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List of paratrooper forces

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The following is a list, albeit incomplete, of paratrooper forces from around the world.

Argentina Argentina

Australia Australia

The 3rd Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment was permanently removed from jump status as of 2012, leaving the Army with no conventional parachute-infantry force. The only combat units that retain a parachute capability in the Australian Defence Force are the Australian Special Air Service Regiment and both the 1st and 2nd Commando Regiments.

Austria Austria

Belgium Belgium

Brazil Brazil

Bulgaria Bulgaria

Canada Canada

Chile Chile

  • Chilean Army
    • 1st Parachute Battalion "Pelantaru" (1o Batallón de Paracaidistas "Pelantaru")

China China

Czech Republic Czech Republic

Egypt Egypt

Finland Finland

France France

Parachutable Panhard jeep of the 1st RPIMa of the French Army

Germany Germany

See article Fallschirmjager

Greece Greece

Honduras Honduras

India India

Indonesia Indonesia

  • Indonesian Armed Forces
    • Brigade Infanteri Lintas Udara 17/Kujang I Brigif Linud 17; 17th Airborne Infantry Brigade
    • Brigade Infanteri Lintas Udara 18/Trisula Brigif Linud 18; 18th Airborne Infantry Brigade
    • Brigade Infanteri Lintas Udara 3/Tri Budhi Sakti Brigif Linud 3; 3rd Airborne Infantry Brigade
    • Indonesian Special Air Corps (Korps Pasukan Khas TNI AU)

Iran Iran

Iranian Army

Republic of Ireland Ireland

Defence Forces (Irish Army)

Israel Israel

Israeli Defence Forces

Italy Italy

Italian paratroopers are called Paracadutisti

Japan Japan

Jordan Jordan

Royal Jordanian Army
  • 30th Hussein Bin Ali Paratrooper Brigade
    • 15th Khalid Bin Al-Waleed Airborne Battalion
    • 16th King Faisal Airborne Battalion
    • 20th Tariq Bin Zyad Airborne Battalion

Malaysia Malaysia

Mongolia Mongolia

Mexico Mexico

Nepal Nepal

Netherlands Netherlands

Norway Norway

Pakistan Pakistan

Poland Poland

Portugal Portugal

Portuguese Army

Rhodesia Rhodesia

Russia Russia

Russian paratroopers stand at attention during an exercise in Central Asia

Serbia Serbia

South Africa South Africa

Spain Spain

Sri Lanka Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka Army
Sri Lanka Air Force

Sweden Sweden

Switzerland Switzerland

  • Swiss Army
    • Armeeaufklärungsdetachement (AAD) (Army Reconnaissance Group)
    • Fallschirmaufklärer Kp 17 (Parachute Reconnaissance Company 17)

Taiwan Taiwan (Republic of China)

Thailand Thailand

Turkey Turkey

Ukraine Ukraine

Insignia of the Ukrainian airmobile forces

United Kingdom United Kingdom

United States United States

U.S. paratroopers in a plane before jumping

Joint Service Units

  • Joint Communications Unit (JCU)
  • Joint Communications Support Element (JCSE)
    • Headquarters Support Squadron (HSS)
    • Communications Support Detachment (CSD)
    • 1st Joint Communications Squadron (JCS)
    • 2nd Joint Communications Squadron (JCS)
    • 3rd Joint Communications Squadron (JCS)
    • 4th Joint Communications Squadron (JCS)
    • 224th Joint Communications Support Squadron (JCSS)
    • 290th Joint Communications Support Squadron (JCSS)

Venezuela Venezuela

  • Venezuelan Army
    • 42nd Infantry Paratrooper Brigade (42a Brigada Paracaidista de Infanteria)

Vietnam Vietnam

File:Vietnam People's Air Force Paratroops.jpg
Vietnamese Paratroops insignia


  1. ^ http://www.herbertholeman.com/para/units/argentina.php PARATROOPERS of ARGENTINA
  2. ^ http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=de&u=http://www.bmlv.gv.at/sk/lask/brigaden/jgbrig7/baon/jgb25.shtml&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=4&ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3D%2522J%25C3%25A4gerbataillon%2B25%2522%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26rls%3DGGGL,GGGL:2006-43,GGGL:en Hunter Battalion 25
  3. ^ http://www.bmlv.gv.at/sk/lask/brigaden/jgbrig7/baon/jgb25.shtml Jägerbataillon 25
  4. ^ http://www.army.dnd.ca/3PPCLI/
  5. ^ http://www.qor.com/orbat/60th.html
  6. ^ "Irish Paratroopers". 1998. "Ex Red Devil". Retrieved 15 May 2014.
  7. ^ "Irish ARW". 2014. Defence Forces Ireland. Retrieved 15 May 2014.
  8. ^ "Ukrainian Airmobile structure" (in Ukrainian)
  9. ^ Новини Управління Прес-служби МО
  10. ^ "The secretive sister of the SAS". BBC. 16 November 2001. Retrieved 10 March 2010.
  11. ^ http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/afghanistan/1360109/British-unit-prepares-to-defy-extremes-of-the-Afghan-winter.html
  12. ^ http://www.army.mod.uk/structure/28211.aspx