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[[Radicalization]] is the persuasion into and recruitment of young people to [[jihad]]. Young men serving time in European prisons are especially vulnerable to Islamism.
[[Radicalization]] is the persuasion into and recruitment of young people to [[jihad]]. Young men serving time in European prisons are especially vulnerable to it.

Famous terrorists such as [[Salah Abdeslam]] are at the top of the "social pecking order" in prisons in western Europe.<ref name=BisserbeRadicalization>{{cite news|last1=Bisserbe|first1=Noemie|title=European Prisons Fueling Spread of Islamic Radicalism|url=https://www.wsj.com/articles/european-prisons-fueling-spread-of-islamic-radicalism-1470001491|accessdate=23 August 2016|publisher=[[Wall Street Journal]]|date=31 July 2016}}</ref> Lesser known Islamists use their prison terms as opportunities for recruiting young men, particularly young Muslims, to commit to Islamism and the violent jihad of [[terrorism|terror attacks]].<ref name=BisserbeRadicalization/> The Islamist recruiters offer young petty criminals a "sense of purpose."<ref name=MufsonExtremism>{{cite news|last1=Mufson|first1=Steven|title=How Belgian prisons became a breeding ground for Islamic extremism|url=https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/how-belgian-prisons-became-a-breeding-ground-for-islamic-extremism/2016/03/27/ac437fd8-f39b-11e5-a2a3-d4e9697917d1_story.html|accessdate=23 August 2016|publisher=[[Washington Post]]}}</ref>
Famous terrorists such as [[Salah Abdeslam]] are at the top of the "social pecking order" in prisons in western Europe.<ref name=BisserbeRadicalization>{{cite news|last1=Bisserbe|first1=Noemie|title=European Prisons Fueling Spread of Islamic Radicalism|url=https://www.wsj.com/articles/european-prisons-fueling-spread-of-islamic-radicalism-1470001491|accessdate=23 August 2016|publisher=[[Wall Street Journal]]|date=31 July 2016}}</ref> Lesser known terrorists use their prison terms as opportunities for recruiting young men, particularly young Muslims, to commit [[terrorism|terror attacks]].<ref name=BisserbeRadicalization/> The Islamist recruiters offer young petty criminals a "sense of purpose."<ref name=MufsonExtremism>{{cite news|last1=Mufson|first1=Steven|title=How Belgian prisons became a breeding ground for Islamic extremism|url=https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/how-belgian-prisons-became-a-breeding-ground-for-islamic-extremism/2016/03/27/ac437fd8-f39b-11e5-a2a3-d4e9697917d1_story.html|accessdate=23 August 2016|publisher=[[Washington Post]]}}</ref>

Islamists recruited young prisoners by talking to them through cell windows and in exercise yards about the unjust treatment of immigrants in Europe and the Muslims killed in the Western invasion of Iraq.<ref name=MufsonExtremism/>

Islamists recruited young prisoners by talking to them through cell windows and in exercise yards about the unjust treatment of immigrants in Europe and the Muslim killed in the Western invasion of Iraq.<ref name=MufsonExtremism/>

A French government audit of the prison system described radical Islamists as constituting a sort of prison "aristocracy," governing fellow inmates by forbidding them to listen to music, shower, or watch a women's sports event on television.<ref name=BisserbeRadicalization/> They possess cell phones and are in regular contact with fellow Muslims both in Europe and in the Middle East.<ref name=BisserbeRadicalization/>

A French government audit of the prison system described radical Islamists as constituting a sort of prison "aristocracy," governing fellow inmates by forbidding them to listen to music, shower, or watch a women's sports event on television.<ref name=BisserbeRadicalization/> They possess cell phones and are in regular contact with fellow Islamists both in Europe and in the Middle East.<ref name=BisserbeRadicalization/>

50% to 60% of the ~67,000 convicted criminals serving time in French prisons are Muslim (Muslims make up 7.5% of the population of France.)<ref name=BisserbeRadicalization/>
50% to 60% of the ~67,000 convicted criminals serving time in French prisons are Muslim (Muslims make up 7.5% of the population of France.)<ref name=BisserbeRadicalization/>

Revision as of 22:15, 3 December 2017

Conversion to Islam in prisons refers to the modern phenomenon seen in the Western world of a statistically high incidence of incarcerated criminal non-Muslims converting to Islam while in the prison system. In the decade preceding 2014, the number of conversions to Islam among prisoners in Western countries outpaced all other religions,[1] with the overall imprisoned Muslim population (jailhouse converts to Islam plus inmates who entered the prison system as Muslims) growing as a result.

Although many prisoners find religion during their time in custody, the phenomenon of conversion to Islam in prisons is of particular discussion among academics, government and social services, as well as prison system authorities, due to the radical and extremist interpretations of Islam, rather than mainstream moderate branches of Islam, that some inmates are converting into.

Beyond whether or not many or most inmates converting to Islam in prisons are converting by force or coercion, a principal concern is if radical strains of Islam might be deliberately exploiting the prison system as a place for the specific recruitment of violent, anti-social criminal non-Muslim members of society for conversion to Islam.


By targeting prisons, radical streams of Islam can focus on a specific violent criminal subgroup of non-Muslims for their conversion efforts by appealing to the prospective convert's pre-existing negative traits. These negative traits are appealed to with a version of Islam that is violent, anti-social, and criminal not only by the standards of the surrounding non-Muslim host culture, but also by the standards of the majority of Muslims who follow mainstream moderate interpretations of Islam.

According to a consultant fellow at the Royal United Services Institute, non-Muslim "criminals convert to [streams of Islam known for] extremism because it gives meaning to their life and makes them feel better about doing wrong". Former counterterrorism strategist who worked in Iraq, Afzal Ashraf, has stated "that those [non-Muslims] with a criminal past who convert to [streams of Islam plagued by] extremism are an 'ideal fit' [for Islamic extremism] because they are already immoral, and it 'gives a bit of meaning to their otherwise sad, desperate and warped life:' [... I]t allowed them 'to feel what they’re doing is less wrong' and they're trying to pass off criminality, which is 'a major part of their worldview' as an ideology".[2]

Conversions to extremist radical interpretations of Islam in prisons are fueling "concerns about the rising threat of [non-Muslim] criminals being brought under the influence" to commit their predisposed acts of violence in the name of a cause—in this case, a radical interpretation of Islam—endangering not only the general non-Muslim population, but also endangering and injuring the moderate majority of the Muslim population.[failed verification] British "[m]inisters have announced plans to create specialist units within jails to tackle what a government-ordered review last year [in 2016] concluded was a 'growing problem'".[3]

Growth and impact of prison conversions

In some regions, a significant proportion of the growth of the Muslim population through conversion (i.e., growth which is neither the result of Muslim immigration nor natural Muslim birth rates) has been attributed to prison conversions specifically, rather than conversions of persons from the general non-incarcerated population. In the United Kingdom, for instance, the country's total Muslim population exceeded over 3 million in 2016,[4] though that constituted only around 4.8% of the general UK population. Nevertheless, the proportion of UK prisoners who were Muslims in 2016 was 15%.[5]

Of the millions of Muslims in the general UK population in 2011, only 5,000 were persons who converted to Islam that year. Yet in that same year "[a]round 30% of Muslim inmates are converts [to Islam...] and many of those are, according to previous Home Office research, from black" ethnic backgrounds. In 1999, it was found that in the United Kingdom "37% of Muslim male prisoners were black Muslims compared with 7% [Black Muslims] in the wider (British Muslim) population," with most Black Muslim inmates being converts to Islam. Meanwhile, "less than 1% of [British] Black Caribbeans are Muslims generally, in jail the figure is almost 19%."[6]


Radicalization is the persuasion into and recruitment of young people to jihad. Young men serving time in European prisons are especially vulnerable to it.

Famous terrorists such as Salah Abdeslam are at the top of the "social pecking order" in prisons in western Europe.[7] Lesser known terrorists use their prison terms as opportunities for recruiting young men, particularly young Muslims, to commit terror attacks.[7] The Islamist recruiters offer young petty criminals a "sense of purpose."[8]


Islamists recruited young prisoners by talking to them through cell windows and in exercise yards about the unjust treatment of immigrants in Europe and the Muslims killed in the Western invasion of Iraq.[8]


A French government audit of the prison system described radical Islamists as constituting a sort of prison "aristocracy," governing fellow inmates by forbidding them to listen to music, shower, or watch a women's sports event on television.[7] They possess cell phones and are in regular contact with fellow Muslims both in Europe and in the Middle East.[7]

50% to 60% of the ~67,000 convicted criminals serving time in French prisons are Muslim (Muslims make up 7.5% of the population of France.)[7]

The terrorist who shot up a Museum in Brussels was radicalized in a French prison,[7] as was mass murderer Amedy Coulibaly.[9][7] Coulibaly planned his crime with Chérif Kouachi, the two met while imprisoned in Fleury-Mérogis Prison.[7]


"Muslims are over-represented in Australian prisons, with increasing numbers of inmates undergoing jailhouse conversions."[10]

Various media outlets have reported of prison guards receiving complaints that Muslim inmates are using threats of physical violence to coerce or force non-Muslim prisoners to convert to Islam. Among these are prisons across New South Wales, such as Kariong prison and Lithgow prison, were complaints were made by prisoners of being forced to convert to Islam, while inmates who refused to convert were physically assaulted.[11]

Chairman of Public Service Association Corrections branch, Steve McMahon, stated the forced conversions are likely 'extremist-related' and he warned that "not enough was currently being done to equip guards with the skills to manage the 'major emerging problem in NSW'." McMahon was quoted as saying "[t]hese people are clearly doing it [converting to Islam] for some reasons other than their devotion to the faith and it is concerning in light of how dangerous some of these individuals have become".[11]

In Goulburn prison, New South Wales Corrective Services confirmed live gun shot was fired in the attempts to break up a brawl which according to prison union representatives was because inmates were being forced to convert to Islam. Corrective services denied the claim it was a religiously motivated incident. However, McMahon indicated the violence had started by a Muslim prisoner attempting to forcefully convert other inmates.[12]

In 2015, within "Victoria and NSW, 8 per cent and 9 per cent of the respective prison populations identify as Muslim, compared with 2.2 per cent and 3 per cent of the general populations. [...] Prison employees, who spoke confidentially to The Weekend Australian, say they are seeing increasing numbers of white and Aboriginal prisoners converting to Islam in jail."[10]

In April 2017, it was reported that most inmates in NSW's Supermax Prison (High Risk Management Correctional Centre) were Muslim, with only a handful of non-Muslims. Located 195km southwest of Sydney, the prison is often referred to as “Super mosque”. Of the Muslim inmates in Supermax, those serving sentences for non-terrorism related violent criminal offences (including murder, etc) are largely inmates "who converted to Islam behind bars". The Australian reported that "Islam has become an obsession for the violent inmates [...] inside Supermax".[13]


In France, of the total French prisoner population, "a significant proportion of them are converts" to Islam who converted in jail.[1]

Although under France's strict laicity laws it is illegal to count the country's prisoners by religious affiliation, experts agree on the accuracy of an estimate figure published in 2015 that revealed of the 67,500 people behind bars in France that year, an estimated 70% were Muslim, despite Muslims comprising only 8% of the general French population. The experts also noted that in some prisons, like those near Paris and Marseille, the percentage of Muslim inmates is even higher.[14]

United Kingdom

According to "Muslim Prisoners' Experiences" report by Chief Inspector of Prisons, Dame Anne Owers, conversion to Islam in prisons in the United Kingdom is attributed to converts seeking "support and protection in a group with a powerful identity" and "perceptions of material advantages of identifying as Muslim" in prison, including perks or "material benefits" available only to Muslims "such as more time out of their cell and better food during Ramadan if they become Muslim".[15]

In 2015, it was reported that there was "a surge in Muslim inmates in recent years, with one in five of those serving sentences in Britain's maximum security jails now said to be following Islam, according to union officials. The Prison Officers' Association has put that down to thousands of lags becoming so-called "convenience Muslims" – converting to the religion to deliberately play the system. [ ...] It added they were also being made even more vulnerable to radicalisation."[16]

United States

In 2016, the total Muslim population in the United States reached approximately 3.3 million (0.9% of the U.S. population). Yet in the years between 2001 and 2014 it has been estimate that one quarter of a million U.S. convicts converted to Islam in the U.S. prison system,[1] making prison converts to Islam just from those years (not counting prison converts to Islam before or since then) account for a significant proportion of all Muslims in the United States overall.

In 2011, Pew Research Center data estimated that Muslims made up 9% of the 1,598,780 United States inmates in state and federal prisons despite Muslims being only 0.8% of the general U.S. population in the year prior.[17]

In US federal prisons alone, "tens of thousands of federal prison inmates have converted to Islam while serving time[... While m]ost do not subscribe to a violent interpretation of the faith, [...] it takes only a few to create a threat, according to Mark Hamm, a professor at Indiana State University who specializes in the field of prison radicalization.

“It is not the sheer number of prisoners following extremist interpretations of religious doctrines that poses a threat,” Hamm told FoxNews.com. “Rather, it is the potential for the single individual to become radicalized.”[18]

See also


  1. ^ a b c "Subscribe - theaustralian".
  2. ^ "Westminster Attack: 'Criminal low-lives are an ideal fit for terror recruiters'".
  3. ^ "London terror attacker Khalid Masood 'converted in jail'".
  4. ^ "In 2016, UK Muslim Population Is More Than 3M, Expected To Rise With More Asylum-Seekers". Ibtimes.com. 1 February 2016.
  5. ^ "Prison Population Statistics" (PDF). Researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk. Retrieved 2017-03-25.
  6. ^ Easton, Mark. "Mark Easton's UK: Islam prison conversions". Bbc.co.uk. BBC.
  7. ^ a b c d e f g h Bisserbe, Noemie (31 July 2016). "European Prisons Fueling Spread of Islamic Radicalism". Wall Street Journal. Retrieved 23 August 2016.
  8. ^ a b Mufson, Steven. "How Belgian prisons became a breeding ground for Islamic extremism". Washington Post. Retrieved 23 August 2016.
  9. ^ "Terrorist Amedy Coulibaly met former French President Nicolas Sarkozy in 2009, years before Paris murder spree". Daily News. New York. 9 January 2015.
  10. ^ a b "Muslim jailhouse converts on the rise". The Australian. 19 June 2015. Retrieved 24 March 2017.
  11. ^ a b "Muslim prisoners recruiting inmates by force in NSW jails". Dailymail.co.uk.[unreliable source]
  12. ^ "Goulburn prison brawl sparked by attempts to convert inmates to Islam, union official says". ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation). Retrieved 2017-03-25.
  13. ^ "Inside Australia's 'Super mosque' where radical Muslim terrorists share extremist beliefs".
  14. ^ "Telegraph".
  15. ^ "Prisoners converting to Islam for 'perks'". Telegraph.co.uk. Retrieved 2017-03-25.
  16. ^ O'Brien, Zoie (17 February 2016). "Levi Bellfield is a MUSLIM – why has vile killer joined growing number of prison converts?". Express.co.uk. Retrieved 2017-03-25.
  17. ^ "What is going wrong in France's prisons?".
  18. ^ "Ripe for radicalization: Federal prisons 'breeding ground' for terrorists, say experts". Foxnews.com. 5 January 2016.