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<big>Those who have confessed publicly to WA are:</big>
<big>Those who have confessed publicly to WA are:</big>
*Hello. My name is {{User:Rarity|Rarity]]. I got a score of 1234569597358 on the Wikipediholic test, and i'm not joking. I think i'm going insane, someone please help me help me HELP ME HELP HELP HELP I'M TRAPPED IN THIS SITE HEEEEELP.

* Hi I am [[User:Cbrittain10|Cbrittain10]] ([[User talk:cbrittain10|talk]]&#124;[[Special:Contributions/Cbrittain10|contribs]]) and I suffer from wikipediholism. I was editing one of the sexuality portal pages, when a girl asked me out. I said yes. I was editing the adultery page, when another girl asked me out. I said yes, when I still had the second one! And I already had the girlfriend who I just remembered that I got months ago! Now I have three girlfriends thanks to wikipedia, and only one of them is bisexual. I need a BREAK. [[User:Cbrittain10|Cbrittain10]] ([[User talk:cbrittain10|talk]]&#124;[[Special:Contributions/Cbrittain10|contribs]]) 00:57, 5 December 2011 (UTC)
* Hi I am [[User:Cbrittain10|Cbrittain10]] ([[User talk:cbrittain10|talk]]&#124;[[Special:Contributions/Cbrittain10|contribs]]) and I suffer from wikipediholism. I was editing one of the sexuality portal pages, when a girl asked me out. I said yes. I was editing the adultery page, when another girl asked me out. I said yes, when I still had the second one! And I already had the girlfriend who I just remembered that I got months ago! Now I have three girlfriends thanks to wikipedia, and only one of them is bisexual. I need a BREAK. [[User:Cbrittain10|Cbrittain10]] ([[User talk:cbrittain10|talk]]&#124;[[Special:Contributions/Cbrittain10|contribs]]) 00:57, 5 December 2011 (UTC)

Revision as of 17:09, 20 November 2012

Please note: This page is intended as a bit of light relief for devotees of Wikipedia. It is in no way intended to show disrespect for 12-step programs or to those people genuinely suffering from addictions who have found solace and recovery in such programmes.

Confirmed Wikipediholics

Hey Wikiholics try something new Wikifun.

Wikipediholics Anonymous (WA) is a program created to help Wikipediholics to come to terms with who they truly are, for recognition of Wikipediholism in oneself can be quite healthy.

{{scroll box | text = Those who have confessed publicly to WA are:

  • Hello. My name is

Who is Rarity?

Hello. I am Rarity. I valiantly prowl the Recent changes page, looking for vandals to warn and new users to welcome.

I've looked back at some of my posts on user talk pages, and realised something: a lot of my (non-TW) warnings seem a bit cold and ruthless. Yes, I can be like that, but it is not my intention to. So if you think that i'm lecturing you on your talk page, remember that I don't want to lecture, and I only mean the best.

But if you do get me mad (and that's very hard), I am known to let out a tiny swear...alright, some swears. FINE FINE, I GO NUCLEAR F-BOMB! F**K S**T FOR F**KS SAKE GOD F**KING DAMN IT. (I'm not really known for taking myself seriously either!) 010010010110011000100000011110010110111101110101001000000110001101100001011011100010000001110010011001010110000101100100001000000111010001101000011010010111001100101100001000000100100100100000011011000110111101110110011001010010000001111001011011110111010100101110

Signature and Pages

-Rarity (Wiki Wrap-Up, Wiki Wrap-Up!~) 13:37, 31 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

PERSONAL SANDBOX: Probably only formatting going on in this page.

PRAISE PAGE: You know you want to add praise.

USERBOX PAGE: My userboxen.

SERVICE AWARD PAGE: Take a gander at these little beauties.

My WikiHistory

I joined Wikipedia in October 2007, under a different account, and well...a lot of my posts back then were shit. I'm not linking my old page because I don't want to be taunted on my shit edits. In August (I think) 2010, I lost the password to my old account and I had a different email, so there was no way of recovering it. I started up this account, and asked an old friend of mine (you know who you are) to enable TW on this account. He did, and now i've been welcoming new users and reverting vandal edits sporadically.

Other info

FAV SONG: Lousy Reputation - We Are Scientists


FAV MOVIE: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

FAV DRINK: Monster Energy

FAV FOOD: Jaffa Cakes


COMEDIC TASTE: Dark humor and political satire (essentially, Frankie Boyle type things)

Suspected wikipediholics

Sadly, the WA programme has yet not managed to help a number of victims.

Suspected, but not admitted, Wikipediholics include:

  • Tim -- I merely have a higher tolerance for editing than most people. (But thanks for your concern. :-)
  • Pinkunicorn (I can quit anytime I like)
  • Stephen Gilbert - "I don't have a problem, and there's nothing you sick rat bastards can say to change that!"
  • GWO - I took a break recently due to work commitments, but I appear to have relapsed...
  • AxelBoldt - People keep telling me about these self help groups, but I don't have time for stuff like that.
  • Koyaanis Qatsi - "My Wikipediaholism was at its worse in June and July, but lately--with grad school and two jobs--I just haven't had the time...." (various murmurs) "....Still, I think about steering my work towards subjects that can make wikipedia entries." (gasps, "oh no"s, "be strong")
  • sjc - "It's just that I prefer it to drink, drugs, vice and gambling. I just don't have time for any of those anymore."
  • mike dill - "I actually stayed away from the changes page for a day this week, I'm probably not a Wikipediholic."
  • --Kpjas here 'holic of Wikipedia kind.
  • Malcolm Farmer - "I just do a few pages now and then, just to relax"
  • Karen Johnson - I'm not addicted! I can give it up any time I like... honest I can... after I finish the complete listing of cat pages AND the complete catalogue of South American bumblebees AND crosslink every reference to 'recipe' in the entire wikipedia and... oh no! My ISP says I've been online for the last 48 hours straight and connected to the 'pedia for the whole time... they're threatening to cut off my access if I don't give them a special credit on my userpage :)
  • Daniel MacKay writes: what Karen said.
  • I...I...>sobs<
  • Jim Regan I'd say I'm a functional Wikipediholic.
  • My name is Stevertigo and I'm *not an alcoholic. I may have an occasional martini for breakfast, but...
  • Hi, I'm Noel and if I keep going at my current rate I'll have to switch sections. Also, I'm wondering - do we have any verified cases yet of divorces caused by Wikipedia ... and how many points will that be worth on the Are You a Wikipediholic Test?
  • KirbyMeister Um... is this the lucid dreaming page? Wait.. I AM NOT A WIKIPEDIHOLIC! DONT TAKE ME AWAY! I DIDNT MEAN TO PUT DOUBLEBRACKETS AROUND lucid dreaming!!! I only submitted a couple changes and images!
  • Rafał Pocztarski – Wikipediholic? What a nonsense! I just happen to— Will you excuse me, I have something important to do...
  • Nuno Tavares 01:37, 28 Apr 2005 (UTC) (I'm not sure if you are making fun of all this. This got serious.)
  • My name is Anna Burke, and I simply use this for school. School only. That's it. The fact that I'm at home and could be watching the Simpsons is completely besides the point. Im doing . . . um . . . homwork . . . yeah . . . that'll do <looks around shiftily and sits down>
  • My Name is Fahiym Richards, and well what else can I say . . . I'm too damned addicted!!! Every knight it comes down to two things: a cup of coffee and my Firefox pointed at Wikipedia.org. My guess as to why I'm so addicted is the easy access to knowledge which is otherwise more difficult to find considering the expansiveness of the internet as a whole. Anyway, blessings Wikipedia. Keep strong!!!
  • Hi, people I'm User:Neranei and I'm completely and utterly addicted to Wikipedia, I neglect work that I have to do to edit, and once had 50+browsers open. Oh yeah and I edit at school when no one's looking. MUST...EDIT...
  • 7+1 is my name, I'm becoming more and more addicted to Wikipedia! Help! Please? It's 4:42 a.m. while I'm writing this! .......(cough)
  • H2HI suffer a very fatal strain of wikipediholics. I'm infected with editcountitis!! HELP!!!!
  • Even now, I feel the urge to split this 40kb page into 3 different sub-pages, but I just can't! Help me SuperWikiMan! Cflm001 (Talk) 06:23, 1 November 2008 (UTC)[reply]
  • Hi, I'm RoryReloaded. I have 1151 edits over 1 year and do not think I am -holicified yet. So vamoose! Rory the Slitheen (talk) 20:23, 24 November 2008 (UTC)[reply]
  • I might be addicted to Wikipedia, but I'm not sure... I'm spending more time on it every week, mainly just my userpage... I don't know if it's good or bad, even. I kinda like it, ya know? Makes me feel like I'm being a part of something. *sigh* I have no social life... Resetti 4 Prez (talk) 02:21, 23 January 2009 (UTC)4[reply]
  • My name is josh, and i might have a slight addiction to wikipedia..
  • Hi, my name is Yupei, and I'm a Wikipediholic! Whenever I have arguments with others I go on my watchlist and check for any vandalism and everytime we have an ICT lesson (I'm in secondary school) I try to sneak onto Wikipedia...oh no I'm here again!
  • Hey, I'm nicole and i am NOT addicted to this website. I just like looking at it 1 million times a day.
  • I can quit anytime I want to. And denial is just a river in Egypt. -- œ 06:33, 17 November 2009 (UTC)[reply]
  • ILY wikipedia!!!!!!!! lol, lexi
  • {{SO}} {{WHAT}} {{IF}} {{I}} {{PUT}} {{BRACKETS}} {{AROUND}} {{ALL}} {{THE}} {{WORDS}} {{I}} {{WRITE}} {{?}} {{AND}} {{WHO}}{{CARES}} {{IF }} {{I}} {{BEAT}} {{CHUCK NORRIS}} {{AT}} {{THE}} {{TEST}} {{?}}

ADD YOUR DENIAL ABOVE THIS LINE. Don't use a vertical line, unless it's inside brackets [[ ]].

Other suspects

And many more... perhaps all those on the list of Wikipedia:Most active Wikipedians. But that's merely a suspicion, not witch-hunt, for all those suspected and confessed are not considered to have employed black magic or have it employed onto them to create Wikipediholism.

There are also those who refuse to be Wikipediholics: Wikipedia:Wikipediholics in denial.