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Wikipedia:WikiProject Council/Proposals

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Moodyboy11 (talk | contribs) at 00:53, 23 January 2007 (→‎Rhode Island). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

Template:WikiProject Council Navigation

This page can be used to gauge support for potential WikiProjects before putting a lot of effort into creating a detailed project page.

Proposing a project
To propose a project, write a brief description, and add it along with your name to the list below (in alphabetical order by topic). Some boilerplate you can use:
== Name of project ==

; Description : [description here]

; Interested Wikipedians (please add your name)
# [your name here]

; Comments
Expressing interest
If you're interested in any of the projects listed here, simply add your name to the appropriate list and start contributing to the relevant articles.
Creating a project
If your project gains support from 5-10 active Wikipedians, it could probably benefit from the organisation boost of having a proper page. Remove it from this list and follow the instructions for creating new projects.
Requesting a project
There may be cases where you believe that there is a pronounced need for the creation of a project which does not yet exist which you may not personally feel qualified to join. Some examples might be certain countries, disciplines, etc. In the event you are aware of such a situation, please add the relevant name to the list of projects below and see if there are any individuals interested in creating such a project.


A database with photos of people from all over the world

Description: Hi, I'm quite new at Wikipedia. I have noticed that there are lots of articles called SomeEthnicity_People that explain how the different ethnicities of the World are. There is an article for French People, Spanish People, Chinese People, etc. They explain the way of life of the people belonging to these ethnicities, their beliefs, religion, way of life, important people belonging to that social group, etc. But when I go to the page of, for example, Yanomami people, I don't find any picture of a Yanomami. I can't know through wikipedia how does a Yanomami look like. I have to look at google; and maybe with the Yanomamis is easy because they are a very specific ethnic group from the Amazonas and there are many studies about them, but for example, if I want to see how do a swede look like, how do I do it? Or a spaniard. I can go to the articles Swedish People and Spanish people, but they just provide me three or four old images, that in most cases are not even pictures (they use to be old black and white paintings) that do not help me to create in my mind an image of how do a swede or a spaniard look like. And I think this is very important: if Wikipedia's mision is to help the person who is reading Wikipedia to create himself a mental image of what he is reading, I think it this is much more easy with pictures. If the Spanish people article had associated another article called, for example, Spanish people pictures, anyone who wanted to know "how are the spaniards", "how do a spaniard look like" could know it. And not only through words that explain him that spaniards come from the Iberians, the Celts, the Visigoths, etc, (which is the information anyone reading the Wikipedia can obtain today) but also with 100 pictures that helped him to create a mental image of the spaniards.

So this is what I purpose. To coordinate it well, I think that this new idea should be introduced as a project. The own wikipedian users who took part on the project would take pictures in their cities, in their regions; the English Wikipedia is the only one able to do this, because it's the only wikipedia that has its users spread all over the world. The pictures should be rigorously taken to be real samples of the people of every part of the world. For example, if in Spain 40% of people has black hair, 45% dark brown hair, 10% fair brown hair, 4% blonde and 1% red-haired, the pictures should show this reality. The images would be close-up high resolution pictures of the different ethnicities of all over the world that could be made by the own wikipedians so that we could create a database with hundreds and hundreds of pictures from the people living all over the world; people from every country, from every region (because for example, Spanish people includes Basques, Catalans, Galicians, Andalusians, etc, and I can assure you there is a big difference between a typical andalusian from the south who probably bears a lot of north african heritage, and a catalan who looks more like a french or a mountaineer living in the celtic mountains of the northern Spain who looks like a Scottish Highlander). These pictures would represent a sample of how does the people of everywhere in the world look like. I think that this collection of pictures, this database, would be much more valuable than many articles that talk about people, the ethnicities, etc, that in fact, can hardly help the wikipedian user to create himself a global image of the world in his mind. With this project we would literally give a face to every region in the world and it would help to humanize lots of regions that today a day, by many people, are considered distants (for example, the Middle East, from the western eyes; specially if these eyes live in America).

When we study history, about the old civilizations, we not only want to read their books and their stories, we wanna know how they were, we would like to see pictures of Julius Caesar, pictures of Atilla the Hun: how did he look like? Was he Asian? European? Turkic? So these are the same questions that anyone reading the wikipedia wonders when reading an article that talks about other peoples and cultures: how do they look like?.

So that's it; post here what do you think, or post a comment in my talk page. This project is a great deal, but if it was successful, it would be amazing, and the database created would be extremely clarifier and it could be used by infinite articles.

Interested Wikipedians (please add your name if interested) : Actually this is a project that I imagined today after reading some articles talking about the skin, hair and eyes color of the humans and some articles of Somewhere_People, so for the moment I am alone.

  1. User:Onofre_Bouvila
  2. Laleenatalk to me contributions to Wikipedia 22:16, 16 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  3. Ned Scott 03:07, 17 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Onofre Bouvila 00:36, 13 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]


Feel free to comment this project.

Admin Oversight Board

Description - To try to determine if it is feasible to create a board of administrators and non-administrators, possibly with wikipedia bureaucrats and staff as well, which could act in a judicial capacity to review behavior of administrators, specifically regarding the propriety of their actions, and how such a board could be specifically constituted. The existence of such a board composed of respected non-administrators and administrators alike may be sufficient to forestall questioning of whether a decision made by it is truly fair and independent, as opposed to being a group of administrators who might be seen as acting to reduce the possibility of being sanctioned for similar actions of their own. It also might be sufficient to preempt the possibility of disaffected editors from going so far as to bring civil complaints against wikipedia as an entity or against individual administrators in particular.

Temporary Project Page: User:Badbilltucker/Admin Oversight Board

Interested wikipedians (please add your name below):


  • You might want to get some more feedback about this, even if others gain interest in the project. Maybe a note about this idea should be left on WP:AN? -- Ned Scott 10:55, 11 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  • Ermm, sounds burocratic to me. -- Selmo (talk) 21:10, 14 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
    • Sounds more like warmongering to me. "Warn me again, and I'll drag you in front of the Oversight committee!" --InShaneee 22:00, 18 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
      • Actually, I thought of it as more of the opposite. I personally imagine that most of the complaints would be dismissed summarily for lack of evidence or for perhaps small criticism of the admin in question (maybe for using a remotely potentially insulting phrase, for instance), but the simple fact of having an independent body doing so would, I hope, eliminate the number of complaints about admin collusion and suchlike. Much like the average police board, it might investigate a lot of complaints, but in almost all cases they find that there has been no real abuse of power. Also, I don't think that it would necessarily have any real authority, other than that given it by the community as a whole. However, the mere presence of the body and the rebukes it would offer over time would I think be enough to prove that it is independent, and thus hopefully avoid complainants indulging in other procedures, like lawsuits (as has been mentioned before by others), defamation of the admin in question, etc. etc. etc. Badbilltucker 02:38, 19 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
        • First of all, I can garentee you that the second this is created, there will be accusations that it's run by 'the cabal'. Secondly, this smacks of a judicial system. Regardless of what power it may or may not be given at creation, you're asking it's members to weigh judgement on other admins. We do have processes to determine this, and simply put, we need less lawyering around here, not more. --InShaneee 16:01, 20 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
        • No disagreement to the last point. As stated above, the primary purpose of the group would be to create a body which by its existence would serve to help keep real lawyers and lawsuits getting involved in wikipedia's actions. Badbilltucker 16:23, 20 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
          • That's what OFFICE does, though. --InShaneee 00:31, 21 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
            • Actually, that restricts itself only to content. The possibility of a disgruntled editor who has been banned and later files a legal action based on that ban has been raised more than once, and in the event that any admin were named as a defendant in such a lawsuit even once, and has to hire council to defend his/her actions, I think there is a very real chance of total chaos erupting. That is what this proposal is trying to prevent ever happening. Badbilltucker 00:41, 21 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]


Description WikiProject Africa would be dedicated to improving the African related articles, such as, country pages and history pages, which are among the most lowely rated country pages. Wikiproject Africa will also address diputes over controversial topics, for exapmle Ivory Coast vs. Cote-d'Ivoire. I am relatively new to Wikipedia and could use help setting up the temporary page and templates among other things that I am ignorant of. XYZ CrVo 02:06, 14 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Temporary Project Page: User:XYZ CrVo/WikiProject Africa

User: XYZ CrVo

Interested Wikipedians (please add your name if interested) :


  • One noteworthy difference with this proposal is that, according to the project page, it expects to engage in assessments, which are generally not done on most of the articles in the Africa category. I too expect that editors would only work on articles within their own sphere of expertise. However, it may well be that one or more editors may be knowledgable in more than one field. Certainly, that is the case in the United States, where several editors work on articles from a variety of states, myself among them (Missouri and South Dakota, both of which I have resided in.) Also, the creation of one umbrella project does not rule out the creation of smaller projects later. In fact, if successful, it would probably make the subprojects more likely than they would otherwise be. Badbilltucker 01:01, 15 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

African art

Description WikiProject African art would be dedicated to creating and improving a battery of articles on African art, art movements, artists, curators, collectors, and museums. The area's woefully undercovered on Wikipedia, and while I've been trying to put a few things together, there's only so much I can do. --User:AlbertHerring Io son l'orecchio e tu la bocca: parla! 19:44, 16 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Temporary Project Page: User:AlbertHerring/WikiProject African art

User: AlbertHerring

Interested Wikipedians (please add your name if interested) :



Description: This project would focus on the creation, expansion, and maintainace of articles related to the state of Alabama.

Temporary project page:
None at this time.

User: Badbilltucker

Interested Wikipedians:

  1. AlaGuy 20:20, 20 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  2. JohnnyReb1977



Description: This project would have as its primary work the creation, expansion, and maintainance of articles related to the nation of Algeria.

Temporary project page:
None at this time.

User: Badbilltucker

Interested Wikipedians:

  1. Escondites --Escondites talk 19:02, 26 December 2006 (UTC) - I am Algerian, and I know a lot about this country![reply]
  2. Darwinek - created several stubs about Algerian geography in the past. - Darwinek 14:57, 22 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]


Ancestors of Modern Games

Basicly this project will revolve around gathering information on older games. Games that were not classics but inspired them. In other words forgotten games. It will also be for placing new more detailed information into already exsisting games, as well as adding new titles that were never seen here but nonetheless inspired game developers to make better games! One small paragraph is not enough for a game that took months or years to develop! I am calling to all Old time gamers and those younger ones that have acctually played the game to speak up and participate on this project. Bring back the wisdom and dignity of our older and more forgotten games! If we dont then they will remain forgotten.
Interested Wikipedians (please add your name)
  1. Maverick423 15:45, 11 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I might ask for maybe a bit more clearly defined scope. Will this project be limited to computer, board and/or table games, or would older sports-type games be included as well? Badbilltucker 19:05, 11 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Sorry for not giving enough details. Yes this project will include old computer games and counsle games, along with sport games and board and table games that exsisted even before video games were created. Tetris, checkers, and even jousting and games from midevil eras and eras older are to be included. If not for these Modern Game Ancestors people would of had a very boring evolution and many games today would more then likely not exsist! In other words All Old Games will be helped by this project. Maverick423 20:38, 11 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Assessment of unassesed articles

There is currently a great deal of work being done across projects to assess articles for the Version 1.0 Editorial Team, and that's great, but a great number of articles are not currently tagged by projects which assess for this, and may never be. Therefore, the purpose of this project would be to tag and assess articles not currently covered by an assessing project, for the purposes of the Version 1.0 Editorial Team.
Interested Wikipedians (please add your name)
  1. Blood Red Sandman Open Up Your Heart - Receive My EviLove 17:38, 21 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  2. Badbilltucker 18:46, 21 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Great idea. Questions come to mind, however. Specifically, would this group basically set up other projects which are not yet doing assessments, and do the assessments for them, or would it have it's own banner and include assessment criteria there? Personally, I would favor the former. If so, I would certainly welcome rolling the proposed Project Support Services project proposal into this one, one way or another. Badbilltucker 18:07, 21 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I had originally planned the latter, however the former seems a better idea. The group could probably get away with also having it's own banner for articles with no project whatsoever, including some quite important ones; Hell comes to mind. Blood Red Sandman Open Up Your Heart - Receive My EviLove 18:36, 21 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Actually, I myself am in the process of doing all the religion related articles, and just haven't gotten to Hell yet. However, I do enthusiastically support the idea. Badbilltucker 18:46, 21 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Yep. In cases where there's an existing project banner to use, it would probably be better to add that than to create some generic one. Kirill Lokshin 19:32, 21 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
However, the project could create it's own banner to use in addition to the other applicable project banners. Badbilltucker 17:04, 22 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
What would be the point? The articles only need to get assessed by a single project in order to enter the system; having an additional banner that's not actually tied to a functional subject-area project doesn't seem useful. Kirill Lokshin 17:07, 22 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I was thinking of something like the existing automatic stub template, possibly with even similar wording. Or maybe a similar addition to existing banners along the same lines as that. Or maybe a small one similar to those used by the Wikipedia:WikiProject League of Copyeditors or similar to indicate that the work had been done by the project. I small three or four line ad, as it were. Also, some projects explicitly say only project members can assess articles, and they might want to know why outsiders assessed the articles for them.Badbilltucker 17:20, 22 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
For articles not covered by any project wahtsoever, these would need a seperate banner until a suitible project could be found. I guess part of the scope of this project would be to locate projects for such articles. Blood Red Sandman Open Up Your Heart - Receive My EviLove 17:22, 22 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
It would probably work best if we ran User:PockBot or something similar on a given category we know falls within the scope of a given project, and assess those articles which aren't listed as being assessed yet. Badbilltucker 17:37, 22 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Please do! Certain projects would be very happy to have help with getting untagged articles tagged and/or assesed. :-) Kirill Lokshin 17:57, 22 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

The Animals of Farthing Wood

Description: This WikiProject would aim at improving all of the pages related to the Animals of Farthing Wood, including detailed information on all of the books in the series, the television adaption, the characters, and the author (Colin Dann). Character descriptions are aimed to be primarily about the characters in the books, with a brief blurb on their roles in the television adaption, and some differences between the two. Edit: To clarify, the Animals of Farthing Wood is a fictional novel series, and there was later an animated television adaption produced by the EBC and the BBC.

Temporary Project Page: Wikipedia:WikiProject The Animals of Farthing Wood

User: MelicansMatkin

Interested Wikipedians:


Anime conventions

Description : Basically with the amount of Anime conventions out there today, some of the articles are stubs and are horrible un-sourced. Anime Expo, Otakon, and Fanime would be all examples of large conventions that are most definitely notable, but do need some work.

Interested Wikipedians (please add your name)
  1. :: Colin Keigher (Talk) 06:31, 21 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  2. Confusing Manifestation 12:24, 21 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  3. Malevious Userpage •Talk Page• Contributions 02:32, 27 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  4. Phantasy Phanatik


Description: This proposed WikiProject would deal with the continent of Antarctica. As, seemingly, most of the information available relating to the continent is tied closely to the geography of the continent, I believe that the project will deal primarily with the geography of Antarctica, and, to a lesser extent, the climate, the scientific research taking place in Antarctica, the wildlife of the area, and some geological history.

Temporary Project Page: User:Robertjohnsonrj/WikiProject Antarctica

User: robertjohnsonrj

Interested Wikipedians:


Wikiproject Arcade

Help bring more information on arcade classics, such as Pac-Man, Galaxian, DigDug, Rally X, their sequels, etc.
Interested Wikipedians (please add your name)
  1. pacmanfever
  2. iguana_nirvana14
  3. pacman997

Wikiproject Artix Entertainment

Description: A Wikiproject for AQ lovers bent on improving the information on AQ. A Wikiproject for AQ information, updates, and pretty much anything Adventure Quest, Dragonfable, and anything Artix. :^)

Interested Wikipedians: (please add your name)

  1. SupaSoldier 17:31, 12 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  2. Pokemaster5 01:15, 13 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  3. Reader freak 8:44, 12 January 2007 (UTC)
  4. Lego3400: The Sage of Time 21:53, 14 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  5. --J.L.W.S. The Special One 11:01, 15 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  6. Falerin<talk>,<contrib> 02:15, 18 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  7. (your name here)


Anyone who loves AQ sign your name as an interested Wikipedian! SupaSoldier 17:28, 12 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

The phrase "information, updates and pretty much anything AdventureQuest" makes me concerned that members of this WikiProject may add fancruft to AdventureQuest-related articles. Please try and keep AdventureQuest-related articles free of fancruft; after all, as Wikipedia is an encyclopedia, many readers of AdventureQuest-related articles are not AdventureQuest players. Given the narrow scope of this project, do consider making it a task force of a larger WikiProject. --J.L.W.S. The Special One 11:01, 15 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Don't worry, there will be a no-fancruft policy.....I just want to improve the information on AQ by adding everything the article Doesn't have! SupaSoldier 05:25, 16 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Good. What articles will we be working on, besides AdventureQuest? How about Artix Entertainment? And, if they're notable, DragonFable and the other mini-games? If the WikiProject covers less than 6 articles, do consider making it a task force of a larger WikiProject. --J.L.W.S. The Special One 14:22, 17 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Hmmmmmmm, very good thinking......I think I will make this the Artix Entertainment Wikiproject! SupaSoldier 19:22, 18 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]


This project covers the creation and editing of articles related to the City of Berlin, its buroughs, geography, transportation, culture, history and so on. It aims to expand Wikipedia's resources on Berlin in a fair and accurate manner. Kingjeff 23:18, 25 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Interested Wikipedians (please add your name)
  1. [your name here]


Description: A WikiProject for Lego's toy line Bionicle. To maintain and expand all the Bionicle articles on Wikipedia.

Temporary Project Page: User:Torritorri/WikiProject Bionicle

User: TorriTorri

Interested Wikipedians (please add your name below):

Note: Wikipedia:WikiProject Lego already is already engaged in dealing with this subject. Badbilltucker 15:54, 27 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Yeah, you might just want to see about collaborating with the existing Lego WikiProject on this one. Maybe making Bionicle a sub page on their project as apart of their group but with a dedicated to do list and talk page. -- Ned Scott 17:58, 29 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]


Description: A Wikiproject for the bittorrent protocol, related technology, and clients. To maintain and expand all related articles, keeping existing articles up-to-date, and possibly putting together a standard how clients are presented. There might be an expansion in to other p2p clients if there is enough support.

User: Darthnader37 06:07, 5 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Interested Wikipedians (please add your name below)


Description : This is a wikiproject for those interested in cambodia, its people, its art and culture. This is to bring wikipedians together to make Cambodia more important in wikipedia. For those interested in Angkor Wat, or anything regarding Cambodian Culture please contribute.

Temporary Project Page
Cambodia Project

Interested Wikipedians (please add your name)

  1. CanCanDuo 04:22, 1 January 2007 (UTC))[reply]
  2. NeoApsara 05:10, 11 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  3. Cantharellus 00:56, 21 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]


Canadian Rock

Description: A wikiproject devoted to improving the many different artists and genres in Canadian rock. At this point I'm trying to figure out how many are interested and if such a project is really necessary.

Temporary Project page
User talk:Scorpion0422/Canadian rock

Interested Wikipedians (please add your name)

  1. icelandic hurricane #12 (talk) 12:26, 9 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Comments: You might want to check with Wikipedia:WikiProject Canada to see if they might want to set it up as a subproject. If they're willing to, they get to do all the hard administrative work, which I always thought was best avoided whenever possible anyway. Badbilltucker 21:03, 26 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Cantopop Music

My Wikiproject is based on information on Cantonese Music. (See Cantopop) This WikiProject includes information of Hong Kong singers, songs, and albums. This WikiProject would help Wikipedia by adding more information, and improving stub articles about Hong Kong's cantopop music.
Interested Wikipedians (please add your name)
  1. Stephy100
  2. Smcafirst
Comments (Any questions? I would be glad to answer them.)
  • Is this WikiProject necessary? Express your opinion?

A:Yes,it will give more information on cantopop music and it will sure make people understand about cantopop music,it will also help Wikipedia because we will make more articles and improve the stubs.

  • How are you going to improve the stubs?

A:we will research on more in formation on the topic and extend the article to improve it.

  • How big is your coverage of this WikiProject? Does it extend to as far as 1930s, to the early developement? If not, this WikiProject, to me, would be seemed pointless, as the developement of Cantopop in the early ages is important.

A:My Wikiproject's coverage includes music of Hong Kong Singers and albums and chinese songs.We will include 1930's music,the history of Chinese songs and the development of music.we will include topics like singers,songs,albums,history of music and the music of long ago.To accomplish our goal,we need your help to work on this.


to maintain and improve quality on all Charmed related articles. Similar to WP:BUFFY
Interested Wikipedians (please add your name)
  1. Malevious Userpage •Talk Page• Contributions 20:15, 15 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  2. Maelwys 20:35, 15 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  3. -- Huntster T@C 23:12, 15 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

WikiProject Cite

Description This project basically aims to find citations for articles in Category:Articles lacking sources with templates {{unreferenced}} and {{primarysources}}. Also, it would make a new template, ({{refformat}} or {{properref}} maybe) that would indicate an article with sources, but not in the proper references format. Many articles have their citations as external links like this [1]. This would put the article in a category and members of the this WikiProject could change it to the proper format. We could also work on Wikipedia:WikiProject Unreferenced GA/Nominations, a list of articles that woul be GA if they have citations.

Temporary Project Page
None for now.

Nauticashades (talk · contribs)
RICKistheBOSS 15:05, 29 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I like the idea. --Ineffable3000 21:33, 3 January 2007 (UTC) --CyclePat 06:05, 14 January 2007 (UTC) Us Uni student have access to all the worlds biggest databases.! Sure.[reply]

If there's support and enthusiasm for this, this could be a really great thing for the whole wiki. --InShaneee 03:58, 21 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Cold War History

A project to foster better coordination and collaboration on articles relating to Cold War history.
Interested Wikipedians
  1. Nobs02 21:52, 15 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  2. KarlBunker 22:44, 15 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  3. Eleland 13:50, 21 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Insert: – — … ° ≈ ≠ ± − × ÷ ← → · § scottjan: 04:52, 8 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]


This project covers the creation and editing of articles related to the City of Cologne, its buroughs, geography, transportation, culture, history and so on. It aims to expand Wikipedia's resources on Cologne in a fair and accurate manner. Kingjeff 23:18, 25 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Interested Wikipedians (please add your name)


Description: This would be a specific type of Biography project, specifically for working with comedians, living and dead, from all countries, etc. This would not include things such as sketch groups or comedy clubs, etc...

User: --Twintone 16:33, 2 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Interested Wikipedians (please add your name):

Comments: There's just something funny about this category I can't quite put my finger on.... 8^) NDCompuGeek 02:34, 19 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]


This project would focus on the creation, expansion, and maintainace of articles related to the state of Connecticut.
Temporary project page
Interested Wikipedians
  1. Cmprince 17:24, 20 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  2. Mikemillerdc 23:01, 20 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  3. Elipongo 06:26, 21 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  4. Sohailstyle 23:04, 22 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]


This is a proposal for a project that is aiming to coordinate efforts around articles that are related to consulting. All types of consulting are going to be included: management, IT, financial etc. Primary goals would be identifying all existing articles that fall under the scope of the project, creating a list of required articles, identifying criteria for importance of entries for this category, etc. Given that consulting business is heavily growing at the moment, this project has lots of potential.
Gimlei 18:02, 16 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Interested Wikipedians (please add your name)


Description: To improve information on cosmetics, especially from the points of view of history, industry, biography and science. To remove the advertorial copy that affects many cosmetic industry articles at present, create NPOV, and add citations. To ensure a fuller context for cosmetics articles, linking to issues including feminism, culture, animal welfare, religion, social history, medical ethics and so on.

User: TinaSparkle 14:33, 13 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Temporary project page: available at my user page.

Interested Wikipedians: (please add your name)

Comments: How do we protect against advertorial vandalism? Bobzchemist 19:59, 13 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I guess that's where we chemists come in, isn't it?--Sam195 13:47, 24 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, and we copyeditors too! I think diligence and a sharp eye are the best lines of defence, unless anyone has the skills to write a super cosmetics anti-vandalism bot. -- TinaSparkle 15:30, 24 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Costa Rica

Description: This is a proposal for a project aiming to the improving and expanding of Costa Rica-related articles. Articles such as List of schools in Costa Rica and Battle of Rivas (which are extremely important to understand Costa Rica's history and social structure) are left in a permanent stub condition and left with none or vague info. Other institutions, such as Saint Mary High School, have taken of Wikipedia's lack of information about Costa Rica to set up personal web pages or biased articles about themselves. This project would aim to improve and radically change this articles until they are in a professional and unbiased format.

User: Bernalj90 18:50, 3 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Temporary project page: User:Bernalj90/WikiProject Costa Rica

Interested Wikipedians (please add your name):

  1. Badbilltucker - will try to help as much as I can, which, regretably, may not be much.
  2. Darwinek - created many stubs about geography in the past, still many to write ... - Darwinek 14:59, 22 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]



A project about information related to true-life crimes and criminals
Interested Wikipedians (please add your name)
  1. Remember 17:46, 8 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  2. Dep. Garcia ( Talk | Help Desk | Complaints ) 10:02, 14 January 2007 (UTC) (Aswell as a member of Wikiproject Law Enforcement)[reply]
  3. MadMax 11:13, 14 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

While there are projects related to this one, I feel that there is no central project that has jurisdiction over all true-life crime articles.

  • Jurisdiction is probably not the word you want to use here, as that might be seen as indicating ownership and might tee off some of the other groups. However, if this group were to focus its attention on those pages not covered by other projects, that might help matters significantly. Badbilltucker 22:02, 28 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Most crimes are ordinary and non-notable. Some crimes and criminals are however notable and require articles (most of which are written). I do not think a Wikiproject is needed for it. Current events people usually take care of it. --Ineffable3000 21:32, 3 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

De-abstraction of Mathematics Articles

Description: This is a proposal to make articles on mathematical concepts more accessible to a general audience through the use of analogies, diagrams, and examples.

Temporary project page: User:Mistercow/De-abstraction of Mathematics Articles

Interested Wikipedians (please add your name): Linus M. I personally think that this project would be excellent.


Dedicated Article Maintenance

Description: A project that encourages users to "adopt" one or more articles. They would then participate regularly in the maintenance and expansion of these articles.

Temporary project page: User:Linus M./WikiProject Dedicated Article Maintenance

Interested Wikipedians:

  1. Linus M.

Comments: This is an interesting idea, but I doubt that it would be very productive unless you had membership out the wazoo. How long would the article be "adopted"? How would you select which articles need to be adopted? Why can't we leave this for the Article improvement drive? Diez2 14:37, 7 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]


Description: This project would focus on the creation, expansion, and maintainace of articles related to the state of Delaware.

Temporary project page:
None at this time.

User: Badbilltucker

Interested Wikipedians:


Diplomatic Missions by Country

Description Listing all the diplomaic missions each country has

Interested Wikipedians

  1. Kransky
About 70 countries done so far.
I think other editors might be more likely to support the possible project if it were to expand its scope a little. Certainly, I do not yet know of a Wikipedia:WikiProject Diplomacy, which could cover the existing diplomatic missions, former diplomatic missions, diplomats' biographies, diplomatic history, and so on. In the process, of course, specific articles relating to each nation's individual existing missions would be pivotal. Badbilltucker 17:02, 21 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Eastern Africa

Description This is a project to create, improve, and maintain articles relating to the nations and territories of Burundi, Comoros, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Réunion, Rwanda, Seychelles, Somalia, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

Temporary Project Page:
none at this time.


Interested Wikipedians: (please add your name)

Comments I believe that a regional focused project for this area of Africa might have a better chance of drawing members than a continent-wide project.

Eastern Europe

Description This is a project to create, improve, and maintain articles relating to the nations and territories of Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia and Ukraine.

Temporary Project Page:
none at this time.


Interested Wikipedians:

Comments It is I believe understood that this project would focus its efforts primarily on those countries which are not already included within the scope of other WikiProjects.

Endangered languages (and language revitalization)

Brief proposal and discussion of scope: User:Ling.Nut#Current_Projects

Skeletal project page: see top of page for links to lists of endangered languages that I have been working on:

User: User:Ling.Nut

Interested Wikipedians (please add your name):


Description This is a project to create and expand the articles relating to the various parishes of England and of England as a whole.

Temporary Project Page: User:RHB/WikiProject England


Interested Wikipedians: (please add your name)

  1. RHB (talk · contribs)
  2. Riverfish (talk · contribs)
  3. GameKeeper (talk · contribs)
  4. Jhamez84 (talk · contribs)
  5. Badbilltucker (talk · contribs) - will help as time and circumstances permit.
  6. AxG (talk · contribs)
  7. Ddstretch (talk · contribs) Interested via the Cheshire project.


Description: The project will aim to improve the quality and quantity of Entourage related articles, and decide and implement uniform editing guidelines on pages related to Entourage.

Temporary project page: User:Argash/WikiProject Entourage

User: Argash

Interested Wikipedians (please add your name): Also add you name to the members list on the temporary project page.

  1. Sven Erixon (talk · contribs)
  2. Davey4 (talk · contribs)
  3. LoyolaDude (talk · contribs)

Film Music

A Wikiproject to enhance Wikipedia's coverage of film scores. Composers, record labels, notable film scores, etc.
Interested Wikipedians (please add your name)
  1. Subwayguy
  2. Melodia
  3. Swashbuckler332
  4. Jmartinsson

First Person Shooters

The idea of this project is to show people just how many First Person shooters there are and how important it is to some people.

Temporary Project Page: User:Destructo_087/First Person Shooters

Interested Wikipedians: (please add your name):

  1. Phantasy Phanatik



Description: A WikiProject for Fishing, and the multitudinous articles related thereto. I think scope is dependent on participants. Some organization of the many articles is definitely needed, and this is where group participation is particularly valuable. Plenty of grunt work in fleshing out and cleaning up articles is, of course, possible, too.

Temporary Project Page: User:ENeville/WikiProject Fishing

User: ENeville

Interested Wikipedians (please add your name below): User:CaptainXel

Fort Worth, Texas

Description: There is a need now for a WikiProject dealing with the city of Fort Worth, Texas. The article is of poor quality, as are all of the articles relating to it. (Look at History of Fort Worth, Texas for example. It is a recent article, and help is needed to improve its quality.) Dallas, Texas already has a WikiProject, and it's time Fort Worth got one as well.

Interested Wikipedians: (add your name below if you're interested):


  • A comment from an obvious outsider, but wouldn't it be possible to contact the people at the Dallas project and see if they would be willing to expand it to include the entire Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex area? Considering that the two projects would have a very high degree of overlap, maybe that would be the most effective way to go. Badbilltucker 02:34, 16 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]
This has already been done, but it was voted to keep the article solely about Dallas itself. Stallions2010 02:42, 16 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Not the *article*, the *project*. Stevage 22:29, 23 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Sorry, my mistake. This is what I meant. On WikiProject Dallas, the vote differed between keeping the project about Dallas itself or Dallas and its suburbs. No one voted to expand the project to include Fort Worth as well, which was one of the options. --Stallions2010 22:52, 27 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Football (soccer) in the United States of America and Canada

Please offer suggestions for a better name (preferably shorter.) The scope of the project includes improvement of all the soccer leauges, such as the MLS and USL, in Canada and the USA. Also included would be their national teams. The project would also develope articles on players, coaches, and other influencial figures in the game. XYZ CrVo 02:33, 21 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

  • Comments Feel free to leave any comments
  • I agree with the name suggestion. I'm not clear on the structure of WikiProjects - when a subProject is better, when it should be its own thing, etc., so I'll defer to the experts on that. Bill Oaf 13:27, 21 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  • You don't want to say "the USA and Canada"; see guidelines at Wikipedia:Manual of Style#Acronyms and abbreviations: "When including the United States in a list of countries, do not abbreviate the “United States” (for example, “France and the United States”, not “France and the U.S.”)." I'm good with North America which you can easily defines as the United States and Canada. Existing articles on soccer specific to the United States and Canada use "soccer" rather than "football" and I think that is consistent with Wikipedia principles regarding spelling and usage, but that is certainly a good topic for discussion if we had a project page. Canadiana 15:15, 21 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

WikiProject Free images

Images can be divided between free and non-free ones. Recently, there has been a push to eliminate the non-free ones that, apparently, can be recreated. However, until now I have seen many places with suggestions about how to request free images, but not a project to coordinate efforts. Because of this I am giving the first push to WikiProject Free Images, aimed at centralizing discussion about free images. Currently, it is situated at User:ReyBrujo/WikiProject Free Images, but with enough positive feedback and help, it will be moved into the Wikipedia namespace.

The WikiProject aim is broad: first and foremost, educate users about the benefits of free images, but also to teach the differences between free licenses when applied to images. Aside this, the WikiProject will focus in replacing the current fair use images with free ones of good quality, by contacting the media, agencies, publishers or other copyright holders as necessary. It would keep a list of requested images to different organizations, with the different steps that had been taken and the different replies. It will also have an index of all the images that had been donated by these organizations, so that they are able to review their contributions. Also, the members of the WikiProject would review the usage of these images in Wikipedia, verifying that attributions are applied at all times when requested by the copyright holder.

This WikiProject was given as a thought during the Wikipedia:Elimination of Fair Use Rationale in Promotional Photos discussion, and since apparently there has not been a similar one, I decided to try it out. -- ReyBrujo 18:22, 4 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Interested Wikipedians (please add your name)

Gemology and Jewelry

Articles related specifically to the study and trade of gems and jewelry are sadly lacking in need of guidance and direction. Wikipedia:WikiProject Gemology and Jewelry is a meeting place for the development of articles in this field. Please join in and have your say. The framework for the WP is largely in place and participants who can help categorise articles and assist in assessment would be appreciated.
Interested Wikipedians (please add your name)
  1. User:SauliH


Description: This project would focus on the creation, expansion, and maintainace of articles related to the United States state of Georgia.

Temporary project page:
None at this time.

User: Badbilltucker

Interested Wikipedians:


Global Democracy

With the human rights portal in place, discussing human rights around the world, it seems right that there be a similar portal for democracy (or lack of). The voting rights or suffrage of every country on Earth could be profiled, with a chronological history of the spread of democracy. I'm relatively new here so technical help would be especially appreciated. Thoughts?

Interested Wikipedians (please add your name)
  1. Josh


Description: This project will serve to increase the overall scope of awareness and knowledge of the independant Danish island nation of Greenland and create and improve articles relating to it. It will serve, in an atmosphere of cooperation and diversity, as a guide and a model to assist fellow wikipedians who wish to improve the quality of their articles.

Temporary project page: User:Robertjohnsonrj/WikiProject Greenland
Interested Wikipedians (please your add name below)

Grunge & Alternative

Description: This WikiProject will help to create, expand, and complete articles about grunge and alternative music. It will create articles for songs, albums, or artists/bands that fall under grunge or alternative. It will serve to help keep the music section of Wikipedia up-to-date and user-friendly.
Interested Wikipedians (please add your name)

Gulf Wars

Description: To create and improve articles relating to the Gulf Wars, spanning from the Iran-Iraq War, The First Gulf War (Operation Desert Sheild) and indepth work on the Second Gulf War (2003 War of Iraq) and the on-going conflict. Related topics include things such as the burning of Kuwaiti oil fields, Gulf War Syndrome and The Iraqi Republican Guard. Also included will be the improvement of related movies, documentaries and shows concerned with the Gulf Wars.

Intrested Wikipedians Add your names ::: 1. --Sharz 07:55, 23 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

You might contact WikiProject Military history to see if one or more of its existing task forces already deal in detail with this subject. Badbilltucker 18:17, 26 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Indeed. We don't have anything explicit at the moment, but setting up a new task force should be much simpler than creating an entirely separate new WikiProject. Kirill Lokshin 18:55, 26 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]


Description: To improve all Half-Life related articles, and maintain current FA articles such as Half-Life 2

Interested Wikipedians (Please Add Name Below)

Temporary project page: User:Selmo/WikiProject Half Life



This project covers the creation and editing of articles related to the City of Hamburg, its buroughs, geography, transportation, culture, history and so on. It aims to expand Wikipedia's resources on Hamburg in a fair and accurate manner. Kingjeff 23:18, 25 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Interested Wikipedians (please add your name)
  1. 亮HH
  • Itwould be great if someone ca ntake this on. There's already a format for the project. Check WP Munich and WP Germany for format. Kingjeff 23:18, 25 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  • In this case, I could agree. However, I personally think it would make more sense if these subprojects focused on states of Germany, rather than simply individual cities. Considering Hamburg is both a city and a state, though, that wouldn't apply here. Badbilltucker 14:12, 13 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]


Description: Dedicated to maintaining and improving all articles related to the television show Heroes

Interested Wikipedians (Please add your name below.):

  1. EnsRedShirt

Comment: I know I'm here after you all, but I'm trying to organize an NBC Universal WikiProject and Heroes would be well within the scope of the project. If you are interested, just scroll down.--Farquaadhnchmn(Dungeon) 22:56, 14 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Historical People from Yellowknife

Description: The project will aim to create a category with working articles and links for active reference use on the history of Yellowknife, NT, Canada. It will contain a category page that "contains" all of the people that I/we have created articles on.


Interested Wikipedians (please add your name below):


  • I think that would be a good idea too. I am in the process of incorporating this project under Wikipedia:WikiProject Canada; as well, please note my change of username.

The HKLNA Project

Description: The Hong Kong Language Needs Assessment Project is a seminal project for English language policy and planning around the world. Although focused on Hong Kong government and society, its theoretical foundation can be applied to most East Asian countries and many countries in other regions where the English language is promoted as a mandatory universal second language in public school systems. The HKLNA-Project is about language quality and language diversity and the preservation of both. The project combines a variety of scientific disciplines including economics, linguistics, political science, statistics, as well as anthropology, sociology, and history. The project took two years to assemble, contains many hundreds of graphs, charts, and tables and a large number of links. If it has an important drawback, then it is the outdated software with which it was produced and a need for software updating and online maintenance.



Description: I'm proposing this WikiProject as I feel that the hotel articles on Wikipedia could benefit from such a coordinated effort. The project would aim to collaborate and direct the efforts of editors interested in improving and building upon hotel articles. The primary aim of this WikiProject would aim to establish a structure and consistency with hotel-related articles. I'm aiming to keep this as broad as possible at this time - open to suggestions.

Any comments regarding the proposed creation of this project would be much appreciated.

Temporary project page: User:Luckyluke/WikiProject Hotels

Interested Wikipedians (please add your name):



Description: The project is being created to create, improve and maintain articles relating to Iceland, its geography, history, people, and culture.

Project page: Wikipedia:WikiProject Iceland

Interested Wikipedians: (add your name below if you're interested):

Comments: I proposed this project earlier, though I only got one other person to join. Here's the original page, if you want to incorporate any of that stuff into your page. íslenskur fellibylur #12 (samtal) 22:16, 12 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I expect it will be incorporated in. I'll probably wait until the project is officially started before I do so, though. Badbilltucker 15:56, 16 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Ok you can start the project now.


Description: This project would focus on the creation, expansion, and maintainace of articles related to the state of Idaho.

Temporary project page:
None at this time.

User: Badbilltucker

Interested Wikipedians:


Iglesia ni Cristo

Description: This proposed WikiProject centers around Wikipedia articles about the religious organization known as Iglesia ni Cristo. We aim to create and maintain articles that are both well referenced and in a neutral point of view, keeping them at the level of quality Wikipedia intends all articles to be. The Wikiproject will also serve for centralized discussion and collaboration about such articles.

Temporary project page: User:Lbmixpro/WikiProject Iglesia ni Cristo

User: LBMixPro <Speak|on|it!> 09:02, 17 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Interested Wikipedians (please add your name):

Saleem 01:50, 13 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Da'jhan 20:08, 30 November 2006 (UTC)


Description: Many different people are working on infoboxes, and occasionally need the input of others in order to get something to work - or some designers may be simply unfamiliar with certain tricks and features. There is currently no meeting point for infobox designers. If there was such a point, infobox design could be greatly improved across the board. This is not intended to be a place for infobox standardisation, rather a place for designers to help each other. A dedicated WikiProject seems to me to be the best way to solve this problem.
I know that there is already a Templates WikiProject, but that does not exactly cover what I had in mind (and it's inactive anyway).
Alternatively, a page for infobox designers could be created similar to Wikipedia:Wikipedians/Cartographers, I'm not sure what is best. Any ideas?

Temporary project page: User:52 Pickup/Drafts/WP Infoboxes

Interested Wikipedians (please add your name)

  1. 52 Pickup 17:58, 29 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  2. MJCdetroit 15:59, 1 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  3. SatyrTN (talk | contribs) 16:10, 1 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  4. TheJosh
  5. Yuanchosaan 08:13, 17 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  6. Ned Scott 08:24, 17 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  7. C mon 08:40, 17 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Interbank networks

Description: This project is intended to expand Wikipedia's current coverage of the world's various interbank networks (a.k.a. ATM networks or ATM consortiums). This involves writing about these interbank networks, their services, as well as where they provide their services, whether on an international, national or regional level.

Temporary project page: User:Sky Harbor/Interbank networks

User: Sky Harbor 14:21, 12 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Interested Wikipedians (please add your name):


To coordinate the use of interwiki bots, limiting database load and increasing coverage of the entire wiki.
Temporary page
User:ST47/WikiProject Interwiki
Interested Wikipedians (please add your name)
  1. ST47Talk
  2. User:Nuno Tavares talk 15:55, 12 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  3. Currently on a wikibreak, but would join on return. -- Sundar \talk \contribs 08:47, 13 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]


Aim: To introduce IPA pronunciation guides to more articles, a feature that is currently sorely lacking on Wikipedia.

Temporary project page: User:Poolkris/Wikiproject IPA.

Interested Wikipedians:

1) Kris 15:54, 23 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]
2) Jaxten 00:38, 8 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
3) Limetom 02:10, 21 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]


  • I'm not sure how this benefits from being a WikiProject. Guidelines for adding pronunciation information is already available at WP:PRON, and discussion of changes to the guidelines takes place on that article's talk page. --Safalra 12:14, 30 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  • IPA is pretty confusing for the people who don't understand it. Sure, we have guidelines for it, but I think it would be a good idea to have a group of people who understand it implementing said guidelines in some kind of an organized fashion. --Limetom 02:10, 21 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]


Description: This project would focus on the creation, expansion, and maintainace of articles related to the state of Kansas.

Temporary project page:
None at this time.

User: Badbilltucker

Interested Wikipedians:



Description: A project to encourage people to expand Kurdish related articles and to structure these articles on Wikipedia.

Interested Wikipedians (please add your name):


It should be renamed to "Wikiproject Kurdish people" as per naming conventions. --Cat out 15:30, 20 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I say we name it Wikipedia:WikiProject Kurdistan, it's a shorter name. And as far as naming conventions go Wikipedia's policy clearly say's, "it is important to note that these are conventions, not rules carved in stone." --D.Kurdistani 18:41, 21 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]
"Wikiproject Kurdistan" would be fine however kurds in europe would be beyond the scope of such a wikiproject.
  • It would restrict wikiprojects to issues related to that geography rather than kurdish people as a whole. I'd in fact favor such a thing more as I dislike the "wikiproject for an ethnicity" idea somewhat.
  • Though Kurdistan is a contraversial term, s preferably something like "Wikproject Kurdish inhabited region" would be better.
Unless there is a good reason not to follow them, naming conventions need to be followed. Mind that I said "should" and not "must".
  • A wikiproject should not be named "plural". So it should be either "Wikiproject Kurd" or "Wikiproject Kurdish people", alternative suggestions are welcome.
  • A wikiproject's title preferably should be non-contraversial.
Why is "Kurdish people" bad as opposed to "Kurds"? Are kurds not people?
--Cat out 18:50, 21 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]
We currently have some options to go with, these are: Kurds, Kurd, Kurdish People, Kurdish inhabited region. The problem with naming it Kurdish People is that we will not only work on articles that are about Kurdish people but Kurdish food, region, religion, culture... which obviously is connected with the Kurdish people. I chose 'Kurds' thinking that the term Kurdistan is a controversial term. for, Kurdish inhabited region, it just is long for a WikiProject title. In conclusion I think it should be either 'Kurds' or 'Kurdish People' or 'Kurdish'. Let's wait a little longer for different opinions. Ozgur Gerilla 15:15, 22 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Anything related to Kurdish people weather it is food or culture would be in the scope of a "Kurdish people" wikiproject asuming the article is significant enough to Kurdish people. --Cat out 15:21, 22 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I'm happy with Kurdish people. Ozgur Gerilla 22:38, 22 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Kurdish People, Kurd or Kurds, Kurdistan and Kurdish inhabited regions are all fine for names but let’s wait a little longer to get more people onboard and then we can choose a name amongst our selves. For now I think it’s more important to think about getting people together for this project rather than thinking about a name for it. --D.Kurdistani 06:25, 24 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I should have a proper name from the begining. Name changes can be complicated. --Cat out 09:04, 24 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I suggest Kurds & Kurdistan. The WikiProject should be both about people (Kurds/Kurdish people) and geography/history of the region(Kurdistan). Heja Helweda 21:55, 24 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I think we should go with Kurds. Ozgur Gerilla 23:32, 24 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I agree with Heja Helweda, the name Kurds & Kurdistan is a good name for this project as it covers the Kurdish people in general and the region of Kurdistan. --D.Kurdistani 00:48, 19 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Guys are we ready? can we start this now; if yes, please let's all decide on the name and open the page. Ozgur Gerilla 02:32, 18 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I suggest WP Kurdish people. Kurdistan would lead to many edit-wars, and somewhat rightly so: there are no specific borders. However, I also would like to know how many people will actually be participating in this project. I also suggest that people refrain from using the Kurdistan flag on the project template, just put something another image or so. It is not fair to be putting a flag to places when there actually doesn't exist one officially. If it were named Kurdistan, it would be the perfect invitation to remove the template from articles that fall outside the jurisdiction of the only official entity that uses the name Kurdistan, in Iraq. I am sorry but we cannot correct the geopolitical situation in the world, in Wikipedia we have to ask ourselves if names used coincide with an actual official entity. Kurdish people would be different however. On another note, can I get a roll call of people who are interested one more time? It has been a long time that the proposal was made, so what do the potential contributors think of the naming issue? Baristarim 17:28, 18 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Wikipedians who want to join this WikiProject / Name they would like to suggest for this WikiProject

For people who think WikiProject Kurdistan will create problems between users; well I think we need to understand that Kurdistan is a region not a country which is refered by nearly all historians. If a very good reason isn't given by users not to go with Kurdistan I think we should use it. I think it will also be a good reason for users who are not familiar with Kurds to understand the current situation and geographical position of Kurdistan. It will simply be attractive and informative. Plus let's not waste much time on naming the project as it's the content that matters more.


Description This project would exist to create, expand and maintain articles related to the nation of Latvia.

Temporary project page: None at this time.

User: Badbilltucker

Interested Wikipedians:


Lexical similarity index

The website Phrasebase provides percentages of similarity between languages (see [3] for an example). I think it would be nice to put these data into either the language box template, or a new template similar to the one which lists the usage rankings of words in the English language. Also, maybe a page structured to somehow show language trees and the languages' lexical similarities.
Interested Wikipedians (please add your wiki handle)
  1. Alexnye
  2. Red_Phoenix

There are no citations provided on the website to document where the information is coming from. It seems to me that the conclusions violate WP:RS and WP:V. I would suggest it not be included.Nposs 18:04, 2 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Actually, much of the information is copied and pasted from Ethnologue. See for example Anyin: Ethnologue vs. Phrasebook (region information) - no citation provided.Nposs 18:28, 2 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I oppose this idea. As Nposs says, Phrasebase appears to be simply duplicating data from the Ethnologue. However, even if based on data from the Ethnologue this is not a good idea, since (1) frequently the Ethnologue doesn't cite its sources either; (2) lexical similarity counts are only available for a limited number of languages/lects; (3) a lexical similarity count is virtually useless without information on how exactly it was arrived at (Which lexical items were compared (see e.g. Swadesh list)? How were they collected? How was the similarity or distance calcuted (nearest neighbour, clustering)? — mark 19:56, 2 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]


Description: There is a huge number of articles dealing with Christianity in general. There is a sizable number of these articles which deal exclusively or primarily with Lutheranism. I would like to see a aWikiProject, or possibly a task force of the Christianity WikiProject, be created to deal primarily with the large number of articles dealing primarily with Lutheranism.

Temporary project page: None at this time.

User: Badbilltucker 00:19, 21 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Interested Wikipedians (please add your name):

I can't promise much time or energy, but I'm interested in the subject and might have an hour here or there. Brennen 04:32, 22 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Sign me up. Justas Jonas 03:40, 21 January 2007 (UTC) indefinitely banned user[reply]


  • Given the recent history of Justas Jonas and other sockpuppets of Ptmccain, I am hesitant to sign up at this time due to my Wikipedia involvement with JJ. I know JJ has been blocked; someone other than me should (please) strike out (rather than delete) his name from the roster. I am not a pastor. But, I can carry on civil, educated, respectful, intelligent dialog with clergy and non-clergy in a Lutheran, Christian or Interfaith arena; I am also an excellent (collaborative) editor, on and off Wikipedia ... (IMO, until proven otherwise). I would like to contribute, and will, whether I sign up here or not. I will also, naturally, be on the lookout for the next incarnation of Ptmccain, Justas Jonas, and anyone who may work closely with and/or know either of these folks. Kind Regards, Keesiewonder talk 11:13, 21 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
    • Although the editor who placed the comment above is comparatively new to wikipedia, I have had the opportunity to have regular contact with her. I can and enthusiastically do vouch for quality of her work as an editor and for her conduct on wikipedia. Badbilltucker 17:19, 21 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]


Description: Just like Hong Kong, Macau is famous as a tourist area, this project aims to expand the articles related to the self administererd region of China.

Temporary project page: Wikipedia:WikiProject Macau

User: Enlil Ninlil 07:42, 2 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Interested Wikipedians (please add your name):


Description: This project would focus on the creation, expansion, and maintainace of articles related to the state of Maine.

Temporary project page:
None at this time.

User: Badbilltucker

Interested Wikipedians:

  1. Ventric



A wikiproject to look at articles relating to the city of Manchester, England. Possibly extending to the Greater Manchester area. I have been doing a lot of work in pulling a lot of articles into the Category:Manchester category hierarchy. Looking at this I realise how much there is to do on articles relating to Manchester. New articles that should be categorised into Manchester hierarchy are arriving at a rate of 2 or 3 a day, this is in addition to the hundreds/thousands that already exist. Out of all existing articles old and new, there which need improving, photos, geotagging, merging, etc. There are also a fair number of potential new articles. Possible also creation of Portal:Manchester???
Interested Wikipedians (please add your name)
  1. Pit-yacker
  2. Erebus555, I would mainly work on building articles.
  3. Oldelpaso Already edit a lot of Manchester-related sports articles so why not?
  4. Mr Stephen Good idea.

Having the scope as Greater Manchester would make it easier to define what should be included, and avoid the hair-splitting seen on Talk:Manchester. Oldelpaso 18:40, 15 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Greater Manchester for me, too. Mr Stephen 19:02, 15 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Can I suggest then, to make it obvious that the names should all be changed to Greater Manchester as Manchester and Greater Manchester are not the same thing. Bolton, for example, is part of Greater Manchester, but is a separate town to Manchester. Fingerpuppet 20:34, 16 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Mario Party

This project will focus on maintaining the Mario Party articles and citing sources where they are needed. In this Wikiproject, users should discuss changes to "crufty lists" to prevent other users suddenly starting an edit war. It will also make sure users discuss tags and how to remove those already there.
Interested wikipedians
(Please sign your name)
  1. Henchman 2000
  2. Bowsy 11:12, 22 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Math Verification and Improvement

Description: A WikiProject devoted to verifying articles in the mathematics portal and if at all possible, improving them as well. This will be a beneficial modification to WP:MATHCOTW, which is at best, inoperational. Not much progress is being made, hence the solution. The project is only devoted to math because it would be to lengthy and incapable of reaching every single article on Wikipedia. Sr13 (T|C) Editor review 04:06, 12 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Temporary Project page

Interested Wikipedians (please add your name)



Description: This project would have as its primary work the creation, expansion, and maintainance of articles related to the nations and territories of Melanesia, including Fiji, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu.

Temporary project page:
None at this time.

User: Badbilltucker

Interested Wikipedians:

Comments: It is understood that this project would focus the bulk of its attention on those areas which are not currently under the scope of any other active projects.

  • Given the existence of the Portal:Oceania, would people like to see the proposed Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia projects merge into one proposed Oceania Project, to develop a similar scope? Badbilltucker 21:15, 20 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  • I would prefer to see Melanesia, Polynesia and Micronesia as individual projects, as (1) the regions differ quite significantly (2) the global perception is "they are all Pacific islands - they're all the same" and that needs to be shown to be untrue. Having one "Oceania" project won't help that. Ringbark 22:24, 20 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
    • Personally, I would like to see individual work groups or task forces develop from these projects for every country that has sufficient interest to develop one, regardless of how big the scope of the original project would be. These initial projects (or project) are intended to branch out with any luck into smaller groups anyway. I think the only real question is, if there is limited interest initially in any of the smaller proposed projects, whether we should go ahead and just make one bigger project initially, with, hopefully, a larger number of task forces/work groups down the line. Badbilltucker 15:04, 21 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Metros of the former Soviet Union

This WikiProject is aimed to expand/create the current metro-related articles in the countries of the former Soviet Union and to organise and standardise these articles on Wikipedia.
Temporary Project Page
User:DDima/Wikipedia:Wikiproject Metros in the former Soviet Union
Template:Metros in FSU
The full list of selected articles
Interested Wikipedians (please add your name)
  1. dima/s-ko/ 23:29, 21 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  2. -Kuban Cossack 23:50, 21 January 2007 (UTC) - Just on a side note, I made a great effort to take the project on myself here, however this project is too broad for me alone.[reply]
This project is not aimed to offend anyone by the use of former Soviet Union, but this project has such a scope because all of the metro systems in the former Soviet Union have many things in common, be it design, type of construction, history, technical specifics, ect..
I support this idea although I focus on other areas and wouldn't probably help with this project. - Darwinek 15:18, 22 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Support and will help wherever I can. --Kober 17:01, 22 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Support Shall also help wherever I can. -- Ευπάτωρ Talk!! 18:17, 22 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]


Description: This is intended to be a WikiProject dealing with the area of Micronesia, specifically including the Federated States of Micronesia, Marshall Islands, Palau, Northern Mariana Islands, Nauru, Kiribati, Guam, and Johnston Island.

Temporary project page: User:Badbilltucker/WikiProject Micronesia

User: Badbilltucker

Interested Wikipedians:

Comments: Given the existence of the Portal:Oceania, would people like to see the proposed Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia projects merge into one proposed Oceania Project, to develop a similar scope? Badbilltucker 21:15, 20 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I'd be in favour of doing that, yes. —Nightstallion (?) 01:10, 29 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Middle Africa

Description This is a project to create, improve, and maintain articles relating to the nations and territories of Angola, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Rwanda, and Sao Tome and Principe.

Temporary Project Page:
none at this time.


Interested Wikipedians: (please add your name)

  • I've joined WikiProjects in the past, but in the end, my time and energies have been diverted away. However, this is a project I could support wholeheartedly. My efforts would mostly be directed toward Cameroon-related articles. — BrianSmithson 22:17, 20 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  • Like BrianSmithson, and as someone who has a strong personal interest in several of these countries, I would support this proposal. However, I do think that some thought needs to be given to how this new project will be coordinated with existing initiatives at continental (e.g. Africa regional notice board) and national (e.g. WikiProject Chad) level. -- Kahuzi 09:29, 5 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  • I support this effort one hundred percent. As someone that has added considerable content to this area, I am happy to see it finally proposed.--Thomas.macmillan 03:18, 6 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  • While the idea is very attractive, I'm afraid it may end like WikiProject Chad, i.e. instead of a collaborative project mostly a one-man's work. That said, the idea, as I said before is highly tempting, especially with regards to the part concerning peer-reviews and collaborations. As to my efforts, I will deliver them mostly to Chad-related articles, but will always be happy to help with other countries to. Just a note regarding the scope of the project: wouldn't it be better to keep Angola out, as culturally and historically little linked with the other countries, while include Rwanda and Burundi?--Aldux 21:24, 20 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Or maybe those countries could be included in more than one project, considering their "border" status. Personally, I am far from an expert in these matters myself. Badbilltucker 21:30, 20 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]


I believe that a regional focused project for this area of Africa might have a better chance of drawing members than a continent-wide project. So, basically, for existing projects like Wikipedia:WikiProject Chad, we would in no way seek to preempt any of their efforts, and only act in relation to them by providing support services, like maybe assessment, peer review, and collaboration, which they might not provide. Also, I personally hope that the project gets enough members to "spin off" other projects for other countries as well. A similar approach would be taken with the African notice board, with the proviso that this project might be seen, as a sense, in being the more "focused" group.


Description: This project would focus on the creation, expansion, and maintainace of articles related to the state of Montana.

Temporary project page:
None at this time.

User: Badbilltucker

Interested Wikipedians:

  1. Geologyguy
  2. --MONGO 07:54, 21 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]


Musical Instruments

Description: The purpose of this project would be to organize and present in a standard form the data of the various musical instruments, guiding them to featured article quality.

Temporary project page: User:Akuyume#Proposed WikiProject:Musical Instruments

User: akuyumeTC 02:39, 2 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Interested Wikipedians:

NBC Universal

Description: The purpose of this project would be to create, update, and organize articles related to the company and its many facits (such as the theme parks, television stations, movies, etc.).

Temporary project page:User:Farquaadhnchmn/Universal


Interested Wikipedians:

  1. Phydend 02:21, 18 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Comments: A very narrow Wiki project. There is television and film projects already, there doesn't need to be a project for a certain company itself. RobJ1981 23:08, 14 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

  • In my opinion, an NBC Universal wikiproject would not just be about the production company, but also the theme parks, films, etc. as stated above. Disney has its own project and this would be similar albeit in a smaller scale. Phydend 02:21, 18 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  • I think the television and film aspect would be better served under the existing television and film projects. There is a real difference between the company/corporate infrastructure/physical assets and the creative assets, and they should be coordinated separately. --Ckatzchatspy 09:19, 6 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

New Mexico

Description: This project would focus on the creation, expansion, and maintainace of articles related to the state of New Mexico.

Temporary project page:
None at this time.

User: Badbilltucker

Interested Wikipedians:


New Wave music

Temporary Project Page: User:Krushsister/WikiProject_New_Wave_music

Description: The aim of this project would be to act as a central location for articles relating to New Wave music and genres that could be classified as "New Wave", e.g. synthpop, post-punk, and New Romantic music. This would lead to easier creation and maintenance of articles relating to this genre. New Wave is considered a part of the "punk" classification here on Wikipedia, but in all actuality is an offspring of punk rock, with New Wave artists being either directly or tangentially influenced by the varied aspects of punk.

User: krushsister

Interested Wikipedians:

  1. Catherine\talk
  2. Richard\talk
  3. Matt\talk
  4. Phantasy Phanatik
  5. ApolloBoy\talk

Nine Inch Nails

This WikiProject could be useful to anyone who is interested in Nine Inch Nails. The band is very notable, and I think it would support the band and the article in many ways.
Interested Wikipedians (please add your name)
  1. User:WereWolf
  2. Alex 03:11, 8 January 2007 (UTC) This band rocks! I enjoy listening their albums like Pretty Hate Machine, The Downward Spiral and With Teeth. I also just expanded the article about their upcoming album.[reply]
  3. User:Mathmo Possibly, I do like this band.

North American Motorsport

I think there a need for a WikiProject about all motorsports in North America that are not covered under other existing WikiProjects: WP:NASCAR, WP:IROC, WP:American Open Wheel Racing, Sports Car Racing, etc. The WikiProject would be similiar to Wikipedia:WikiProject British Motorsport in scope. The introduction would be "WikiProject North American Motorsport aims to create, expand, update and standardize Wikipedia articles related to Motorsport in the North America." These other WikiProjects would take over the articles as drivers move up in the ranks, and would replace the article's marking template with their own.

I initially thought about proposing a WikiProject would encompass all motorsport articles in the United States. There is a fair bit of border hopping into Canada by NASCAR (especially with the new NASCAR Canadian Tire Series), and I would like to see the Baja 1000 included in the WikiProject.

It would be organized as an sibling WikiProject to WikiProject NASCAR/WikiProject IROC, etc. It would not do oversight of the WikiProjects, as that is covered by WikiProject Motorsport. Applicable articles would include notable racetracks, drivers, halls of fame, sanctioning bodies, etc. A sample of specific articles would include: ARCA, American Speed Association, IMCA, UMP, CORR, SODA (series), USAR Hooters Pro Cup, National Dirt Late Model Hall of Fame, Mike Eddy, Manzanita Speedway, Knoxville Raceway, Lake Geneva Raceway, Crandon International Off-Road Raceway, Berlin Raceway, Bonneville Speedway, Knoxville Nationals, Dirt track racing in the United States just to name a few. Other WikiProject could claim any of these articles as they see fit.

Proposed by Royalbroil T : C 15:15, 6 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Interested Wikipedians (please add your name)
  1. Royalbroil T : C 15:15, 6 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  2. Barno 18:27, 20 December 2006 (UTC) (copied from WikiProject NASCAR)[reply]

NPOV Backlog Taskforce

Description A group to work on the NPOV backlog (the group at WP:CLEAN seems to be inactive). In a majority of cases the dispute has been resolved, or is nonexistent, and the tag can be removed without much time and effort. Method: letter by letter, or by date. Also see Wikipedia:POV Cleanup. Currently 3.000 pages, plus another few hundred in Category:Articles which may be biased. Participants should know WP:NPOV, WP:VERIFY, etc.

Temporary project page:' none

User: Steve Hart

Interested Wikipedians (please add your name):

  1. NauticaShades 21:39, 5 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  2. Diez2 14:30, 7 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Lead Paragraph Cleanups


The problem of lenthy lead paragraphs here on wikipedia is becoming very serious, perhaps 20% of all articles open with very long segemented and complicated lead paragraphs. I propose to manage a group to work on tagging and cleaning up a large number of the articles with lead paragraphs that are either to long or too short in accords to WP:LEAD. Tasks will entail, tagging, editing and bringing discussions to a consensus on the issues relevant to the topic. The appropriate length of a lead depends on subject of the article. This is an important matter since the "lead" immediately grabs the attention of the reader. to meet quality standards.

User: Frummer

Interested Wikipedians (please add your name)

  1. Frummer
  2. Filll
  3. Nishkid64
  4. Sam Dorrance
  5. Scholarus


WikiProject Living People


Interested Wikipedians


Description: This project would have as its primary work the creation, expansion, and maintainance of articles related to the nation of Netherlands.

Temporary project page:
User:Badbilltucker/WikiProject Netherlands

User: Badbilltucker

Interested Wikipedians:

  1. Aecis Dancing to electro-pop like a robot from 1984. 18:33, 24 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  2. SportsAddicted | discuss 21:35, 24 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  3. jacoplane 13:19, 25 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  4. C mon 14:01, 25 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  5. Keesiewonder


The Offspring

Description: This WikiProject has been around since December 2006. The project needs more users, who are intrested in this band. Recently, no one who joined the project have been involved in helping with the requests listed. Some information on The Offspring article needs to be organized, fixed and it may need cleanup.

Temporary project page: Wikipedia:WikiProject The Offspring

User: Alex 03:33, 8 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Interested Wikipedians (please add your name):

  1. Alex - they're the best band I've ever listened to!

Oriental Orthodoxy

This proposed WikiProject would deal with the various churches of the Oriental Orthodox Church, their history, adherents, beliefs, etc.
Temporary Project Page:
  • None at this time.
Interested Wikipedians:

Badbilltucker 22:50, 10 January 2007 (UTC) Lijujacobk 23:14, 15 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]


Panic! at the Disco

This project would build up all of the Panic! at the Disco articles, which also include songs, albums, and of course members of the band- most of which are currently stubs, Start-class articles and many in need of Wikification, as well as start more articles with the coming album. I think it would be easier to maintain these articles with a separate Wikiproject, and it probably wouldn't fit into a specific genre project as the genres are always disputed with this band. Anyone else interesed? CattleGirl talk | sign! 04:35, 17 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Interested Wikipedians (please add your name)
  1. icelandic hurricane #12 (talk) 11:50, 17 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

2) User:I Love Panic At the Disco529


Pharmacology (and/or Medicinal Chemistry)

While looking for information on Pharmacology and Medicinal Chemistry I found that Wikipedia was woefully lacking - just look at the two title articles. With lots of stub articles lacking essential information. This is not about drugs or medicines but the fundamental basics for pharmacological science and drug discovery that could do with some major input. Anybody want to help out - it is essential these articles get sorted as they are the foundations for modern therapeutics?

Interested Wikipedians - please see discussion at Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Medicine

Proposer: User:Lethaniol 23:29, 17 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

  1. bibliomaniac15


Description: This is a project to help users identify which articles need pictures which can and will help the viewers of the article get a better understanding of the article itself. Articles (or stubs) are being created every day on Wikipedia, and many do not have a single picture to illustrate the article's point of view.

Temporary Project Page: none at this time

User:Keo Takamine

Interested Wikipedians: (please add your name)



Description This is a project to create, improve, and maintain articles relating to the nations and territories of American Samoa, Cook Islands, French Polynesia, Niue, the Pitcairn Islands, Samoa, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Wallis and Futuna.

Temporary Project Page:
none at this time.


Interested Wikipedians: (please add your name)

  • User:gadfium. I'm the maintainer of Portal:Oceania, and have an interest in the area.
  • User:Zora. Did graduate research in Tonga and Hawaiian archives. Speak Tongan and some Hawaiian. Unfortunately, I'm grotesquely over-committed to several other projects (Indian cinema, Islam, clothing).

Comments It is I believe understood that this project would focus its efforts primarily on those countries which are not already included within the scope of other WikiProjects.

Project Support Services

Description: This WikiProject would serve primarily to provide some of the support services (assessment, peer review, newsletter, portal maintainance, etc.) for other WikiProjects, primarily aimed at being a stop-gap for projects when members who had been performing those duties have left and to help new projects with some of their start-up activities. Wikipedia's version of a temp agency, if you will.

Temporary project page: None at this time.

Interested Wikipedians: Badbilltucker 14:26, 8 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]


Description: This is a WikiProject to organize articles about the television show Psych, such as articles about episodes, places, characters, etc.

Temporary project page (incomplete): User:Buchanan-Hermit/WikiProject-Sandbox2

Interested Wikipedians (please add your name):


Description: The project will aim to organize and improve the quality of articles related to Albert Einstein's theories of special and general relativity.

Temporary project page: User:MathPhys/WikiProject Relativity

User: MP (talk) 12:54, 29 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Interested Wikipedians (please add your name):

Harald88 20:03, 29 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]
ems57fcva 02:27, 30 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]
JRSpriggs 05:01, 30 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]
ErNa 13:56, 17 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]


... Do you want us to put our names at both places? Harald88 13:51, 29 October 2006 (UTC) ... Yes. :) MP (talk) 16:57, 29 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

This looks like a bad idea to me. I fear that splitting discussion of relativity-related issues away from the physics project will increase our chances of collectively missing something. A relativity article collaboration within the physics project might make more sense. -- SCZenz 16:14, 30 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Good point! It makes sense to me, yes. Certainly open for discussion. Harald88 19:22, 30 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Might be better to make this a task force of WikiProject Physics. See how the Military History WikiProject does it. --Aguerriero (talk) 22:01, 30 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Rhode Island

Description: This project would focus on the creation, expansion, and maintainace of articles related to the state of Rhode Island.

Temporary project page:
None at this time.

User: Badbilltucker

Interested Wikipedians:

Phantombantam 05:14, 21 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Nick Lima 08:05, 21 January 2007 (UTC) Moodyboy11 00:51, 23 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Comments: Sounds like a good idea. --Moodyboy11 00:53, 23 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]


to improve and preserve articles related specifically to this area prior to 1980
Interested Wikipedians (please add your name)
  1. Chris 07:33, 22 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

With the proliferation of national WikiProjects, even one for Austria-Hungary, 90 years gone, would there be enough interest to justify such a project as this?

You might want to check with the proposed Wikipedia:WikiProject Council/Proposals#Eastern Africa group first. Personally, it seems to me that there may be more editors with interests in Europe than Africa, and that might be why the Austria-Hungary project exists. It might be a better idea to create the larger group first, and then, when it is known whether there is enough interest, to create task forces of that larger group. Badbilltucker 15:45, 22 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]


WikiProject Robotics- This project would incorporate all the robotics articles together and improve/clean them as with all WikiProjects. UAV's, industrial and domestic, as well as military robots would be covered. Developemental aspects would be covered. Also components of robots, (motors, microcontrollers, electronics) would be covered. Finally, locomotion systems, electronic theory, artificial intelligence and generally anything else in the scope of robotics would be covered. The regretable thing is, I am nowhere near compentant enough to do such a project. So if anyone is interested, and knows how, please start it up!
Interested Wikipedians (please add your name)
  1. NightFalcon90909 19:42, 20 January 2007 (UTC)

The Rolling Stones

Description: The project will aim to organize and improve the quality of articles related to the British rock band, The Rolling Stones.

Temporary project page: User:Robertjohnsonrj/WikiProject The Rolling Stones

User: robertjohnsonrj

Interested Wikipedians (please add your name):



Temporary Project Page: User:Esoltas/WikiProject_Shipwrecks

Description: Project goals include creating pages for shipwrecks. There are literally hundred left. See List of shipwrecks, it's absolutely ridiculuous how many need to be done. There are so many wonderful books on shipwrecks to use as well. The project will be an excellent project for users experienced with infobox usage as well as newcomers, who haven't learned, necessary, how to improve an already decent article.

User: Evan(Salad dressing is the milk of the infidel!) 23:38, 19 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Interested Wikipedians (please add your name):

Shopping Malls

Description: To make/unstub articles about famous shopping malls, as well as making sure that shopping mall articles are directed into the ri9ght places.

I am not going to be able to lead a wikiproject, therefore I would like someone else (if at all possible) to do this.

Comment - Actually, very few people "lead" projects, they simply help organize them. You might be very well qualified to do that. You can certainly find some suggestions of how to do so at the Project Directory. And, on a side note, there is an extant Wikipedia:WikiProject Dead Malls, which covers the rather more moribund malls exclusively right now. Maybe you could contact them and see if, possibly with some help from you, they would be willing to expand their project to cover the living malls, too. Badbilltucker 22:22, 9 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Social Distortion

Description: This WikiProject is for anyone who is interested in Social Distortion. This band definitely needs a project and because of this, their article and anything related to the band may need a lot of expansion.

Temporary project page: Wikipedia:WikiProject Social Distortion

User: Alex 03:33, 8 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Interested Wikipedians (please add your name):

  1. Alex - they're the best band I've ever listened to!

Soul Calibur

to improve articles relating to the Soul Calibur video game series.
Interested Wikipedians (please add your name)

1. User:Philip Laurence 2. Phantasy Phanatik

Comments as of this writing, many articles about the soul calibur series are very underappreciated. many, if not all character articles have copyvio content. --Philo 00
47, 22 December 2006 (UTC)

South America

Description: This project would have as its primary work the creation, expansion, and maintainance of articles related to the nations and territories of South America, including Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Falkland Islands, French Guiana, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, and Venezuela.

Temporary project page:
None at this time.

User: Badbilltucker

Interested Wikipedians:

Comments: It is understood that this project would focus the bulk of its efforts on countries which are not yet included in the scope of any other existing projects.

Southern Africa

Description: This project would have as its primary work the creation, expansion, and maintainance of articles related to the nations and territories of Southern Africa, including Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, and Swaziland.

Temporary project page:
None at this time.

User: Badbilltucker

Interested Wikipedians:

Comments: It is understood that this project would focus the bulk of its efforts on countries which are not yet within the scope of any other regional or national projects.

Southern Europe

Description: This project would have as its primary work the creation, expansion, and maintainance of articles related to the nations and territories of Southern Europe, including Albania, Andorra, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Gibraltar, Greece, Italy, Republic of Macedonia, Malta, Portugal, San Marino, Slovenia, Spain, Vatican City, and Yugoslavia.

Temporary project page:
None at this time.

User: Badbilltucker

Interested Wikipedians:

Comments: It is understood that this project would devote the majority of its efforts to those countries which are not already within the scope of another regional or national project.

Sports Venues

Description: There are a lot of sports venues without quality articles. The scope of this project would be to take stubs and start rated articles to a far superior quality. This shouldn't be a hard project since some stuff already exist like Football (Soccer) stadiums. But be aware, even though other projects have this stuff, that doesn't mean anything has been done about it.

User: Kingjeff 04:04, 26 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Temporary project page: User:Kingjeff/WikiProject Sports Venues

  • Interested Wikipedians (please add your name):


Steely Dan

Description: This WikiProject is for (you guessed it) Steely Dan. Right now, only is the Steely Dan article itself lacking information, but the albums' articles are not formatted properly and disorganized. Finally, most songs are missing as articles (and the ones that do have articles don't have infoboxes and such), which is a shame, since most Steely Dan songs are quite deep and their unique lyrics make them interesting to analyze. So what do you say? All you Steely Dan fans out there sign up!

Nauticashades (talk · contribs)

Temporay Page:
User:Nauticashades/WikiProject Steely Dan

Interested Wikipedians: (please add your name)
Sign up at User:Nauticashades/WikiProject Steely Dan also

  1. BabuBhatt (talk · contribs)
  2. Daniel Case (talk · contribs)
  3. Theoldanarchist (talk · contribs)
  4. DrDevin (talk · contribs)
  5. Chadbryant (talk · contribs)
  6. Fenrir2000 (talk · contribs)



Description: This wikiproject aims to document synthesizers and their use in popular music. These instruments have played an increasingly important role in shaping the musical output of artists over the last 50 years. They have also spawned completely new genres of music as musicians work with electronic instruments exclusively. Unlike general classes of instruments, such as guitars, each model of synthesizer is engineered with the ability to create unique sounds and each is therefore a unique instrument in its own right.

User: Mperry 19:17, 7 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Temporary project page: There is no page as of this moment.

  • Interested Wikipedians (please add your name):
  1. Phantasy Phanatik
  • GreyCat: I'd like to join and help this project, starting with most basic theory about synthesizers - such as describing all major components, synthesis types, algorithms, then proceeding to individual pieces of equipment / software.


Tenacious D

This wikiproject aims to document Tenacious D.
Interested Wikipedians (please add your name)
  1. Tenacious D Fans
  2. Chedz

Theme Parks

A WikiProject which is dedicated to the updating and upkeep of new and existing Theme / Amusement parks across the world. A majority of theme park articles on Wikipedia are not up to standard and this project would fix the lack of information and quality of articles. --Lakeyboy November 30, 2006.
Interested Wikipedians
  1. Idont Havaname (Talk) 03:32, 22 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  2. Lakeyboy
  3. saberwyn
  4. Rehcsif


expansion or sister project to the now inactive WikiProject Tibetan Buddhism
Interested Wikipedians (please add your name)
  1. Chris 07:29, 22 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

With the proliferation of national WikiProjects, even one for Austria-Hungary, 90 years gone, would there be enough interest to justify such a project as this? Chris 07:29, 22 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

You might want to check with the Wikipedia:WikiProject Central Asia to see if they would be willing to set one up as a task force/work group of their project. Badbilltucker 15:38, 22 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]


The purpose of this WikiProject is to co-ordinate articles on light, medium and heavy trucks. It aims to improve the coverage of manufacturers and models, and to make articles on trucks uniform and informative.
Rotten Stone 13:42, 1 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Temporary project page
User:Rotten Stone/WikiProject Trucks
Interested Wikipedians (please add your name)
  1. Kieran T (talk | contribs)
  2. FabioTalk Definatly agree, there needs to be a more uniform article structure on trucks and i think a project may accomplish this.
  3. G®iffen likes to help, but it's probably not much from me as mentioned below
  4. Hasannur OK, I'm interested and willing to help
  1. Trucks
What's wrong with the current article that we need a new project? Peter Horn 16:40, 1 January 2007 (UTC)
Copy and paste of a comment on Rotten Stone Peter Horn 16:40, 1 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Compare Automobile and Wikipedia:WikiProject Automobiles to see the worth of a project which draws people in to the breadth of the field. – Kieran T (talk) 17:15, 1 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with the main article about trucks. However, if you compare with the coverage of automobiles, aircrafts and trains, there are surprisingly few articles about various truck models. To be honest I also find most articles on truck manufacturers rather thin (example). Of course this won't be solved by just adding a new project, but a project will help make new articles more conform and thereby of grater value to the readers. It will also be easier for users to add new information or new articles if there are suitable templates, like infoboxes, to pick from. Rotten Stone 17:47, 1 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Following the example link I see that Unimog is well overdone compared to the other models...
I miss some more country-specific details on rules etc. to the truck-article. About models I see that Volvo is even worse, I actually started up one model with a photo only in the hope that sby would feel provoked to write the text to it (since I don't have the faintest idea of model history - I only drive the things). My problem on a truck project would be that
  1. I have a work without computer
  2. I have 2 small kids taking a lot of my home time
  3. I work mostly at the da:Wiki, especially when it comes to technical articles, since my school-english didn't include technical terms.
Anyway I think a project could help this subject, but I am afraid I cant help as much as I would like to :-( --G®iffen 17:14, 2 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  • If it covered road going trucks, trailers, buses, motorhomes and perhaps implements (ie everything not covered by the existing automobile and motorbike wikiprojects), I think that it would have more chance of gaining the member numbers needed for viability. I've looked at this proposed project several times and concluded that, as currently proposed, its scope is too narrow. --Athol Mullen 06:47, 18 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]


Description: This project would have as its primary work the creation, expansion, and maintainance of articles related to the nation of Tunisia.

Temporary project page:
None at this time.

User: Badbilltucker

Interested Wikipedians:

  1. Darwinek - created many stubs on geography in the past. - Darwinek 15:04, 22 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]


Television childrens shows

I've noticed that TV show articals are vandalized alot since children shows hold a startlingly high percent of this and some have not had articals made. If made user in this project would moniter children show articals that they know well and make sure everythings in check and not been vandalized or create pages for shows lacking them and moniter them. P.S. I would need help making this. Superx 00:26, 15 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Interested Wikipedians (please add your name)
  1. Superx 00:26, 15 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Expressing interest

UK Roads

This wikiproject aims to improve the standard and quality of the UK road articles, i have noticed that there is lots of roads missing, so if you are a roadfan like myself I suggest you support this wikiproject and help me complete the major road articles for the UK- thanks

p.s I might need someone else to lead the project someone a bit more experienced than me. DINOMAN 11:14, 20 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Interested Wikipedians


This project would help promote and coordinate articles related to unicycling and unicycles. It would provide a location to outline and enhance the structure of existing and future articles, and it would perhaps be similar to the existing projects: Wikipedia:WikiProject Cycling and Wikipedia:WikiProject Motorcycling.
Interested Wikipedians (please add your name)
  1. AndrewDressel 18:34, 13 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  2. User:Mathmo

Existing articles include:

  • Events
  • People

And The Unicyclopedia

Veterinary medicine

There are currently a number of projects dealing with specific species and kinds of animals. Almost by definition, many of these projects treat, at least peripherally, the health matters of these animals. Regretfully, there is no coordination of these efforts, and the number of true experts in the field who are best qualified to address the matters of veterinary medicine are thus often spread about among these groups. This project proposes to provide some degree of coordination of these editors, and more generally, to create, improve, and maintain articles dealing with matters of veterniary medicine.

User: Badbilltucker 23:28, 6 December 2006 (UTC) - Not one of the most qualified editors to address this matter, but will do what I can, probably primarily in support of the more expert editors.[reply]

Temporary project page: User:Badbilltucker/WikiProject Veterniary Medicine - yeah, once in a while my spelling sucks. It'll get corrected on the move.

  • Interested Wikipedians (please add your name):
  1. Joelmills - I'll do what I can as far as organizing and the actual writing.
  2. Montanabw 00:26, 7 December 2006 (UTC)Maybe, at least, I know where a lot of existing articles on various horse diseases are...[reply]
  • Comments


I'm relatively new to Wikipedia still, but to my shock I've just discovere that there is no Wikiproject dedicated to Wales (the country, not our esteemed founder); similar Wikiprojects already exist for Scotland, Ireland, England and Northern Ireland. Therefore I wish to propose the creation of one for Wales.
Temporary Project Page:
Interested Wikipedians (please add your name)
  1. --Pilipala9 10:26, 8 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  2. -- Rhion 17:54, 8 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  3. -- Normalmouth 18:38, 8 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  4. -- Telsa (talk) 20:17, 8 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  5. --Snowded 21:01, 8 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  6. --Cynnydd 08:27, 9 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  7. -- Drachenfyre 22:45, 9 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  8. -- garik 20:09, 11 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

There actually is an inactive project at Wikipedia:WikiProject UK Subdivisions (Wales), but it is inactive and I like the idea of the simpler, more straightforward name of this one. Badbilltucker 14:30, 8 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

  • I would never turn down something like this, but at the moment can't volunteer all my time but anything to teach the world about Wales, a really spectular country, I hope this goes ahead. Amlder20 20:39, 8 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]

West Midlands

Description: This is a WikiProject to create, expand, improve and maintain all Wikipedia articles related to the West Midlands region, county and conurbation in the United Kingdom, which to date is lacking in quality and has significant room for expansion with the creation of articles.

Temporary Project Page: User:Erebus555/Wikipedia:WikiProject West Midlands

User: User:Erebus555

Interested Wikipedians (please add your name):


Western Africa

Description This is a project to create, improve, and maintain articles relating to the nations and territories of Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Saint Helena, Senegal, Sierra Leone, and Togo.

Temporary Project Page:
none at this time.


Interested Wikipedians: (please add your name)

Comments I believe that a regional focused project for this area of Africa might have a better chance of drawing members than a continent-wide project.

Western Asia

Description This is a project to create, improve, and maintain articles relating to the nations and territories of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Cyprus, Georgia, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Palestine]], Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen, and possibly Iran, dependent upon the opinion of the potential participants.

Temporary Project Page:
User:Badbilltucker/WikiProject Western Asia


Interested Wikipedians: (please add your name)

  1. Eshcorp 18:13, 22 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
  2. Orionist 20:08, 24 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Comments It is I believe understood that this project would focus its efforts primarily on those countries which are not already included within the scope of other WikiProjects.

  • I think the project should include Iran as it is located in West Asia. As for Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Cyprus, aren't they considered a part of Europe?Orionist 06:20, 21 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
    • Regarding the status of Georgia, et al., the countries in this group were selected on the basis of the existing UN world regions. They also include Iran in southern Asia. However, this is a proposed project and everything is open to change. There is an extant Wikipedia:WikiProject Iran, which presumably deals with all the Iranian issues, but part of the intention of this proposed project is to provide back-up if any national project goes inactive, so, basically, if you want to include Iran here, we could probably fairly easily do so. Badbilltucker 15:09, 21 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
      • That is a weird classification by the UN as all geography books and atlases put Iran in West Asia (it also competes in the West Asia soccer championship). However, they have they're own project. What I hope is, maybe including Iran will draw some Iranian users to the project (we may contact their project?). This area needs much work as it seems neglected by most, and because Iran has always been a part of it historically, we might get some good contributions from Iranian users about their neighbors. Just my two cents. Orionist 16:24, 21 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
        • I see the logic of your position, and acknwoledge that there is absolutely no reason why the members of that project should not be contacted, nor any reason why a message regarding this project could not be included on the Talk: Iran page. Please tell me if you want me to make such a contact, or, if you prefere, feel free to contact them yourself. Thank you for the suggestion. Badbilltucker 22:33, 22 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
          • Thanks! I hope we can make this real so soon. This is a region that really needs much work (having a tough time working on it myself!). I've just added my name (how did I forget to do that?). Orionist 20:08, 24 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Wiki Markup Standardization

The idea behind this is to develop standards for wiki markup. Hopefully, in order to offset the MediaWiki markup POV so rampantly prevalent here, we would be able to recruit a large number of users of other wiki software to provide their own input. I'd also be happy to accept ideas for shorter/more creative names for the project :)

Temporary Project Page: User:Dinoguy1000/Wikiproject Wiki Markup Standardization

Interested Wikipedians (please add your name):



Description: This project would focus on the creation, expansion, and maintainace of articles related to the state of Wyoming.

Temporary project page:
None at this time.

User: Badbilltucker

Interested Wikipedians:
