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Pierre Trudeau

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The Rt. Hon. Joseph Philippe Pierre Yves Elliott Trudeau,
In office
April 20, 1968June 4, 1979
March 3, 1980June 30, 1984
Personal details
Political partyLiberal

Pierre Elliott Trudeau (October 18, 1919September 28, 2000) was the fifteenth Prime Minister of Canada from April 20, 1968 to June 4, 1979, and from March 3, 1980 to June 30, 1984.

An author, political activist, and professor from early in his adult life, Trudeau was a charismatic figure who dominated the Canadian political scene and aroused passionate reactions. "He haunts us still," biographers Christina McCall and Stephen Clarkson wrote. Admirers praise the force of Trudeau's intellect. They salute his political acumen in preserving national unity and bringing into force the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Detractors fault Trudeau for arrogance, deplore economic policies that increased the national debt, and criticize him for increasing a sense of political alienation in western provinces. Nevertheless, few would dispute the assertion that Trudeau was a towering figure who helped redefine Canada.

Trudeau led Canada through some of its most tumultuous times and was often the centre of controversy. Known for his flamboyance, he sometimes wore sandals or a buckskin jacket in the House of Commons; dated celebrities; occasionally used obscenities to insult his opponents, and on May 7, 1977, did a pirouette behind the back of Queen Elizabeth II.

Justice minister

File:Trudeau at the 1968 Liberal convention.jpg
Trudeau at the 1968 Liberal convention

As justice minister, Pierre Trudeau was responsible for removing laws against homosexuality from the Criminal Code of Canada, famously remarking: "The view we take here is that there's no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation." He also liberalized divorce laws, and clashed with Québec Premier Daniel Johnson, Sr., during constitutional negotiations.

At the end of Canada's centennial year in 1967, Prime Minister Pearson announced his intention to step down. Trudeau was persuaded to run for the Liberal leadership, and ran an energetic campaign that mobilized and inspired many youths who had been influenced by the 1960s counterculture, and who saw Trudeau as a symbol of generational change.

At the April 1968 Liberal leadership convention, Trudeau was elected leader of the party on the fourth ballot, defeating several prominent, long-serving Liberals including Paul Martin Sr., Robert Winters and Paul Hellyer. Some wondered if he was too left wing for the nation's top job, and his views led to some initial alienation from the party's conservative wing. However, he benefited from an unprecedented wave of personal popularity called "Trudeaumania" which saw Trudeau mobbed by throngs of youths.

A significant moment in the 1968 federal election occurred during the annual Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day parade when rioting Québec separatists threw rocks and bottles at the bandstand where Trudeau was seated. Defying his aides' pleas to take cover, Trudeau stayed in his seat facing the rioters, without a change in expression or a sign of fear. The image of the young politician showing such courage impressed the Canadian populace, and he handily won the election the next day.

Prime Minister

Trudeau being interviewed during the October Crisis

As prime minister, Trudeau espoused participatory democracy as a means of making Canada a "Just Society." His desire for greater citizen involvement in government appears to have been frustrated by lack of support within his party, and he later opposed greater involvement for citizens in representative democracy. He vigorously defended the newly implemented universal health care and regional development programs as means of making society more just.

During the October Crisis of 1970, when the Front de libération du Québec (FLQ) kidnapped Quebec Labour Minister, Pierre Laporte (who was later murdered) and British Trade Consul James Cross, Trudeau responded by invoking the War Measures Act. Although this response is still controversial and was opposed as excessive by figures like Tommy Douglas, it was met with only limited objections from the public. Trudeau presented a determined public stance during the crisis, answering the question of how far he would go to stop the terrorists with "Just watch me." Five of the FLQ terrorists were flown to Cuba in 1970 as part of a deal in exchange for James Cross' life, but all members were eventually arrested. The five flown to Cuba were arrested after they returned to Canada years later.

Trudeau's first years would be most remembered for the passage of his implementation of official bilingualism. Long a goal of Trudeau, his legislation would require all Federal services to be offered in French and English. The measures were very controversial at the time in English Canada, but would be successfully passed and implemented.

Trudeau was the first world leader to agree to meet John Lennon and his wife Yoko Ono on their 'tour for world peace'. Lennon said, after talking with Trudeau for 50 minutes, that Trudeau was "a beautiful person".

On March 4, 1971, the prime minister married Vancouver socialite Margaret Sinclair, a woman who, at 22, was less than half Trudeau's age. They had three children and were the subject of enormous press coverage before their well-publicized legal separation in 1977. Their divorce was finalized in 1984. Their children attended Rockcliffe Park Public School, in Ottawa.

In foreign affairs, Trudeau kept Canada firmly in the NATO Alliance, but pursued an independent path in international relations. He made Canada the first western power to establish diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China (to Richard Nixon's fury), and went on a state visit to Beijing. He was known to be a friend of Fidel Castro and Cuba.

Trudeau and Cuban President Fidel Castro.

In the election of 1972, Trudeau's Liberal Party won with a minority government, with the New Democratic Party holding the balance of power. This government would move to the left, including the creation of Petro-Canada.

In May of 1974, the House of Commons passed a motion of no confidence in Trudeau's government. The election of 1974 saw Trudeau and the Liberals re-elected with a majority government with 141 of the 264 seats. Trudeau later instituted Wage and Price Controls, something which he had mocked Robert Stanfield for proposing during the election campaign. This led to the resignation of his Finance Minister, John Turner. A worsening economy, burgeoning national debt, and growing public antipathy towards Trudeau's perceived arrogance caused his poll numbers to fall rapidly. Trudeau delayed the election as long as he could, but was forced to call one in 1979.

Defeat and opposition

In the election of 1979, Trudeau's government was defeated by the Progressive Conservatives, led by Joe Clark, who formed a minority government. Trudeau announced his intention to resign as Liberal Party leader; however, before a leadership convention could be held, Clark's government was defeated in the Canadian House of Commons by a Motion of Non-Confidence. The Liberal Party persuaded Trudeau to stay on as leader and fight the election. Trudeau defeated Clark in the February 1980 election, and won a majority government.

Return to power

Trudeau's victory in 1980 highlighted a sharp geographical divide in the country: the Liberals had won no seats west of Manitoba. Trudeau had to resort to appointing Senators to Cabinet to ensure representation from all regions. The introduction of the National Energy Program (NEP) created a firestorm of protest in the Western provinces and increased what many termed "Western alienation". A series of difficult budgets by long-time loyalist Allan MacEachen in the early 80s did not improve Trudeau's economic reputation.

Two very significant events for Canada occurred during Trudeau's final term in office. The first was the defeat of the referendum on Québec sovereignty, called by the Parti Québécois government of René Lévesque. In the debates between Trudeau and Levesque, Canadians were treated to a contest between two highly intelligent, articulate and bilingual politicians who, despite being bitterly opposed, were each committed to the democratic process. Trudeau promised a new constitutional agreement with Québec should it decide to stay in Canada, and the "No" side (that is, No to sovereignty) ended up receiving around 60% of the vote.

Trudeau had attempted patriation of the Constitution earlier in his career, but always ran into a combined force of provincial Premiers on the issue of an amending formula. After he threatened to go to London alone, a Supreme Court decision led Trudeau to meet with the Premiers one more time. Trudeau reached an agreement with nine of the Premiers, with the notable exception of Lévesque. Quebec's refusal to agree to the new constitution became a source of continued acrimony between the federal and Quebec governments.

On February 29, 1984, after a "long walk in the snow", Trudeau decided to step down, ending his 15 year tenure as Prime Minister.

Final years

Trudeau later in life

In retirement, Trudeau rarely gave speeches or spoke to the press. However, his interventions into public debate had a significant impact when they occurred. Trudeau wrote and spoke out against both the Meech Lake Accord and Charlottetown Accord proposals to amend the Canadian constitution, arguing that they would weaken federalism and the Charter of Rights if implemented. His opposition was a critical factor leading to the defeat of the two proposals. He also spoke out against Jacques Parizeau and the Parti Québécois with less effect. In his final years, Trudeau commanded respect in English Canada, but was regarded with suspicion in Québec due to his role in the 1982 constitutional deal which was seen to have excluded the province. Trudeau also remained active in international affairs, visiting foreign leaders and participating in international associations such as the Club of Rome.

In the last years of his life, Trudeau was afflicted with Parkinson's disease and prostate cancer, and became less active, although he continued to work at his law office until a few months before his death at the age of 80. He was devastated by the death of his youngest son, Michel Trudeau, who was killed in an avalanche in November 1998.


Pierre Trudeau was honoured with a state funeral

Pierre Elliott Trudeau died on September 28, 2000, and is buried in the Trudeau family crypt, St-Remi-de-Napierville Cemetery, Saint-Remi, Québec. He lay in state to allow Canadians to pay their last respects. He is survived by his ex-wife Margaret, his sons Justin Trudeau and Alexandre "Sacha" Trudeau, and his daughter, Sarah, whom he fathered with Deborah Coyne. During the funeral services, Justin delivered an emotional yet articulate eulogy [1] that led to wide speculation that a career in politics was in his future.

Religious views

Following his death and to the surprise of many, it became known that Trudeau was in fact deeply religious. He hardly ever missed Sunday mass and had required his wife Margaret to convert to Catholicism before their marriage. He had earlier in life broken up with a girlfriend over her growing agnosticism. He experienced a crisis of faith following the tragic death of his son but he had reconciled himself with it by the time of his death.

However, his religious views seemed to have influenced his politics only insofar as they affected his zeal and work ethics. He championed causes that were strongly opposed by his church, such as the abolition of sodomy laws and the easing of divorce procedures.

Honours and awards

Effective January 1, 2004 Montréal-Dorval International Airport was renamed Montréal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport (YUL).

In 2005 the government of British Columbia announced it will name a mountain in the Cariboo Range, "Mount Pierre Elliott Trudeau" [2]. The peak is located in the "Premier Range", which has many peaks named for British and Canadian prime ministers.

The Canadian news agency Canadian Press named Trudeau "Newsmaker of the Year" a record 10 times, including every year from 1968 to 1975. (The other two times were in 1978 and 2000.) In 1999, CP also named Trudeau "Newsmaker of the 20th Century." Trudeau declined to give CP an interview on that occasion, but said in a letter that he was "surprised and pleased." In many informal polls conducted by Canadian internet sites, users also widely agreed with the "Newsmaker of the 20th Century" honour.

In 1983-84, he was awarded the Albert Einstein Peace Prize, for negotiating the reduction of nuclear weapons and Cold War tension in several countries.

In 2004, viewers of the CBC series The Greatest Canadian voted Trudeau the third greatest Canadian.


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Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau's official portrait by Myfanwy Pavelic

Trudeau's most enduring legacy may lie in his contribution to Canadian nationalism, and of pride in Canada in and for itself rather than as a derivative of the British Commonwealth. His role in this effort, and his related battles with Quebec on behalf of Canadian unity, cemented his political position when in office despite the controversies he faced - and remain the most remembered aspect of his tenure afterward.

Some people consider Trudeau's economic policies to have been a weak point. Inflation and unemployment marred much of his term. When Trudeau took office in 1968 Canada had a debt of $18 billion, when he left office in 1984, that debt stood at $200 billion - an increase of 1100%. The debt overhang in particular is one that Canada is still dealing with, as interest payments eat up a substantial chunk of annual federal spending. However, these trends were present in most western countries at the time including the United States. It is also noteworthy that during this period Canada vaulted to the top of the world in terms of UN indices measuring Human Development and Quality of Life.

Though his popularity had fallen in English Canada at the time of his retirement in 1984, public opinion later became more sympathetic to him, particularly in comparison to his successor, Brian Mulroney.

Cultural legacy

Few outside the museum community recall the tremendous efforts Trudeau made, in the last years of his tenure, to see to it that the National Gallery of Canada and the Canadian Museum of Civilization finally had proper homes in the National capital. The Trudeau government also implemented programs which mandated Canadian content in film, radio, et. al., and gave substantial subsidies to develop the Canadian media and cultural industries. Though the policies remain controversial, Canadian media industries have become stronger since Trudeau's arrival.

On the other side of the ledger, Trudeau was criticized as denigrating or even erasing large segments of Canada's historic culture to fit his programs, and using his government's media subsidies to that end.

Legacy with respect to the west

Many Canadians, particularly those in Western Canada, disliked many of Trudeau's policies. One issue was ideological: many Canadians saw Trudeau's legacy as moving Canada away from its historic traditions and attachments, and sharply to the left of the political spectrum. The other fissure was regional. Trudeau's policies were thought by many westerners to favour Ontario and Quebec, at the expense of Alberta and British Columbia. On a visit to Winnipeg, Manitoba, he infamously quipped: "Why should I sell the Canadian farmers' wheat?" (This was actually in the context of a longer comment in which he answered his own question), and on another rail trip through the West, giving the middle finger to protestors in Salmon Arm, BC. His National Energy Program, meanwhile, was seen by many in Alberta as use of their resources to pay for his programs and regional transfers to Quebec and the Maritimes.

Legacy with respect to Quebec

Trudeau's legacy in Quebec is mixed. Many credit his actions during the October Crisis as crucial in terminating the Front de libération du Québec (FLQ) as a force in Quebec, and ensuring that the campaign for Quebec separatism took a democratic and peaceful route. However, his imposition of the War Measures Act—which received general support at the time—is remembered by some in Quebec as an attack on democracy. Trudeau is also credited by many for defeat of the 1980 Quebec referendum.

While Pierre Trudeau had no viable political opposition in Quebec at the federal level in his time (for instance, his Liberal party captured 74 out of 75 Quebec seats in the 1980 federal election), Québécois hedged their bets by twice electing the pro-sovereignty Parti Québécois provincially. (At the time, there was no pro-sovereignty federal party like today's Bloc Québécois). He is seen by many Québécois, particularly in the media, academic and political establishments as a vendu (sellout). While his reputation has grown in English Canada since his retirement in 1984, it has not improved in Quebec.


Bilingualism is one of Trudeau's most lasting accomplishments, having been fully integrated into the Federal government's services, documents, and broadcasting (Not, however in provincial governments, except for New Brunswick). While official bilingualism has settled some of the grievances francophones had towards the federal government, many francophones had hoped that Canadians would be able to function in the official language of their choice no matter where in the country they were.

However, Trudeau's ambitions in this arena have been overstated: Trudeau once said that he regretted the use of the term "bilingualism", because it appeared to demand that all Canadians speak two languages. In fact, Trudeau's vision was to see Canada as a bilingual confederation in which all cultures would have a place. In this way, his conception broadened beyond simply the relationship of Quebec to Canada.

Constitutional legacy

One of Trudeau's most enduring legacies is the 1982 Canadian constitution, including the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. It is seen as advancing civil rights and liberties and, notwithstanding clause aside, has become for many Canadians a deeply respected institution. It also represented the final step in Trudeau's vision of a fully independent and nationalist Canada. Section 35 of the Constitution Act of 1982 has clarified issues of aboriginal and equality rights, including establishing the previously denied aboriginal rights of Métis. Section 15, dealing with Equality Rights, has been used to remedy societal discrimination against minority groups. The coupling of the direct and indirect influences of the Charter has meant that it has grown to influence every aspect of Canadian life, and the override (notwithstanding clause) of the Charter has been infrequently used.

The value of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms continues to be debated in some quarters: Canadians are still subject to double jeopardy (Although the Trudeau government limited this power through Parliament), and there is as much controversy when the courts interpret Charter rights broadly as there is when the courts restrict or qualify them.


Trudeau remains well regarded by many Canadians. The passage of time has only slightly softened the strong antipathy he inspired among his opponents, however, and Prime Minister Chretien's recent effort to name a Yukon mountain after him was quickly dubbed "the Liberals' PET rock" in some quarters. Trudeau is seen by many as embodying the spirit of his age: youth, ambition, and rebellion against conformity. His intelligence, energy, charisma, and confidence as Prime Minister are often cited as reasons for his abundant popularity, but his efforts to awaken Canadian nationalism and inspire pride in Canada are a lasting contribution that is recognized across the political spectrum.

Supreme Court Appointments

Trudeau appointed the following Justices to the Supreme Court of Canada:


Television dramatizations

Trudeau's life is depicted in two Canadian Broadcasting Corporation television mini-series.

The first one, Trudeau (with Colm Feore in the title role), depicts his years as Prime Minister.

Trudeau II: Maverick in the Making (with Stéphane Demers as the young Pierre, and Tobie Pelletier as him in later years) portrays his earlier life.


Books about Trudeau

  • Bergeron, Gérard. Notre miroir à deux faces: Trudeau-Lévesque. Montreal: Québec/Amérique, c1985.
  • Butler, Rick, Jean-Guy Carrier, eds. The Trudeau decade. Toronto: Doubleday Canada, 1979.
  • Butson, Thomas G. Pierre Elliott Trudeau. New York: Chelsea House, c1986.
  • Clarkson, Stephen. Trudeau and our times. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, c1990 - c1994. 2 v.
  • Cohen, Andrew, J. L. Granatstein, eds. Trudeau's shadow: the life and legacy of Pierre Elliott Trudeau. Toronto: Vintage Canada, 1999.
  • Couture, Claude. Paddling with the current: Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Étienne Parent, liberalism and nationalism in Canada. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, c1998. Issued also in French: La loyauté d'un laïc.
  • Griffiths, Linda. Maggie & Pierre: a fantasy of love, politics and the media: a play. Vancouver: Talonbooks, 1980.
  • Gwyn, Richard. "The northern magus: Pierre Trudeau and Canadians. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, c1980. .
  • Laforest, Guy. Trudeau and the end of a Canadian dream. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, c1995.
  • McDonald, Kenneth. His pride, our fall: recovering from the Trudeau revolution. Toronto: Key Porter Books, c1995.
  • McIlroy, Thad, ed. A Rose is a rose: a tribute to Pierre Elliott Trudeau in cartoons and quotes. Toronto: Doubleday, 1984.
  • Peterson, Roy. Drawn & quartered: the Trudeau years. Toronto: Key Porter Books, 1984.
  • Radwanski, George. Trudeau. Toronto: Macmillan of Canada, c1978. .
  • Simpson, Jeffrey. Discipline of power: the Conservative interlude and the Liberal restoration. Toronto: Macmillan of Canada, 1984.
  • Stewart, Walter. Shrug, Trudeau in power. Toronto: New Press, 1971.
  • Vastel, Michel. The outsider: the life of Pierre Elliott Trudeau. Toronto: Macmillan of Canada, c1990. 266 p. Translation of: Trudeau, le Québécois.

Works by Trudeau

  • Memoirs. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, c1993. ISBN 0771085885
  • Towards a just society: the Trudeau years, with Thomas S. Axworthy, (eds.) Markham, Ont.: Viking, 1990.
  • The Canadian Way: Shaping Canada's Foreign Policy 1968-1984, with Ivan Head
  • Two innocents in Red China, with Jacques Hébert 1960.
  • Against the Current: Selected Writings. Gerard Pelletier (ed)
  • The Essential Trudeau. Ron Graham, (ed.) Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, c1998. ISBN 0771085915
  • The asbestos strike. (Grève de l'amiante), translated by James Boake 1974
  • Pierre Trudeau Speaks Out on Meech Lake. Donald J. Johnston, (ed). Toronto: General Paperbacks, 1990. ISBN 0773672443
  • Approaches to politics. Introd. by Ramsay Cook. Prefatory note by Jacques Hébert. Translated by I. M. Owen. from the French Cheminements de la politique. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1970. ISBN 019540176X
  • Underwater Man, with Joe Macinnis and Joseph B. Macinnis.
  • Federalism and the French Canadians. Introd. by John T. Saywell. 1968
  • Conversation with Canadians. Foreword by Ivan L. Head. Toronto, Buffalo: University of Toronto Press 1972. ISBN 0802018882
  • The best of Trudeau. Toronto: Modern Canadian Library. 1972 ISBN 091936408X
  • Lifting the shadow of war. C. David Crenna, editor. Edmonton: Hurtig, c1987. ISBN 0888303009
  • Human rights, federalism and minorities. (Les droits de l'homme, le fédéralisme et les minorités), with Allan Gotlieb and the Canadian Institute of International Affairs
  • À contre-courant: textes choisis, 1939-1996, with Gérard Pelletier.

See also

Template:Ministry box 22Template:Ministry box 20Template:Ministry box 19
Cabinet post (1)
Predecessor Office Successor
Joe Clark Prime Minister of Canada
second time
John Turner
Cabinet posts (2)
Predecessor Office Successor
Lester B. Pearson Prime Minister of Canada
first time
Joe Clark
cont'd from 19th Min. Minister of Justice
John Turner
Cabinet post (1)
Predecessor Office Successor
Louis Cardin Minister of Justice
cont'd into 20th Min.
Preceded by Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada
Succeeded by
Preceded by Leader of the Opposition
Succeeded by
Preceded by Member of Parliament for Mount Royal
Succeeded by
