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John Doyle (RAF officer)

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File:JDoyle instructor Avro.jpg
Doyle with an Avro mono

John E. Doyle DFC (April 18th 1895 – November 24th 1974) was a British World War 1 pilot credited with 9 confirmed victories. He was shot down on September 6th 1918 and taken prisoner and his right leg, which had become gangrenous from a bullet wound in his ankle, was amputated at the upper thigh. He was repatriated on December 20th 1918 to the Prince of Wales Hospital for Officers, Marylebone and then invalided out of the RAF.

John Doyle was born in South Africa where his father was the chaplain to the Governor of Cape Province. He was employed at the Bank of South Africa for 2 years but left in mid-1914 because he saw a recruiting advertisement for the Royal Naval Air Service. He was not taken due to a lack of trigonometry and then, since the war had started on August 4th, he applied to the RFC where he was told the war would be over by Christmas and anyway they had plenty of applicants. He then joined the Inns of Court Regiment Officer Training Corps as a cavalry officer candidate. Having passed out and finding that cavalry commissions were rare he joined the Royal Army Service Corps as a 2nd Lieutenant.

Once in France in Summer 1915 he applied frequently to join the RFC but was always told he was dispensable until 1916 when the RFC was very short of candidates and COs were no longer allowed to stop transfer and he joined the RFC in England. Training was haphazard at Doncaster and he flew the Maurice Farman Shorthorn, Avro 504, BE2c, BE12 and Armstrong Whitworth F.K.8. The “Wings” test had 4 components; a climb to 10,000 feet then engine out descent to landing, a cross-country with landings at 2 other airfields, 2 airborne photos of navigational landmarks and 2 night landings. Having passed he was asked to fetch a new type of aeroplane from the Daimler Works at Coventry, an R.E.8. He crashed on takeoff, as all previous 12 planes had done, since there was not enough yaw control to counter the P-factor and keep the plane with its powerful V-12 engine straight. He was badly concussed and the plane withdrawn for redesign of the vertical stabilizer and rudder. After recovery and convalescence at Osborne he was sent to 40 Sqdn at Port Meadow, Oxford to fly Nieuports but was soon sent to a medical board that classified him as “Light Duty-No Flying”.

He finally reached a fighter squadron in March 1918, 18 months after joining the RFC and Major Balcomb-Brown noticing his very unusual many hours of flying picked him for 56 Squadron where he joined B flight commanded by Captain Crowe. He had no confirmed victories while with 56 but must have done well since after 2 weeks he was leading patrols and before long was promoted to Captain.

After Major McCudden CO of 60 Squadron was killed Crowe became CO of the squadron on July 9th and asked Doyle to join him as A Flight commander. On July 30th Crowe was in a car crash that killed Captain Scholte the senior flight commander of 60 and so Doyle became acting in command of the squadron. After a few weeks Major Clarke, from Harling Road, arrived as CO although he had never been seen to fly there nor at the squadron, he was however an Old Etonian.

In the few weeks he was in combat in 60 (he was not allowed to cross the lines while CO) he had 9 confirmed victories and 2 balloons that are not recorded for some reason. He was shot down on September 5th after getting 2 Albatross D-VIIs himself. He became a prisoner of war, lost his right leg and after repatriation received his DFC from King George 5th in 1919. His last flight was just before he was to go on home leave by the end of which the War would be over.

After the War

As a one-legged ex-pilot with minimal formal education the post-war years were extremely difficult and he had many different low-paying jobs including driving a tour bus from Exeter where he met his wife, Grace Burd, daughter of an Okehampton doctor. In the mid-Thirties he wrote flying adventure stories and technical articles for such magazines as Air Stories, Popular Flying, The Scout and Mine. Never having lost his love of planes and flying he regained his pilot’s licence, #3236, in 1930 able to fly “all types of landplanes”.

In 1940 he was hired as a civilian Link Trainer instructor and wrote most of the instructor’s manual for the device. He then rejoined the RAF and his first CO remarked that he must be the only Acting Pilot Officer on Probation with a DFC in the RAF! He was promoted to Flight Lieutenant and served as Chief Ground Instructor at bomber stations throughout the UK. He wrote later that “on becoming a Link instructor my financial state ceased to be a source of constant worry……and I was never again financially embarrassed to any serious extent”. He was invalided out at the end of 1943 and kept 2 pubs in England before retiring to Kyrenia, Cyprus in 1953. There he took up painting and had a well-received one man show in 1959. The Greek-Turkish warfare intensified and he and his wife returned to England finally living in the home of her mother-in-law in Devon with one of their daughters painting and writing his autobiography until he died in 1974 three weeks after his wife’s death.


  • "Sixty Squadron R.A.F. 1916-1919' '. A.J.L. Scott. Presidio Press, 1990. ISBN 1-85367-050-2.
  • "British Single-Seater Fighter Squadrons on the Western Front in World War 1' '. Alex Revell. Schiffer Publishing Ltd., 2006. ISBN 0-7643-2420-9.
  • "High In the Empty Blue The History of 56 Squadron RFC RAF 1916-1919' '. Alex Revell. Flying Machines Press, 1995. ISBN 0-9637110-3-2.
56 and 60 Squadron