávez announced "Mission Ribas," with the promise of providing remedial education and diplomas for Venezuela's five million high school dropouts. On the first anniversary of Mission Robinson's establishment, Chávez stated in Caracas's Teresa Carreño theater to an audience of 50,000 formerly illiterate Venezuelans, "in a year, we have graduated 1,250,000 Venezuelans." Nevertheless, there were also significant setbacks. Notably, the inflation rate rocketed to 31% in 2002 and remained at the high level of 27% in 2003, causing a great deal of hardship for the poor.

In May 9, 2004, a group of 126 Colombians were captured during a raid of a farm near Caracas. Chávez soon accused them of being a foreign-funded paramilitary force who intended to violently overthrow his rule.[77] These events merely served to further the extreme and violent polarization of Venezuelan society between pro- and anti-Chávez camps. Chávez's allegations of a putative 2004 coup attempt continue to stir controversy and doubts to this day.[77] In October 2005, 27 of the accused Colombians were found guilty, while the rest were released and deported. [78] Template:ChavezElections2004

In early and mid-2003, Súmate, a grassroots volunteer civilian voter rights organization, began the process of collecting the millions of signatures needed to activate the presidential recall provision provided for in Chávez's 1999 Constitution. In August 2003, around 3.2 million signatures were presented, but these were rejected by the pro-Chávez majority in the Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE; "National Electoral Council") on the grounds that many had been collected before the mid-point of Chávez's presidential term.[79] Reports then began to emerge among opposition and international news outlets that Chávez had begun to act punitively against those who had signed the petition, while pro-Chávez individuals stated that they had been coerced by employers into offering their signatures at their workplaces. In November 2003, the opposition collected an entirely new set of signatures, with 3.6 million names produced over a span of four days. Riots erupted nationwide as allegations of fraud were made by Chávez against the signature collectors.

The provision in the Constitution allowing for a presidential recall requires the signatures of 20% of the electorate in order to effect a recall. Further, the cedulas (national identity card numbers) and identities of petition signers are not secret, and in fact were made public by Luis Tascón, a member of the Venezuelan National Assembly representing Chávez' party (Fifth Republic Movement - MVR) and the Communist Party of Venezuela of Táchira state. The government was accused of increasing the voter rolls by giving citizenship to illegal immigrants and refugees; and the opposition claimed that it was a citizenship for votes program. Voter registration increased by about 2 million people ahead of the referendum, which in effect raised the threshold of the 20% of the electorate needed to effect a recall.[80]

Reports again emerged that Chávez and his allies were penalizing signers of the publicly posted petition. Charges were made of summary dismissals from government ministries, PDVSA, the state-owned water corporation, the Caracas Metro, and public hospitals controlled by Chávez's political allies. Finally, after opposition leaders submitted to the CNE a valid petition with 2,436,830 signatures that requested a presidential recall referendum, a recall referendum was announced on June 8, 2004 by the CNE. Chávez and his political allies responded to this by mobilizing supporters to encourage rejection of the recall with a "no" vote.

The recall vote itself was held on August 15, 2004. A record number of voters turned out to defeat the recall attempt with a 59% "no" vote.[81][82] The election was overseen by the Carter Center and the Organization of American States, and was certified by them as fair and open.[83] European Union observers did not attend, saying the government had placed too many restrictions on their participation.[84] Critics called the results fraudulent, citing documents which indicated that the true results were the complete opposite of the reported ones, and raising questions about the government ownership of voting machines. "Massive fraud" was alleged and Carter's conclusions were questioned,[85] although five other opposition polls showed a Chávez victory.[86]

While the international observers, and a reluctant Bush administration, endorsed the results, a few critics, including economists Ricardo Hausmann of Harvard and Roberto Rigobon of MIT, alleged that certain procedures in the election may have allowed the government to cheat. [87] The Carter Center admitted Taylor had "found a mistake in one of the models of his analysis which lowered the predicted number of tied machines, but which still found the actual result to lie within statistical possibility."[88]

A jubilant Chávez pledged to redouble his efforts against both poverty and "imperialism," while promising to foster dialogue with his opponents. Chávez's government subsequently charged the founders of Súmate with treason and conspiracy for receiving foreign funds, earmarked for voter education, from the United States Department of State through the National Endowment for Democracy, triggering commentary from human rights organizations and the U.S. government.[89] [90][91] The trial has been postponed several times. A program called "Mission Identity", to fast track voter registration of immigrants to Venezuela—including Chávez supporters benefiting from his subsidies—has been put in place prior to the upcoming 2006 presidential elections.[80]

2004–2005: Focus on foreign relations

Chávez embraces Argentinian President Néstor Kirchner during the closing of a July 2004 joint press conference held in Venezuela (Office of the Argentine Presidency).

In the aftermath of his referendum victory, Chávez's primary objectives of fundamental social and economic transformation and redistribution accelerated dramatically. Chávez himself placed the development and implementation of the "Bolivarian Missions" once again at the forefront of his political agenda. Sharp increases in global oil prices gave Chávez access to billions of dollars in extra foreign exchange reserves. Economic growth picked up markedly, reaching double-digit growth in 2004 and a 9.3% growth rate for 2005.

Many new policy initiatives were advanced by Chávez after 2004. In late March 2005, the Chávez government passed a series of media regulations that criminalised broadcasted libel and slander directed against public officials; prison sentences of up to 40 months for serious instances of character defamation launched against Chávez and other officials were enacted. When asked if he would ever actually move to use the 40-month sentence if a media figure insulted him, Chávez remarked that "I don't care if they [the private media] call me names.... As Don Quixote said, 'If the dogs are barking, it is because we are working.'"[92] Chávez also worked to expand his land redistribution and social welfare programs by authorizing and funding a multitude of new "Bolivarian Missions," including "Mission Vuelta al Campo"; the second and third phases of "Mission Barrio Adentro," both first initiated in June 2005 with the stated aim of constructing, funding, and refurbishing secondary (integrated diagnostic center) and tertiary (hospital) public health care facilities nationwide; and "Mission Miranda, which established a national citizen's militia. Meanwhile, Venezuela's doctors went on strike, protesting the siphoning of public funds from their existing institutions to these new Bolivarian ones, run by Cuban doctors.

Chávez focused considerably on Venezuela's foreign relations in 2004 and 2005 via new bilateral and multilateral agreements, including humanitarian aid and construction projects. Chávez has engaged, with varying degrees of success, numerous other foreign leaders, including Argentina's Néstor Kirchner, China's Hu Jintao, Cuba's Fidel Castro, Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Russia's Vladimir Putin. On March 4, 2005, Chávez publicly declared that the U.S.-backed Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) was "dead." Chávez stated that the neoliberal model of development had utterly failed in improving the lives of Latin Americans, and that an alternative, anti-capitalist model would be conceived in order to increase trade and relations between Venezuela, Argentina and Brazil. Chávez also stated his desire that a leftist, Latin American analogue of NATO be established.

Over the course of 2004 and 2005, the Venezuelan military under Chávez also began in earnest to reduce weaponry sourcing and military ties with the United States. Chávez's Venezuela is thus increasingly purchasing arms from alternative sources, such as Brazil, Russia, China and Spain. Friction over these sales escalated, and in response Chávez ended cooperation between the militaries of the two countries. He also asked all active-duty U.S. soldiers to leave Venezuela. Additionally, in 2005 Chávez announced the creation of a large "military reserve"—the Mission Miranda program, which encompasses a militia of 1.5 million citizens—as a defensive measure against foreign intervention or outright invasion.[93] Additionally, in October 2005, Chávez banished the Christian missionary organization "New Tribes Mission" from the country, accusing it of "imperialist infiltration" and harboring connections with the CIA.[94] At the same time, he granted inalienable titles to over 6,800 square kilometers of land traditionally inhabited by Amazonian indigenous peoples to their respective resident natives, though this land could not be bought or sold as Western-style title deeds can. Chávez cited these changes as evidence that his revolution was also a revolution for the defense of indigenous rights, such as those promoted by Chávez's Mission Guaicaipuro.

During this period, Chávez placed much greater emphasis on alternative economic development and international trade models, much of it in the form of extremely ambitious hemisphere-wide international aid agreements. For example, on August 20, 2005, during the first graduation of international scholarship students from Cuba's Latin American School of Medicine, Chávez announced that he would jointly establish with Cuba a second such medical school that would provide tuition-free medical training—an ex gratia project valued at between $20 and 30 billion—to more than 100,000 physicians who would pledge to work in the poorest communities of the Global South. He announced that the project would run for the next decade, and that the new school would include at least 30,000 new places for poor students from both Latin America and the Caribbean.[95]

Chávez has also taken ample opportunity on the international stage to juxtapose such projects with the manifest results and workings of neoliberal globalization. Most notably, during his speech at the 2005 UN World Summit, he denounced development models that are organised around neoliberal guidelines such as liberalisation of capital flows, removal of trade barriers, and privatisation as the reason for the developing world's impoverishment. Chávez also went on to warn of an imminent global energy famine brought about by hydrocarbon depletion (based on Hubbert peak theory), stating that "we are facing an unprecedented energy crisis.... Oil is starting to become exhausted."[96] Additionally, on November 7, 2005, Chávez referenced the stalling of the FTAA, stating at the Fourth Summit of the Americas, held in Mar del Plata, Argentina, that "the great loser today was George W. Bush. The man went away wounded. You could see defeat on his face." Chávez took the same opportunity to state that "the taste of victory" was apparent with regards to the promotion of his own trade alternative, the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas (ALBA—Alternativa Bolivariana para América), which Venezuela and Cuba inaugurated on December 14, 2004.[97]

In 2005, Chávez demanded the extradition of Luis Posada Carriles, accused of conspiring to bomb Cubana Flight 455. A Texas judge blocked the extradition on the grounds that he could be tortured in Venezuela; the Venezuelan embassy blamed the Department of Homeland Security for refusing to contest such accusations during the trial.[98] Chávez also requested the extradition of former Venezuelan officers and members of Militares democraticos, Lt. German Rodolfo Varela and Lt. Jose Antonio Colina, who are wanted for bombing the Spanish and Colombian embassies after Chávez made a speech criticizing both governments.[99][100]


The BBC says that Chavez "has made no secret of the fact that he is in favour of amending the constitution so that he can run again for president in 2012."[101] He has stated that he intends to retire from the Venezuelan presidency in the year 2021[2]. He is currently seeking re-election and his approval ratings as of August stood at 55%.[102]

In 2006 Chávez announced Venezuela's bid to win a non-permanent seat on the UN Security Council; Washington officials encouraged Latin American and Caribbean nations to vote instead for Guatemala.[103] Analysts quoted by Forbes Magazine said that Chávez would offer to supply 20% of China's crude oil needs if Beijing backed Venezuela's bid to join the UN Security Council.[104] In Chile, the press was concerned that Venezuelan grants for flood aid might affect the government's decision about which country to support for admission to the UN Security Council.[105] However, Venezuela was never able to obtain more votes than Guatemala in the forty-one separate UN votes in October 2006 [106]. Because of this deadlock in voting, Panama was selected as a consensus candidate and subsequently won the election for Latin America's seat on the Security Council.

In accordance with his foreign policy trends, Chávez has visited several countries in Latin America, as well as Portugal, Belarus, Russia, Qatar, Syria, Iran, Vietnam, Mali and Benin. At the request of Gambian President Yahya Jammeh, Chávez also attended the 2006 summit of the African Union in Banjul. He also visited the People's Republic of China and Malaysia.
In 2006 Chavez accused the United States government of attempting to turn Colombia into Venezuela's adversary over the recent arms dispute. “The U.S. empire doesn't lose a chance to attack us and try to create discord between us. That's one of the empire's strategies: Try to keep us divided.” Chavez said in response to the United States government.[107]

Chávez again won the OAS and Carter Center certification of the national election on December 3, 2006 with 63% of the vote,[108] beating his closest challenger Manuel Rosales who conceded his loss on December 4, 2006.[109] After his victory, Chávez promised a more radical turn towards socialism.[110]

According to Datos Information Resources, family income among the poorest stratum grew more than 150% between 2003 and 2006.[111]

President Chávez is also Vice President of the International Parliament for Safety and Peace.[112]

Speech to the United Nations

On 20 September 2006, Chávez delivered a speech to the United Nations General Assembly damning U.S. President George Bush.[113] In the speech Chavez referred to Bush as "the devil," adding that Bush, who had given a speech to the assembly a day earlier, had come to the General Assembly to "share his nostrums to try to preserve the current pattern of domination, exploitation and pillage of the peoples of the world."[114][115] Although it was widely condemned by U.S. politicians and media [116][117] [118], the speech was received with "wild applause" in the Assembly. [119] [120]

Subsidising heating fuel for the poor in the U.S.

In 2005, President Chávez initiated a program to provide cheaper heating fuel for poor people in several areas of the United States (New York Daily News, September 21, 2006). The program was expanded in September 2006 to include four of New York City's five boroughs, earmarking 25 million gallons of fuel for low-income New York residents this year at 40% off the wholesale market price. That quantity provides sufficient fuel to heat 70,000 apartments, covering 200,000 New Yorkers, for the entire winter (New York Daily News, September 21, 2006). It has also been reported that Chavez is sending heating oil to poor, remote villages in Alaska. Some have questioned the motives of this generosity. Legislative leaders in Maine have asked that state's governor to refuse the subsidised oil,[121] and New York Daily News criticized his offer by calling him an "oil pimp."[122]

January 2007–present

The President of Argentina Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, with Hugo Chávez 2008-03-05.

On January 8, 2007 President Chávez installed a new cabinet, replacing most of the ministers. Jorge Rodríguez was designated the new Vice President, replacing José Vicente Rangel. Chávez announced that he will send to the National Assembly a new enabling act, asking for the authority to re-nationalize the biggest phone company of the country (Cantv), and other companies from the electrical sector, all previously public companies which were privatized by past administrations. He also asked to eliminate the autonomy of the Central Bank.[123]

On January 31, 2007 the Venezuelan National Assembly approved an enabling act granting Chávez the power to rule by decree in certain areas for 18 months. He plans to continue his "Bolivarian Revolution", enacting economic and social changes. He has said he wants to nationalize key sectors of the economy.[124][125] Chávez, who is beginning a fresh six-year term, says the legislation will be the start of a new era of "maximum revolution" during which he will consolidate Venezuela's transformation into a socialist society. A few critics, however, are calling it a radical lurch toward authoritarianism by a leader with unchecked power.[126][127]

On February 8, 2007 the Venezuelan government signed an agreement to buy an 82.14% stake in Electricidad de Caracas from AES Corporation. Paul Hanrahan, president and CEO of AES said the deal has been a fair process that respected the rights of investors.[128] In February 2007, the Venezuelan government bought a 28.5% stake of the shares of CANTV from Verizon Communications.[129]

On April 30, 2007 Chávez announced that Venezuela would be formally pulling out of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, having paid off its debts five years ahead of schedule and so saving US $8 million.[130] The debt was US $3 billion in 1999.[131] Chávez then announced the creation of a regional bank, the Bank of the South, and said that the IMF and the World Bank were in crisis.[132]

The next day he announced intentions to re-take control of oil projects in the Orinoco Belt, which he said are "the world's largest crude reserve."[133] These reserves, which can be exploited with modern technologies, may place Venezuela ahead of Saudi Arabia in terms of oil reserves.[134]

In May 2007, the Chavez government refused to renew the license of the nation's most popular television station, alleging the company participated in the 2002 coup d'état. This led to many, prolonged protests in Caracas. Also, tens of thousands have marched through Caracas to support President Chávez's decision.[135]

Latin American Summit incident

In November 2007 at the Ibero-American Summit in Santiago de Chile, Chávez and Spanish prime minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero were engaged in a heated exchange. Chávez, irritated by Zapatero's suggestion that Latin America needed to attract more foreign capital, referred to Spain's former prime minister, José María Aznar, as a fascist.[136] Zapatero asked Chávez to use proper decorum. Although his microphone had by that point been turned off as his time was up, Zapatero was within earshot and engaged with Chávez who continued to interrupt the prime minister, attempting to make a point. King Juan Carlos I of Spain then leaned forward and pointed his finger at Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez, telling him, "¿Por qué no te callas?" (Why don't you shut up?).[137] Chávez later said he did not hear Juan Carlos.[138] President Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua, next to speak, ceded a minute of his time to Chávez to allow him to finish his point. Ortega then proceeded to add emphasis to Chávez's points by suggesting that Spain had used intervention in his country's elections. Ortega also referred to the monopoly of the Spanish energy company Union Fenosa on the impoverished counties' privatized power utility.[139] The king, followed by an aide, stood up and walked out of the event[140]—an unprecedented diplomatic incident, especially because the king had never before shown any sign of irritability.

Constitutional referendum

On August 15, 2007, Chavez called for an end to presidential term limits. He also proposed limiting central bank autonomy, strengthening state expropriation powers and providing for public control over international reserves as part of an overhaul of Venezuela's constitution. In accordance with the 1999 constitution, Chavez proposed the changes to the constitution, which were then approved by the National Assembly. The final test was a December 2, 2007 referendum.[141]

On November 1, 2007, a massive protest was staged in Caracas, led by many Venezuelan students, calling on the National Electoral Council in Caracas to postpone the referendum on the proposed constitutional reforms.[142] Chavistas holding a demonstration in support of the reforms clashed with the protesters and the scene turned violent, prompting police action.[143] Since then, the global community has criticized Chavez for excessive police action.[144] The President denounced the opposition protest as resorting to "fascist violence" on November 9, 2007.[145]

On November 26, 2007 the Venezuelan government broadcast and circulated an alleged confidential memo from the US embassy to the CIA. The memo allegedly contains an update on US clandestine operations against the Chavez government. Although Independent analysts find it to be "quite suspect." [146] Two days before the constitutional referendum, Chávez threatened to cut off oil shipments to the US if it criticized the voting results.[147]

The referendum was defeated on December 2, 2007, with 51% of the voters rejecting the amendments proposed by Chávez.[148] Chávez stated that he would step down at the end of his second term in 2013.[149] In November 2008, he proposed another constitutional amendment removing term limits, so that he could remain in office until as late as 2021.[150] This time, the resolution passed with 54% voting in favor after 94% of the votes have been counted.[151]

In March 2009 the Venezuelan government banned trawl fishing, largely employed by shrimp boats for shrimp exports, in a measure aimed at supporting coastal biodiversity and supporting the livelihoods of small fishermen. Small-scale fishermen, who account for 70% of Venezuela's fish production, have petitioned for the measure for decades.[152]


  • Roberto Briceño León et al., "La cultura emergente de la violencia en Caracas," Revista Venezolana de Economía y Ciencias Sociales, 3, nos. 2-3, (1997).
  • Eva Golinger, Esq., "The Adaptable U.S. Intervention Machine in Venezuela," in Olivia Burlingame Goumbri, The Venezuela Reader, Washington D.C., U.S.A., 2005.
  • Edgardo Lander, "Venezuela's Social Conflict in a Global Context", in Steve Ellner and Miguel Tinker Salas, Venezuela: Hugo Chávez and the Decline of an "Exceptional Democracy." Lanham, Maryland, USA, 2007.
  • Margarita López Maya, "Venezuela 2002-2003: Polarization, Confrontation, and Violence," in Olivia Burlingame Goumbri, The Venezuela Reader, Washington D.C., U.S.A., 2005.
  • Michael McCaughan, The Battle of Venezuela. London, 2004.
  • Alejandro Moreno, 'El aro y la trama: episteme, modernidad y pueblo. Caracas, 1995.
  • Ives Pedrazzini and Magaly Sánchez, Malandros, bandas y ni os de la calle. Valencia, Venezuela, 1992.
  • Ana Maria San Juan, "La criminalidad en Caracas," Revista Venezolanoa de Economía y Ciencias Sociales 3, nos. 2-3 (April-September 1997).
  • Venezuela Information Center "The truth about Venezuela's presidential election." 2006. Retrieved Mayy 2009. Document also available from Venezuelanalysis.com.
  • Venezuela Information Office, "A More Just Foreign Policy? The Push for Regional Cooperation," in Olivia Burlingame Goumbri, The Venezuela Reader, Washington D.C., USA, 2005.
  • Eric Wingerter, "A People's Platform: Land Reform, Health Care and Literacy," in Olivia Burlingame Goumbri, The Venezuela Reader, Washington D.C., U.S.A., 2005.


  1. ^ On the economic and social situation: Lander, pp 21–25; McCaughan, pp 31–34; The Militant, December 21, 1998.
  2. ^ Venezuela Information Office, "A More Just Foreign Policy?" (see Sources section) p 67.
  3. ^ "The upper and middle classes did not see their ever-increasing levels of consumption and cosmopolitain cultural orientation as threatened by popular demands, since state income continued to rise. Expanded education, health, and public works expenditure did not depend on taxing private wealth." -- Lander, p 21.
  4. ^ McCaughan, p 31.
  5. ^ a b c Lander, p 22.
  6. ^ McCaughan, p 32.
  7. ^ McCaughan, p 32
  8. ^ The Militant, December 21, 1998.
  9. ^ The quote is from Lander, p 25. On the IMF program, McCaughan p 32.
  10. ^ Lander, p 25
  11. ^ Lander, p 25, says "the principal cities of the country."
  12. ^ Mc Caughan, p 34; Lander, p 25; The Militant, December 21, 1998.
  13. ^ McCaughan, p 35. Also, The Militant, December 21, 1998: "Both Democratic action and COPEI were completely discredited after those events, while Chávez was elevated to hero status. For weeks after the coup, slum residents rallied in support of the arrested officers."
  14. ^ McCaughan, p 36. New York Times, 21 May 1993, said that Pérez was accused by the prosecutor of making about $10 million by changing a discretionary fund into dollars at a preferential rate, then, after an 88% devaluation of the Bolivar, reconverting it to Bolivares.
  15. ^ McCaughan, p 43; New York Times, 5 December 1993
  16. ^ McCaughan, p 44.
  17. ^ On the strike: Workers World December 9, 1996. On the legislation to govern by decree: BBC World Service, August 28, 1998.
  18. ^ McCaughan, p 44.
  19. ^ McCaughan, p 47.
  20. ^ McCaughan, p 48.
  21. ^ López Maya, p 12.
  22. ^ Text of report by Patrick J. O'Donoghue: "President Hugo Chávez, Copyright 2004 British Broadcasting Corporation, BBC Monitoring Latin America - Political Supplied by BBC Worldwide Monitoring, January 19, 2004.
  23. ^ Ellner, Steve. (North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA), 17 October 2005). "Venezuela’s “Demonstration Effect”: Defying Globalization’s Logic". Retrieved 09 November 2005.
  24. ^ a b Center for Cooperative Research. Profile: Hugo Chávez Frias. Retrieved 08 November 2005.
  25. ^ Venezuela Information Center, "The truth about Venezuela's presidential election." (see sources section.)
  26. ^ Election results are from McCaughan, p 52.
  27. ^ McCaughan, p 56.
  28. ^ McGirk, Tim. (Time, 27 December 1999). "Hugo Chávez Frías". Retrieved 03 November 2005.
  29. ^ BBC News. (BBC, 29 December 1999). "Venezuela disaster 'worst this century'". Retrieved 10 June 2006.
  30. ^ BBC News. (BBC, 21 December 1999). "Analysis: Floods a test for Chavez". Retrieved 10 June 2006.
  31. ^ Kriner, Stephanie. (Red Cross, 2000). "Flooding Returns to Venezuela". Retrieved 10 June 2006.
  32. ^ Neumann, Laura (2001). "Observing Political Change in Venezuela: The Bolivarian Constitution and 2000 Elections. Final Report" (PDF). Carter Center. pp. pp. 71–72. Retrieved 2006-12-30. {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help); Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)
  33. ^ Neumann(2001), p. 10.
  34. ^ Neumann(2001), p. 73.
  35. ^ Wingerter, p 32; McCaughan, p 68.
  36. ^ McCaughan, p 66.
  37. ^ Hernández, Taynem (2001-12-05). "CTV también irá al paro". El Universal. Retrieved 2006-12-31. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help); Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help); Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)Template:Es icon
  38. ^ León, Mariela (2001-11-20). "El 10 de diciembre será la huelga". El Universal. Retrieved 2006-12-31. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help); Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)Template:Es icon
  39. ^ Page 12.
  40. ^ McCaughan, p 72.
  41. ^ McCaughan, 72
  42. ^ López Maya, p 14
  43. ^ López maya, p 14.
  44. ^ Villegas Poljak, Ernesto (2001-12-16). "'No me obliguen a tomar medidas especiales'". El Universal. Retrieved 2006-12-31. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help); Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)Template:Es icon
  45. ^ "Evaluación del desempeño económico de los países andinos en el año 2001". Comunidad Andina. 2002. Retrieved 2007-01-13. {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)Template:Es icon
  46. ^ a b Hallinan, Conn (Foreign Policy in Focus 17 April 2006) U.S. Shadow Over Venezuela Retrieved 12 July 2006
  47. ^ On the CD formation, and the 23 January and 4 February marches: López Maya, p 14
  48. ^ López Maya, p 15.
  49. ^ First quote, McCaughan, p 88; second, López Maya, p 15.
  50. ^ McCaughan, p 89.
  51. ^ Quote is from McCaughan, p 89.
  52. ^ McCaughan, p 92; López Maya, p 16; Golinger, "Machine," p 129.
  53. ^ CNN. (CNN, 19 January 2003). "Venezuelan president names two generals to key posts: Chavez vows more raids on industries that support strike." Accessed 19 June 2006.
  54. ^ Vulliamy, Ed. (The Guardian, 21 April 2002). "Venezuela coup linked to Bush team". Retrieved 05 November 2005.
  55. ^ Campbell, Duncan. (The Guardian, 29 April 2006). American navy 'helped Venezuelan coup'. Retrieved 21 June 2006]
  56. ^ BBC News, (14 May 2002). US investigates Venezuela coup role. Retrieved 21 June 2006.
  57. ^ AP (2002), Venezuela's Chavez Says United States Must Explain Reaction To Coup. Retrieved June 9, 2006.
  58. ^ a b U.S. Embassy, Caracas, Venezuela. State Dept. Issues Report on U.S. Actions During Venezuelan Coup: (Inspector General finds U.S. officials acted properly during coup). Accessed 26 May 2006.
  59. ^ U.S. Department of State and Office of Inspector General. A Review of U.S. Policy toward Venezuela, November 2001 – April 2002. Accessed 26 May 2006.
  60. ^ a b Márquez Humberto. (IPS March 9, 2006) "Statements Indicate Chávez May Indeed Be in Somebody's Crosshairs". Accessed June 21, 2006. Also available at globalexchange.org Cite error: The named reference "Crosshairs" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  61. ^ CIA Documents Show Bush Knew of 2002 Coup in Venezuela. Democracy Now Monday, November 29, 2004 Accessed August 15, 2006.
  62. ^ Ed Vulliamy. Venezuela coup linked to Bush team. The Observer, April 21, 2002.
  63. ^ Golinger, "Adaptable Machine," p 134.
  64. ^ McCaughan, pp 114,15.
  65. ^ López Maya, p 17.
  66. ^ López Maya, p 17; McCaughan, p 121.
  67. ^ López Maya, pp 17-18; McCaughan, p 120 has additional information on the conflict in and around the Metropolitain Police, who were controlled by the anti-Chávez mayor of Caracas, Alfredo Peña. Sometime in November, Chávez replaced the commissioner of the force, Henry Vivas, with Gonzalo Sánchez Delgado; whereupon the mayor ordered the police not to obey him.
  68. ^ McCaughan, p 123.
  69. ^ One third normal: McCaughan, p 126; gas shortages: López Maya, p 18. According to a previous version of this article, Venezuela's normal production of oil and oil derivatives before the strike was 2,800,000 barrells (450,000 m³) per day
  70. ^ Golinger, "Machine", p 133. She also writes, in "Media War Against the People," (p 101) that "The four primary stations suspended all regular programming throughout the duration of the 64-day strike: no product commercials, no soap operas, no movies, no cartoons, and no sitcoms. They broadcast an average of 700 pro-opposition advertisements each day, paid for by the stations themselves and by the opposition umbrella group, Democratic Coordinator."
  71. ^ Golinger, "Machine," p 135.
  72. ^ López Maya, p 19. Oil figures from OPEC, Annual Statistical Bulletin, 2004, tables 14, 19.
  73. ^ McCaughan, p 128.
  74. ^ McCaughan, p 128, says April, but I seem to recall that this is disputed.
  75. ^ McCaughan, p 128; López Maya, p 19.
  76. ^ Wingerter, "People's Platform", p 36.
  77. ^ a b BBC News. (BBC, 25 June 2004). "Colombian 'plotters' face charges". Retrieved 13 June 2006.
  78. ^ El Pais. (El Pais, 2004). "Condenan a tres militares y 27 colombianos". Retrieved 01 November 2005. Template:Es icon
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  81. ^ BBC News. (BBC, 21 Sep 2004). "Venezuelan Audit Confirms Victory". Retrieved 05 November 2005.
  82. ^ Template:Harvard reference
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See also