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Gears of War (video game)

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Gears of War
Game Cover
Developer(s)Epic Games
Publisher(s)Microsoft Game Studios
Designer(s)Cliff Bleszinski
EngineUnreal Engine 3.0
Platform(s)Xbox 360
ReleaseQ4 2006
Genre(s)Third-person shooter
Mode(s)Single player, multiplayer

Gears of War is a third-person tactical action/horror game being developed by Epic Games exclusively for Microsoft Game Studios and the Xbox 360 video game system. As Marcus Fenix, you fight a war against the immense Locust Horde, which not only out powers but outnumbers you, your squad, and the entire force of the Coalition of Ordered Governments. Gears of War is the only game to blend a deep and disturbing story of human survival against an endless mass of nightmarish creatures, a next-generation tactical combat system, and unsurpassed visuals and special effects. The story unfolds as a ragtag group of soldiers use every last ounce of strength to survive the onslaught from the forces of evil, which begins on the historic Emergence Day.. Game Informer magazine (June 2005) called it "Microsoft's Secret Weapon". It is already considered to be the most important Xbox 360 action game of 2006.


The humans of Sera have been fighting a decades-long war over the miracle energy source known as Imulsion when a new enemy appears: The Locust Horde. Erupting from underground warrens, the Horde attacks humanity, and overnight more than a quarter of the planet’s population is massacred. What remains of the human military flees to Jacinto Plateau, where they make a final desperate stand against overwhelming forces.

Gears of War tells the story of a former prisoner of war, Marcus Fenix, on the planet Sera, which is not unlike our own. After many years of war between humans, referred to as the "Pendulum Wars", the "Coalition of Ordered Governments" is formed, and an uneasy peace is achieved. Unfortunately, man isn't the only intelligent life on Planet Sera; a previously unknown species of subterranean creatures called "The Locust Horde" rises out of the ground (in an event called "Emergence Day"). The Locusts assault all major capitals, and the conflict quickly escalates. It took the locusts one night to kill over a quarter of the planet`s population

The story is being penned by Eric Nylund, the author of two Halo novels (The Fall of Reach and First Strike.)


Marcus Fenix

Marcus Fenix

Son of the famed military scientist Adam Fenix, Marcus established a reputation as a brilliant soldier during the Pendulum Wars, earning numerous field promotions and decorations. He was on a fast track to an outstanding military career until the war with the Locust Horde.

When the Horde breached Jacinto Plateau's defenses, Marcus defied orders to save his father, who was under siege at East Barricade Academy. He was too late. Marcus was charged with dereliction of duty and was sentenced to 40 years in Jacinto Maximum Security Penitentiary.

Four years into his sentence, the Horde overtook the penitentiary but Marcus was rescued by his best friend Dominic Santiago, so that he could rejoin the fight against the unstoppable Locust Horde.

Dominic Santiago

Dominic Santiago

Dom is a vocal, colorful and yet practical soldier. He's loyal to a fault, especially with his friends, and has no patience for those that think of themselves first.

Dominic has always believed in his country and his leaders, but his faith has been slipping in the face of this endless war. Dom lost his wife in the Emergence Day cataclysm. For him, the fight against the Horde is deeply personal.

By testifying in Marcus' defense, Dom prevented an execution, but was forced to accept the heavy judgment the military tribunal handed down to his childhood friend. Never forgetting, Dom seized his first opportunity to save Marcus' life, and convinced Lieutenant Minh Young Kim to enlist Marcus into his squad.

Minh Young Kim

Minh Young Kim

Lieutenant Kim is a proud, dedicated and ambitious soldier, a by-the-books believer in all things COG. To Kim, the Coalition of Organized Governments is humanity's only hope for survival and feels that it is an honor and privilege to serve as a Gear.

Kim moved quickly through the ranks, but after a run of bad luck he was left leading the misfits of Delta Squad. Feeling undervalued and overlooked, Kim has something to prove.

Only the strength of Dom's faith -- and the scarcity of experienced soldiers - convinced Kim to consider bringing former prisoner Fenix into his squad.

Augustus Cole

Augustus Cole

Cole, aka "The Cole Train", is an adrenaline junkie and former professional thrashball player. He craves action, and prefers to take the most direct path to the Locust Horde in any situation. What he lacks in finesse, he makes up for in raw energy.

Along with his child-like enthusiasm and charm, Cole is supremely confident in his own abilities to overcome anything, regardless of the odds—and he hasn't been proven wrong yet.

Cole and Damon Baird have served together for years, and he treats Baird as he would an older brother with a younger brother's license to torment.

Damon Baird

Damon Baird

Despite being a reluctant and cynical soldier, Baird excels at the military life. Baird is perfectly capable of being a successful officer, but has never been promoted due to his poor attitude, short temper and his unwillingness to take on any responsibility.

Baird's greatest strength is his intelligence. He not only fights the Locust, but he studies and observes them as well. He's the closest the COG have to an expert, and when Baird tells his comrades to be quiet and listen, they know it is in their best interest to do exactly that.

Baird's only motivation is self preservation. He's willing to do whatever it takes to get through the war alive -- even march along side a troublemaker like Fenix.

The Locust Horde

The locust Horde are the creatures which have emerged from trom the dephs of the planet Sera. Not much has been revealed about the Locust but we know there are different versions of them, differing in appearance and ability.


Drones are the basic foot infantry of the Locust Horde. They stand at over 2 meters tall, weigh more than 120kg and are capable of useing millitary tatics like ambushing, luring and sniping when orered to.


These are female verions of the Drones. Standing at a average height of 2.2 meters and weighing 220kg, they are much bigger and more dangerous than there male counterparts. They detect there enemies by detecting there scent and vibrations, and though they are slow they are highly capable of smashing threw walls and taking out Gears in one single blow.


These are much bigger, stronger and more brutal than the Drones. It is rumoured that they were gentically enginerd by the Locust Horde to be deployed like tanks in the battle field.



An in-game screenshot of player character Marcus Fenix battling enemy Locusts.

Cliff Bleszinski (known as CliffyB on his signature maps ) cited Resident Evil 4's quick pacing and emphasis on "memorable moments" as a major influence on Gears of War in an interview with Game Informer. He promised his game would have set-pieces and a variety of enemies comparable to RE4. RE4 also seems to have influenced the camera scheme, something that hovers over the player character's shoulder, and the inclusion of Dragon's Lair and Shenmue style "Quick Time Events" is expected. In addition, when running in "no man's land," the camera will pull back as if you are running behind Fenix, dubbed the "roadie cam." Bleszinksi also has mentioned that Fenix would be granted limited control over a squad of fellow soldiers(Delta Squad). The game also has teammates but you can't choose which one you want for each mission, the game decides for you and you'll have to make do with who you get (a la Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30). The game also has a large emphasis on cover (see Full Spectrum Warrior or Kill.Switch). A multiplayer mode is planned, but is not expected to be the game's emphasis at this stage. Gears of War uses Unreal Engine 3. Epic developer Cliff Bleszinski has stated that the presentation of this game will be cinematic in scope, and chaotic, destructible environments will be an important aspect of this. Unlike other notable games by Epic, the game is not "run and gun;" it is a slower-paced, more tactical affair that emphasizes cover (while still maintaining an up-close-and-personal feel). This sort of gameplay has been dubbed "stop and pop."

In game you'll be able to hold 1 Pistol, 2 Large Weapons (Shotgun, Assault Rifle, etc.) and a slot for grenades.


Gears of War multiplayer.

The two confirmed multiplayer modes for Gears of War are 'Team Deathmatch' and 'Co-op'. Both modes can be played over Xbox LIVE, System Link, or split-screen.

Team Deathmatch

In Gears of War, Team Deathmatch will allow up to eight players (four COGs vs four Locust Horde) to engage in battle throughout several maps. Cover, like the singleplayer game, will be neccesary for this mode. Each player starts out with their standard weapons, but there will be more powerful weapons layed out across the level such as sniper rifles and rocket launchers. [1]

Cooperative Play

Co-op in Gears of War will let up to two players play through the game from starting to end. One of the more interesting aspects of co-op in GoW is the ability to invite players on the users friends list and have them instantly pop in the players game to help them out. Cooperative Play will also differ from the singleplayer game in some ways. Cliffy B has stated that there will be different paths throughout every level which will allow the players to decide on which path they want to take, and they will also be able to support their teammate on their side. It has also been said that Player One will be Marcus, and Player Two will be his buddy, Dom. [2]

Control Scheme

A picture released by Gears of War Realm [3] reveals the control scheme for Gears of War

Marcus Fenix leading his squad through enemy territory.

R-Trigger = Fire weapon.(Note: when the grenade is equipped you will see an arc to get a prediction of where the grenade will land.)

L-Trigger = Aim Mode (Note: When in cover, the player must use the Left-Trigger to aim at enemies with behind cover, or he will instead use blind fire)

R-Bumper = Reload (When the player reloads, he may attempt a fast reload. A wave goes through the gun icon that will show you when to reload. Hit reload a second time at the right moment to speed up the reload and power up next clip for a few shots. Time it wrong and the gun will jam. This is an optional feature. The player has the option to reload normally.)

L-Bumper = Objectives/Squad Status (Hold this button and other commands come up. Cliffy has not made a statement on whether or not that these commands are on the face buttons or the d-pad) In the OXM June issue number 58, Cliffy B is quoted as saying that the player can "Tell your squad to cease fire, open fire on a target, move to a location, or regroup."

Y-Button = Point of Interest. The player holds this button to look at what the game wants you to see. You are prompted by an icon on screen. Example: When you are told to go through a door, hold Y and the camera will point at this door. This also works during some cinematics, where you get to choose to watch them or ignore them. When no prompt is shown, the player can press Y to look at nearest squadmate to check their status.

B-Button = Melee attack (Holding the button down will initiate the chainsaw.)

A-Button = All move (Hold to roadie run, tap to take cover or tap to evade when not near cover. Once in cover mode tap A to get out of cover mode. During cover press forward and A to quickly mantle over cover, side and A to swat turn to cover or if no cover is close you roll out. While Roadie running you will quickly mantle over whatever obstacles you come to.)

X-Button = Use/Interact

R-Thumbstick (Click) = Used to zoom in with a sniper rifle

L-Thumbstick (Click) = Nothing

D-Pad = Weapon Select: Up for grenades, Left for weapons on left shoulder, Right for weapon on Right shoulder, down for side arm.

During the E3 2006 presentation of Gears of War, Cliffy B mentioned that in multiplayer that the player has the ability to curb-stomp an injured enemy when in near-death ala American History X. In this same presentation Cliffy B mentioned that they have vehicles set up but has not made a statement on whether we will be able to control them.

Gears of War may have voice recognition squad controls. No hard evidence has been released on this at the moment.

These are the controls for Gears of War as of E3 2006. its important to remember that the controls were a bit different at E3 2005 and that this game is not yet completed so technically anything can still be changed.


At E3 2006, the game won the following Game Critics Awards: Best Console Game, Best Action Game. [1]


  1. ^ "2006 Winners". gamecriticsawards.com. Retrieved 2006-06-25.