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Ynoss du 44 Pro
Mr. Ynoss., Wikipedian

Hello Everbody!

Who I am

Hi, I'm Ynoss du 44 Pro. Well, that isn't really my name, it's just an attempt at anonymity that is rather common for users here.

I've been editing Wikipedia for some time now and there are a lot of things I have learned and am still learning.


Originally, my online name came from my YouTube account name.

I participated Wikipedia on about Early May 2017, and created my very first article, Caelum Supercluster on about Middle July 2017.

If you want discuss with me anything, including my behavior, you may do so in my talk page. :)

Future geological periods, eras and eons (My project)

A dark gray and red sphere representing the scorched Earth lies against a black background to the right of an orange circular object representing the Sun
Conjectured illustration of the scorched Earth after the Sun has entered the red giant phase, about 7.647 billion years from now.

Phanerozoic Eon (for comparison)

Phanerozoic Eon
-542–692 million years from now

Phanerozoic a.k.a Preakrozoic (Planet of the Organisms)

The Phanerozoic Eon (British English Phanærozoic) is the current geologic eon in the geologic time scale, and the one during which abundant animal and plant life has existed. It covers 538.8 million years ago to 692 million years hence, and began with the Cambrian Period when diverse hard-shelled animals first appeared. Its name was derived from the Ancient Greek words φανερός (phanerós) and ζωή (zōḗ), meaning visible life, since it was once believed that life began in the Cambrian, the first period of this eon. The time before the Phanerozoic, called the Precambrian supereon, is now divided into the Hadean, Archaean and Proterozoic eons.

The time span of the Phanerozoic starts with the rapid emergence of a number of animal phyla; the evolution of those phyla into diverse forms; the emergence and development of complex plants; the evolution of fish; the emergence of insects and tetrapods; and the development of modern fauna. Land plant life appeared in the early Phanerozoic eon. During this time span, tectonic forces caused the continents to move and eventually collect into a single landmass known as Pangaea, which then separated into the current continental landmasses.

Cenozoic Era

The Cenozoic Era ( /ˌsnəˈzɪk, ˌsɛ-/; also Cænozoic, Caenozoic or Cainozoic /ˌknəˈzɪk, ˌk-/; meaning "new life", from Greek καινός kainós "new", and ζωή zōḗ "life") is the current and most recent of the three Phanerozoic geological eras, following the Mesozoic Era and covering the period from 66.038521 million years ago to the present day.

The Cenozoic is also known as the Age of Mammals, because of the large mammals that dominated, such as Entelodont, Paraceratherium and Basilosaurus. The extinction of many large diapsid groups such as non-avian dinosaurs, Plesiosauria and Pterosauria allowed the mammals and birds to greatly diversify and become the world's predominant fauna.

Early in the Cenozoic, following the K-Pg event, the planet was dominated by relatively small fauna, including small mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians. From a geological perspective, it did not take long for mammals and birds to greatly diversify in the absence of the dinosaurs that had dominated during the Mesozoic. Some flightless birds grew larger than humans. These species are sometimes referred to as "terror birds," and were formidable predators. Mammals came to occupy almost every available niche (both marine and terrestrial), and some also grew very large, attaining sizes not seen in most of today's terrestrial mammals.

The Earth's climate had begun a drying and cooling trend, culminating in the glaciations of the Pleistocene Epoch, and partially offset by the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum. The continents also began looking roughly familiar at this time and moved into their current positions.

Quaternary Period

Quaternary ( /kwəˈtɜːrnəri/) is the current and most recent of the three periods of the Cenozoic Era in the geologic time scale of the International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS). It follows the Neogene Period and spans from 2.588 ± 0.005 million years ago to the present. The Quaternary Period is divided into two epochs: the Pleistocene (2.588 million years ago to 11.784 thousand years ago) and the Holocene (11.784 thousand years ago to today). The informal term "Late Quaternary" refers to the past 0.5–1.0 million years.

The Quaternary Period is typically defined by the cyclic growth and decay of continental ice sheets driven by Milankovitch cycles and the associated climate and environmental changes that occurred.

Holocene Epoch

The Holocene ( /ˈhɒləˌsn, ˈh-/) is the geological epoch that began after the Pleistocene at approximately 11,784 years ago, and continues to the 389,400 years hence. The term "Recent" (usually capitalised) has often been used as an exact synonym of "Holocene", although this usage is discouraged in 21st-century science. The Holocene is part of the Quaternary period. Its name comes from the Ancient Greek words ὅλος (holos, whole or entire) and καινός (kainos, new), meaning "entirely recent". It has been identified with the current warm period, known as MIS 1, and can be considered an interglacial in the current ice age based on that evidence.

The Holocene also encompasses the growth and impacts of the human species worldwide, including all its written history, development of major civilizations, and overall significant transition toward urban living in the present. Human impacts on modern-era Earth and its ecosystems may be considered of global significance for future evolution of living species, including approximately synchronous lithospheric evidence, or more recently atmospheric evidence of human impacts. Given these, a new term, Anthropocene, is specifically proposed and used informally only for the very latest part of modern history involving significant human impact.

Holocene—Chrononeos extinction event

Ending of the Holocene Event: During the end of the Epoch, The Mass Extinction colloquially known as the The Great Deadly Explosion. 389,400 years hence, Wolf-Rayet star WR 104 is expected to explode in a supernova. It has been suggested that it may produce a gamma ray burst that could pose a threat to life on Earth should its poles be aligned 12° or lower towards Earth. The star's axis of rotation has yet to be determined with certainty but, The human species will not extinct because it will have colonised 6 million planets.

Chrononeos Epoch

The third epoch of Quaternary. The Holocene has ended by a gigantic explosion came from far away, and the Visitors have left, gone for good.

The Chrononeos is the geological epoch that began after the Holocene at approximately 389,400 years hence, and continues to the 3.5 million years hence. Now, with Earth cleared of humans, evolution can get back to work as usual – but many of her creations have been destroyed by humanity. During the first part of the Chrononeos Epoch, during the Anaktisian age, life slowly starts to recover, but as time goes on in this epoch, we can see how quickly things have come on. Life is adaptable, and already the survivors of the Holocene are doing well.

Over millions of years, the descendents of Estin and Alora evolve into new species and eventually reclaim the stars, colonising ten thousand galaxies of the Virgo Supercluster.

Incipneos Epoch

The fourth epoch of Quaternary. The Incipneos is the geological epoch that began after the Chrononeos at approximately 3.5 million years hence, and continues to the 5.8 million years hence. Life is doing very well indeed as we return to a new epoch. Deer, goats, bovids, and pigs munch on the abundant plant life, hunted by predators such as big cats and canids. Majestic cetaceans swim through the ocean, including some slightly strange forms, accompanying a variety of fish, sharks, seals, and invertebrates.

A species of chimanzee has become more intelligent than its ancestors, and it has become known as Neosantras. It can create weapons such as spears, has a sophisticated society, and can even make fire. However, they are still primitive, and are a mostly forest-dwelling species.

We can start to see South America splitting away from North America, and Africa mving towards Europe. Antarctica is gradually moving upwards, as is Australia.

However, around 3.8 million years hence. A Modfies Hydroper genes to significantly increase human-like alien species intelligence in to hydriperlligene had a powerful brain to focus their mental energy to interact with the magnetic field. As it is actually electromagnetic radiation produced by the brain, allowing human-like alien species to alter the chemical make-up of materials simply levitate objects like ghost or poltergeist.

Around 5 million years hence. A portion of East Africa breaks off, forming an island known as Balkari or Aaru.

Androneos Epoch

The fifth of the final epoch of Quaternary. The Androneos is the geological epoch that began after the Incipneos at approximately 5.8 million years hence, and continues to the 8.36 million years hence. This epoch is named after the "new men" – new intelligence. The intelligent chimpanzees are developing slowly, thanks to the random volcanic eruptions in their homeland, but they have recovered. They have a relatively basic language, but still far more advanced than the common chimpanzee of the Holocene. They do not wear clothing, as they live in a tropical envioroment, and nature has already supplied them with their own fur. They live in villages, and create basic wooden buildings – they have even created basic boats, which has allowed them to spread to Madagascar and other islands. They are also spreading on foot into more unfamiliar territory, out of their forest homelands.

Meanwhile, another intelligence is developing in the ocean: the delfíni, or finfolk. These cetaceans are descendants of dolphins, and while the apes have been conquering Africa, they have been quietly developing in the ocean. They live in tightly-knit pods, and communicate with a complex language of both underwater vocalizations and movement, and even bubble blowing. They are very capable of tool use, but their aquatic habitat holds them back from a human-like level of tool use. They use their prehensile tongues to manipulate objects, and they have even domesticated several aquatic animals, creating undersea farms.

Without trees, many arboreal animals die out, including many primates. Through sheer adaptability and intelligence, the chimp descendants manage to survive, but whether they will ever regain their full strength once again, who knows?

With the first extinction of the Pleistocene Megafauna that inaugurated the period, it continued without further misfortune for others 8.2 million years. The Androneos Epoch is truly a sight to behold, for not 1, but 2 sapients live in this world, both unaware of the other, and also unaware of their impending doom. The planet has recovered relatively after the anthropogenic impact.

Quaternary-Agresti Extinction Event

Nearing the end of the Quaternary Period the globe began to warm enough to start melt the polar glaciers, a sudden decline in the production of greenhouse gasses due to quaternary ends explosively, an asteroid crashes in northwest Asia in Siberia, causing a worldwide earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and sea level rise, all volcanic activity creates a snowball Earth. The period began following the most destructive period of the Quaternary Extinction Event, and witnessed the death of 88% of all species. For soon an asteroid nearly the size of the one that wiped out the dinosaurs and caused the K-Pg event crashes into Earth, causing the Late Androneos Extinction Event. All but a few very small, adaptable cetaceans are wiped out, including the delfíni – an aquatic civilization, wiped off of the face of the Earth. All terrestrial megaufauna dies out – elephants and other large herbivores, big cats, and other predators. Plant life is sent to a juddering halt, meaning only very adaptable, omnivorous animals can scrape through.

Following a fluctuating climate during the first 1 million years of the period due to nuclear winter/summer, species began to re-populate the Earth, re-appearing at a staggering rate not seen since the Cambrian explosion. It also marked the re-oxygenation of the Earth's atmosphere following a long greenhouse period brought about by the neosantras, cetaceans, and posthuman, Earth's only "civilized" species, whose extinction marked the beginning of a new period. A super hurricane sweeps north along the southwestern coastline of the South America and deposits many species to the northeastern coastline of Europe and Asia. This influx of freshwater was enough to stop the ocean currents. This meant the nutrients needed to feed the species in the sunlight zone, shallows, coasts, bays and seas. This caused a mass extinction that left those biomes barren. Without the ocean currents the glaciers could then increase in size due to lack of warm water keeping them back. This eventually caused the extinction of all tropical biomes, lower sea level and other biomes such as isolated island to become engulfed in the advancing glaciers, causes mass super blizzard and super hurricane. The ocean currents have returned but not enough to cause the temperature to return to it previous state. However it will bring much needed nutrients back to the marine surface biomes. The period ends with the start of a period of warm on Earth.

Agresti Period

The Agresti Period is a geologic period and system spanning 59.74 million years from the end of the Quaternary Period, at 8.36 million years ago (Mya), to the beginning of the Crescgeon Period, 68.1 Mya, and is the current and most recent of the fourth periods of the Cenozoic Era, since the end of the age of mankind until the end of the quaternary. Since the Ice Age ended, the world has nearly returned to a climate similar to the Eocene. However, places like Antarctica are mildly covered in ice, as is the Arctic. Familiar animals, such as elephants, horses, and lions have gone extinct. The Age of Mammals still continues and will be more diverse than it has been in the past. Replacing them are creatures such as domestic dogs, cats, rabbits, bat, opossums, and wolverines, which have taken up new niches. A few cold places remain, such as Antarctica. Zealandia is home to descendants of bat, sheep, dogs, cats and geese.

Neocene Epoch

Represents the first epoch of the Agresti, after the End of the Holocene. The Neocene Epoch also referred to as Lethargocene is the geological epoch that began after the Incipneos at approximately 8.36 million years hence, and continues to the 18.4 million years hence. The cycle of ice ages has ended, much of the world’s fresh water is locked up, and the earth becomes war, similar to the early Neogene levels. It has begun to integrate a new variety of megafauna descendants of the early Holocene fauna. During this time the world started to drastically cool as tropical forests gave way to grasslands and the one diverse Oligocene megafauna started to decline. Many well-known beasts from entelodonts to perissodactyls started to decline. But this timeline is different. Inhibiting the development of the ruminants, with the ape, one of the most successful recent groups of mammals, not evolving at all. The split happened in the early Neocene, meaning that more of the unfamiliar Holocene fauna was kept, and the Exevocene fauna was almost nonexistent. That achievement adapt to the temperate climate in the huge ice caps that reach as far South as Paris and North as Buenos Aires. On the edges of the ice, animals have adapted to the bitter cold and vicious winters; in the tropics, the rainforest has all but disappeared, and been replaced by a dry savannah. Yet change is in the air – a sudden increase in volcanic eruptions pours greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, the planet begins to warm up, and the melting ice creates massive, devastating floods.

Allocene Epoch

The second epoch of the Agresti. The Allocene reverted to a warmer climate.

The Allocene Epoch also referred to as Exevocene is the geological epoch that began after the Neocene at approximately 18.4 million years hence, and continues to the 39.8 million years hence. Rainforests quickly spread throughout the world, and Eocene temperatures returned. The Exevocene Thermal Maximum occurred 15 to 50 million years hence, and it's effects were quite surprising, is characterized by the first radiations of new families of mammals, many derived from deer, suids, weasels, Hyracoids with several crocodiles and birds. We see an almost similar scenario as in the Lethargocene, but made up more advanced competitors. Several groups, such as the Ruminantia, which hadn't been competing with other ungulates; Creodonta, which held firm carnivorous niches; Tylopoda, which were major herbivores; and Perissodactyla, which also held a similar herbivorous niche were not affected by the extinction. But three groups thrived in the climate, and they were to dominate for the rest of the timeline. These were the primates, because of the forests they do so well in; the carnivorans, because they could grab niches from the mammal-like entelodonts; which not only took over the niches of large carnivores on every continent, but also evolved an aquatic group which converged with the Thalattosuchia.

Around 39 Million years hence. The crocodiles had experienced a small but circumstantial boom, this thanks for the global warming of the climate. It increased its range, allowing them to colonize the coastal and lake areas of Europe, and northwestern of Asia.

Optimacene Epoch

The third epoch of the period ending on agresti. The Optamcene is the geological epoch that began after the Allocene at approximately 39.8 million years hence, and continues to the 68.1 million years hence. Africa's collision with Eurasia closes the Mediterranean Basin and creates a mountain range similar to the Himalayas. The Appalachian Mountains peaks will largely erode away, weathering at 5.7 Bubnoff units, although topography will actually increase as regional valleys deepen at twice this rate. The descendants of the aforementioned mammals are separated from their ancestors, creating not only new families, they also create new orders. Crocodiles had no problem to this type of event, even was one of the reasons why allow them to be successful in the future. One of the two types of crocodiles survived the event were, alligators, especially some of the terrestrial forms that proliferated in several advanced forms, similar to the nothosuchia, competing in niche against mammalian predators.

In the Pacific, along the coasts of Indonesia and Australia other crocodilians were the other way, taking the ocean and adapt to fully aquatic forms. After tens of millions of years after its formation, Australia hits parts of Asia, causing a minor extinction known as "The great Sahul Interchange" (Sahul is the geographic region in the Oceania continent, made up of Australia, Tasmania, New Guinea and several adjacent islands) leading to the extinction of a lot of fauna, mainly marsupials.

Crescgeon Period

The Crescgeon Period also referred to as Morigene is last of the final geological period of the Cenozoic, is a geologic period and system spanning 39.2 million years from the end of the Agresti Period, at 68.1 million years ago (Mya), to the beginning of the Crescgeon Period, 107.3 Mya, is of great transformations begins to form new mountain ranges, while others such as the Himalayas and the Andes begin to erode, it begins with a gradual process cooling that takes roughly 15 million years, as Greenland gradually occupies the North Pole. Nearly two-thirds of the land masses are concentrated in the northern hemisphere, thus forming a large continent Hyperborea, also known as Amasia or Hyperboraea. The creation of the great continent abruptly closes this period, along with the Cenozoic caused by the basaltic eruptions in what was the Arabian peninsula by overheating of the asthenosphere caused by the union of the continent. settling at climates similar to those of today. Antarctica splits apart, with the Eastern side located around the temperate zone, while Western side is located much further South.

Many of these groups of passerine birds will remain largely unchanged for the next 100 million years, some of them in a way they will stand out as important groups in the terrestrial megafauna or as a replacement for other groups of birds that would became extinct, however, they cannot evade the inevitable. For the next 80 million years, isolation in South America led the bases for the rise of some new family of crocodiles, several upright and meso-thermal metabolism positions. Some of these species settled everything for the birth of a new family, as we will call as Caenocrura. In the oceans the aquatic groups have specialized to its niches, to some extent lose some features of their ancestors as the armored deck and changing hands in functional fins.

Cenozoic-Therozoic Extinction Event

In the late Cenozoic (106 million years hence), the largest mass extinction event occurs, since the Permian-Triassic extinction event, colloquially known as the Solar Coupure. A massive solar flare from Sun has hit the Earth continued to warm the Earth until the ice caps had completely melted, sea levels have risen 100 metres and the great furry animals of the ice age to die off, changing the shape of the coastlines, Warming up and supporting a huge, lush forest are begins rise of the crocodilian, thus killing off any species over 1 meter and melting glaciers. Both fauna and flora were cooked alive and massive wildfires spread across both worlds. The accelerated warming quickly melted the ice which lead to sea level rise. This catastrophe ends with the 75% of all living species. This kills off all species over 1 m that were directly dependent upon those larger species in all world. The Deccan Traps eruptions start covering vast areas of the continent of Asia, and in the process erupt out million of tons of sulfur dioxide. Now heading out of the ice age Earth is getting warmer and warmer as sulfur dioxide trapped in the permafrost add greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere. This kills off many of the large mammal, but some are not so easily stopped. The Myraptors, those most birdlike of dinosaurs, seem to be positively thriving, possibly due to the lack of large predators they had before. This thinning while not bad now will eventually lead to the loss of it and its new ocean in the future if nothing is done. The massive amount of ash in the atmosphere blocks out the sunlight and much of the photosythetic flora die. In addition the extra greenhouses gasses from the volcanoes tip the Earth enough to gradually get warmer. However it will still be awhile before the Earth will return to normal. During this event, about 80% of terrestrial life was extinct, and that 80% were many different Cenozoic crocodiles, however it will still be awhile before the Earth will return to hot world. A few million years later, the surviving organisms began to fill vacant niches. At this point, several of the families of today's crocodiles that had survived until the end of Cenozoic, are extinct, but new variants have emerged, many of these with different behaviors, shapes and sizes. The new Crocodylomorphs experienced the same type of variation were Triassic counterparts, all grass burn out, and it was not fish that were going to do this. Smaller fish survived the mass extinction, however, it was the Crustaceans and Molluscs that were to take over what was once theirs. Dominating the sea with a ruthless fashion, it was to become the Molluscs, or perhaps more specifically, the Cephalopoda, that would rule the sea. Animals such as the Geoarosi pictarnum, a descendant of the primitive nautilus, and Nitronea lactininium, a creature closely related to cuttlefish, ruled the sea, growing up to 1.5 meters long 20 million years after the mass extinction. 110 million years hence, life is again ravaged by internal activity of our planet, manifested by the opening of a volcanic fissure which became a huge trap basalt.

Also, The Earth will likely have been hit by an asteroid comparable in size to the one that triggered the K–Pg extinction 66.158 million years ago, assuming it cannot be averted.

Therozoic Era (Era of Bestial Life)

The Therozoic Era is fourth era an interval of geological time, it is a geologic era spanning 242.4 million years from the end of the Cenozoic, at 107.3 million years hence (Myh), to the beginning of the Optimozoic Era, 349.7 Myh, it is also called the Age of Optiusuchis. With much of the mammal diversity lost, several clades now compete for dominance, including the squamates, birds, and crocodylomorphs. After the event, the Cenozoic has ended and the earth has been stripped of the dominant mammals. At this time, they begin to emerge the foundation for archosaurs retake the earth. Volcanoes belching out greenhouse gases eventually turn the Earth into a hothouse – sweltering without the cycle of ice ages, steamy and wet. Rainforests coat the land and the atmosphere is rich in carbon dioxide and oxygen. Animals adapt to the damp warmth; insects grow huge, flying insects have metre wingspans and dinosaurs, marine reptiles and pterosaurs, and the world’s biggest creatures walk the Earth. But the Earth itself is restless huge eruptions bring the planet to the brink of its worst disaster ever. Most of life is annihilated, leaving the world barren and empty.

Haemonovan Period

The Haemonovan Period is a geologic period and system spanning 51.2 million years from the end of the Optimacene, at 107.3 million years hence (Myh), to the beginning of the Baikaceous Period, 158.5 Myh. The Earth warms up after planet of the Optiusuchis remain. The continents are still moving. Australia has collided with Asia, pushing up a huge mountain range. Antarctica has moved South America without collided, warming up and supporting a huge, lush forest. After the Arabic traps, mammals were reduced, leaving them out of the path. Now archosaurs or crocdilian-like dinosaurs again have the world at their disposal. Birds are the first, and there are the crocodiles that for many millions of years developed new features that allow them to govern the world as did their distant cousins. In South America small crocodilian survivors evolve and timely luck, arrive at the great continent. The caenocruras are a new order apart from crocodylomorphs, emerged during the Optimacene are distant descendants of South American caimans, of a line made up of small omnivorous generalists; They became a successful group in early therozoic in the same continent, and after, they expanded outside South America during the Baikaceous period with the formation of temporary land bridges that connected with North America. The outstanding and innovative in this new type of arcosauromorfos it was the reconfiguration of the hip bones and limbs, almost similarly to what happened to the Avemetatarsalia. The most primitive species have a slight perforation in the acetabulum, which is the concave depression in the part of hip bone receiving the rounded end of the femur, but femurs developed a head which fits squarely from the sides. In more advanced species the acetabulum, it is completely perforated. At the same time, this led to the reconfiguration of the ankle. The limbs lengthened, with the tibia and fibula, longer than the femur; the femoral head flies to within the hip; reduced ankle joint that looks like a hinge; the long fingers of the hind legs and digitigrade foot position, in which the only ones that touch the ground are the fingers, not the foot sole. This change to a large extent not only allowed them to develop a more efficient upright position, also allowed bipedalism in several lineages, but later others developed a quadruped walking and in some cases both types of locomotion. Another feature that highlights this group has been the emergence of integument filaments, initially for thermoregulation but over time changed their function in some clades. Living on earth is not always pleasant, and to be specific, the world passed again by a minor extinction 106 million years called "Cenozoic-Therozoic Extinction Event". After the dust settles, the new world welcomed to the quite strange and different new animal groups which took their places in their habitat. The bats were not far behind, and with other clades of mammals began the long road to recovery. At this point in the future history, around the world, only a few lines of small real bats had survived and were clinging to a few species, which will likely recover in the long term but will be unable to claim their niches in the far future, however, Icaroptera are an exception. Them after the devastation soon grew in number and began to diversify. But there was a peculiar mishap; the closeness of South America to Antarctica had caused the exchange of many species of both sides, resulting in a mix of the single and fairly conservative Antarctic fauna with enormously derived South American fauna. The extinction event brought an end to their reign, and a new era began, dominated by amphibians. Able to adapt quickly following the end of the event, they managed to evolve larger and more agile, now hunting the insects and arachnids that once hunted them. From sea to land, the class Amphibia ruled, with species such as the swimming hunters of the sea, Denisova sevinna and the 3 meter long, 1 meter high carnivorous descendant of modern toads, Rhomedi khoemilus, and is began of The earliest Flish.

Baikaceous Period

The Baikaceous Period is a geologic period and system spanning 77.9 million years from the end of the Haemonovan Period, at 158.5 million years hence (Myh), to the beginning of the Baikaceous Period, 236.4 Myh. The great mass of the Northern Hemisphere Hyperborea begins to separate into three parts, the internal forces of the Earth's mantle begin a process that opens an ancient crack and weakened by large impacts. Baikal is the beginning of the formation of a rift begins to separate Asian region and hyperborea continent. New creature evolve. The Deuterothera (Second Beast) are a clade of Caenocrura that appeared in the middle, of the Haemonova (128 million years) period but they were expanded and started occupying important ecological niches end of this same period (158 million years). The body plan is based on bipedalism, with short forelimbs; the hands have about 5 fingers in the most ancient species but are reduced depending on the species; the hind limbs of the majority, are adapted for a quick walk, with a short femur and long tibia, but in more advanced age groups and specialized this characteristics change depending on their behavior, and their feet have 4 fingers that used to support. And the Flish (Besillia-like frog) are distant descendants of amphibians, and the Besillia-like amphibians named Clausifornium. Lasting for (150 million years), it was a hot, yet humid climate, with large forests towards the shore lines, and deserts covering the inside lands not touched by the sea's moisture.

Agerogene Period

The Haemonovan Period is a geologic period and system spanning 113.35 million years from the end of the , at 236.4 million years hence (Myh), to the beginning of the Baikaceous Period, 349.75 Myh. Following the extinction of mammals and bird at the beginning of the period. Earlier in the day, visitors usurp the land, so that life is transformed again, for that event. Its effect was not very harmful, however, they left a mark in the terrestrial life, including nightmares from the human past.

Therozoic-Optimozoic Extinction Event

For a brief period in the late Agerogene (280 million years), Earth will have likely been hit by a supervolcano eruption causes a chain reaction of volcanoes all over the world comparable in size to the one that triggered the Triassic–Jurassic extinction, assuming it cannot be averted. short bridges of land between the coasts of South America and which now forms the conglomerate continents Ring of Fire, part of Asia and east were formed Africa, allowing the invaders to colonize one of the other two land masses. Of course I was an exchange between species of both continents, leaving as a result another mixture of wildlife on both sides. Most likely caused by a rise in heat and competition by the far more abundant amphibians. To fill their niche that was left by them, smaller amphibians and reptiles took the place. However, if there was to be a mammal-like animal to evolve, it was to be the first Clausifornium, or Besillia-like amphibians. Covered in mats of short hair, these tiny creatures were to evolve into the haired animal class known as Besillia, covered completely in hair, yet as agile and viscous as any amphibian of the time. Not only is the geography of Earth changed forever but the small species that survive will change the face of Earth forever.

Optimozoic Era (Era of End of Life)

The Optimozoic Era is fifth era an interval of geological time, it is a geologic era spanning 342.25 million years from the end of the Therozoic Era, at 349.75 million years hence (Myh), to the beginning of the Eozoic Era, 692 Myh. This is the final era of the Phanerozoic eon. It is also called the Age of Diversity, as our sun gets older, it is getting hotter. Our star has begun to exhaust its reserves of hydrogen, while the inhabitants of the earth will have to bear the greatest challenge of all history.

Metamonus Period

The Metamonous Period is a geologic period and system spanning 40 million years from the end of the Agerogene, at 349.75 million years hence (Myh), to the beginning of the Retrogeian Period, 389.75 Myh. After the mass extinction on era called Therozoic, just a few life forms had survived, and free from old pressures and competition, this moment in the history of life has any value retrospectively be understood about evolution. We can see a complete transition of the known classes of organisms into new innovative forms to change the rules in the latter part of the Phanerozoic and then inaugurate something new.

The Mammals never diverse. The rule of the mammals is soon to be depleted, on the brink of extinction, however, not all mammals dead, the Mammals have begun to evolve into new completely different varieties from true Pilolepida, Chondridigita, and Opsiapheria, descended from different derivatives lineages, characterized by new forms of anatomy and reproduction. Raising their young in pouches, they first evolved in their modern variation in the Metamonous but split from all other mammals in the late Agerogene and today fill a variety of small to large carnivoran niches across the world. Literally new synapsids, however, the originals, even are still diverse.

The Birds are still never diverse, however, not all birds dead, the Birds have begun to evolve into new completely different varieties from Cryirda in a class almost without huge morphological changes, being literally relics in time for its adaptability, although they have changed enough in terms of external appearance and niches.

Arsosaurs, the Optiusuchis descendants, had relatively low diversity at the end of the Therozoic, but when the world started to change in the Optimozoic, they radiated extensively, with the Azdharchoidea being the dominant Optimozoic arsosaurs. An interesting path of evolution taken by nearly all members of this subfamily is the evolution of a serrated beak, which enables them to effectively hunt and kill the very largest of prey. This peak design is found in the Smaugids, robust volant predators, and the flightless Serragnathids, which are the largest arsosaurs, by weight, to have ever existed. The azdarchoidea also includes the Hydroazdarchidae, titanic fliers which can fly half way round the world in a single trip. Also presant are the South American Cirrids, the last of the Tapejarid lineage, which act as both predators and fruit dispersers.

The Mosausuchis, the Optiusuchis descendants, at the end of the Therozoic were identical to those in our timeline, but the acidification of the oceans due to submarine eruptions of the coast of India caused a marine extinction event compaable the home earth one, the "Therozoic-Optimozoic Extinction Event". This wiped out the then more advanced Plioplatecarpine mosausuchis, and very nearly wiped out the tylosaurs, which survived by becoming specialised serpentine giants. Mosausucine Mosausuchis, in particular Plotousuchis, then radiated to become the largest and most formidable animals in the seas at that time, as the first members of the Piscisauroidea. Also found in relative abundance are the first Odobenocetids, descendants of the small mosausuchis Globidens. There are also fragmentary fossils of a titan known as Basileviathan, the earliest known cetivenandid, which evolved out of the last tylusuchis in the Optimozoic. All three groups would almost miraculously survive the ETM intact, and have easily dominated the seas since then. In Eurasian rivers, the mosausuchis clade known as the tethysaurinae have evolved into aquatic crocodile-like predators, quite similar to short snouted champsosaurs, which are extinct outsice of southern North America.

Other ancestral Optiusuchis, the crocodilians descendants, became again reliving the force of its past generations, but now are separated enough from their roots and are completely different creatures. Entering the final era of the Phanerozoic, the Optimozoic, the catastrophe of the late "Therozoic" only left as survivors several small Deuterothera and some Auspictidae, which for several million years they became in some areas of the planet's dominant wildlife, acquiring new and more aberrant forms. However, they began to lose ground when the distant descendants of mammals and derivatives squamata now began to spread around the planet. It is only a matter of time before everything goes downhill, but these beings will not give up so easily. Following separation of the supercontinent, Caenocrura the few who remained soon took advantage of the temporary void to dominate their respective parts, but in this case its expansion was slowly reduced. While they are recovering, the far derived squamata and the mammals are began to diversify and occupy most ecological niches, leaving the survivors caenocruras relegated to crawling animals, just with a few vestiges of the oldest families in some isolated land masses. In the farthest journey made by these amniotes tetrapods, changes are noticeable; the path followed has led to a form, very derived from their ancestors. An inhabitant of the branches and climbing plants, is a little distant descendant of Diploavids (see crocodiles) which evolved with a aesthetically look converge with primates. It have no tail, the limbs are long and end in 3 fingers with huge claws that help to hold. Its behavior and lifestyle remember to the loris and sloths. And this little herbivore Ungulaptera (see crocodiles) of approximately 1 meter long, has two pairs horns, which extend vertically along the sides of the head; its tail is quite long and bushy. They are gregarious and always mobilized across the territory in search of areas where feed and rest, do not stay in the same area after some hours. In the case of the crocodiles, many uninterrupted divergence ending in a descendant, very unrecognizable, unfamiliar to what we would recognize as such being.

The Squamata are among the few vertebrates that still have an archaic appearance, not almost unchanged, after nearly 400 million years. However, they have given rise to new varieties of foreign vertebrates that have been, in part, be instrumental in the domain on the planet, but there is still little to show their true potential.

The Flish distant descendants Amphibians, Besillia-like amphibians named Clausifornium, like Ranamonarchia. Flish are defined by endothermy, an upright posture, hair-like integument, and live (ancestrally) non-placental birth, the result of soft-shelled eggs which hatch within the mother's body. A muscular fin base, in the space once occupied by the nostril-like gills, supports a broad aerodynamic wing surface that can flap up to eight times a second or faster. In full flight, ocean flish flap their wings for a few seconds and then glide, looking for prey in the waves below. All have protrusile jaws which can be pointed to the left or right. This increases the ability of the ocean flish to pluck prey from the surface of the water. In 150 Million years hence, from the Haemonova. The earliest flish were roughly 12 centimeter tall leaping bipeds, most comparable to upright toads and with a dry but smooth skin, which fed on small arthropods and invertebrates. From this primitive stock, provided with the bounty the Earth offered, one of the planet's most widely successful clades would spring forth and develop as different lineages adapted to land, sea, and even sky and to a wide range of diets and subsequent bodyplans. Is had a proved to be hard bones, have managed quite well to exceed several extinctions, repeatedly evolving into new creatures, yet keeping intact its ancient appearance, however, they are about to move forward and take a huge step that will probably change the balance the future ownership of the land.

The Fish and other chordates have long been varied, adapting to changing environments, and at certain times in history, some of them became into the most diverse and common organisms; for this time, represent a quarter of the biodiversity of marine life, most are distant descendants of the Osteichthyes. Meanwhile, other chordates as chondrichthyans and Agatha have remained relatively in the same form. A unique order of not-tetrapod vertebrates that emerged after the formation of the last supercontinent, these amphibian fishes group are descendants of African dipnoans. Nickname given by the most basal species that acquired a mode of locomotion almost similar to those gastropods without a shell, crawling without the need of limbs with a muscular "foot" in its abdomen. However, not all species have acquired this morphology totally; some were able to develop functional limbs that despite the lack of complex structures like fingers or hands, these were efficient in the need for mobility. One of the most derived forms so far have been the Exiguupods, a kind of long legged slugfishes similar in appearance to the extinct frogs, however, are more or less armored, covered by a group scales around the back and side of its body.

The Invertebrates such as arthropods have they have evolved into strange, giant invertebrats and bizarre creatures beyond imagination, are almost unchanged after more than 400 or 500 million years, the mollusks have changed a bit, new kinds of cephalopods emerged after the 107my event, descendants of cuttlefish and octopus. Hence many other groups have remained almost stable, except for some that for long periods of time were the main bases of several marine ecosystems, such as corals, bivalves, crustaceans and worms.

The flora and fungus has been varying greatly, the emergence of grasses has given rise to new forms of beyond plants and giant prebatory fungus, similar to lamianskoy flora on moon Lamia and ancient flora on Mesozoic and Paleozoic Era. Gymnosperms have survived, along with ferns that have not changed in Agresti Period.

The slow drift of the continents over the globe has finally brought the landmasses together into one super-continent, and most of the world is covered in a huge ocean. What new life has evolved in this ocean? What has the process of evolution done to life on the supercontinent? And what will happen next?

Retrogeian Period

The Retrogeian Period is a geologic period and system spanning 48.65 million years from the end of the Metamonus, at 389.7 million years hence (Myh), to the beginning of the Ortugeian Period, 438.4 Myh. The world is still dominated by the Besillia-like amphibians, Clausifornium. The continents have started to meet again in one land mass, creating a single supercontinent. This causes a huge change in the climate of the planet, creating a volatile environment that only few support it. 336 million years before mankind, the supercontinent was called Pangaea and this new land mass is Hysterea (Novopangaea, Pangaea Ultima or Pangaea II). North and South America have joined the other continents.

From the next 350 to 500 million years, we will see a strange explosion of new archosaurs, from both flish and crocodiles (it is for another topic), most of these new archosaurs differed enough of their ancestors, to the point be unrecognizable. In this case, during the new radiation we see the emergence of a peculiar group of flightless flish, which are characterized by having a lifestyle as creeping creatures that live underground, similar to worm lizards in lifestyle, they have short legs, are elongated and almost blind, something remarkable in particular, is the loss of bone mass in the skeleton, making them lose almost their skeleton. This is due to a deficiency of calcium in its diet over millions of years. This appears to be a disadvantage for a vertebrate chordate, but in this way could allow the flish to evolve into something completely different.

With the assembly of Hysterea, much of the surviving animal groups were also devastated, with the introduction of new competitors, and the increase in desert. The climate is very warm, and squamates have taken many of the terrestrial niches. Several new classes of animal develop during this time, as was during the last supercontinent. The period ends with its separation, which causes an extinction event that wipes out 50% of all life.

Ortugeian Period

The Ortugeian Period is a geologic period and system spanning 34.1 million years from the end of the Agerogene, at 438.4 million years hence (Myh), to the beginning of the Retrogeian Period, 472.5 Myh. With the previous extinction event, the new classes that developed, along with the few that still retain their ancient appearance, proliferate in the vacant niches.

There are few survivors proliferate to fill the niches left by the fallen beings, thus giving rise to a long period of diversity, and saw the rise, evolution and proliferation of complex, multicellular life. These came in the form of eukaryotic oxygen reducing animals, either being soft or hard bodied, and the Red Weed, Carbon reducing red weed that are mostly soft bodied, and often times undertook photosynthesis to synthesise Carbon into energy. The first simple Alien-like creatures and first animal-plants, evolve; moving animals that undertake in the process of carbonsynthesis-like red weed could take the place of water in living cells different from those on Earth, after evolution of the Carbon terrestrial life. Red plants are an descendent of early red weed evolved when a Earth became infected with a virulent form of allorosea algae. The animal’s immune system eradicated the pathogen, but the damage was done. Some of the blood and skin cells were left with a plasmid – a remnant of the alga’s genome that coded for the entire photosynthesis pathway. More importantly, perhaps, the plasmid had made its way into the germ cells. Due to a quirk in this particular species’ reproduction, its haploid offspring inherited the plasmid but did not express the genes, but their diploid offspring did. This alternation of generations continued until it became the system seen today, unlike on Darwin IV and Ilion.

Mortugeian Period

The Mortugeian Period is a geologic period and system spanning 75.6 million years from the end of the Ortugeian, at 472.5 million years hence (Myh), to the beginning of the Klastogeian Period, 548.1 Myh. At this point, much of the common organisms we understand have become seemingly alien to us, as the period shows a strong amount of biodiversity, with lifeforms both old and new coexisting. However, the period ends with an increase of asteroid impacts, a sign of what's to come. The supercontinent eventually separated, and as a result cause more havoc on the biosphere. There are few survivors proliferate to fill the niches left by the fallen beings, thus giving rise to a long period of diversity.

Klastogeian Period

The Klastogeian Period is a geologic period and system spanning 34.2 million years from the end of the Mortugeian, at 548.1 million years hence (Myh), to the beginning of the Bathovician Period, 582.3 Myh. The Earth has slowly begun to almost shut down its systems, as the continental drift has slowed down a considerable degree. Dominated by the massive Besillia-like amphibians, Clausifornium from the Klastogeian during the opening years, the extinction event brought an end to their reign, and a new era began, dominated by Magxpods, and The extinction of Gymnosperms. Able to adapt quickly following the end of the event, they managed to evolve larger and more agile, now hunting the insects and arachnids that once hunted them. The supercontinent eventually separated, and as a result cause more havoc on the biosphere. Here, we see a severe reduction of plants that utilize C3 photosythesis, with the reduction of CO2 in the atmosphere. Desert and shrub land have increased, and megafaunal creatures have slightly decreased.

But strangely, we see severe damage to the biota caused by cosmic major events, which threaten the habitability of the earth. In the last 10 million years of this period. Estimated time until a gamma ray burst, or massive, hyperenergetic supernova, occurs within 6,500 light-years of Earth; close enough for its rays to affect Earth's ozone layer and potentially trigger a mass extinction, assuming the hypothesis is correct that a previous such explosion triggered the Ordovician–Silurian extinction event. To kill vertebrates on Earth. However, the supernova would have to be precisely oriented relative to Earth to have any negative effect, causing a loss of the 65% of existing lifeforms, killing off many of the organisms of the Sphisonous. Not all plants die, still there are C4 support the eventual fall of the level of CO2.

Bathovician Period

The Klastogeian Period is a geologic period and system spanning 72.2 million years from the end of the Mortugeian, at 582.3 million years hence (Myh), to the beginning of the Bathovician Period, 654.5 Myh. The sun has begun to increase its luminosity and temperature, and its effects are noticeable over the years: the atmosphere becomes denser, temperatures rise, and climatic cycles begin to unravel. A lethal effect of the increase in temperature of the sun is increasing the speed of weathering of silicate minerals. This produces a gradual reduction of the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Beginning of the In the oblivion of the Phanerozoic Event: Around 600 Million years hence. Life on Earth is dying out, all of the three types of Photosynthesis will no longer be possible. Unlike past events though, this is a slow death. A heat death. Without volcanoes to recycle carbon into the Earth atmosphere, carbon dioxide levels begin fall. The Extinction of Animal Life colloquially known as the (Deep Change). The rivers dried up and the rainforests had many wildfires. Thus many species became extinct due to the lack of water or because they were burnt in the wildfires. After the drought was over the wildfires ended, all 99% of all species will die. With little to no atmosphere and an ever shrinking ocean the life on Earth had to adapt. They formed a giant living reef at the bottom of the trench. This reef helped protect the species inside from the harmful cosmic rays and keep whats left of the water on Earth from evaporating.

Earth looks like an alien world. Forests that used to cover the landscape are gone. The land is covered in massive deserts that stretch from horizon to horizon and rocky landscapes. Baking sands and scorching rubble. Few lichen and algae dot the world sparsely, hanging on in this extreme climate. Where most of the oceans used to be, salt flats, mountains, cliffs and valleys covered in salt crystals fill where a lot of the oceans used to be before they evaporated. What oceans that are left are pink or pinkish blue, from the halobacterium and specialized algae that thrive in the highly salty water. In the seas communities of crustaceans hang on, Small bands of tiny arthropods and heavily armoured mollusks survive near any body of water, even that of the highly salty seas.


The Extinction of Plants with Oxygen: Carbon dioxide will disappear aprox. From 598 to 692 million years hence, and along with it, large photosynthesising life (plants). (Despite this, decomposing plants will raise the carbon dioxide enough to keep algae and other photosynthesising protists alive.) Quickly afterwards the soil will deteriorate, and blow into the sea, killing coastal and marine plants. Sand dunes will cover pole to pole.

The Extinction of Animals with Oxygen: After the last plants die, "a timer is set, counting down to the last breath inhaled by animals." There is very little oxygen being replenished by the remaining photosynthesisers to keep animals alive. Instead of plants, bacteria and fungi form the base of the food chain. The conditions are extremely humid, hot, and unforgiving. The last animals are confined to the polar regions, armoured to prevent dessication, and simple (as the two explained: the nervous tissue needs the most oxygen, therefore is an unaffordable luxury. The world will be a stupider, brawnier world). Insects, scorpions, crabs, and possibly a fish or two will see the twilight of animals, when they are asphyxiated slowly. (During the loss of the ocean, though, it is hinted at least one animal (possibly a marine worm or crab) had survived and died with the oceans.)

Terran Carbonation Event (TCC) occurs; 97% of all life goes extinct and the atmosphere fills with carbon dioxide, so many of these cells appeared during the first 50 million years, Carbon began to build up within the ocean itself, at that time filled with iron molecules. When the Carbon mixed with the iron, it reacted. Over the next hundred thousand years, chemical reactions similar to this were seen, with the oceans turning from its average blue-green colour, to a purple, iron rust colour.

The planet of Earth once had grand oceans, but its water slowly evaporated over the eons after Terran Carbonation Event, leading to the evolution of the Bathbic Sea, which is able to retain carbon iron rust colour-like water within itself. All the water absorbed by the "sea" is sealed within the gelatinous matrix in order to prevent evaporation. Nowadays, Earth has no large body of water, and most of the planet's water is found in the atmosphere, in the polar caps, underground aquifers (please take note that's how forest can only exist in small pockets), or in the bodies of living creatures.

However, life still is surviving elsewhere. Down in the depths of Earth itself, massive caverns hosts life's last oases. With the tectonic plates completely stopping and millions of years of water erosion allowed these caves to get so large. Here chemosynthesis is the base of the food web, which means life down here is for the most part have slow metabolisms. The largest life gets here is little less than a foot in length. Most animals here are myriapods, gastropods and flatworms. There's one curious little organism though. It's less than 5 cm long, has gill bars and a notochord. This produces a gradual reduction of the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The concentration of CO2 soon falls below the critical threshold needed to sustain Carbonsynthesis-like red weed in C3 plants, forest disappear, devastating much of the world's alien lifefrom, making the most of the continents in deserts. Without Alien Lifefrom die out.?

Paenomorto Peroid

The Paenomortous Period is a geologic period and system spanning 37.5 million years from the end of the Mortugeian, at 654.6 million years hence (Myh), to the beginning of the Eritholian Period, 692 Myh. The final period of the Phanerozoic, noted for the extinction of all multicellular life. The planet has become a hostile place. The sun has changed the climate and atmospheric composition, Earth's Climate systems now no longer allow life. The world has changed for the worst. The Suns luminosity has increased, killing much of the biota, and we see almost all C3 plants have gone extinct, with maybe a few specialized ferns and gymnosperms left. Forests have become highly reduced, and we see a major loss of fish, mollusks, echinoderms, and amphibians. The most common terrestrial biomes on the planet are grassland and the ever increasing deserts. At this point, much of the ocean has dried out, and around the equator is an equatorial dead zone. Only C4 plants remain, and even then, they're slowly dying. Vertebrates have been very reduced, represented by only several clades. The suns luminosity only increases, and the period ends with the complete loss of plant life, killing 95% of all life. The hexamyrian descendants by this point are starting to face large environmental pressures from the ever aging sun. This forced them to become extremely metamorphic. These little organisms aren't that interesting, as they don't do much. They don't live exciting or unique lives. Embrius just live their bizarre lives in the pitch black of the caves. What makes these creatures fascinating though is their evolution, with over 670 million years of evolution behind them. Their kind once used to be one of the dominant animals of the world. They ranged from the deepest of the oceans, to the air itself. They used to be the largest animals of all time. Vertebrates thrived and survived since the Cambrian. Now we're here, and vertebrates are now only represented by these small creatures. Embrius primarily feed on chemosynthetic bacterial colonies and scavenge off dead animals. They live long lives if they don't get eaten by predators. It's been estimated that they can live past 50 years, due to one factor. They can regenerate large amounts of loss of tissue, which means injuries for the most part aren't a problem.

Phanerozoic–Akrozoic Extinction event

Ending of the In the oblivion of the Phanerozoic Event: During the end of the Eon, At the end of the Phanerozoic is called The Final Major Mass Extinction colloquially known as the Great Death. The giant massive asteroid (approximaty 500 km) 1/300 chance of hitting Earth has been collision, now the protoplanet was around is known as Azuoheia, Azuoheia is thought to have been travelling faster than s bullet when it collided with the Earth, causing an explodes chaos that has led to alien lifefrom and multicellular life to extinction along with 100% of all life on Earth go extinction, Only those Eukearyotes and Prokartotes survive. now the planet was around is known as Aorzth, Aorzth is thought to have been travelling faster than s bullet when it collided with the Earth, along with 100% of all life on Earth go extinction. However, a single event occurs: After Aorzth collision to Earth in to new formation is begins to move away from the sun.

Biodiversity: It has been demonstrated that changes in biodiversity through the Phanerozoic correlate much better with the hyperbolic model (widely used in demography and macrosociology) than with exponential and logistic models (traditionally used in population biology and extensively applied to fossil biodiversity as well). The latter models imply that changes in diversity are guided by a first-order positive feedback (more ancestors, more descendants) or a negative feedback arising from resource limitation, or both. The hyperbolic model implies a second-order positive feedback. The hyperbolic pattern of the world population growth arises from a second-order positive feedback between the population size and the rate of technological growth. The character of biodiversity growth in the Phanerozoic can be similarly accounted for by a feedback between the diversity and community structure complexity. It is suggested that the similarity between the curves of biodiversity and human population probably comes from the fact that both are derived from the interference of the hyperbolic trend with cyclical and stochastic dynamics.

Coming soon... Akrozoic: History of Aorzth

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