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User:Azhar.Tolegen/Момышулы, Бауыржан

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Bauyrzhan Momyshuly
(in his childhood; from Kazakh — «the dust will not touch»)[1]
Allegiancethe USSR
Service/branchartillery, infantry
Rank guard colonel (USSR, Colonel)
Battles/warsThe Great Patriotic War
Кеңес Одағының Батыры — 1990
Халық қаһарманы
Халық қаһарманы
Ленин ордені — 1990 Қызыл Ту ордені — 1945 Қызыл Ту ордені — 1942 I дәрежелі Отан соғысы ордені— 1945
Еңбек Қызыл Туы ордені Халықтар Достығы ордені Қызыл жұлдыз ордені Құрмет Белгісі ордені
Жауынгерлік еңбегі үшін медалі Владимир Ильич Лениннің туғанына 100 жыл мерекелік медалі Мәскеуді қорғағаны үшін медалі 1941-1945 жж. Ұлы Отан соғысында Германияны жеңгені үшін медалі


He was born on December 24, 1910 in Kolbastau, in a simple family of Kazakh nomads (now Zhualyn district, Zhambyl region, Kazakhstan). Kazakh. Occurs from the Shymyr clan of the Dulat tribe. In his own words, Momyshuly is a middle name, from Kazakh. - “son of Momysh”, but the surname is absent.Template:ЦитатаIn 1929 he graduated from 9 classes. He worked as a teacher, economist at Industrial Bank, secretary of the Executive Committee of the Council of People’s Deputies of the district, head of the district militia, instructor of the Alma-Ata city military registration and enlistment office of the Kazakh SSR, district prosecutor.

In the Worker Peasant Red Army from November 1932 to 1934 and from 1936, he began as an ordinary Red Army man.

In 1933 he graduated from the regimental school, artillery military school,than he became an artillery officer.

He served in the Far East under the command of Marshal of the Soviet Union V. K. Blucher, in July-August 1938, participated in battles with the Japanese Kwantung Army at Lake Hassan as a commander of an artillery battery.

In 1939-1940 he served in Ukraine, participated in campaigns on the Carpathians and the accession of Bessarabia.

In 1940, he returned to Kazakhstan, worked as a senior instructor of the Kazakh Military Commissariat.

He participated in the battles of the Great Patriotic War from September 1941 as part of the 316th Infantry Division under the command of Major-General I.V. Panfilov.

Member of the CPSU (b) since 1942.

He was the commander of the battalion of the 1073th Talgar Infantry Regiment of the 316th Infantry Division (from November 1941 - the 8th Guards Infantry Division, 16th Army, Western Front), during the defense of Moscow, participated in the 27th battle.

During the second general offensive of the Wehrmacht against Moscow from November 16 to November 18, 1941, the battalion of Senior Lieutenant Bauyrzhan Momysh-uly, apart from the division, fought heroically on Volokolamsk highway near the village of Matryonino.

His skillful leadership as the battalion commander allowed to detain the Germans at this turn for 3 days. After that, Senior Lieutenant Momyshuly led the battalion out of the encirclement of combat-ready.

The heroic battle way of the battalion under the command of Bauyrzhan Momysh-uly is described in the artistic-historical book of Alexander Bek “Volokolamskoye shosse”(from Russian Volokolamsk Highway).

Momysh-uly’s commanding abilities were noticed, and after a month of heavy fighting, he was appointed regiment commander — personally commander of the 16th army by K. K. Rokossovsky. Momyshuly on Kazpost's commemorative postage stamp, 2000 Commanding the 19th Guards Rifle Regiment, on November 26-30, 1941, Momysh-Uly, in the area of the village of Sokolovo, Moscow Region, together with his regiment, fought stubborn battles for four days, successfully fighting off enemy attacks. On December 5, 1941, B.Momysh-uly was wounded, but did not leave the battlefield.

During the battle in the village of Dubrovka, Moscow Region, he was seriously wounded again.

In the battles for the railway station and Kryukovo, the 19th Guards Rifle Regiment under the command of B. Momysh-uly was in the center of the combat order of the 8th Guards Division and fought hard from November 31 to December 7, 1941 December 1941. In these battles, B. Momysh-uly received a new wound, but continued to command the regiment until December 7, 1941. On December 8, 1941, together with other parts of the division, the regiment launched a counter-offensive.

In January-April 1942, the 8th Guards Rifle Division fought with the SS Division "Mertvaya golova(from Russian Dead Head)" (Totenkopf). The 8th and 9th divisions participated in the Demyansk operation (“Demyansky kotyol”).

In 1944, B. Momysh-uly completed advanced training courses for officers at the Military Academy of the General Staff.

Soon B. Momysh-uly was given the rank of guard colonel, and received an order for his appointment as commander of the 9th Guards Rifle Division.

From January 28 to May 9, 1945 Guards Colonel Bauyrzhan Momysh-uly commanded the 9th Guards Rifle Division of the 2nd Guards Rifle Corps of the 6th Guards Army of the 2nd Baltic Front.

In February — March 1945, north-west of Priekule station (Latvia), units of the division skillfully led by them broke through three bands of strongly fortified enemy defenses. As a result of the offensive of the division, 15 settlements were liberated, considerable damage was inflicted on the enemy in manpower and military equipment.

In 1945-1948 - Student of the Military Academy

K.E. Voroshilov.

In 1948-1950 - Deputy Commander of the 49th separate rifle brigade.

In 1950-1955 - Senior Lecturer at the Military Academy of Logistics and Supplies.

Since 1955, fired into the reserve.

For his courage and heroism in the battle of Moscow, Captain Bauyrzhan Momyshuly was presented to the rank of Hero of the Soviet Union in 1942, but was awarded only posthumously on December 11, 1990

He died on June 10, 1982 in the city of Almaty. He was buried at the Kensai cemetery.


Monument to Baurzhan Momyshuly in Almaty.

  • In honor of Baurzhan Momyshuly was named the center of the Zhualinsky district of the Zhambyl region-the village of Bauyrzhan Momyshuly (Burnoye).In this village was also opened the museum of Baurzhan Momyshuly, which stores some of his personal belongings.
    • In Kazakhstan, the name of the hero is given to the streets: in the cities of Alma-Ata, Taraz, Shymkent, Kokshetau, Astana, Karaganda, Atyrau, Semey (Semipalatinsk), Satpayev, Kyzylorda, Zhezkazgan, Atbasar, Aksu; in the villages - Shelek, Asa, Kurchum (East Kazakhstan region). The name is also assigned to: high schools: in the cities - Alma-Ata (No. 131 and military boarding school), Taraz (No. 45), Shymkent (No. 42), Kostanay (No. 5), Zelenograd (No. 1912); in the villages - Zhana-Zhol (Shu district, Zhambyl region), Third Internationale (No. 108, Karmakshy region, Kyzylorda region); the sports complex in the village of Bauyrzhan Momyshuly (Burrnoye); state farm in Zhualinsk district of Zhambyl region. Monuments and busts erected by Baurzhan Momyshuly: a monument in full growth at the entrance to the Park named after 28 Panfilov Guardsmen (2010, in honor of the centenary of his birth); a bronze bust on October Square of Volokolamsk; monument in Astana; monument in Taraz; bust in front of the school building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kazakhstan in Shymkent; bust on the territory of school number 1912 in Zelenograd; pylon "Baurzhan Momyshuly" in Priozersk.


  • Hero of the Soviet Union (12/11/1990, posthumously)
  • Order of Lenin (11.12.1990, posthumously) t
  • wo orders of the Red Banner (06.06.1942)
  • Order of the Patriotic War, I degree (06.06.1945; submitted to the Order of the Red Banner)
  • Order of the Red Banner of Labor (01/15/1971)
  • Order of Friendship of Peoples (12/23/1980)
  • Order of the Red Star
  • Order of the Badge of Honor (03/01/1959)


The first wife was Mukankyzy Bibizhamal, the son of Momyshuly, Bakhytzhan Bauyrzhanovich (1941-2012), a writer. Grandson Erzhan. Great-grandsons Nursultan, Madiyar.

The second wife, Baubekova Gainikmal, married in 1961, they have been living together for 12 years - until her death in March 1973.

An illegitimate daughter - Korkina Elena Bauyrzhanovna. Lives in Moscow.


  • "Istoriya odnoy nochi(The story of one night)."
  • “Za nami Moskva.Zapiski ofitsera(Moscow is behind us. Notes officer) "(1962).
  • The biographical story of General I. V. Panfilov "Nash general(Our General)".
  • The book of stories "Nasha semya(Our Family)" (awarded the State Prize of the Kazakh SSR in 1976).
  • Travel essays "Kubinskiye vstrechi(Cuban meetings)".
  • Book-chronicle "Psihologiya voiny(The Psychology of War)."
  • The stories "Ia pomnyu ih(I remember them)", "Pomkomzvvod Nikolai Redin", "Spina(Back)", etc.


  1. 1967 - “Za nami Moskva(Moscow is behind us).” A heroic film story based on books and materials by Baurzhan Momyshuly, “Kazakhfilm”, director Mazhit Begalin. In the role of Kauken Kenzhetaev.
  2. 1984 - "Volokolamskoye shosse(Volokolamsk Highway)." The film-play of the Moscow Art Theater named after Gorky based on the story by A. Beck "Volokolamskoye shosse(Volokolamsk Highway)". Director Vsevolod Shilovsky. In the role of Senior Lieutenant Momyshuly - Boris Shcherbakov.
  3. 2010 - Documentary film “Kazakh's Bauyrzhan” Legendary Baurzhan, “Kazakhfilm”, director Kalila Umarov.
  4. 2013 - Art series “Bauyrzhan Momyshuly”, Kazakhstan, film company “Sataifilm”, director Akan Sataev. In the role of Yerkebulan Dayyrov.

Contemporaries about Bauyrzhan Momyshuly[edit]

  • About the outstanding teaching gift of Momysh-uly, one of the students of the Academy, I. M. Golushko, recalls in his memoirs “Soldaty tyla(Soldiers of the rear)”:

Speaking about the positive influence of the best teachers on our audience, I can not, first of all, not to recall the person in our eyes half-legendary. This is about Colonel Bauyrzhan Momysh-Uly, who taught a course in general tactics. Many of us have found out about him from the book of Alexander Beck "Volokolamskoye shosse(Volokolamsk Highway)", in which Bauyrzhan was launched as a central hero. Our interest in this man grew even more when it was known that the colonel wrote talentedly on the themes of war and had already published several short stories in a local publishing house. We, of course, immediately got them, read and recognized this “attempt at writing” as very promising. We always looked forward to the lectures of Momysh-uly. He expounded any material intelligibly, often resorting to diagrams rather than summaries, and supporting each thesis with instructive examples from combat experience. He was able to somehow simply, without distinction in rank, and at the same time demanding to treat all the listeners. Analyzing the complex issues of tactics, gradually taught us to independent thinking. To this end, he could interrupt his story in the most unexpected place, to ask: “What does Captain Ivanov think about this?” Or “What would Comrade Petrov does in this situation?”. And the students were constantly ready to report their decision, to justify their course of action. The constant contact of the teacher with the audience forced to creatively comprehend all the material studied.

In our academy, Colonel Momysh-uly was loved by both students and teachers for the simplicity and directness of judgments, for honesty and cheerful disposition. He knew how fascinating to talk about the hard fighting, which led them Panfilovskaya division, about the exploits of fellow soldiers. The most interesting were his memories of the battle of Moscow, in which Bauurzhan tooks an active part, being a battalion commander, and also memories of battles at the end of the war, when he was already a division commander.

* In 1963, an interview with Fidel Castro was published. To the question: “Who would you call the hero of the Second World War?” Castro answered:Hero of the book by Alexander Beck Volokolamskoye shosse(Volokolamsk Highway (story) | "Volokolamsk Highway)" - Kazakh Momysh-Uly.