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Wikipedia:Introduction (historical)

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Xiamen Oil Painting

Xiamen Oil Painting

The city of Xiamen, located in southeast China, is famous for its oil painting industry. There are more than 5,000 professional painters and 200 traders in oil painting villages called Wushipu and Haicang.

There are three main oil painting industrial areas in China: Xiamen, Shenzhen, and Putian. Of the three, Xiamen is the oldest and the largest. Xiamen is a beautiful island city that attract skilled artists. Many artists in Shenzhen are from Xiamen. hmmm Some statistics of Xiamen: Area: 133 square km Population: over 2,000,000 Famous scenic spot: Gulang Island

Sandra Allen

Sandra Allen, artist ( born 1959, Quincy, Massachusetts)

Primarily know for conceptual graphite on paper drawings. Trees have been her predominant subject for the past 10 years. Represented by Mario Diacono in Boston,Mass. Also shown at Barbara Krakow and The Drawing Center, NY.

Sandra Allen has work in the permanent collections of:

The Museum of Fine Arts Boston The Fogg Art Museum at Harvard University The DeCordova Museum and Sculpture Park Yale University Art Gallery MOMA, NY archives


Shawn Michael

Shawn Michael

Shawn Michael McCarty was born in Southern Indiana in 1979. He became most commonly known for his revolution of Disc Jockeying and is known as the "godfather of flare."

After living shortly in Louisville, KY, and upon release of the United States Marine Corps in 2001 Shawn travelled to Los Angeles, California where he trained under the influences of DJ Kool and DJ Ready Rum. He began DJing as DJ Q and Official Q. He was known for spinning and producing mostly Hip Hop, learning at levels unreached by even some of the life long DJ's which created a steady supply of work from the age of 22 on.

His style of DJ transformed from scratching and beat matching to Crowd Control and Shock Value. Using the crowd control effect to an audience, he then began to transition out the Hip Hop and Rap genres of music by replacing them with Modern Rock and Heavy Metal. He began his first test runs in clubs in the Los Angeles area, and quickly signed his first contracts. He stayed in the Southern California region until the age of twenty-four after which he began working in Nevada, Las Vegas.

His style of DJ became so spectacular that a new term coined "flare" was added to his style of disc jockeying. Flare DJing soon became a common trend in the early 2000s and DJ Shawn Michael became a highly sought after entertainer. His travel ethics were hard compared as he was recorded as performing in over 110 different venues in less than 3 months.

Shawn now lives in Los Angeles, California with his wife and two children and runs his own production agency while still DJing in several venues across the United States. He has also been recently added to the roster of National bands with his newly formed rock band, THE NIGHT BEFORE.


I am testing the edit function of Wikipedia.

Charles Rhodes

He is a current sports player on the Mississippi State University basketball team.

madara uchiha

madara uchia [uchiha madara in japenese] is actually tobi who people tyhink is obito and madara is related to itachi but itachi doesnt know that tobi is actually madara uchiha

That's not quite right, from the previous Naruto Manga episode, it is only stated that Tobi have the Uchiha Madara power. It does not mean that Tobi is Uchiha Madara. He only have the power of Uchiha Madara.


I need to rescue my friend from this cult. Does anyone know more about it?


The Brunei Darussalam-Indonesia-Malyasia-Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA) is a subregional economic cooperation initiative.


BIMP-EAGA was launched in 1994 by four of the member-countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN): Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines.

Its goal is to accelerate economic development in focus areas which, although geographically distant from their national capitals, are in strategic proximity to each other, in one of the world’s most resource-rich areas.

BIMP-EAGA cooperation aims to increase trade, tourism and investments within and outside the subregion by:

  • Facilitating the free movement of people, goods, and services
  • Making the best use of common infrastructure and natural resources
  • Taking the fullest advantage of economic complementation

The BIMP-EAGA initiative is market-driven, and operates through a decentralized organization structure involving the four governments and the private sector.


BIMP-EAGA covers a land area of 1.6 million square kilometers and a combined population of 57.5 million.

It comprises the entire sultanate of Brunei Darussalam; the provinces of Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku, and Irian Jaya in Indonesia; the states of Sabah and Sarawak, and the federal territory of Labuan in Malaysia; and the island of Mindanao and the province of Palawan in the Philippines.

The subregion has exceptional natural resources, encompassing two of the world’s largest rainforests (in Borneo and Irian Jaya), and the most biodiverse marine systems in existence.

The areas comprising BIMP-EAGA are located along some of the world’s busiest shipping routes. The subregion has a long history of participation in the global economy, stretching back to the silk and spice trade between Europe, China, and other parts of Asia.

EAGA has potential in the export markets of ASEAN, North and South Asia, and the Middle East, following the expansion of its air, shipping and land transport links and the development of an increasingly supportive investment climate.

Investment Opportunities

Agro-Industry. BIMP-EAGA is already a leading producer of key agriculture products, such as coconut, palm oil, livestock and poultry, and high-value tropical fruits and vegetables. There are opportunities for expanded production, complementation, processing and export, with a focus on specialty markets such as the halal food trade.

Fisheries. The subregion is a global center for the production and processing of important marine products, with tuna and seaweed among its major exports.

Tourism. EAGA is one of the world’s leading ecotourism destinations. Visitors are attracted by its pristine rainforests and coral reefs, cultural and ethnic diversity, and wide range of accommodations, from budget hotels to luxury resorts. Tourist activities include cultural visits, as well as diving, snorkeling, trekking, mountain climbing, game fishing, and other adventure sports. Many World Heritage Sites are in EAGA, including Mount Kinabalu in Sabah, the Tubataha Reef off Palawan, and the Mulu Caves of Sarawak.

Transport and Shipping. BIMP-EAGA is connected by sea and air to most major cities in Asia. To ensure its competitiveness, the subregion is in the process of upgrading its airports and seaports and implementing agreements to facilitate cross-border movement.

Energy. In addition to oil, natural gas and coal resources, BIMP-EAGA offers investment opportunities in the renewable energy sector, taking advantage of geothermal, biomass, hydro and wind power.

Institutional Support

Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines hold an annual Senior Officials Meeting and Ministers Meeting (SOMM) which serves as the main consultative forum and platform for EAGA cooperation. A National Secretariat for each member-country coordinates in-country and subregional activities.

The BIMP-EAGA Facilitation Center (BIMP-FC) was established in 2003 to ensure coordination among the various organizations engaged in the BIMP-EAGA initiative, and support implementation of activities consonant with the BIMP-EAGA Development Roadmap.

Working Groups formulate action plans for priority sectors, and assist in implementing flagship programs and projects. They focus on: air linkages, sea linkages, construction, telecommunications/ICT, agro-industry, fisheries, forestry and environment, energy, joint tourism development, capital formation and financial services, and CIQS (customs, immigration, quarantine and security). The Working Groups are grouped into four Clusters that coordinate and integrate their activities.

The private sector participates in the Working Groups by providing inputs for policy formulation, helping to prioritize projects, and implementing cross-border economic projects. The BIMP-EAGA Business Council (BEBC) serves as an umbrella organization for the private sector in the subregion and enjoys “fifth country” status in EAGA cooperation.


BIMP-EAGA Facilitation Center

Ground Floor, Sabah Trade Center

Teluk Likas, Jalan Istiadat

88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

Tel: + 6088 538204 to 06

Fax: + 6088 538106

Email: info@bimp-fc.org

BIMP-EAGA Business Council

2nd Floor, Sabah Trade Center

Teluk Likas, Jalan Istiadat

88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

Tel: + 6088 311180 / 311182

Fax: + 6088 311181

Email: general@bimpbc.org

BIMP-EAGA Database

Duffy's Tavern

Duffy's Tavern is a small, but well known, Irish pub in the heart of Utica, Illinois, the home of Starved Rock State Park. Duffy's is the place to head for an incredible selection of beer and the most tender corned beef available in the area. The building was erected in 1892 and has housed Duffy's since 1972.

Blake is going to Alaska soon!


Texville (teks-vil) noun

1. The name given to Jason Marbach’s distinct genre of music which blends the best of Nashville and Texas country music.

2. A place or state of mind in which country music represents tradition and heart while embracing the sexy, cutting edge intelligence of rowdy modern music.

SEE ALSO: Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson

For more information:



Cameron Tangney

Cameron Tangney (July 28, 1981 - Present) is an American citizen. He is rumored to enjoy playing ice hockey, listening to music, watching jeopardy, and various nerdy endeavors.

Courage Shumba

Courage Shumba was born on the 15 May 1977 in the capital city of Harare ,Zimbabwe.He is a writer and political commentator based in the United Kingdom.Courage Shumba is currently the Chief Campaigner of an organization called Zimbabwe Crisis Appeal (UK) which raises money to fund projects ranging from voter education to clean water campaigns in Zimbabwe.He holds a Bachelors of Arts Degree in Philosophy of Politics and Economics through the Open University.He is known for his confrontational ,direct ,practical and courageous aproach to problems.His friends nicknamed 'Steelballs'

Courage Shumba began his political career at the University of Zimbabwe where he was enrolled to study for an Bachelor of LAWS Degree.He was elected to represent students in the Students Executive Council where he held the position of Vice President.He was by far the most articulate leader of the student movement since 1988.He was expelled from the students union by the clandestine activities of intelligence operatives planted to neutralise the student executive.

Courage Shumba was forced into exile by the works of Zimbabwe's notorious spy agency for political activities .He was a main campaigner for a new democratic constitution for Zimbabwe.He is known is his home area in Domboshava as the opposition pioneers who fought against Zanu pf way before the formation of the present M.D.C .Between 2000 and 2002 Courage Shumba was arrested and detained at least twenty three times.He has since written a lot of political commentary in the print newspaper and on online news sources about the situation in Zimbabwe.Most of these can be viewed through any search engines by typing his name and surname.Zimbabwe has issued a warrant for his arrest.He remains at large and writes from the UK.

Courage Shumba has been calling for the factions of Zimbabwe's main opposition to unite.He argues that only a united opposition can unseat the gorvenment of Robert Mugabe.He is currently enrolled at the University of Leicester where he is completing studies in Law.He reasons the future of Zimbabwe is bright and that the country has all it needs to suceed if only it has a correct and purpose built leadership.

T-Media T-Shirts/ News printed on t-shirts

T-Media is a Melbourne (Australia) based company that makes t-shirts based on the news. It was created in April 2006 and has been covering the news on t-shirts ever since. Each issue is released every 2 months, with the subscribers to T-Media being the only people that receive the t-shirts.

All of the materials, labour and inspirsation for T-Media comes through Melbourne.



CHEARS range of Sewing Machines, include a full range of all types of Home use and Industrial Sewing Machines. Head officed in Colombo, Sri Lanka, is one of the leading sewing supplies company, which all our sewing machines manufactured under OEM supervision in China, Taiwan, India, etc. CHEARS sewing machines, now already expanding into many dealers in Sri Lanka and Maldives.


Started the business in 1983, by Mr. W.W. Godawatta and Mrs. Swineetha Godawatta at Colombo Central Super Market and in 1985 subsequently shifted the head office to No.74, Front Street, Colombo 11, which is still our main office todate. Over the last 25 years, business grew from Partnership to Limited Liability Company in 1995 to become one of the leading Sewing Machines and Spare Parts company. In 1992, their son, Mr. Ruwan Godawatta joined this family company as the Managing Director and is in control of the whole business and continues as a fimily business. Presently Mrs. Roshani Godawatta is the only other director of the company. Founder partners Mr & Mrs Godawatta (senior) retired from all posts held by them in 2003, given the total control of the company to their son Mr. Ruwan Godawatta. In 1999, company opened its first branch office at strategically important No. 165 Old Road, Maharama. In 2006, we became the sole distributor for the Industrial sewing machines from India`s leading USHA brand for Sri Lanka.


Wide range of Sewing Machines for all types of Home and Industrial use.

House hold Sewing Machines: CHEARS JA2-2 Domestic Sewing Machine. CHEARS SINTIA sewing machine with 60 patterns and Motor. CHEARS Robina Sewing Machine made to Japanese standard with built-in Patterns, butooh holing, etc. CHEARS Prestige 30 Technically same as SINGER 900 series machines. CHEARS Femina portable machine as Japanese Janome 1818 CHEARS Diana potable machine with 32 patterns. CHEARS JB1-1 Link sewing machine. USHA Link Sewing Machine for semi-industrial use.

Industrial Sewing Machines

CHEARS GC5580 High Speed Industrial Sewing Machines. CHEARS CHEARS 95T10 semi-industrial machine. CHEARS LZ391 Embroidary sewing machine. CHEARS 20U63 Embroidary Sewing Machine. CHEARS GN747/757 High speed overlock machines series. CHEARS W500/600 High speed Interlock Machine. CHEARS 1404 High speed waistband machine with puller. CHEARS GN1-1 medium speed overlock machine. KUMAR DC-1 medium speed overlock machine 3 thread.

USHA Quich Stitch semi-industrial machine. USHA 130K Zig Zag Machine. USHA AARI Chainstitch machine. USHA Overlock machine 3 thread.

Other Special Machines

CHEARS 91K boot patching machine. CHEARS GB series extra heavy duty compound feed machine. CHEARS Snap-button machine. CHEARS JH-307-1 Semi-industrial Zig Zag machine with compound feeding. KUMAR Button covering machines with 4 moulds. OCTA 4" round knife cutting machines. MAX4M 4" Streight knife cutting machines. GK series portable interlock machines.

Contact details

CHEARS (PRIVATE) LIMITED. No. 74, Front Street, Colombo 11. Sri Lanka. Tel:+94 777 310343, +94 11 2434986, 5364854 Fax:+94 11 5518644 e-mail:chears@sltnet.lk Contact person: Mr. Ruwan Godawatta.


Continuous polycrystalline alumina fiber is ideally suited for the reinforcement of a variety of materials including plastics, metals, and ceramics. Alumina is prepared in the form of continuous yarn containing a nominal 200 filaments. It is supplied in bobbins containing continuous filament yarn, and alumina/aluminum and alumina/magnesium plates. Alumina staple is also available for short fiber reinforcement.

Mitchell Fowler

Mitchell Fowler was born in the small town of Wauchope NSW, Australia on the 15th March 1985. He attended Wauchope High Scool where he completed the Higher School Certificate in 2003. In his earlier stages of noteriety, Mitch was purported to be the driver of the 'Party Bus', a Toyota Tarago owned by his parents. Mitch moved to Newcastle NSW, Australia in 2004 where he lived with his cousin Brooke and her boyfriend known only as 'Beaver'.

Mitch quickly fostered a reputation for being an extrememly talented entertainer within his circle of associates, as well as harbouring a deep desire to be recognised for his driving skills. Mitch is the owner of a 1991 Mitsubishi galant which is heavily modified, yet still has managed to lose numerous street races.

Micthell is also known to man far and wide as 'Scrap Iron', stemming from his similarities with a character in the movie from 2002 titled The Ladies Man.

Mitchell is also renouned for his love of getting a coke, and being incoherent after consuming sveral alcoholic drinks.

Mitchell's hobies include, aquculture, rap dancing, beer tasting, modified cars and sleeping on people's couches.

Mitchell has 1 sister and his dad's name is Rex - he owns a Subaru WRX Sti.

Black Star Society

The Black Star Society (BSS) is a cult society founded by three young, slightly insane girls. They are Pippa (original holder of the black stars), Maike (a closet emo) and Sara (totally normal). They often draw or wear black stars on their hands and draw black stars whenever and wherever possible.

They are firm believers of the philosophy that emos should die. And they do whatever they can to make sure this happens. One memeber, Maike has even developed a three-step method to killing yourself the proper way.

Manavik, Orissa

Manavik, Orissa

Brief Introduction: Manavik, a Center for Research and Innovations in Science, Education, and Health has been working with school teachers, parents and children for past 30 years. Located on the central hills of Orissa this pioneer Educational Resource Center consists of a good number of resource persons from schools/colleges, research & resource institutes, NGOs, medicals, educational institutions, health workers and social activists.

Salient Features: It has been organising training programmes for teachers, students, parents on issues related to science, education, health, vacation science/mathematics programmes for students, publication and dissemination of resource materials on education (Manavik has published more than 120 books/booklets on education/science including the educational classics like Tottochan, Teacher, How Children Fail, Story of my Life, Jonathan Livingston Seagull etc.). Manavik is closely associated with the All India People's Science Network, Orissa Integral Education Movement, Department of Education, Department of Science & Technology, NCSTC, NBT, IUCAA, CIAA, Jawahar Bal Bhawans, and several other forums and has played an active role in the organisation of Bharat Jan Vigyan Jatha (1987), Bharat Gyan Vigyan Jatha (1990), Jan Vachan Andolan, Vidya Utsav(1999 – 2000), School Improvement Programme, etc. Manavik's resource persons are associated in major national/state level educational activities and have won various state and national awards for their services.

Other than these Manavik has been organising Environment Education Camps for teachers, NGOs and children regularly in almost all states/ UTs in collaboration with Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India, MHRD, and State Education Departments. The Sunday activity centers of Manavik are seen in good number of districts of Orissa and outside based on the activities propagated by the regular educational journals of Manavik. Other than developing a wide range of teaching learning materials for quality improvement Manavik collects and disseminates the best of resource materials from different parts of the country and through Internet for the local teacher educators and teachers to enhance their knowledge, attitude and skills in education. High level of "exposure" to a wide number of teachers, parents and students through print media, audio-visual media, workshops/seminars/camps/exposure visits/activity camps etc. have been a significant contribution to quality improvement.

Manavik in a way has exposed its associates to the best of resource materials, resource persons and resource centers. Other than these Manavik runs free Health check up centers for health awareness and health education. The best part of all these more than 30 year old initiatives is that Manavik has not taken any major financial assistance from any national or international agency.

Contact Person: Secretary, Manavik, Tota Sahi, Master Pada, Phulbani, Kandhamal – 762001; Orissa-India Ph.: 06842 -253266; e-mail: manavik@gmail.com

Black Star Society

The Black Star Society (BSS) is a cult society founded by three young, slightly insane girls. They are Pippa (original holder of the black stars), Maike (a closet emo) and Sara (totally normal). They often draw or wear black stars on their hands and draw black stars whenever and wherever possible.

They are firm believers of the philosophy that emos should die. And they do whatever they can to make sure this happens. One memeber, Maike has even developed a three-step method to killing yourself the proper way.

Byron Tik Art Bay

File:Byron4.jpgByron Bay Artist And Gallery Owner Byron Tik, makes original fine art oil paintings, photos and prints working with traditional techniques and expressive freedom. He is well known for his series on dance and movement called 'the narrative of motion' His blog can be found on byronart.com[1] and his website on byrontik.com[2] Born in Perth, Australia Byron moved to Holland, attended school at the Royal Academy for fine arts in The Hague. Moved back to Perth in 2002, set up a gallery at the historic piggery at the arts factory village in Byron Bay, moved studio in 2007 to the Byron Bay industrial estate. His work is strong, contemporary, expressionistic, colorful, sensual and full of live

File:Byron4.jpgByron Bay Artist And Gallery Owner Byron Tik, makes original fine art oil paintings, photos and prints working with traditional techniques and expressive freedom. He is well known for his series on dance and movement called 'the narrative of motion' His blog can be found on byronart.com[3] and his website on byrontik.com[4] Born in Perth, Australia Byron moved to Holland, attended school at the Royal Academy for fine arts in The Hague. Moved back to Perth in 2002, set up a gallery at the historic piggery at the arts factory village in Byron Bay, moved studio in 2007 to the Byron Bay industrial estate. His work is strong, contemporary, expressionistic, colorful, sensual and full of live