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User:Steven Crossin

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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Steven Crossin (talk | contribs) at 23:45, 11 August 2008 (retired). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

This user is no longer active on Wikipedia.

It's been a wild 6 months on Wikipedia. I've had my joys, I've had my struggles. I've had times that I've never wanted to leave, and times that I never wanted to return. I've had my successes, I've had my failures. But it's time to call it a day. I've achieved so much, yet there is so much more to achieve. But it's time to end. I'm retiring.

There are obviously ways I could do this. I could quite easily “go out with a bang”, go wild and just let it all out, but that's not how I want to be remembered.

There are quite a lot of people I have some things to say, numerous as they are, I'll get through everyone.

Tiptoety, you were the first person I really encountered on Wikipedia. You turned me from a noob editor who had absolutely no idea about anything, to an editor who had a general good idea of editing. I don't think I'd be where I am today if it wasn't for your help.

Lucy-marie, you were probably the first editor I ever got in a conflict with. I think you taught me, even though at times you aren't the most civil person (hey, it happens to all of us), you were the one who triggered me learning just how important civility is. That, in extenstion, helped me develop the professional attituide I have when I edit Wikipedia (or try to have, anyway)

Mbisanz and Rlevse, you two were my admin coaches, first you Matt, then you, Rlevse. The two of you taught me quite a few things about conduct and procedure as an administrator. I suppose that's something that will never happen now, but I still thank you all the same. Rlevse, I also hope that your partner never goes through something like mine did. I know that harassment is something that is not handled well at all on Wikipedia, and I truly hope that this is something that she never suffers.

Chet, Peter, and Dylan (Chetblong, PeterSymonds, username omitted (they know who they are :) ). I don't even know where to begin. You three were always availible to help me. You rarely asked why I needed something, you would always help me if there was something that I needed. On a more personal level, you three editors (along with two others that I will mention later), were the only people that I trusted completely on Wikipedia. I always felt that I could confide in both of you, no matter what the issue was. I thank you for your trust, and both me and Mel will treasure your friendship. Chet, call me anytime, you have my number :) Pete, if you want it, let me know and I'll get it to you. Dylan, same thing goes, ask, and you shall receive.

To all the other administrators that have ever done something for me (Deleted and undeleted pages, images, and so on. Protected and unprotected pages for every reason under the sun. Blocked users who needed blocking, the list goes on and on), I thank you for your help, for your patience. The countless times I'd use !admin on IRC, someone would generally help me, sometimes begrudgingly, but you were all there. Thanks.

To all the mediators who I have ever worked with, Xavexgoem, Vassyana, Atyndall, Seddon, and Kim, just to name a few. It's been a pleasure working with all of you, all of you have taught me quite a lot. I've gotten to know you quite a bit, so I think I'll address each of you seperately.

Xav, it's been a pleasure working with you. Your humor on IRC is probably something I will miss when I am gone, but I take my hat off to you. Your willingness to take on some of the most contentious disputes on Wikipedia is something I admire, and was a contributing factor into me taking the Prem Rawat case. Kudos to you, and best of luck (I hope your internet gets fixed soon).

Atyndall, I didn't mediate with you ever, I think, but I know that you are a good one. I was impressed by the work that you did, and continue to do, for the Mediation Cabal. You display initiative, you're active in your cases, and I think you might one day become an administrator.

Kim, I never actually mediated with you, either, but you were someone I looked upto. I'll admit for the first month or so on Wikipedia, I didn't actually know you were a guy :O, but nonetheless, you were someone who taught me a lot, though you may not know it. I think you should mediate more though :). There are some tough cases out there that needs someone like you to solve.

Seddon, I first encountered you in, Feburary?. Mediating the 24 medcab case is where I met you first, and I think that your efforts helped start a new trend in Wikipedia. I don't think that Martha Logan would have ever been written if it wasn't for your help in that case, and the work that the editors of the 24 project has done, and continues to do, is a result of that case. You've helped us as a project in a big way, for the better. Hat's off to you. Look after gravy boy :) :).

And lastly, Peter-Casey aka Vassyana. You have probably taught me the most on Wikipedia, in regards to mediaton, though someone else has helped me a fair bit too. I don't think I'd be the mediator that I am today if it wasn't for your help. You've helped me accquire skills that I can take away and use in everyday life, and this is something I'm grateful for. I thank you for the trust that you have given me, and the faith that you had in me. I'd never have taken on the Prem Rawat case if it wasn't for you. I'm sorry that I've let you down, all I can ask is for forgiveness.

Anthony, aka AGK, you were someone I felt I could go to, in addition to Vass. You had advice for me, no matter how hard the case, how confused or stuck I felt. I thank you for your aid.

Dan, Will, (Deskana, WJBScribe). Both of you have aided me with some of the harder issues in regards to mediation, and I give my thanks to you. Dan, I knew you a bit more than I knew you, Will, best wishes to both of you.

In Wikipedia, I have had the privelige of mediating four cases for the Mediation Cabal, two in March and two in April, ranging from highly contentious and extremely difficult to rather simple cases that were relatively easy to resolve. I did handle 2 cases on article talk pages. To the parties in the cases that I have mediated, I thank you for the privelige of being your mediator.

The case that has been part of my life for so long, both on, and somewhat, off wiki, the Prem Rawat MedCab/MedCom case, which was opened on the 20th of April, I first edited the case on the 30th, and I've been involved in the case since then. Such a large case, such a complex and detailed one, I'd consider grouping the case into the bracket in the above paragraph to be a disservice to all the hard effort that the parties have put in, that uninvolved editors that have put in, and that I have put in. It has been a pleasure to be your mediator for the period of time that I have.

Jossi, Will, Momento, Nik, Sylvie, Jayen, Francis, Rumilton, John, Mael-Num, Maelefique (is that all of you? :) ), I have the utmost respect for all of you. I can't even begin to describe just how mind-boggling the concept is that a user like me, who took the case on at roughly 3 months of service on Wikipedia, and just after my 18th birthday, to mediate such a case, between users of different terms of time on Wikipedia (all more than me, and all older than me). Will, a sysop and emereti member of MedCom (I actually first encountered you in March 2008. Jossi, a sysop and an OTRS respondent. I don't know what the other editors roles are on Wikipedia, but I know just how priveliged and honoured I feel to have been your mediator all this time, and I apologise for leaving. This has nothing to do with any of you and all to do with me. I truly hope that your dispute is resolved, and that there is a mediator who is more able than I am, and who is able to resolve your dispute better than I am able to. I apologise in advance to the mediation committee, and I hope that they can handle the case. I am sure they can, being a team of expert mediators appointed to the committee to solve our most contentious disputes on Wikipedia, and I am sure that they are more than capable to handle this matter.

To all the editors who have worked in the area relating to 24 articles. I apologise for leaving. I have to say out of everything keeping me here, this will probably be the thing that I will miss the most. Every season I have bought and used to benefit Wikipedia. The effort that the fans of 24 have put in has been astounding, and I am truly hopeful that a new trend has been started. For example, Allison Taylor, an article on a character who's appearance on screen is yet to start, yet we already have enough real world info to un-redirect the article. The fact that such a trend has been started is a credit to the project, and I'd advise the project to keep this attitiuide. I hand the reigns over to Sean Mooney, and I know that from his article work that he will be an excellent leader for the project. I have prepared a draft manual of style which I advise the project to work on, build, refine, and then work towards it receiving guideline status. This will be a busy 6 months, with Exile upcoming in November, and Season Seven in March. Keep the balance between real world and in-universe information in order. Articles can always be cleaned up later, but this takes much effort, and as they say, its better to do it right the first time.

To address SeanMooney individually, as i think it would be a disservice to not do so. The work that you have done on these articles will prove invaluable to the quality of the 24 related articles, and I take my hat off to you. There aren't enough 24 barnstars out there to award your efforts. I think the work you have done with Exile, Season 7, and the characters, is remarkable. If only you were on board at the start, when all these articles were first written, many articles that were merged would never have been merged. We've had discussions, on my talk page, on project pages, and you know my vision for the 24 project. I really think an article like Allison Taylor can achieve GA status, and it's hard working editors like you that turn these mergable articles into articles that we as a project can be proud to show someone. So, kudos to you.

To RyRy. I remember the time you were a “problem editor”, or so they would call it. I remember the times you were on AN/I, sometimes daily. You've come a long way since then. I really hope my adoption program helped you like Tiptoety's program helped me. I apologise for becoming somewhat distant, but as some are aware, I've been somewhat distant for a while now. My wiki work has somewhat suffered, but our life has suffered even more, and the community examining it at close detail, criticising it, has not helped at all. I feel that the community should be looking at the harassers, and not the harassed. RyRy, whenever you have an RFA, you have my support. If your RFA is after this is posted, you have my support, an I'll do a permalink so my support will be counted. I'd ask that the bureuacrats count my vote, regardless of the fact that I have retired. Ryan, best of luck.

Brett, aka Prom3th3ann, well, you addressed me when you “left”, so I feel it's only appropriate to do the same when I am leaving. I think that you have a mixture of qualities, but like all of us, you also have some faults. I note the fact that you have also taken up mediation. I find the best thing to do as a mediator is always be professional. Act like it's your day job. I found the best way to mediate is to put yourself in each editor's position, assess their views, and then do the same for all editors. Break down large issues into smaller chunks, its more manageble that way. I find that having several different mediation techniques in your mediator toolbox, and consider what mediation style you will use, when you decide to take on a case. Some cases require very heavy input from the mediator, others just need some firm guidelines and a structured discussion system. Some cases are somewhat self-mediating. The important thing to always remember is to be civil, both in and out of mediation. Things like incivility can reflect badly on you, obviously. Best of luck.

To the members of NTWW. All of you have given the both of us an outlet to “vent” when we needed to. You have all been so supportive of us, through both the good and the bad times, and for this, we are grateful. The fact I have retired does not mean I will not be on NTWW (that is, unless you won't have me anymore).

Durova, you have been a lifeline to the two of us, and you are an inspiration to us, and to Wikipedia in general. By the time I've posted this, your featured credits will be over 100, I am sure. You taught me so much about what it meant to be a Wikipedian, you've always had faith in me, and in her, and the fact that you have, time and time again, helped the both of us, is something that we can never repay. Speaking for both of us, we always felt that we could confide in you, no matter how sensitive the matter was, no matter how scared we were. You helped me achieve a triple crown, pressing me to get a DYK, helping me with Martha Logan and defending it when it came under fire, and you did a collaboration with me so I could get a featured credit. I've always been grateful for everything that you've done for us, and this is something I could never repay. I think you're one of the people I'll miss the most. Do keep in touch :)

And finally, Alison. I can never thank you enough. You put your reputation on the line to protect our privacy, and her welfare, and that's something I can't even begin to say how thankful we are for you protecting us from harm. Both of us have gotten to know you well, I believe you even showed her your kids. You went on the record for us, I honestly don't think that we would feel safe if it wasn't for you. We are eternally in your debt.

To all the supporters of me, to the users who were willing to resign their tools in protest, I thank you for your support, it's something that I value. The trust and confidence that you had in me is something I am humbled deeply by, and something I won't forget.

To all the editors I have ever worked with on the project, far too numerous to mention all by name. I am grateful for the privelige of working with all of you.

To my adversaries, I have nothing to say to. As they say, if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all :)

And now, just to tie up a few loose ends. The first availible administrator is requested to delete all pages in my userspace, except my talk page archives, talk page, userpage, and mediation pages, as they may need to be used by parties in future. I also ask that they remove my rollback and IP block exemption user rights.

I hope that in me leaving, a change will happen on Wikipedia. If there was one thing I'd like to see changed, its the harassment policy. Users are driven away because of harassment, and Wikipedia is too soft on harassers. That's something I'd like to see changed.

As always, my email is always open, but this is not a “retiring to see how many people support me”, its a “had enough” retirement. There's no turning back.

I never regret coming on Wikipedia, but I regret letting her on. None of this would have ever happened if I hadn't let her on, so it is somewhat my fault as well.

For the last time, I wish you all the very best.

Steve Crossin