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2014 Gaza War

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Operation Protective Edge
Part of the Gaza–Israel conflict
Date8 July 2014 – Ongoing
Status Ongoing

Gaza Strip

Commanders and leaders

Benjamin Netanyahu
Prime Minister
Moshe Ya'alon
Defense Minister
Benny Gantz
Chief of General Staff
Amir Eshel
Air Force Commander
Sami Turgeman
Southern Commander

Yoram Cohen
Chief of Shin Bet
Ismail Haniyeh
Mohammed Deif
Head of Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades
Ramadan Shalah
Leader of PIJ
Units involved
Israel Defense Forces
Israeli Air Force
Shin Bet
Military wing of Hamas
Military equipment of Israel; Israeli Southern Command and up to 40,000 reservists[1] Arsenal equaling more than 10,000 rockets[2]
Casualties and losses
None 72[3]

Palestinian injuries: 550[3]

Israeli injuries: 68[4]

Operation Protective Edge (Template:Lang-he-n, Mivtza' Tzuk Eitan, lit. Operation Solid Cliff, Arabic: عملية البنيان المرصوص, Amaliyat Al-Bonyan Al-Marsous) is an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) operation in the Hamas-governed Gaza Strip, launched on 8 July 2014.[5] The IDF ended Operation Brother's Keeper at the onset of Operation Protective Edge. Israel announced this operation in response to the escalation of rocket attacks on Israel by Hamas.

The operation follows a chain of events that arguably began with the abduction and murder of three Israeli boys in June 2014, for which Israel blamed Hamas. The two men Israel suspects to have kidnapped the boys were known to Israel to be members of Hamas.[6][7] Hamas denied knowledge of the kidnapping. Although there is no evident link tying the Hamas governing body, was shared with the public,[8] Hamas endorsed the kidnapping as a means of securing an exchange of prisoners. Several hundred Hamas members in the West Bank were arrested in a subsequent crackdown as part of Operation Brother's Keeper, and Hamas-affiliated institutions, including charities, were shut down.

Hours after the funeral of the three kidnapped Israelis, a 16-year-old Palestinian teenager named Mohammed Abu Khdeir of Beit Hanina was kidnapped and murdered in a suspected retaliatory attack by Jewish youths.[9] The discovery of Khdeir's body led to protests and rioting in East Jerusalem which spread to Arab villages across the country.[10] At the same time, exchanges of Gaza-based rocket fire into Israel and Israeli airstrikes in the Gaza Strip flared. Rumors stating a truce was brokered spread on 4 July, however none was ever anounced.[11]

Subsequently Israel made multiple airstrikes on various Gaza sites over the 5th and 6th, killing 9 Palestinians, during the same time 100 rockets were fired from Gaza at Israeli territory, towards Be'er Sheva, Ashdod, Ofakim, Ashkelon and Netivot through to Monday.[12][13] By Tuesday 8 July, Palestinian militants in Gaza had fired over 140 rockets in 24 hours into Israel, as far north as Hadera beyond Tel Aviv. Israel's anti-ballistic defense system, the Iron Dome, intercepted about 130 of them. Israel also thwarted an infiltration from the sea.[14]

Israel commenced the major military response on Tuesday morning. The IDF Spokesman's stated in a tweet at the beginning of the operation that "IDF has commenced Operation Protective Edge in Gaza against Hamas, in order to stop the terror Israel's citizens face on a daily basis".[15][16]

A spokesman for Palestine's presidency said the operation was 'a declaration of war on Palestinians', and, protesting what he described as a massacre of innocents, added that 'Palestinians have the right to defend themselves by all legitimate means'.[17]


Burning factory in Sderot, which was hit by a rocket from Gaza on 28 June 2014

During the search for the three missing Israeli boys, known as Operation Brother's Keeper, the IDF arrested many of the people who had been released during the Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange. Hamas vowed that it would not stop its rocket fire until the release of those rearrested.[18] Hamas, which had been credited by Israel as reining in militant rocket fire from the Gaza Strip since a ceasefire agreement with Israel was drawn up in November 2012, at the conclusion of Operation Pillar of Defense, took direct responsibility for a barrage of rockets fired into Israel on 8 July 2014.[19] Hamas and other Palestinian organizations fired more than 450 rockets at Israel since the beginning of 2014, by the time Operation Protective Edge began.[20]

Operation timeline

8 July

In preparations for a potential escalation in fighting, the IDF called up 1,500 reserves on Monday (7 July). These reserves were positioned around southern Israel and were working on training in case of escalation.[21] The IDF continued calling up additional reserves on Tuesday stating plans to call up 40,000 or more.[22]

Due to the consistent rocket fire from Gaza into Israel, the Israeli government canceled all programs within 40 km (24 miles) of Gaza, and requested all people stay at home or near shelter. All summer camps were closed and universities canceled their final exams.[23] Additionally, all gatherings of 300 or more were banned.[24]

Early morning on Tuesday, Israel struck at least 50 targets in Gaza, to which Hamas stated injured 17 people. This was followed by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu instructing the IDF to "take their gloves off" against Hamas and instructed them to take any means necessary to restore peace to Israeli citizens. As the afternoon progressed, the IDF continued their targeted retaliation, including the home of senior Hamas member Abdul Rahman Juda, who was using his home as a control and command center. Additionally, the IDF targeted and killed Muhammad Sa'aban a commander of Hamas's naval commando unit.[25] IDF also targeted the homes of Hamas members Eiad Sakik, Abdullah Hshash, Samer Abu Daka, and Hassan Abdullah.[26] The Palestinians have confirmed that all homes were called by the IDF prior to bombing, asking residents to please leave.[27]

Late afternoon, Hamas announced that all targets within Israel are now in range.[28] Tel Aviv announced in response they will be opening their public bomb shelters, amid rising fear that Hamas will increase its range of missiles from 40 km to 80 km.[29] Later Rishon Letzion announced that they as well were opening their bomb shelters.[30] A few hours later, Jerusalem announced its public bomb shelters were open as well.[31]

Early evening, the Iron Dome Defense system shot down a rocket over Tel Aviv.[32] Shortly afterward, five armed Palestinians attempted to cross into Israel via the beach at Kibbutz Zikim. Gunfire ensued with the IDF, resulting in the death of all five Palestinians.[33] A short while later, a parachute was found abandoned near Yad Mordechai[34] and a Gaza tunnel exploded near Kerem Shalom.[35]

Hamas, in the evening, held a press conference to express their demands to stop their offense on Israel. Hamas demanded that Israel halt what it termed aggression in Jerusalem; the West Bank; and the Gaza Strip, re-release of the prisoners of the Shalit deal, and the commitment to all the terms of the Operation Pillar of Defense cease-fire.[36] For the first time in recent weeks, Hamas openly claimed responsibility for rocket fire. In addition, the Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for 60 rockets, the Popular Resistance Committees asserted they had fired 17, and the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine claimed responsibility for 3.[37]

Late in the evening, a second rocket was shot down over Tel Aviv[38] Following this air sirens went off in Binyamina and Hamas claimed a rocket was fired at Haifa.[39] This was all followed by several rockets being fired at Jerusalem and 2 landing just outside of Jerusalem[38] Just before midnight, a rocket hit Hadera, 28 miles (45 km) north of Tel Aviv, making it the longest range rocket ever shot into Israel.[40] Upon investigation of the shrapnel Israel believes this was a Syrian made M302 Rocket.[41]

By the end of the first day, IAF and navy had struck 435 targets in Gaza, resulting in the death of at least 24 Palestinians and over 100 Palestinians were injured.[42] Also during the first day 225 rockets were fired from Gaza into Israel and 40 of out of 225 were intercepted.[43][44] Property damage in Israel totaled approximately 10 million NIS, from 35 vehicles, 52 buildings, 12 agriculture-related damages reported.[45]

9 July

Abbas, just after midnight, announced he would convene an emergency meeting of the Palestinian leadership to discuss the escalation,[46] in addition to contacting Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi to attempt to broker a cease fire.[47]

Early Wednesday morning, the US Embassy in Tel Aviv announced that due to rocket fire over Tel Aviv they would be operating at minimal staff until further notice.[48]

The IDF confirmed that over night it hit 160 targets in Gaza, bringing the total to 435 sites that Israel has struck, while from Gaza 235 rockets have been fired.[49] In the morning hours of Wednesday, the IDF confirmed that 2 additional rockets were shot down over Tel Aviv.[50]

In the afternoon, the Iron Dome shot down a rocket over Zichron Yaakov, 120km (75 miles) from the Gaza border. [51] This was immediately followed by 2 rockets falling just shy of Haifa, landing in the Mount Carmel region. Hamas has taken credit for these rockets. [52] Hamas also announced that Gaza had been hit 500 times in the past 2 days. [51] The IDF announced that they had struck 129 targets in Gaza since the morning, made up of 31 tunnels, 60 rocket launching sites, 27 terror sites, and 11 activity sites.[53]

In the early evening, two rockets landed in an open field in Caesarea that Israel believes was fired at Haifa.[54] Additionally, Israel struck a house in Gaza which resulted in the mother and her 2 children being killed. [55] Palestinians also reported that the Islamic Jihad Communications Commander was killed in IAF strike on his house.[56] Following the recent Israeli attacks on Gaza, the death toll rose to 43, causing Abbas to call the current operation an Israeli genocide.[57] Within the first 36 hours of Operation Protective Edge, Israel surpassed the number of targets they had hit in Gaza than they did in the full 8 days of Operation Pillar of Defense [58]

As night fell Hamas sent multiple rockets toward Dimona, to which they admitted they were attempting to hit the nuclear reactors.[59] Israel additionally continued to strike Gaza with the Palestinian death toll rising to 51 along with 450 injuries [60] Hamas leaders additionally called for a return of suicide bombings within Israel.[61] Over the same period of time Magen David Adom has reported that there have been no Israeli deaths and 68 injuries; 59 from shock and 9 while running for shelter.[62]

As the second day came to an end, the IDF announced that it had hit over 550 targets in Gaza over the first two days.[63] Hamas shot approximately 180 rockets into Israel during the second day. The Palestinian death count by the end of the day was 68 along with 550 injured [64]

10 July

Shortly after midnight the UN's Security Council announced that they would hold a special meeting to discuss the current Israel/Palestinian conflict.[65] Several hours later Ban-Ki Moon announced that he would be addressing the Security Council and that he had already spoken with several world leaders [66]

Throughout the night, Israel continued their targeted attacks on Gaza, hitting several sites, resulting in 14 additional deaths, including some women and chidren. [67] Israel vowed to intensify the attacks as the operation enters its 3rd day. [68]

International Reactions

  •  UNSecretary-General Ban Ki-Moon condemned the rocket attacks from Gaza on Israel and calls on both sides of the conflict to halt their aggression.[69]
  •  Arab League – AL's representatives condemned the Israeli air raids on Gaza and asked the United Nations Security Council to hold an emergency meeting on the current situation.[70]
  •  European Union – The European Union's ambassador to Israel, Lars Faaborg-Andersen, says the EU would like to "express its unreserved solidarity with citizens of Israel." Continuing "indiscriminate shooting of rockets against civilians can never be a legitimate response, no matter what your grievances."[71]
  •  Canada – Foreign Minister John Baird condemned rocket attacks against Israel by Hamas. Baird added that the attacks "prove that Hamas continues to target innocent civilians," and that "Canada believes that Israel has every right to defend itself from such belligerent acts of terrorism."[72]
  •  Egypt – On a statement published on 9 July by the official Egyptian ministry of foreign affairs's Facebook page, Egypt expressed its "deep concern" about the latest situation in Gaza Strip and called for self-restraint and stopping the mutual violence.[73] Egypt is reportedly having contacts with Hamas attempting to mediate the truce.[74] The Egyptian foreign minister Sameh Shoukry made a remarks following a meeting with his Jordanian counterpart where he said it is important to address the crisis in a manner that protects the Palestinians and their interests.[75]
  •  France – The French Foreign Ministry called Israel and Palestinians to show restraint.[76]
  •  GermanyGerman Chancellor Angela Merkel phoned Benjamin Netanyahu on 9 July 2014 to condemn "without reservation rocket fire on Israel"[77]
  •  Iran – Foreign ministry of Iran condemned Israel's operation as a "human catastrophe" and requested West to prevent the operation on Gaza.[78]
  •  Jordan – Jordanian spokesperson described the operation as "aggressive" and urged Israel to stop.[79]
  •  Malaysia – On July 9, 2014, Prime Minister Najib Razak condemned the Israeli Defence Force air strikes on the Gaza Strip and called for an immediate cessation of military operations. He stressed that peace can only come with the creation of a viable two-state solution and all parties should adhere to this principle [80]
  •  Pakistan – On July 9, 2014, Pakistan expressed deep concern and condemned the escalation of violence and loss of lives in Gaza brought forth by Israeli aggression.[81]
  •  Turkey – The Turkish foreign ministry called for Israel to halt all attacks on Gaza and to use both restraint and common sense. Additionally, they requested the UN to intervene and stop the Israeli attacks.[82] Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu added that neutrality in the case of Palestine is support of the Israeli occupation.[83]
  •  UKBritish Foreign Secretary William Hague concerned the violence and condemned rocket fire from Gaza.[84]
  •  USAPresident Obama, continuing his requests since the start of Operation Brother's Keeper, requested that both sides use restraint. He reiterated his previous sentiments that the only way to achieve long lasting peace is not through fighting but through a common understanding and agreement.[85] White House spokesman Josh Earnest stated "No country can accept rocket fire aimed at civilians and we support Israel's right to defend itself against these vicious attacks."[86]

Social media

In the eight days leading up to Operation Protective Edge, the hashtag #GazaUnderAttack was used over 375,000 times. Often the hashtag was used on tweets using photos that claimed to show how the people are suffering due to Israeli attacks. However, a BBC study showed that these photos often had nothing to do with the current conflict. Some photos were as old as 2009, and others were from Syria and Iraq.[87]

A false report circulated on social media and via SMS that a "Rocket from Gaza hit petrochemical plant in Haifa, huge fire, possible chemical leak, advised to evacuate Haifa." These reports cited Haaretz as their source, but turned out to be false, and no such incident occurred, and Haaretz denies having issues such warnings.[88]

See also


  1. ^ "IDF chief Gantz asks for call-up of 40,000 reserves amid Operation Protective Edge". The Jerusalem Post. Retrieved 8 July 2014.
  2. ^ "Operation Protective edge: Israel bombs Gaza in retaliation for rockets", The Guardian, 8 July 2014
  3. ^ a b "Scores killed as Israeli jets bombard Gaza". Al Jazeera English. Retrieved 9 July 2014.
  4. ^ Live updates blog, July 9: IDF expands Gaza offensive
  5. ^ "IDF's Operation "Protective Edge" Begins Against Gaza". Jewish Press. Retrieved 8 July 2014.
  6. ^ "Israel IDs 2 main suspects in teens disappearance", CBS News, 26 June 2014
  7. ^ "Operation Brother's keeper", The Jerusalem Post {{citation}}: |contribution= ignored (help)
  8. ^ Greenberg, Joel (30 June 2014), "'Hamas will pay,' Netanyahu vows after bodies of missing Israeli teens are found", Bellingham Herald, McClatchy
  9. ^ Adiv Sterman (6 July 2014). "Six Jewish extremists arrested in killing of Jerusalem teen". The Times of Israel. Retrieved 10 July 2014.
  10. ^ "Protests erupt again in East Jerusalem, southern Israel". The Times of Israel. 6 July 2014. Retrieved 10 July 2014.
  11. ^ "Hamas 'ready for Gaza ceasefire' if Israeli raids stop", BBC News, 4 July 2014
  12. ^ 'Israel launches military offensive in Gaza,' Al-Jazeera 7 July 2014.
  13. ^ Noam Sheizaf,'Israeli-Palestinian clashes upsetting Israeli faith in status quo,' Al-Jazeera 7 July 2014.
  14. ^ Israel hits Hamas, Islamic Jihad leaders after rockets land north of Tel Aviv | The Times of Israel
  15. ^ "IDF launches Gaza operation 'against Hamas' following massive rocket barrage on south". Ynetnews. Retrieved 8 July 2014.
  16. ^ "Israel launches operation to stop Gaza-based rocket fire". Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Retrieved 8 July 2014.
  17. ^ 'Presidency: Palestinians have the right to defend themselves,' Ma'an News Agency 8 July 2014.
  18. ^ "For Israel in Gaza, a delicate balancing act". Retrieved 8 July 2014.
  19. ^ Christa Case Bryant, Ending détente, Hamas takes responsibility for today's spike in rocket fire (+video) Christian Science Monitor 7 July 2014
  20. ^ "Live updates: Ggaza terrorists fire rockets". Retrieved 8 July 2014.
  21. ^ "Rockets bombard south, Hamas claims responsibility". Haaretz. Retrieved 8 July 2014.
  22. ^ "No doubt Hamas will try to target Tel Aviv next, says senior IDF official". Haaretz. Retrieved 8 July 2014.
  23. ^ "Israel launches 'Protective Edge' counteroffensive on Gaza, Jewish suspects reenact teen's murder". Times of Israel. Retrieved 8 July 2014.
  24. ^ "Israel Steps Up Offensive Against Hamas in Gaza". New York Times. Retrieved 8 July 2014.
  25. ^ "Israel's Operation Protective Edge in Gaza". Jerusalem Post. Retrieved 8 July 2014.
  27. ^ Live updates, July 8: Israel launches aerial offensive in Gaza - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz
  28. ^ Hamas: All Israelis now targets for missile attacks | JPost | Israel News
  29. ^ Jerusalem Municipality opens bomb shelters across city | JPost | Israel News
  30. ^ Tel Aviv, Rishon Letzion prepare bomb shelters in case of attack Israel News | Haaretz
  31. ^ Jerusalem Municipality opens bomb shelters across city | JPost | Israel News
  32. ^ Iron Dome intercepts rocket over central Israel, sirens sound in Tel Aviv | JPost | Israel News
  33. ^ WATCH: IDF kills 5 Hamas terrorists attempting to infiltrate from the sea | JPost | Israel News
  34. ^ Hamas infiltrators killed in gunfight at Israeli army base | Jewish Telegraphic Agency
  35. ^ Fearing Terror Infiltration, Officials Order Citizens of Israel's South to Remain in Bomb Shelters | Jewish & Israel News Algemeiner.com
  36. ^ Hamas Issues Demands for Gaza Ceasefire as Israel Prepares for Possible Escalation | Jewish & Israel News Algemeiner.com
  37. ^ '7 Palestinians killed, 25 injured in airstrike on southern Gaza,' Ma'an News Agency 8 July 2014.
  38. ^ a b Hamas rockets reach Jerusalem and Tel Aviv | JPost | Israel News
  39. ^ Hamas says fired rocket toward Haifa, northern Israel | Reuters
  40. ^ Fresh Rocket Salvo Hits as Far as Jerusalem - Defense/Security - News - Arutz Sheva
  41. ^ Syrian-made M302 rocket fired by Hamas at Hadera | JPost | Israel News
  42. ^ http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4539668,00.html
  43. ^ Rockets hit Israeli heartland as offensive begins - WNEM TV 5
  44. ^ "Operation Protective Edge: 435 IDF attacks, 40 rockets intercepted". YnetNews. Retrieved 9 July 2014.
  45. ^ Rockets cause NIS 10 million in damage, businesses across South close | JPost | Israel News
  46. ^ Abbas calls for emergency meeting of Palestinian leadership Wednesday | JPost | Israel News
  47. ^ Israel hits Hamas, Islamic Jihad leaders after rockets land north of Tel Aviv | The Times of Israel
  48. ^ "US Embassy in Israel to 'Operate at Minimal Staffing' After Rocket Attacks". ABC News Radio. 8 July 2014. Retrieved 9 July 2014.
  49. ^ IDF Strikes Major Blow to Gaza Terrorists - Israel News
  50. ^ Abbas: Israel committing 'genocide' against Palestinians in Gaza | The Times of Israel
  51. ^ a b The Jewish Press » » Gaza Missiles Reach Zichron Ya’akov in Northern Israel
  52. ^ Rockets Strike as Far North as Haifa - Defense/Security - News - Arutz Sheva
  53. ^ BBC News - Israel 'to intensify Gaza attacks'
  54. ^ Rockets Strike as Far North as Haifa - Defense/Security - News - Arutz Sheva
  55. ^ http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4540499,00.html
  56. ^ http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4540543,00.html
  57. ^ Abbas: Israel committing 'genocide' in Gaza | News , Middle East | THE DAILY STAR
  58. ^ http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/.premium-1.604054
  59. ^ http://www.jpost.com/Operation-Protective-Edge/Rocket-alert-sirens-sound-in-Zichron-Yaakov-120-km-north-of-Gaza-362087
  60. ^ http://www.maannews.net/eng/ViewDetails.aspx?ID=711489
  61. ^ http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=11290787
  62. ^ http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/1.603913
  63. ^ http://www.jpost.com/Operation-Protective-Edge/IDF-strikes-80-Gaza-targets-in-under-thirty-minutes-362144
  64. ^ http://www.aljazeera.com/news/middleeast/2014/07/israeli-bombardment-gaza-escalates-20147973229699830.html
  65. ^ http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4540787,00.html
  66. ^ http://www.newvision.co.ug/news/657369-gaza-on-knife-edge--ban-ki-moon.html
  67. ^ http://www.maannews.net/eng/ViewDetails.aspx?ID=711551
  68. ^ http://www.maannews.net/eng/ViewDetails.aspx?ID=711469
  69. ^ United Nations News Centre - Ban urges maximum restraint amid 'dangerous escalation of violence' in Gaza
  70. ^ Arab League calls on urgent UN Security Council meeting on Gaza - News - World - The Voice of Russia: News, Breaking news, Politics, Economics, Business, Russia, International...
  71. ^ "Netanyahu: Gloves Are Off; Defiant Hamas Says It Won't Fold". Retrieved 8 July 2014.
  72. ^ Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird condemns Hamas rocket attacks on Israel | canada.com
  73. ^ "MFA official facebook page". Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  74. ^ "Palestinian Teen Buried as Egypt Seeks Hamas-Israel Cease-Fire". Bloomberg News.
  75. ^ "Egypt calls for self-restraint amid Israeli aggression on Gaza". Global Post.
  76. ^ "France on 'Operation Protective Edge':". Retrieved 8 July 2014.
  77. ^ http://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-pounds-gaza-targets-after-rocket-barrage-hits-as-far-north-as-hadera/#at_22:15
  78. ^ "Iran Condemns Israeli Self-Defense as 'Savage Aggression'". Retrieved 9 July 2014.
  79. ^ "Jordan Demands Israel Stop 'Barbaric' Operation". Retrieved 9 July 2014.
  80. ^ "Malaysia Condemns Israel Air Strikes On Gaza Strip - Najib". Retrieved 10 July 2014.
  81. ^ Pakistan condemns Israeli aggression in Gaza – The Express Tribune
  82. ^ US backs Israeli 'right to defend itself,' UN chief condemns rockets | The Times of Israel
  83. ^ داود أوغلو: الحياد في قضية فلسطين دعم للاحتلال الإسرائيلي Anadolu Agency
  84. ^ "Worldwide leaders condemn rocket fire". Retrieved 10 July 2014.
  85. ^ "Obama urges restraint israel-palestinians". Retrieved 8 July 2014.
  86. ^ Israel pounds Gaza with air and naval strikes in move against Hamas | World news | The Guardian
  87. ^ "As Israel strikes back, fake Gaza images dominate social media". YnetNews. Retrieved 8 July 2014.
  88. ^ http://www.algemeiner.com/2014/07/09/fake-hamas-message-claims-haifa-chem-plant-hit-by-gaza-rocket/