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Islam and masturbation

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There are varying scholarly permissibility of masturbation (Arabic: استمناء, romanizedistimnā’) in Islam. Islamic scripture does not specifically mention masturbation. There are a few Hadiths mentioning it, but these are classified as unreliable.[1]


Sahabah view

The opinions of some of the companions of Muhammad reproduced below from Ibn Hazm's Al-Muhalla (vol.11 pg. 393–394) indicate that they did not forbid it:

Abd Allah ibn Abbas said:

  • "marrying slave girl (concubine) is better than it, and it is better than fornication/adultery (zina)"[2][3]
  • "it is nothing but rubbing one's private parts until a fluid comes out"[2][3]

But the Hadith of ibn abbas is collected by imam bayhaqi and he declared the hadith weak in Sunan Al Kubra Lil Bayhaqi . And weak hadith cannot be used in jurisprudence.

Abdullah ibn Umar said:

  • "a person who does makes a fool of himself"[2][3]

Sunni view

The Sunni schools of jurisprudence (known as madhhahib – the Hanafi, Shafi'i, Maliki, Hanbali, and Zahiri schools of Fiqh) have differing stances on the issue. Some see it forbidden in certain cases (i.e. if it leads a man/woman to ignore their spouse sexually) but recommended it when they see it as a lesser evil to illicit sex. It is generally prohibited according to the Hanafi and Hanbali madhaahib, unless one fears adultery or fornication, or is under the desire pressure, in which case, it is permissible to seek a relief through masturbation. It is prohibited all the time according to the Maliki and Shafi`i madhaahib.[4] Zahiri Imam Ibn Hazm regards masturbation as permissible.[5] Scholars have also stated that masturbation would not be necessary if one realizes the flexible approach Islam takes to marriage. For example, according to Sheikh Shomeh Yerkity, 'against the clear teachings of Islam, marriage has been rendered another difficult process today due to warped customs and conventions and undue expectations. When we approach marriage from the point of view of pristine Islam, we shall find less and fewer people being forced to exercise the above type of exceptional rulings'.[6] Yet if one's desire is so overwhelming one might perform masturbation but in that case it will be like eating the flesh of a pig to survive from major hunger or starvation when no other food is available.[6]

It is considered permissible for spouses to masturbate each other, with the only sexual acts forbidden in Islam being anal intercourse and vaginal sex during menstruation.[7]

'Hasan bin 'Ali (May Allah be pleased with them) said: I remember (these words) from Messenger of Allah (ﷺ): "Give up what is doubtful to you for that which is not doubtful; for truth is peace of mind and falsehood is doubt".'[8]

Hanafi view

It is permitted ("Mubah") but disliked ("Makruh") according to Hanafi jurisprudence of Sunni Islam.[9][10] However, some Hanafi scholars have stated that it is prohibited ("Haram") to masturbate via any means other than the hand of one's spouse unless there is an excuse.[11] Some scholars from among the Hanafis maintained that masturbation is undesirable [makruh]. These include:

The Hanafi scholar, Ibn Nujaym who wrote, "It is mentioned in the collection of fatawa Al-Walwaljiya that there is no harm [in masturbating] if one only seeks to relieve sexual desire (i.e. excessive sexual desire that distracts a person from religious and worldly matters). Also if one is spouseless or has a spouse, yet it is difficult to reach her/him due to certain circumstances. This opinion is also stated in Al-Siraj Al-Wahaj."[12]

Shafi'i view

It is prohibited all the time according to the Shafi`i madhhab.[4][13][14] Imam Al-Shafi’i stated that masturbation is forbidden based on the following verses from the Qur'an (interpretation of the meaning):

"And those who guard their chastity (i.e. private parts, from illegal sexual acts). Except from their wives or that their right hands possess, – for them, they are free from blame. But whoever seeks beyond that, then those are the transgressors."[15]

According to his interpretation, the verses are clear in forbidding all illegal sexual acts (including masturbation) except for the wives or that their right hand possess, and whoever seeks beyond that is the transgressor..

Maliki view

It is considered as haram according to the Sunni Imam Malik ibn Anas.[13][14] It is prohibited all the time according to the Maliki madhhab.[4]

At the same, there is a minority opinion within the Maliki school that allows masturbation if done in private and without the use of illicit materials such as pornography and drugs.[16][17]

Hanbali view

It is generally prohibited according to the Hanbali madhhab, unless one fears adultery or fornication, or is under the desire pressure, in which case, it is permissible to seek a relief through masturbation. According to Ahmad ibn Hanbal, it is permissible for prisoners, travellers and for men and women who have difficulty in finding a lawful spouse.[14]

Zahiri view

Zahiri Imam Ibn Hazm regards masturbation as permissible.[5][2][3]

Shi'a view

Masturbation can be classified as either forbidden or permissible. Masturbation by a spouse or slave-woman is permissible, according to some Shi'a jurists; otherwise, it is prohibited. It has been considered among great sins by others.[18] Some Shi'a jurists, on the other hand, believe it is prohibited even if committed by a spouse or slave-woman.[19] Punishment of masturbation is ta'zir (discretionary punishment), the amount and manner of which is determined by the Sharia ruler.[20] In case of repeating it, a stronger punishment will be determined for it.[21]

Ahmadiyya view

According to Ahmadiyya view, it is ‘adultery of the mind’ and this is why Islam has forbidden Muslims from indulging in such immoralities and indecent acts since the person carrying out this act will be imagining someone else whilst carrying out masturbation. They have to fantasise about another person during this act to incite their desire. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad has spoken of the ‘adultery of the mind’ in which a person fantasises about someone else who they can never have access to and therefore, the only way to further that desire is to fantasise even more.[22]

Pro Masturbation View

The majority of scholars among Muslims forbid masturbation stating that it is an immoral act and argue using the verse in the Quran, "And those who guard their private parts save from their wives which their right-hands own – so there is no blame upon them. Then whoever seeks beyond that (which is lawful), they are the transgressors." (23: 5–6)[23] but a new group of young Muslims have started to question and argue this fatwa. In the conservative kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a group of Saudi Arabians launched a Twitter campaign titled "masturbation is halal" and it went viral.[24] Some Saudi psychologists even went further by stating that masturbation was a human need just like defecating or to eat or drink.[25][26]

See also


  1. ^ Omar, Sara. "[Sexuality and Law]". www.oxfordislamicstudies.com. Oxford Islamic Studies Online. Archived from the original on 2 April 2019. Retrieved 7 July 2019.
  2. ^ a b c d "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 8 June 2017. Retrieved 9 September 2016.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  3. ^ a b c d "Monthly Renaissance – Query". Monthly-renaissance.com.
  4. ^ a b c Marriage in Islam – Part 1 by Hussein Khalid Al-Hussein, PhD Refer to: Section Al-`Alaqat Al-Mubahah (Allowed Relationships)
  5. ^ a b "Hifz al-Furūj (Guarding the Private Parts)". Javed Ahmad Ghamidi. Retrieved 16 July 2018.
  6. ^ a b "Ask The Scholar". Askthescholar.com. Retrieved 16 July 2018.
  7. ^ "Ask The Scholar". Askthescholar.com. Retrieved 16 July 2018.
  8. ^ Riyadh al-Saaliheen, Book 1, Hadith 55
  9. ^ "In hanafi madhab masturbation is haram or no and also i want to know that i read some where that those who masturbate, on the day of judgement their hands will become like mountain, is this true? please help me". darulifta-deoband.com. Retrieved 4 April 2021.
  10. ^ "Masturbation". darulifta-deoband.com. Retrieved 4 April 2021.
  11. ^ "Fatawa - Is masturbation prohibited in Islam as some people claim that it is normal and even healthy?". Dar al-Ifta al Misriyyah. Retrieved 4 April 2021.
  12. ^ IQ (Ilmu Al-qur'an): Jurnal Pendidikan Islam. Fakultas Tarbiyah, Institut PTIQ Jakarta.
  13. ^ a b The Lawful And The Prohibited In Islam, Yusuf Al-Qardawi – 1997
  14. ^ a b c The New Arab Man: Emergent Masculinities, Technologies, and Islam in the Middle East, p 168, Marcia C. Inhorn – 2012
  15. ^ Quran 23:5–7
  16. ^ Abdul-wahid, Ibn Ashir. The Guiding HelperThe Guiding Helper The Guiding Helper Main Text & Explanatory Notes (PDF). The Guiding Helper Foundation. p. 190. Retrieved 19 May 2018.
  17. ^ Abu Qanit, Al-Hassani. "Kitab al Fatawa wa'l durus". Retrieved 19 May 2018.
  18. ^ "Biḥār al-Anwār". Encyclopaedia Islamica. Retrieved 4 April 2021.
  19. ^ "Risāla ilā aḥad fuqahāʾ al-muslimīn". Christian-Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History. Retrieved 4 April 2021.
  20. ^ "al-MUFĪD". Encyclopédie de l’Islam. Retrieved 4 April 2021.
  21. ^ "ḤAMZA b. al-Ḥasan [Ibn] al-Muʾaddib al-IṢFAHĀNĪ". Encyclopédie de l’Islam. Retrieved 4 April 2021.
  22. ^ "'True Love' and the 'Perfect' Life Partner…?". Islam Ahmadiyya. 12 May 2020. Retrieved 4 April 2021.
  23. ^ "Is Masturbation Healthy?".
  24. ^ Nabbout, Mariam (21 February 2018). "'Masturbation is halal' hashtag goes viral in Saudi Arabia, sparks debate". StepFeed.
  25. ^ Nabbout, Mariam (19 January 2018). "Saudi psychologist says masturbation is a human need ... goes viral". StepFeed.
  26. ^ "Why Masturbation Is Not Haram: 10 Convincing Proofs". WWW.CJISLAM.COM.