List of Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross recipients (Kn–Kz)
The Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross (German: Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes) and its variants were the highest awards in the military and paramilitary forces of Nazi Germany during World War II. The Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross was awarded for a wide range of reasons and across all ranks, from a senior commander for skilled leadership of his troops in battle to a low-ranking soldier for a single act of extreme gallantry.[1] A total of 7,321 awards were made between its first presentation on 30 September 1939 and its last bestowal on 17 June 1945.[Note 1] This number is based on the analysis and acceptance of the Order Commission of the Association of Knight's Cross Recipients (AKCR). Presentations were made to members of the three military branches of the Wehrmacht—the Heer (army), Kriegsmarine (Navy) and Luftwaffe (air force)—as well as the Waffen-SS, the Reichsarbeitsdienst (RAD—Reich Labour Service) and the Volkssturm (German national militia). There were also 43 foreign recipients of the award.[3]
These recipients are listed in the 1986 edition of Walther-Peer Fellgiebel's book, Die Träger des Ritterkreuzes des Eisernen Kreuzes 1939–1945 [The Bearers of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross 1939–1945]. Fellgiebel was the former chairman and head of the order commission of the AKCR. In 1996, the second edition of this book was published with an addendum delisting 11 of these original recipients. Author Veit Scherzer has cast doubt on a further 193 of these listings. The majority of the disputed recipients had been nominated for the award in 1945, when the deteriorating situation of Germany during the final days of World War II left a number of nominations incomplete and pending in various stages of the approval process.[4]
Listed here are the 428 Knight's Cross recipients of the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS whose last name is in the range "Kn–Kz".[5] Fellgiebel himself delisted one and Scherzer has challenged the validity of eight more of these listings.[6][7] This is the second of two lists of all 717 Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross recipients whose last name starts with "K". The recipients whose last name is in the range "Ka–Km" are listed at List of Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross recipients (Ka–Km).[8] The recipients are initially ordered alphabetically by last name. The rank listed is the recipient's rank at the time the Knight's Cross was awarded.
[edit]The Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross and its higher grades were based on four separate enactments. The first enactment, Reichsgesetzblatt I S. 1573 of 1 September 1939 instituted the Iron Cross (Eisernes Kreuz), the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross and the Grand Cross of the Iron Cross (Großkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes). Article 2 of the enactment mandated that the award of a higher class be preceded by the award of all preceding classes.[9] As the war progressed, some of the recipients of the Knight's Cross distinguished themselves further and a higher grade, the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves (Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes mit Eichenlaub), was instituted. The Oak Leaves, as they were commonly referred to, were based on the enactment Reichsgesetzblatt I S. 849 of 3 June 1940.[10] In 1941, two higher grades of the Knight's Cross were instituted. The enactment Reichsgesetzblatt I S. 613 of 28 September 1941 introduced the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords (Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes mit Eichenlaub und Schwertern) and the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds (Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes mit Eichenlaub, Schwertern und Brillanten).[11] At the end of 1944 the final grade, the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Golden Oak Leaves, Swords, and Diamonds (Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes mit goldenem Eichenlaub, Schwertern und Brillanten), based on the enactment Reichsgesetzblatt 1945 I S. 11 of 29 December 1944, became the final variant of the Knight's Cross authorized.[12]
[edit]Service | Number of presentations | Posthumous presentations |
Heer (incl. RAD) | ||
Kriegsmarine | ||
Luftwaffe | ||
Waffen-SS |
The Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (Supreme Command of the Armed Forces) kept separate Knight's Cross lists, one for each of the three military branches, Heer (Army), Kriegsmarine (Navy), Luftwaffe (Air Force) and for the Waffen-SS. Within each of these lists a unique sequential number was assigned to each recipient. The same numbering paradigm was applied to the higher grades of the Knight's Cross, one list per grade.[13] Of the 428 awards made to servicemen whose last name is in the range "Kn–Kz", 43 were later awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and nine the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords; 38 presentations were made posthumously. Heer members, including the RAD, received 293 of the medals; 16 went to the Kriegsmarine, 96 to the Luftwaffe, and 23 to the Waffen-SS.[5] The sequential numbers greater than 843 for the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves are unofficial and were assigned by the Association of Knight's Cross Recipients (AKCR) and are therefore denoted in parentheses.[14]
This along with the + (plus) indicates that a higher grade of Knight's Cross was awarded as well.
This along with the * (asterisk) indicates that the Knight's Cross was awarded posthumously.
This along with the ! (exclamation mark) indicates that author Walther-Peer Fellgiebel has expressed doubt regarding the veracity and formal correctness of the listing.
This along with the ? (question mark) indicates that author Veit Scherzer has expressed doubt regarding the veracity and formal correctness of the listing.
Name | Service | Rank | Role and unit[Note 2] | Date of award | Notes | Image |
Kurt Knaack | Heer | Oberleutnant of the Reserves[15] | Leader of the 2./Infanterie-Regiment 410[15][16] | 5 November 1942[15] | —
Hans-Wolfram Knaak | Heer | Oberleutnant[17] | Chief of the 8./Lehr-Regiment z.b.V. 800 "Brandenburg"[16][17] | 3 November 1942*[17] | Killed in action 26 June 1941[17] | —
Gustav-Georg Knabe | Heer | Oberstleutnant[17] | Commander of Kradschützen-Bataillon 15[16][17] | 1 June 1941[17] | —
Konrad Knabe | Luftwaffe | Hauptmann[17] | Leader of a Kette ("chain" or flight of three) in Fernaufklärungs Staffel Lappland (1.(F)/Aufklärungs-Gruppe 124) (AOK 20. Gebirgsarmee)[18][Note 3] | 16 April 1943[17] | —
Reinhold Knacke+ | Luftwaffe | Oberleutnant[17] | Pilot in the 3./Nachtjagdgeschwader 1[17][18] | 1 July 1942[17] | Awarded 190th Oak Leaves 7 February 1943[17] | —
Walter Knaf | Luftwaffe | Leutnant[17] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 8./Fallschirm-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 2 "Hermann Göring"[18][Note 4] | 4 April 1944*[18][Note 4] | Killed in action 8 December 1943[18] | —
Franz Knapp | Heer | Major[17] | Commander of schwere Panzer-Jäger-Abteilung 663[17][18] | 10 September 1944[17] | —
Wilhelm Knapp | Luftwaffe | Hauptmann[17] | Staffelkapitän of the 3.(F)/Aufklärungs-Gruppe 123[18][Note 5] | 2 November 1940[17] | —
Herbert Knappe | Heer | Oberfeldwebel[17] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 14./Jäger-Regiment 83[17][18] | 15 May 1944[17] | —
Kurt Knappe | Luftwaffe | Unteroffizier[17] | Pilot in the 5./Jagdgeschwader 51 "Mölders"[17][18] | 3 November 1942[17] | —
Ernst Knaul | Heer | Unteroffizier[17] | Rifle leader in the 4.(schwere)/Divisions-Füsilier-Bataillon 96[17][19] | 6 March 1944[17] | —
Ludwig Knaup | Heer | Hauptmann of the Reserves[17] | Chief of the 2./Sturmgeschütz-Brigade 904[17][18] | 4 October 1944[17] | —
Hans-Peter Knaust+ | Heer | Major[17] | Commander of Kampfgruppe "Sonnenstuhl" with the II. SS-Panzerkorps[18][Note 6] | 28 September 1944[17] | Awarded 843rd Oak Leaves 17 April 1945[17] | —
Dr. Wilhelm Knauth[Note 7] | Heer | Leutnant of the Reserves[20] | Leader of the 3./Panzer-Abteilung 505[18][Note 7] | 14 November 1943[20] | —
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Ernst Knebel+ | Heer | Oberst[20] | Commander of Feld-Ersatz-Regiment Panzer AOK 3 and Armeewaffenschule[18][Note 8] | 27 August 1944[20] | Awarded 744th Oak Leaves 19 February 1945[20] | —
Rudolf von Knebel-Doeberitz?[Note 9] | Heer | Major im Generalstab (in the General Staff)[19] | Ia (operations officer) of the 24. Panzer-Division[19] | 11 May 1945[19] | —
Siegfried Knemeyer | Luftwaffe | Major im Stabsamt des RLM[18][Note 10] | Gruppenkommandeur of Aufklärungs-Lehr-Gruppe of the OB.d.L.[18][20] | 29 August 1943[20] | —
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Wasmod von dem Knesebeck | Heer | Oberstleutnant im Generalstab (in the General Staff)[20] | Ia (operations officer) of the 306. Infanterie-Division[19][20] | 14 May 1944[20] | —
Wilhelm Knetsch | Heer | Major[20] | Commander of Infanterie-Regiment 545[19][20] | 8 October 1942[20] | —
Walter Kniep | Waffen-SS | Sturmbannführer[20] | SS-Commander of SS-Sturmgeschütz-Abteilung 2 "Das Reich"[18][Note 11] | 14 August 1943[20] | —
Walter Knirsch | Heer | Feldwebel[20] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 14./Grenadier-Regiment 89[18][20] | 21 December 1944[20] | —
Gustav Knittel | Waffen-SS | Sturmbannführer[20] | SS-Commander of SS-Panzer-Aufklärungs-Abteilung 1 "Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler"[22][Note 12] | 4 June 1944[20] | —
Otto von Knobelsdorff+ | Heer | Generalleutnant[20] | Commander of the 19. Panzer-Division[20][22] | 17 September 1941[20] | Awarded 322nd Oak Leaves 12 November 1943 100th Swords 21 September 1944[20] |
Leo Knobloch | Heer | Unteroffizier[20] | Kompanietruppführer (company headquarters lsection eader) in the 1./Reiter-Regiment 32[20][22] | 30 September 1944[20] | —
Heinz Knoche | Heer | Major[20] | Leader of Panzergrenadier-Regiment 33[20][22] | 5 April 1945[20] | —
Fritz Knöchlein | Waffen-SS | Obersturmbannführer[23] | SS-Commander of SS-Freiwilligen-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 23 "Norge"[22][Note 13] | 16 November 1944[23] | —
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Egon Knörrchen | Heer | Hauptmann of the Reserves[23] | Chief of the 4./Artillerie-Regiment 218[22][23] | 28 March 1945[23] | —
Walter Knoespel | Heer | Hauptmann[23] | Company chief in Infanterie-Regiment 156 (motorized)[22][23] | 17 January 1942[23] | —
Heinz Knoke | Luftwaffe | Hauptmann[23] | Gruppenkommandeur of the III./Jagdgeschwader 11[22][23] | 27 April 1945[23] | —
Karl-Heinz Knollmann | Heer | Leutnant of the Reserves[23] | Company leader in Grenadier-Regiment 45[22][23] | 21 March 1944[23] | —
Dr. med. dent. Rolf Knoop | Heer | Major[23] | Commander of the I./Grenadier-Regiment 377[22][23] | 26 July 1944[23] | —
Waldemar von Knoop | Heer | Major of the Reserves[23] | Commander of Radfahr-Abteilung 8[22][23] | 26 March 1943[23] | —
Albert Knop | Heer | Hauptmann[23] | Commander of the III./Grenadier-Regiment 118[22][23] | 17 August 1943[23] | —
Karl-Heinz Knorr | Luftwaffe | Hauptmann[23] | Commander of the I./Flak-Sturm-Abteilung 7[24][Note 14] | 28 February 1945*[23] | Died of wounds 9 February 1945[23] | —
Walter Knorr | Heer | Unteroffizier[23] | Group leader in the 6./Panzergrenadier-Regiment 108[22][23] | 6 March 1944[23] | —
Georg Knostmann | Heer | Hauptmann of the Reserves[23] | Regiment adjutant in Grenadier-Regiment 266[22][Note 15] | 4 May 1944[23] | —
Josef Knotzer | Heer | Major[25] | Leader of Alarmeinheit (emergency unit) in the 9. Panzer-Division[22][Note 16] | 23 March 1945[25] | —
Heinrich Knüppel | Heer | Major[25] | Commander of the II./Infanterie-Regiment 256[22][25] | 7 August 1942[25] | —
Karl-Günther Knüppel | Heer | Leutnant of the Reserves[25] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the Stabskompanie/Grenadier-Regiment 51 (motorized)[22][25] | 17 December 1943[25] | —
Karl Knüttel | Heer | Oberfeldwebel[25] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 1./Panzer-Jäger-Abteilung 200[22][25] | 3 November 1944[25] | —
Friedrich-Karl Knust | Luftwaffe | Oberstleutnant[25] | Geschwaderkommodore of (K)/Lehrgeschwader 1[22][Note 17] | 3 May 1942[25] | —
Friedrich-Wilhelm Knuth | Heer | Major[25] | Leader of Grenadier-Regiment 211[22][25] | 6 March 1944[25] | —
Hermann Knuth | Kriegsmarine | Kapitän zur See[25] | Chief of the 1. Sicherungsdivision[22][25] | 24 September 1944[25] | —
Gerhard Koall | Luftwaffe | Hauptmann[25] | Gruppenkommandeur of the IV./Jagdgeschwader 54[22][25] | 10 October 1944[25] | —
Horst Koberling | Heer | Oberleutnant of the Reserves[25] | Leader of the II./Panzergrenadier-Regiment 25[22][25] | 30 April 1945[25] | —
Herbert Kobersky | Heer | Unteroffizier[25] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in Regiments Gruppe 481[26][Note 18] | 4 October 1944[25] | —
Alfred Koch?[Note 19] | Waffen-SS | Obersturmführer[27] | SS-Leader of the II./SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 3 "Deutschland"[27] | 6 May 1945*[27] | Killed in action 3 May 1945[27] | —
Alfred Koch | Luftwaffe | Oberleutnant[25] | Leader of the 2./leichte Flak-Abteilung 71[25][27] | 7 April 1945[25] | —
August Koch | Heer | Hauptmann[28] | Leader of a Kampfgruppe in the fortress Posen[27][Note 20] | 20 February 1945[28] | —
Dr. rer.pol. Dietrich Koch | Heer | Feldwebel[28] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 3./Panzer-Jäger-Abteilung 88[27][28] | 23 February 1942[28] | —
Dietrich Koch![Note 21] | Heer | Leutnant[27] | Leader of the 8./Panzer-Regiment 5 in the DAK[27] | 13 April 1942[27] | —
Erwin Koch | Heer | Major[28] | Commander of the II./Grenadier-Regiment 447[27][28] | 28 May 1943[28] | —
Friedrich Koch | Heer | General der Infanterie zur Verwendung (for disposition)[27][Note 22] | Commanding general of the XXXXIV. Armeekorps[27][28] | 13 October 1941[28] | —
Karl Koch | Luftwaffe | Oberfeldwebel[28] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the III./Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 15[27][Note 23] | 24 October 1944*[28] | Killed in action 29 July 1944[28] | —
Max Koch | Heer | Oberstleutnant of the Reserves[28] | Commander of Grenadier-Regiment 585[27][28] | 4 June 1944*[28] | Killed in action 15 April 1944[27] | —
Theodor Koch | Heer | Oberleutnant[28] | Chief of the 6./Artillerie-Regiment 36 (motorized)[27][28] | 2 September 1944[28] | —
Walter Koch | Luftwaffe | Hauptmann[28] | Commander of Fallschirmjäger-Sturm-Abteilung "Koch"[27][Note 24] | 10 May 1940[28] | —
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Willi Koch+ | Heer | Feldwebel[28] | Leader of the 6./Grenadier-Regiment 32[27][28] | 16 April 1944[28] | Awarded 612th Oak Leaves 16 October 1944[28] | ![]() |
Willi Koch | Luftwaffe | Oberfeldwebel[28] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 3./Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 1[27][28] | 9 June 1944[28] | —
Rudolf Koch-Erpach | Heer | Generalleutnant[28] | Commander of the 8. Infanterie-Division[27][28] | 24 June 1940[28] | —
Johann Kochanowski | Heer | Oberwachtmeister[29] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 2./Sturmgeschütz-Abteilung 201[27][29] | 15 October 1942[29] | —
Karl Kochendörfer | Heer | Unteroffizier[29] | Geschützführer (gun layer) in the 3.(schwere)/Schnelle Abteilung 296[27][29] | 18 September 1942[29] | —
Josef Kociok | Luftwaffe | Oberfeldwebel[29] | Pilot in the 10.(NJ)/Zerstörergeschwader 1[27][29] | 31 July 1943[29] | —
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Heinrich Kodré | Heer | Major[29] | Commander of the II./Infanterie-Regiment 123[27] | 14 May 1941[29] | —
Ludwig Köchle | Waffen-SS | Oberscharführer[29] | SS-Shock troops leader and Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 5./SS-"Totenkopf"-Infanterie-Regiment 1[27][29] | 28 February 1942[29] | —
Friedrich Köchling | Heer | Generalmajor[29] | Commander of the 254. Infanterie-Division[29][30] | 31 July 1942[29] | —
Reinhold Köck | Heer | Hauptmann of the Reserves[29] | Company chief in Grenadier-Regiment 469[29][30] | 5 January 1945[29] | —
Hans Köckerbauer | Heer | Oberfeldwebel[29] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 13./Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 91[29][30] | 18 November 1941[29] | —
Hans-Joachim von Koeckeritz | Heer | Rittmeister of the Reserves[29] | Commander of Divisions-Füsilier-Bataillon (A.A.) 32[29][30] | 10 February 1944*[29] | Killed in action 4 February 1944[30] | —
Alfred Koeditz | Luftwaffe | Leutnant of the Reserves[30][Note 25] | Pilot in the Stab/Kampfgruppe z.b.V. 100[29][30] | 23 December 1942[29] | —
Armin Köhler | Luftwaffe | Hauptmann[29] | Gruppenkommandeur of the III./Jagdgeschwader 77[29][30] | 7 February 1945[29] | —
Carl-Erik Koehler | Heer | Generalleutnant[31] | Commander of the 306. Infanterie-Division[30][31] | 4 May 1944[31] | —
Fritz Köhler | Luftwaffe | Oberstleutnant[31] | Gruppenkommandeur of Fernaufklärungs-Gruppe 122[30][31] | 4 November 1941[31] | —
Georg Köhler | Heer | Leutnant[30][Note 26] | Leader of the 3./Panzergrenadier-Regiment 26[30][31] | 3 January 1943[31] | —
Hans-Joachim Köhler | Heer | Rittmeister[31] | Commander of the I./Reiter-Regiment 31[30][31] | 5 March 1945[31] | —
Heinrich Köhler | Heer | Leutnant of the Reserves[31] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 3./Heeres-Sturmgeschütz-Brigade 210[30][31] | 20 April 1945[31] | —
Dr. jur. Helmut Koehler | Heer | Hauptmann of the Reserves[31] | Leader of Panzer-Aufklärungs-Abteilung 1[30][31] | 3 November 1944[31] | —
Helmut Köhler | Heer | Hauptmann[30][Note 27] | Leader of the II./Grenadier-Regiment 154[30][31] | 18 February 1945[31] | —
Rudolf Köhler | Heer | Major[31] | Commander of the I./Schützen-Regiment 73[30][31] | 27 July 1941[31] | —
Siegfried Köhler | Heer | Unteroffizier[31] | Messenger squadron leader in the I./Panzergrenadier-Regiment 108[30][31] | 17 March 1945[31] | —
Walter Koehler?[Note 28] | Heer | Oberfeldwebel[30] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 3./schwere Heeres-Panzer-Jäger-Abteilung 525[30] | 11 May 1945[30] | —
Werner Köhler | Heer | Hauptmann[31] | Battalion commander in Füsilier-Regiment 26[30][31] | 13 February 1945[31] | —
Hans-Günther Koehne | Luftwaffe | Hauptmann[31] | Staffelkapitän of the Stabsstaffel/Sturzkampfgeschwader 2 "Immelmann"[30][31] | 3 November 1942[31] | —
Hermann Köhnen | Heer | Hauptmann[31] | Leader of the I./Grenadier-Regiment 1145[30][31] | 28 February 1945[31] | —
Otto Köhnke | Luftwaffe | Hauptmann[33] | Gruppenkommandeur of the II./Kampfgeschwader 54[30][33] | 1 August 1942[33] | —
Otto Kölbel | Heer | Obergefreiter[33] | Group leader in the 2./Grenadier-Regiment 542[30][33] | 1 June 1943[33] | —
Jürgen Köllner | Heer | Hauptmann[33] | Commander of the II./Grenadier-Regiment 671[30][33] | 4 May 1944[33] | —
Erich Kölsch | Heer | Unteroffizier[33] | Group leader in the 3./Pionier-Bataillon 263[30][33] | 18 November 1944[33] | —
Friedrich von Koenen | Heer | Hauptmann[33] | Commander of the III./4. Regiment "Brandenburg" (a unit of the Abwehr)[30][Note 29] | 16 September 1943[33] | —
Alfons König+ | Heer | Oberleutnant of the Reserves[33] | Chief of the 6./Infanterie-Regiment 199[34][Note 30] | 21 December 1940[33] | Awarded 194th Oak Leaves 21 February 1943 70th Swords 9 June 1944[33] |
Christian König | Heer | Hauptmann[33] | Leader of the II./Grenadier-Regiment 41 (motorized)[33][34] | 5 January 1943[33] | —
Ernst König+ | Heer | Major[33] | Leader of Grenadier-Regiment 12[33][34] | 16 September 1943[33] | Awarded 598th Oak Leaves 21 September 1944[33] | —
Eugen König+ | Heer | Major[33] | Acting commander of Infanterie-Regiment 352[34][Note 31] | 1 August 1942[33] | Awarded 318th Oak Leaves 4 November 1943[33] | —
Georg König | Heer | Feldwebel[33] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 1./Panzer-Abteilung 18[33][34] | 13 September 1943[33] | —
Hans-Heinrich Koenig | Luftwaffe | Oberleutnant[33] | Leader of the I./Jagdgeschwader 11[34][Note 32] | 19 August 1944*[33] | Killed in flying accident 24 May 1944[34] | —
Heinrich König | Heer | Hauptmann[35] | Commander of the I./Grenadier-Regiment 915[34][35] | 14 February 1945[35] | —
Heinz Koenig[Note 33] | Luftwaffe | Leutnant[33] | Leader of the 3./Fallschirm-Sturmgeschütz-Abteilung "Hermann Göring"[33][34] | 8 February 1945[33] | —
Herbert König | Luftwaffe | Oberfeldwebel[35] | Pilot in the 12./Transportgeschwader 1[34][35] | 9 June 1944[35] | —
Reinhard König | Kriegsmarine | Oberleutnant (Ing.)[35] | Chief engineer on U-123[34][35] | 8 July 1944[35] | —
Rudolf König | Heer | Feldwebel[35] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 2./Panzergrenadier-Regiment 74[34][35] | 17 December 1942[35] | —
Viktor König | Luftwaffe | Feldwebel[35] | Observer in the 14.(Eis)/Kampfgeschwader 55[34][35] | 6 October 1944*[35] | Killed in action 29 August 1944[34] | —
Wilhelm König | Heer | Oberleutnant of the Reserves[35] | Chief of the 1./Kavallerie-Regiment "Mitte"[34][35] | 10 September 1943[35] | —
Walter Koeppel | Heer | Unteroffizier[35] | Geschützführer (gun layer) in the 14.(Panzerjäger)/Grenadier-Regiment 111[34][Note 34] | 15 February 1943[35] | —
Eckhardt Köppen | Luftwaffe | Unteroffizier[35] | Kompanietruppführer (company headquarters leader) in the 1./Fallschirm-Panzer-Pionier-Bataillon 2 "Hermann Göring"[34][35] | 15 March 1945[35] | —
Gerhard Köppen+ | Luftwaffe | Feldwebel[35] | Pilot in the 7./Jagdgeschwader 52[34][Note 35] | 18 December 1941[35] | Awarded 79th Oak Leaves 27 February 1942[35] | —
Herbert Koepsell | Luftwaffe | Unteroffizier[35] | Kompanietruppführer (company headquarters leader) in the 1./Fallschirm-Panzer-Pionier-Bataillon 2 "Hermann Göring"[34][35] | 7 February 1945[35] | —
Adolf Körner | Heer | Oberleutnant of the Reserves[35] | Leader of the 7./Artillerie-Regiment 168[34][35] | 20 January 1945[35] | —
Friedrich Körner | Luftwaffe | Leutnant[36] | Staffelführer of the 2./Jagdgeschwader 27[34][Note 36] | 6 September 1942[36] | —
Helmut Körner | Heer | Leutnant of the Reserves[36] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 2./Panzer-Jäger-Regiment 656[36][37] | 3 December 1943[36] | —
Karl Körner | Waffen-SS | Hauptscharführer[36] | SS-Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 2./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 503[34][36] | 29 April 1945[36] | —
Martin Körner | Luftwaffe | Oberleutnant[34][Note 37] | Staffelkapitän of the 4./Kampfgruppe z.b.V. 9[34][36] | 14 March 1943[36] | —
Walter Körner?[Note 38] | Waffen-SS | Hauptsturmführer[34] | SS-Regiment adjutant of SS-Freiwilligen-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 23 "Norge"[34] | 11 May 1945*[34] | Killed in action 6 March 1945[34] | —
Peter Körte | Heer | Oberst[36] | Commander of Füsilier-Regiment 26[36][38] | 27 September 1943[36] | —
Alfons Köster | Luftwaffe | Oberfeldwebel[36] | Pilot in the 3./Nachtjagdgeschwader 2[36][38] | 29 October 1942[36] | —
Alfred Koester | Heer | Oberst[36] | Commander of Panzergrenadier-Regiment 200[36][38] | 10 May 1943[36] | —
Helmut Köster | Luftwaffe | Feldwebel[36] | Pilot in the 1./Schlachtgeschwader 2 "Immelmann"[38][Note 39] | 8 August 1944*[36] | Killed in flying accident 8 August 1944[36] | —
Walter Köster | Heer | Hauptmann[36] | Commander of the III./Infanterie-Regiment 156 (motorized)[36][38] | 30 October 1941[36] | —
Wilhelm Köther | Heer | Oberleutnant[36] | Chief of the 1./Divisions-Aufklärungs-Abteilung 257[38][Note 40] | 27 May 1942[36] | —
Werner Kötke | Heer | Hauptmann[36] | Commander of the I./Grenadier-Regiment 994[36][38] | 23 August 1944*[36] | Killed in action 17 July 1944[38] | —
Karl Koetz+ | Heer | Hauptmann[36] | Commander of the II./Infanterie-Regiment 463[36][38] | 2 October 1941[36] | Awarded 374th Oak Leaves 24 January 1944[36] | —
Florian Kofler | Heer | Major[39] | Commander of the II./Jäger-Regiment 56[38][39] | 16 November 1944*[39] | Died of wounds 31 October 1944[38] | —
Christoph Kohl | Heer | Unteroffizier[39] | Kompanietruppführer (company headquarters leader) in the 2./Panzergrenadier-Regiment 12[38][Note 41] | 14 May 1944[39] | —
Helmut Kohla | Heer | Oberfeldwebel[39] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 4./Panzer-Abteilung 21[38][39] | 16 August 1943[39] | —
Franz Kohlauf | Kriegsmarine | Korvettenkapitän[39] | Chief of the 4. Torpedobootflottille[38][39] | 29 October 1943[39] | —
Wilhelm Kohler+ | Heer | Hauptmann[39] | Leader of a Kampfgruppe in Infanterie-Regiment 195[38][39] | 10 December 1942[39] | Awarded 607th Oak Leaves 4 October 1944[39] | —
Otto Kohlermann | Heer | Oberst[39] | Artilleriekommandeur 129[38][39] | 22 February 1942[39] | —
Karl Kohlhaas | Heer | Unteroffizier[39] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 7./Grenadier-Regiment 485[38][39] | 4 May 1944[39] | —
Ludwig Kohlhaas | Heer | Oberstleutnant[40][Note 42] | Commander of the III./Füsilier-Regiment "Großdeutschland"[39][40] | 21 November 1942[39] | —
Kurt Kohlhagen | Luftwaffe | Leutnant[39] | Pilot and observer in the 1.(N)/Aufklärungs-Gruppe 2[38][Note 43] | 30 September 1944[39] | —
Hanns Kohmann | Luftwaffe | Hauptmann[39] | Pilot in the Fliegerstaffel des Führers[38][Note 44] | 28 February 1945[39] | —
Bruno Kohnz+ | Heer | Oberfeldwebel[41] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 11./Jäger-Regiment 207[38][41] | 17 December 1942[41] | Awarded 207th Oak Leaves 6 March 1943[41] | —
Franz-Josef Kohout | Heer | Hauptmann[41] | Leader of the II./Panzer-Regiment 33[41][42] | 4 December 1941[41] | —
[Dr.] Siegfried Koitschka[Note 45] | Kriegsmarine | Oberleutnant zur See[41] | Commander of U-616[41][42] | 27 January 1944[41] | —
Ewald Koj?[Note 46] | Heer | Hauptmann[42] | Chief of the 3./Gebirgs-Artillerie-Regiment 8 (8. Jäger-Division)[42] | 9 May 1945*[42] | Killed in action 11 March 1945[42] | —
Heinz Kokott | Heer | Oberst[41] | Commander of Grenadier-Regiment 337[41][42] | 17 March 1943[41] | —
Fritz Kolb | Luftwaffe | Fahnenjunker-Feldwebel[41] | Pilot in the 5./Transportgeschwader 3[41][42] | 9 June 1944[41] | —
Richard Kolb | Luftwaffe | Major of the Reserves[41] | Commander of leichte Flak-Abteilung 91 (motorized)[42][Note 47] | 12 November 1941[41] | —
Werner Kolb+ | Heer | Major of the Reserves[41] | Commander of the II./Infanterie-Regiment 36[41][42] | 27 June 1942[41] | Awarded 514th Oak Leaves 26 June 1944[41] | —
Hans Kolbeck | Heer | Oberfeldwebel[41] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 1./Grenadier-Regiment 1083[41][42] | 24 February 1945*[41] | Killed in action 18 February 1945[41] | —
Dr. med. dent. Rudolf Kolbeck+ | Heer | Oberstleutnant of the Reserves[42][Note 48] | Commander of Grenadier-Regiment 316[41][42] | 20 April 1943[41] | Awarded 403rd Oak Leaves 22 February 1944[41] | —
Hans Kolbow | Luftwaffe | Oberleutnant[41] | Staffelkapitän of the 6./Jagdgeschwader 51[41][43] | 27 July 1941*[41] | Killed in action 16 July 1941[42] | —
Friedemann Kolbus | Heer | Oberleutnant[41] | Chief of the 3./Panzer-Jäger-Abteilung 161[41][42] | 9 December 1944[41] | —
Heinz Kolczyk | Heer | Rittmeister[41] | Commander of Panzer-Aufklärungs-Abteilung 7[41][42] | 6 April 1944[41] | —
Johannes Koll | Heer | Leutnant[44] | Leader of the 2./Grenadier-Regiment 696[42][44] | 24 December 1944[44] | —
Richard Koll | Heer | Oberst[44] | Commander of Panzer-Regiment 11[42][44] | 15 July 1941[44] | —
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Reinhard Kollak | Luftwaffe | Oberfeldwebel[44] | Pilot in the 8./Nachtjagdgeschwader 4[42][Note 49] | 29 August 1943[44] | —
Botho Kollberg+ | Heer | Oberstleutnant[44] | Commander of Infanterie-Regiment 23[42][44] | 6 September 1942[44] | Awarded 384th Oak Leaves 8 February 1944[44] | —
Gerhard Kollehn | Heer | Major[44] | Leader of Jäger-Regiment 38[42][44] | 11 December 1944[44] | —
Albert Koller | Luftwaffe | Oberleutnant[44] | Staffelkapitän of the 4./Kampfgeschwader 55[42][44] | 13 November 1942[44] | —
Gustav Koller | Heer | Obergefreiter[44] | Group leader in the 1./Panzergrenadier-Regiment 21[42][44] | 8 August 1944[44] | —
Karl Koller | Luftwaffe | Oberst im Generalstab (in the General Staff)[44] | Chief of the general staff of Luftflotte 2[42][Note 50] | 10 April 1942[44] | —
Gerhard Kollewe+ | Luftwaffe | Hauptmann[44] | Gruppenkommandeur of the II.(Kampf)/Lehrgeschwader 1[42][44] | 5 July 1941[44] | Awarded 112th Oak Leaves 12 August 1942[44] | |
Josef Kollhofer | Heer | Obergefreiter[44] | Geschützführer (gun layer) in the 4./Panzergrenadier-Regiment 26[42][Note 51] | 14 August 1944[44] | —
Friedrich Karl Kollmann | Heer | Leutnant of the Reserves[44] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in Panzergrenadier-Regiment 59[42][44] | 6 October 1944[44] | —
Georg Kolodziejczyk | Heer | Oberfeldwebel[44] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 3./Panzer-Regiment 15[42][44] | 5 March 1945[44] | —
Wolfgang Koltermann | Heer | Oberleutnant[42][Note 52] | Chief of the 3./schwere Panzer-Abteilung 507[42][45] | 11 March 1945[45] | —
Herbert Kompch | Luftwaffe | Hauptmann[45] | Commander of the I./Flak-Regiment 4 (motorized)[46][Note 53] | 11 March 1944[45] | —
Günther Konopacki+ | Heer | Oberleutnant[45] | Leader of Aufklärungs-Abteilung 168[45][46] | 19 December 1943[45] | Awarded 797th Oak Leaves 23 March 1945[45] | —
Gerhard Konopka | Heer | Oberleutnant of the Reserves[45] | Leader of the II./Grenadier-Regiment (motorized) "Großdeutschland"[45][46] | 29 August 1943[45] | —
Alfred Konrad | Heer | Oberwachtmeister[45] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 1./Aufklärungs-Abteilung 7[45][46] | 8 August 1943[45] | —
Rudolf Konrad | Heer | General der Gebirgstruppe[45] | Commanding general of the XXXXIX. Gebirgskorps[45][46] | 1 August 1942[45] | —
Dr. jur. Lambert Konschegg von Pramburg | Luftwaffe | Major[45] | Gruppenkommandeur of the III./Kampfgeschwader 40[45][46] | 28 February 1945[45] | —
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Wilhelm von Koolwijk | Luftwaffe | Oberst[45] | Commander of Flak-Regiment 37 (motorized)[46][Note 54] | 8 August 1944[45] | —
Erwin Koopmann | Heer | Major[45] | Leader of Grenadier-Regiment 76[45][46] | 28 November 1943*[45] | Killed in action 11 November 1943[45] | —
Lothar Kopatzki | Heer | Leutnant[45] | Leader of the Panzer-Jäger-Kompanie 1212[45][46] | 5 April 1945[45] | —
Helmut Kopp | Heer | Oberleutnant[45] | Leader of the 1./Grenadier-Regiment 151[45][47] | 2 June 1942[45] | —
Karl Kopp | Heer | Feldwebel[45] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 11./Infanterie-Regiment 512[45][46] | 15 November 1941[45] | —
Walter Kopp | Heer | Hauptmann[48] | Commander of the I./Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 99[46][48] | 6 November 1942[48] | —
Walter Kopp | Heer | Major[48] | Leader of Grenadier-Regiment 1077[46][48] | 9 February 1945[48] | —
Rudolf Koppe | Heer | Hauptmann[48] | Commander of Panzer-Aufklärungs-Abteilung 23[46][48] | 18 November 1944[48] | —
Karl Koppenwallner | Heer | Oberst[48] | Commander of Grenadier-Regiment 97[46][48] | 1 January 1944[48] | —
Martin Kordemann?[Note 55] | Heer | Oberfeldwebel[46] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 6./Grenadier-Regiment 577[46] | 11 May 1945[46] | —
Dr. rer. pol. Otto Korfes | Heer | Generalmajor[48] | Commander of the 295. Infanterie-Division[46][48] | 22 January 1943[48] | —
Heinz Korn | RAD | (rank equivalent to Leutnant)[48] |
FeldmeisterMeßoffizier (measuring officer) in the 4./schwere Flak-Abteilung 232 (RAD 8/60)[46][48] | 14 January 1945[48] | —
Dietrich Kornblum | Luftwaffe | Oberleutnant[48] | Staffelführer of the 4./Kampfgeschwader 53 "Legion Condor"[46][48] | 9 June 1944[48] | —
Hans Kornmeyer | Heer | Major[48] | Commander of the II./Infanterie-Regiment 109[46][48] | 9 May 1942[48] | —
Franz Kornprobst | Heer | Oberst[48] | Commander of Grenadier-Regiment 320[46][48] | 5 April 1945[48] | —
Otto Kornprobst | Heer | Leutnant[48] | Zugführer (platoon leader) of Panzer-Abteilung 118[46][48] | 23 March 1945[48] | —
Anton Korol | Luftwaffe | Leutnant of the Reserves[48] | Staffelführer of the 10.(Panzer)/Schlachtgeschwader 2 "Immelmann"[48][49] | 12 March 1945[48] | —
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Hans Korte | Luftwaffe | Generalmajor[50] | Commander of the 2.(Torpedo) Flieger-Division[49][Note 56] | 30 September 1944[50] | —
Günther Korten | Luftwaffe | Generalmajor[50] | Chief of the general staff of Luftflotte 4[49][50] | 3 May 1941[50] | —
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Claus Korth | Kriegsmarine | Kapitänleutnant[50] | Commander of U-93[49][50] | 29 May 1941[50] | —
[Dr.] Siegfried Korth[Note 45] | Waffen-SS | Obersturmführer[50] | SS-Chief of the 3./SS-Kavallerie-Regiment 18 "Florian Geyer"[49][Note 57] | 9 February 1945[50] | —
Gerhard Korthals | Luftwaffe | Hauptmann[50] | Staffelkapitän of the 8./Kampfgeschwader 51[49][50] | 2 October 1942[50] | —
Berthold Korts | Luftwaffe | Leutnant[50] | Pilot in the 9./Jagdgeschwader 52[49][50] | 29 August 1943[50] | —
Joachim von Kortzfleisch | Heer | General der Infanterie[50] | Commanding general of the XI. Armeekorps[49][50] | 4 September 1940[50] | —
Günther Korupkat | Heer | Oberfeldwebel[50] | Deputy leader of the 6./Grenadier-Regiment 1077[49][50] | 9 February 1945[50] | —
Karl Kosar | Heer | Leutnant of the Reserves[50] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 2./Panzer-Abteilung 7[49][50] | 7 February 1944[50] | —
Benno Kosch | Luftwaffe | Oberstleutnant[50] | Gruppenkommandeur of the II./Kampfgeschwader 1 "Hindenburg"[49][50] | 1 October 1940[50] | —
Christian Koser | Heer | Oberfeldwebel[50] | Leader of the 4./Grenadier-Regiment 273[49][50] | 2 September 1944[50] | —
Dr. Karl Koske | Heer | Generalmajor[51] | Commander of the 212. Infanterie-Division[49][51] | 15 March 1944[51] | —
Otto Koslinko[Note 58] | Heer | Unteroffizier[52] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 8./Grenadier-Regiment 504[49][52] | 4 June 1944*[52] | Killed in action 28 March 1944[49] | —
Siegfried Kossack | Heer | Oberst[51] | Commander of Grenadier-Regiment 1051[49][51] | 18 November 1944[51] | —
Georg Koßmala+ | Heer | Oberst[51] | Commander of Sicherungs-Regiment 3[49][51] | 13 March 1942[51] | Awarded 435th Oak Leaves 26 March 1944[51] | —
Karl-Richard Koßmann | Heer | Oberst[51] | Commander of Panzergrenadier-Regiment 74[49][51] | 23 March 1945[51] | —
Franz Kostka | Heer | Obergefreiter[51] | Shock troops leader in the 6./Grenadier-Regiment 399[49][51] | 10 May 1943[51] | —
Franz Kotlowski | Heer | Obergefreiter[51] | Group leader in the 7./Grenadier-Regiment 411[49][51] | 16 November 1944[51] | —
Richard Kotz | Heer | Oberst[51] | Commander of Grenadier-Regiment 389[49][51] | 21 October 1943[51] | —
Robert Kowalewski | Luftwaffe | Hauptmann[51] | Pilot in the Stabsstaffel/X. Fliegerkorps[49][Note 59] | 24 November 1940[51] | —
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Peter Kox | Heer | Oberfeldwebel[51] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 1./Panzer-Jäger-Abteilung 169[51][53] | 5 April 1945[51] | —
Boris Kraas | Waffen-SS | Sturmbannführer[51] | SS-Commander of SS-Panzer-Jäger-Abteilung 3 "Totenkopf"[53][Note 60] | 28 February 1945*[51] | Died of wounds 13 February 1945[53] | —
Hugo Kraas+ | Waffen-SS | Sturmbannführer[51] | SS-Commander of the I./2. SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment/Panzergrenadier-Division "Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler"[54][Note 61] | 28 March 1943[51] | Awarded 375th Oak Leaves 24 January 1944[51] | —
Hermann Kracht | Heer | Oberfeldwebel[51] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 12.(MG)/Grenadier-Regiment 29 (motorized)[53][Note 62] | 25 December 1944*[51] | Killed in action 2 June 1944[53] | —
Christoph Krämer | Heer | Oberfeldwebel[55] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 5./Panzergrenadier-Regiment 7[53][55] | 14 May 1944[55] | —
Fritz Kraemer | Heer | Oberstleutnant im General (in the General Staff)[55] | Ia (operations officer) in the 13. Panzer-Division[53][55] | 17 December 1942[55] | —
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Paul Krämer | Heer | Oberstleutnant[55] | Commander of Panzergrenadier-Regiment 93[53][55] | 7 February 1945[55] | —
Richard Krämer | Heer | Leutnant[55] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 1./Sturmgeschütz-Brigade 232[53][55] | 30 September 1944[55] | —
Oskar Kräussel | Luftwaffe | Feldwebel[55] | Pilot in Kampfgruppe z.b.V. 172[53][55] | 24 December 1942[53][Note 63] | —
Heinrich Krafft | Luftwaffe | Oberleutnant of the Reserves[53][Note 64] | Staffelkapitän of the 3./Jagdgeschwader 51 "Mölders"[53][55] | 18 March 1942[55] | —
[Dr.] Horst Krafft[Note 45] | Heer | Oberleutnant[55] | Chief of the 2./Sturmgeschütz-Abteilung 185[53][55] | 29 September 1941[55] | —
Alfred Kraft | Heer | Unteroffizier[55] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 2./Panzer-Regiment 27[53][55] | 22 January 1943[55] | —
Gerhard Kraft | Heer | Hauptmann[55] | Commander of the I./Panzergrenadier-Regiment 112[53][55] | 23 February 1944[55] | —
Josef Kraft+ | Luftwaffe | Oberleutnant[55] | Pilot in the II./Nachtjagdgeschwader 6[53][Note 65] | 30 September 1944[55] | Awarded 838th Oak Leaves 17 April 1945[55] | —
Karl Kraft | Heer | Major[55] | Commander of the I./Infanterie-Regiment 42[53][55] | 18 January 1942[55] | —
Ernst Krag+ | Waffen-SS | Sturmbannführer[55] | SS-Commander of SS-Panzer-Aufklärungs-Abteilung 2 "Das Reich"[53][Note 66] | 23 October 1944[55] | Awarded 755th Oak Leaves 28 February 1945[55] | —
Hans Krah | Heer | Major[56] | Commander of the I./Füsilier-Regiment 34[53][56] | 11 October 1943[56] | —
Karl-Heinz Krahl | Luftwaffe | Hauptmann[56] | Leader of the I./Jagdgeschwader 2 "Richthofen"[53][56] | 13 November 1940[56] | —
Walter Krainz | Heer | Obergefreiter[56] | In the III./Jäger-Regiment 75[56][57] | 17 April 1945[56] | —
Dietrich Kraiss+ | Heer | Generalmajor[56] | Commander of the 168. Infanterie-Division[56][57] | 23 July 1942[56] | Awarded 549th Oak Leaves 11 August 1944[56] | ![]() |
August Krakau | Heer | Oberst[56] | Commander of Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 85[56][57] | 21 June 1941[56] | —
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Rupprecht Kral | Heer | Unteroffizier[56] | Geschützführer (gun layer) in the 14.(Panzerjäger)/Grenadier-Regiment 19[57][Note 67] | 15 May 1944[56] | —
Friedrich Kralemann | Luftwaffe | Oberfeldwebel[56] | Pilot in the II./Kampfgeschwader 3 "Lützow"[56][57] | 29 October 1943[56] | —
Heinz Kramer | Heer | Unteroffizier[56] | Richtschütze (gunner) in the 2./schwere Panzer-Abteilung 502[56][57] | 6 October 1944[56] | —
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Rudolf Kramer | Luftwaffe | Hauptmann[56] | Staffelkapitän in Kampfgeschwader 26[56][57] | 18 March 1945[56] | —
Theodor Krancke+ | Kriegsmarine | Kapitän zur See[56] | Commander of heavy cruiser Admiral Scheer[56][57] | 21 February 1941[56] | Awarded 614th Oak Leaves 18 October 1944[56] | ![]() |
Wolfgang van Kranenbrock | Heer | Hauptmann[56] | Commander of the II./Infanterie-Regiment 102[56][57] | 25 September 1942[56] | —
Bernhard Kranz | Heer | Oberleutnant of the Reserves[56] | Chief of the 15./Jäger-Regiment 83[57][Note 68] | 5 November 1944[56] | —
Rudolf Kranz | Heer | Major[58] | Commander of Sturmgeschütz-Brigade 249[57][58] | 23 October 1944[58] | —
Günther Krappe | Heer | Generalleutnant[58] | Commander of the 61. Infanterie-Division[57][58] | 11 April 1944[58] | —
Heinrich Krappmann | Luftwaffe | Obergefreiter[58] | Geschützkanonier (gunner) in the 19./Fallschirm-Panzer-Flak-Regiment "Hermann Göring"[57][Note 69] | 28 February 1945[58] | —
Dr. Günther Kratsch | Heer | Major[58] | Commander of the I./Artillerie-Regiment 65 (motorized)[57][Note 70] | 29 September 1940[58] | —
Hans Kratzenberg | Heer | Major[58] | Commander of the III./Schützen-Regiment 3[57][58] | 15 August 1940[58] | —
Rudolf Kratzert | Luftwaffe | Hauptmann[57][Note 71] | Commander of the III./Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 3[57][58] | 9 June 1944[58] | —
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Adolf Kraus | Luftwaffe | Oberfeldwebel[58] | Pilot in the 4./Kampfgeschwader 1 "Hindenburg"[57][58] | 25 November 1942*[58] | Killed in action 30 September 1942[57] | —
Eduard Kraus | Heer | Oberleutnant of the Reserves[58] | Leader of the 6./Panzergrenadier-Regiment 14[57][58] | 25 January 1943[58] | —
Ewald Kraus | Heer | Major[58] | Deputy leader of Panzer-Artillerie-Regiment 102[57][58] | 26 March 1944[58] | —
Hans-Werner Kraus | Kriegsmarine | Kapitänleutnant[58] | Commander of U-83[57][58] | 19 June 1942[58] | —
Rupert Kraus | Luftwaffe | Oberleutnant[58] | Leader of the 2./Fallschirm-Panzer-Regiment 1 "Hermann Göring"[57][Note 72] | 30 September 1944[58] | —
Bernhard Krause | Waffen-SS | Sturmbannführer[59] | SS-Commander of the I./SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 26 "Hitlerjugend"[57][Note 73] | 18 November 1944[59] | —
Fritz Krause | Luftwaffe | Oberst[59] | Commander of Flak-Regiment 91 (motorized)[60][Note 74] | 24 March 1943*[59] | Killed in action 25 January 1943[60] | —
Johannes Krause | Luftwaffe | Hauptmann[59] | Gruppenkommandeur of the II./Nachtjagdgeschwader 101[59][60] | 7 February 1945[59] | —
Max Krause | Heer | Major[59] | Leader of Grenadier-Regiment 106[59][60] | 18 November 1944[59] | —
Richard Krause | Heer | Hauptmann[59] | Commander of the II./Grenadier-Regiment 848[59][60] | 4 May 1944[59] | —
Walther Krause | Heer | Generalmajor[59] | Commander of the 170. Infanterie-Division[59][60] | 10 June 1943[59] | —
Bernhard Krauss[Note 75] | Heer | Unteroffizier[58] | Infanteriegeschütz (infantry gun) leader in the 2./Panzer-Jäger-Abteilung 128[60][Note 75] | 9 January 1945[58] | —
Oswald Krauss | Waffen-SS | Sturmbannführer[59] | SS-Leader of SS-Kavallerie-Regiment 15 "Florian Geyer"[60][Note 76] | 27 January 1945[59] | —
Walter Krauß+ | Luftwaffe | Oberleutnant[59] | Pilot in the 2.(H)/Aufklärungs-Gruppe 21[59][60] | 29 July 1940[59] | Awarded 363rd Oak Leaves 3 January 1944[59] | —
Erich Krebs | Luftwaffe | Hauptmann[59] | Chief of the 1./Flak-Regiment 11 (motorized)[60][Note 77] | 16 February 1942[60][Note 77] | —
Günther-Wolfgang Krebs | Heer | Leutnant[59] | Leader of a Kampfgruppe in the Heeres-Gebirgsjäger-Bataillon 201[60][Note 78] | 26 December 1944*[59] | Killed in action 14 December 1944[60][Note 78] | —
Hans Krebs+ | Heer | Generalleutnant[59] | Chief of the general staff of Heeresgruppe Mitte[59][60] | 26 March 1944[59] | Awarded 749th Oak Leaves 20 February 1945[59] | ![]() |
Günther Krech | Kriegsmarine | Kapitänleutnant[61] | Commander of U-558[60][61] | 17 September 1942[61] | —
Werner Krei | Heer | [61] | OberfähnrichZugführer (platoon leader) in the 5./Panzer-Aufklärungs-Abteilung 19[60][61] | 10 February 1944[61] | —
Herbert Kreiner | Heer | Hauptmann[61] | Battalion commander in Grenadier-Regiment 261[60][Note 79] | 28 January 1943[61] | —
Heinrich Kreipe | Heer | Oberstleutnant[61] | Commander of Infanterie-Regiment 209[60][61] | 13 October 1941[61] | —
Rudolf Kreitmair | Heer | Hauptmann of the Reserves[61] | Leader of the 7./Grenadier-Regiment 282[60][61] | 31 March 1943[61] | —
Günther Krekow | Heer | Leutnant[61] | Battery officer in Artillerie-Regiment 6[60][Note 80] | 6 November 1944[61] | —
[Dr.] Hermann Kremer[Note 45] | Heer | Major of the Reserves[61] | Commander of the II./Artillerie-Regiment 129[60][61] | 23 March 1945[61] | —
Gerhard Krems | Luftwaffe | Leutnant[61] | Pilot in the 2./Kampfgeschwader 27 "Boelcke"[60][61] | 25 May 1942[61] | —
Wilhelm Krenz | Heer | Feldwebel[61] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 3./Divisions-Füsilier-Bataillon 96[61][62] | 4 May 1944[61] | —
Hermann Krenzer | Heer | Oberleutnant[60][Note 81] | Chief of the 2./Infanterie-Regiment 379[60][61] | 14 December 1941[61] | —
Hermann Kreß | Heer | Oberst[61] | Commander of Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 99[60][61] | 20 December 1941[61] | —
Ulrich Kreß | Heer | Leutnant of the Reserves[61] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 1./Aufklärungs-Abteilung 20[60][61] | 22 September 1941[61] | —
[Prof. Dr.] Ludwig-Hilmar Kresse[Note 82] | Heer | Major of the Reserves[63] | Commander of Feld-Ersatz-Bataillon 94[63][64] | 18 November 1944[63] | —
Wilhelm Kressel | Heer | Leutnant of the Reserves[63] | Leader of the 5./Sturm-Regiment of Panzer AOK 4[63][64] | 16 October 1944[63] | —
Erwin Kreßmann | Heer | Hauptmann[63] | Chief of the 1./schwere Panzer-Jäger-Abteilung 519[63][64] | 9 December 1944[63] | —
Franz Kretschmer | Heer | Leutnant of the Reserves[63] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the I./schwere Panzer-Jäger-Abteilung 656[64][Note 83] | 17 December 1943[63] | —
Otto Kretschmer+ | Kriegsmarine | Kapitänleutnant[63] | Commander of U-99[63][64] | 4 August 1940[63] | Awarded 6th Oak Leaves 4 November 1940 5th Swords 26 December 1941[63] |
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Theodor Kretschmer | Heer | Oberst[63] | Leader of the 17. Panzer-Division[63][64] | 8 March 1945[63] | —
Heinz Krettek | Heer | Leutnant of the Reserves[63] | Leader of the 5./Grenadier-Regiment 423[63][64] | 12 August 1944[63] | —
Wolfgang Kretzschmar+ | Heer | Major[63] | Commander of Grenadier-Bataillon 540 z.b.V.[63][65] | 15 May 1943[63] | Awarded 600th Oak Leaves 30 September 1944 121st Swords 12 January 1945[63] |
Karl Kreutz+ | Waffen-SS | Standartenführer[63] | SS-Commander of SS-Panzer-Artillerie-Regiment 2 "Das Reich"[64][Note 84] | 27 August 1944[63] | Awarded (863rd) Oak Leaves 6 May 1945?[66][Note 85] | —
Anton Kreutzberg | Heer | Unteroffizier[63] | Geschützführer (gun layer) in the 2./schwere Panzer-Jäger-Abteilung 525[63][64] | 21 September 1944[63] | —
Dr. Eduard Kreuzer | Heer | Oberstleutnant[63] | Commander of Jäger-Regiment 24 (L)[63][64] | 17 March 1945*[63] | Killed in action 22 February 1945[64] | —
Franz Kreuzer | Heer | Unteroffizier[68] | Group leader in the 3./Grenadier-Regiment 89[64][68] | 15 January 1943[68] | —
Othmar Kreuzinger+ | Heer | Oberleutnant of the Reserves[68] | Chief of the 4./Panzer-Aufklärungs-Abteilung 19[64][68] | 14 May 1944[68] | Awarded 625th Oak Leaves 18 October 1944[68] | —
Heinz Krey | Kriegsmarine | Leutnant (Ing.)[68] | Chief engineer on U-752[64][68] | 4 September 1943*[68] | Killed in action 23 May 1943[64] | —
Hermann Krey | Heer | Fahnenjunker-Wachtmeister[68] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 2./Divisions-Füsilier-Bataillon 30[65][68] | 17 September 1944[68] | —
Hans Kreysing+ | Heer | Oberst[68] | Commander of Infanterie-Regiment 16[64][68] | 18 May 1940[64][Note 86] | Awarded 183rd Oak Leaves 20 January 1943 63rd Swords 13 April 1944[68] |
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Karl Kriebel | Heer | Generalmajor[68] | Commander of the 56. Infanterie-Division[64][68] | 4 July 1940[68] | —
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Gerhard Krieg | Heer | Oberwachtmeister[68] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 1./Heeres-Sturmgeschütz-Brigade 243[65][68] | 28 March 1945[68] | —
Harald Krieg | Heer | Oberleutnant[68] | Chief of the 4./Schützen-Regiment 1[64][68] | 15 July 1941[68] | —
Johann-Otto Krieg | Kriegsmarine | Oberleutnant zur See[68] | Chief of the Kleinkampfmittel-Flottille 361[64][68] | 8 July 1944[68] | —
Friedrich-Wilhelm Krieger | Heer | Hauptmann[68] | Commander of the II./Grenadier-Regiment 87[64][68] | 7 September 1943* | Died of wounds 1 September 1943[68] | —
Werner Krieger | Heer | Major[68] | Commander of the I./Grenadier-Regiment 17[64][68] | 31 October 1944[68] | —
Wilhelm Krieger | Heer | Feldwebel[69] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 1./Grenadier-Regiment 168[64][69] | 4 June 1944[69] | —
Herbert Kriening | Heer | Feldwebel[69] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 12.(MG)/Grenadier-Regiment 234[70][Note 87] | 23 August 1943[69] | —
Josef Krings | Heer | Oberfeldwebel[69] | Kompanietruppführer (company headquarters leader) in the 2./Grenadier-Regiment 412[69][70] | 4 May 1944[69] | —
Heinz Krink | Luftwaffe | Leutnant[69] | Adjutant in the II./Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 3[69][70] | 9 June 1944[69] | —
Helmut Kroeg | Heer | Oberleutnant[69] | Leader of the II./Grenadier-Regiment 45[69][70] | 28 March 1945[69] | —
Wilhelm Kröhne | Heer | Major[69] | Commander of the Sturmgeschütz-Brigade 190[70][Note 88] | 24 February 1945[69] | —
Otto Krogmann | Heer | Unteroffizier[69] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 1./Infanterie-Regiment 668[69][70] | 9 November 1942[69] | —
Hans Kroh+ | Luftwaffe | Major[69] | Commander of the I./Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 2[69][70] | 21 August 1941[69] | Awarded 443rd Oak Leaves 6 April 1944 96th Swords 12 September 1944[69] |
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Ernst Krohn | Heer | Oberfeldwebel[69] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 1./Grenadier-Regiment 505[69][70] | 27 October 1943[69] | —
Hans Krohn | Heer | Gefreiter[69] | Richtschütze (gunner) in the 1./Panzer-Jäger-Abteilung 20[69][70] | 6 April 1942[69] | —
Hans Krohn | Luftwaffe | Oberfeldwebel[69] | Radio operator in the 6./Sturzkampfgeschwader 2 "Immelmann"[69][70] | 26 March 1944[69] | —
Theo Kroj | Heer | Hauptmann[70][Note 89] | Leader of the II./Grenadier-Regiment 87[69][70] | 24 November 1943[69] | —
Hermann Kroll | Luftwaffe | Oberfeldwebel[71] | Pilot in the 7.(F)/Lehrgeschwader 2[71][72] | 5 April 1942[71] | —
Franz-Josef Krombholz | Waffen-SS | Hauptsturmführer[70][Note 90] | SS-Commander of the III./SS-Freiwilligen-Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 14 "Prinz Eugen"[70][Note 90] | 28 March 1945[71] | —
Otto Kron | Waffen-SS | Hauptsturmführer[71] | SS-Leader of the SS-Flak-Abteilung "Totenkopf"[72][Note 91] | 28 June 1942[71] | —
Max-Georg Kroner | Heer | Hauptmann[71] | Commander of the III./Grenadier-Regiment 463[70][71] | 17 October 1943[71] | —
Fritz Kropp | Heer | Unteroffizier[71] | Group leader in the 2./Grenadier-Regiment 48[70][71] | 12 March 1944[71] | —
Hans-Joachim Kroschinski | Luftwaffe | Oberfeldwebel[71] | Pilot in the 3./Jagdgeschwader 54[70][71] | 17 April 1945[71] | —
Heinz Kroseberg | Luftwaffe | Hauptmann of the Reserves[71] | Staffelkapitän of the Wüstennotstaffel (emergency desert squadron)[70][71] | 19 June 1942[71] | Missing in action 12 May 1942[70] | —
Dedo von Krosigk | Heer | Hauptmann[71] | Chief of the 1./Infanterie-Regiment 51 (motorized)[70][71] | 15 May 1942[71] | —
Ernst-Anton von Krosigk+ | Heer | Generalmajor[71] | Commander of the 1. Infanterie-Division[70][71] | 12 February 1944[71] | Awarded 827th Oak Leaves 12 April 1945[71] | |
Kurt Kruck | Heer | Oberleutnant[71] | Chief of the 4./Divisions-Füsilier-Bataillon 96[71][72] | 20 October 1944[71] | —
[Prof. Dr.] Fritz Krück[Note 82] | Heer | Oberleutnant[71] | Leader of the II./Grenadier-Regiment 226[70][71] | 5 March 1945[71] | —
Ernst-Felix Krüder+ | Kriegsmarine | Kapitän zur See[71] | Commander of auxiliary cruiser Pinguin (HSK 5)[70][71] | 22 December 1940[71] | Awarded 40th Oak Leaves 15 November 1941[71] | —
Albrecht Krügel+ | Waffen-SS | Sturmbannführer[73] | SS-Commander of the II./SS-Freiwilligen-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 23 "Norge"[74][Note 92] | 12 March 1944[73] | Awarded 651st Oak Leaves 16 November 1944[73] | —
Erwin Krüger | Heer | [73] | OberfähnrichSpähtruppführer (reconnaissance patrol leader) in the Panzer-Späh-Schwadron/Panzer-Aufklärungs-Abteilung 24[75][Note 93] | 17 September 1944[73] | —
Felix Krüger | Heer | Oberfeldwebel[73] | Spähtruppführer (reconnaissance patrol leader) in the Stabskompanie/Panzer-Aufklärungs-Abteilung 6[73][74] | 9 December 1944[73] | —
Friedrich Krüger | Waffen-SS | Obergruppenführer and General of the Waffen-SS and Police[73] | SS-Commander of the 6. SS-Gebirgs-Division "Nord"[73][74] | 22 October 1944[73] | —
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Fritz Krüger | Heer | [73] | StabswachtmeisterBattery officer in the 1./Artillerie-Regiment 37[73][74] | 17 March 1945[73] | —
Hans-Heinrich Krüger | Heer | Major im Generalstab (in the General Staff)[74][Note 94] | Leader of a Kampfgruppe in the 321. Infanterie-Division[74][Note 94] | 3 December 1943[73] | —
Helmut Krüger | Heer | Hauptmann of the Reserves[73] | Commander of the I./Grenadier-Regiment 151[73][74] | 11 April 1944[73] | —
Horst Krüger | Luftwaffe | Oberleutnant[73] | Observer in the 3./Nacht-Aufklärungs-Staffel[75][Note 95] | 4 November 1941[73] | —
Joachim Krüger | Waffen-SS | Untersturmführer[73] | SS-Leader of the 10./SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 4 "Der Führer"[73][74] | 24 June 1944*[73] | Died of wounds 14 August 1943[74] | —
Kurt Krüger | Heer | Leutnant of the Reserves[73] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the Panzer-Abteilung 8[73][74] | 7 February 1944[73] | —
Kurt Krüger | Heer | Oberwachtmeister[73] | Battery officer in the 2./Artillerie-Regiment 156[73][74] | 31 July 1943*[73] | Died of wounds 12 July 1943[74] | —
Rudolf Krüger | Heer | Oberfeldwebel[73] | Zugführer (platoon leader) of the 6./Infanterie-Regiment 32[73][74] | 5 October 1941[73] | —
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Walter Krüger+ | Heer | Generalmajor[76] | Commander of the 1. Schützen-Brigade[74][76] | 15 July 1941[76] | Awarded 373rd Oak Leaves 24 January 1944[76] | ![]() |
Walter Krüger+ | Waffen-SS | Brigadeführer and Generalmajor of the Waffen-SS[76] | SS-Commander of the SS-Polizei-Division[74][76] | 13 December 1941[76] | Awarded 286th Oak Leaves 31 August 1943 120th Swords 11 January 1945[76] |
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Walther Krüger | Heer | Oberstleutnant[76] | Commander of Panzergrenadier-Regiment 71[74][Note 96] | 27 August 1943[76] | —
Friedrich-Karl Krützmann | Heer | Hauptmann[76] | Commander of the I./Panzergrenadier-Regiment 5[75][76] | 3 March 1944[76] | —
Leopold Krugner | Heer | Unteroffizier[76] | Geschützführer (gun layer) in the 1./Panzer-Jäger-Abteilung 17[74][76] | 14 February 1945[76] | —
Hans Krumminga | Luftwaffe | Leutnant[76] | Pilot in the 9./Sturzkampfgeschwader 2 "Immelmann"[74][76] | 19 September 1943[76] | —
Walter Krupinski+ | Luftwaffe | Leutnant[76] | Pilot in the 6./Jagdgeschwader 52[74][76] | 29 October 1942[76] | Awarded 415th Oak Leaves 2 March 1944[76] | ![]() |
Ernst Kruse+ | Heer | Oberfeldwebel[76] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 7./Panzergrenadier-Regiment 3[76][77] | 6 October 1942[76] | Awarded 245th Oak Leaves 17 May 1943[76] | —
Gerhard Kruse+ | Heer | Hauptmann of the Reserves[76] | Leader of the I./Grenadier-Regiment 48[76][77] | 23 February 1944[76] | Awarded 534th Oak Leaves 27 July 1944[76] | —
Heinrich Kruse | Heer | Hauptmann[76] | Leader of Grenadier-Regiments Gruppe 311[77][Note 97] | 26 March 1944[76] | —
Heinz Kruse | Heer | Feldwebel[76] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the schwere Panzer-Abteilung 655[77][Note 98] | 23 March 1945[76] | —
Gustav Krutemeier | Heer | Oberfeldwebel[78] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 1./Gebirgs-Pionier-Bataillon 99[77][78] | 3 October 1942[78] | —
Johann Ksiag | Heer | Feldwebel[78] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 2./Panzer-Jäger-Abteilung 176[77][78] | 15 January 1943[78] | —
Wilhelm Kubel | Heer | Hauptmann of the Reserves[78] | Leader of the II./Grenadier-Regiment 162[77][78] | 30 September 1944[78] | —
Walter Kubisch | Luftwaffe | Oberfeldwebel[78] | Radio/wireless operator in Nachtjagdgeschwader 3[77][Note 99] | 31 December 1943[78] | —
Jakob Kuchar?[Note 100] | Heer | Gefreiter[77] | In the 8./Jäger-Regiment 228[77] | 11 May 1945[77] | —
Ludwig Kübler | Heer | Generalmajor[78] | Commander of the 1. Gebirgs-Division[77][78] | 27 October 1939[78] | —
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Georg von Küchler+ | Heer | General der Artillerie[78] | Commander-in-chief of the 3. Armee[77][78] | 30 September 1939[78] | Awarded 273rd Oak Leaves 21 August 1943[78] | ![]() |
Dr. jur. Ernst Kühl+ | Luftwaffe | Oberst of the Reserves[77][Note 101] | Geschwaderkommodore of Kampfgeschwader 55[77][78] | 17 October 1942[78] | Awarded 356th Oak Leaves 18 December 1943[78] | ![]() |
Hermann Kühl | Luftwaffe | Hauptmann[78] | Staffelkapitän of the 2./Kampfgeschwader 4 "General Wever"[77][78] | 24 November 1940[78] | —
Kurt Kühme | Heer | Major[78] | Commander of Sturmgeschütz-Brigade 280[77][78] | 9 December 1944[78] | —
Friedrich Kühn | Heer | Generalmajor[78] | Commander of the 3. Panzer-Brigade[77][78] | 4 July 1940[78] | —
Hans-Jochen Kühn | Heer | Leutnant of the Reserves[79] | Chief of the 9./Panzer-Regiment 36[77][79] | 12 January 1944[79] | —
Martin Kühne | Luftwaffe | Hauptmann[79] | Commander of the I./Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 2[77][79] | 29 February 1944[79] | —
[Dr.] Rudolf Kühnfels[Note 45] | Heer | Oberleutnant[79] | Company chief in Jäger-Regiment 54[77][79] | 9 December 1944[79] | —
Johannes Kümmel+ | Heer | Oberleutnant[79] | Chief of the 1./Panzer-Regiment 8[79][80] | 9 July 1941[79] | Awarded 133rd Oak Leaves 11 October 1942[79] | —
Otto Kümmling | Heer | Unteroffizier[79] | Group leader in the 6./Grenadier-Regiment 530[77][79] | 4 May 1944[79] | —
Herbert Kündiger+ | Heer | Major[79] | Commander of the I./Grenadier-Regiment 978[79][81] | 9 December 1944[79] | Awarded 708th Oak Leaves 21 January 1945[79] | —
Christian Künkel | Luftwaffe | Leutnant[79] | Pilot in the 8./Sturzkampfgeschwader 3[79][81] | 26 March 1944*[79] | Killed in action 27 January 1944[81] | —
Heinz Künnecke | Heer | Oberleutnant[79] | Chief of the 2./Infanterie-Bataillon z.b.V. 500[79][81] | 16 November 1943[79] | —
Heino Reichsfreiherr von Künsberg-Weidenberg | Heer | Oberstleutnant[79] | Commander of Grenadier-Regiment 188[79][81] | 16 September 1943[79] | —
Hans-Joachim Künzel | Heer | Oberleutnant[79] | Leader of the 3./Schützen-Regiment 10[79][81] | 22 September 1941[79] | —
Karl-Friedrich Künzel | Kriegsmarine | Oberleutnant zur See[79] | Group leader and commander of Schnellboot S-28 in the 1. Schnellbootflottille[79][81] | 12 December 1943[79] | —
Hans Kürsten | Heer | Leutnant of the Reserves[82] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 1./Panzer-Regiment 7[81][82] | 11 October 1941[82] | —
Alfred Küsel | Heer | Rittmeister[82] | Commander of the I./Grenadier-Regiment 4[81][82] | 12 December 1944[82] | —
Karl Küspert | Heer | Hauptmann[82] | Chief of the 1./Panzer-Regiment 35[81][82] | 16 October 1944[82] | —
Ferdinand Kuester | Heer | Oberleutnant[82] | Chief of the 1./Grenadier-Regiment 58[81][82] | 27 October 1943[82] | —
Heinz Küster | Heer | Leutnant[82] | Leader of the 5./Grenadier-Regiment 108[81][82] | 15 July 1943[82] | —
Rudolf Küster | Luftwaffe | Oberleutnant[82] | Pilot in the 6./Kampfgeschwader 53 "Legion Condor"[81][82] | 17 March 1945[82] | —
Wilhelm Küster | Luftwaffe | Oberleutnant[82] | Pilot in Wettererkundungsstaffel 26 (6.(F)/Aufklärungs-Gruppe 122)[81][Note 102] | 18 May 1943[82] | —
Andreas Kuffner+ | Luftwaffe | Oberleutnant[82] | Staffelführer of the 4./Sturzkampfgeschwader 2 "Immelmann"[81][Note 103] | 16 April 1943[82] | Awarded 684th Oak Leaves 20 December 1944[82] | —
Otto Kugelstadt | Heer | Feldwebel[82] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 6./Grenadier-Regiment 485[81][82] | 26 December 1944[82] | —
Eugen Kugler | Heer | Hauptmann of the Reserves[82] | Leader of the I./Grenadier-Regiment 19 "List"[81][82] | 5 April 1945[82] | —
Josef Kugler | Heer | Unteroffizier[82] | Group leader in the 9./Grenadier-Regiment 200 (motorized)[81][82] | 3 November 1944[82] | —
Helmut Kuhenne | Luftwaffe | Oberfeldwebel[81][Note 104] | Radio operator in the Stab/Fernaufklärungs-Gruppe 3[81][83] | 20 January 1945[81][Note 104] | —
Josef Kuher[Note 105] | Heer | Oberwachtmeister[83] | Battery officer and Vorgeschobener Beobachter (forward observer) in the 7./schweres Werfer-Regiment 3 (motorized)[81][83] | 9 May 1945[81][Note 106] | —
Herbert Kuhlmann | Waffen-SS | Sturmbannführer[83] | SS-Commander of the I./SS-Panzer-Regiment 1 "Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler"[81][83] | 13 February 1944[83] | —
Kurt Kuhlmey | Luftwaffe | Hauptmann[83] | Gruppenkommandeur of the II./Sturzkampfgeschwader 3[81][83] | 15 July 1942[83] | —
Wilhelm Kuhlwilm | Luftwaffe | Oberleutnant[83] | Company leader in the Fallschirm-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 3 "Hermann Göring"[83][85] | 30 November 1944[83] | —
Karl Kuhn | Heer | Hauptmann[83] | Leader of a Rückkampfgruppe "Kuhn" (formerly Grenadier-Regiment 81)[83][85] | 26 November 1944[83] | —
Otto Kuhn | Heer | Oberleutnant of the Reserves[83] | Chief of the 5./Panzergrenadier-Regiment 13[83][85] | 7 March 1943[83] | —
Walter Kuhn | Heer | Obergefreiter[83] | Richtschütze (gunner) in the 3./Panzer-Jäger-Abteilung 1[83][85] | 23 August 1943[83] | —
Bernhard Kuhna | Heer | Oberleutnant[85][Note 107] | Leader of the II./Infanterie-Regiment 508[83][85] | 12 January 1942[83] | —
Alfred Kuhnert | Heer | Oberst[83] | Commander of Grenadier-Regiment 51 (motorized)[83][85] | 20 April 1944[83] | —
Manfred Kuhnert | Heer | Gefreiter[83] | Richtschütze (gunner) in the 14.(Panzerjäger)/Grenadier-Regiment 442[85][Note 108] | 22 January 1944[83] | —
Günter Kuhnke | Kriegsmarine | Kapitänleutnant[83] | Commander of U-28[83][85] | 19 September 1940[83] | —
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Theophil Kuhnle | Heer | Hauptmann[85][Note 109] | Chief of Sturmgeschütz-Kompanie 1014[85][86] | 18 February 1945[86] | —
Norbert Kujacinski | Heer | Hauptmann of the Reserves[86] | Chief of the 4./Panzer-Regiment 23[85][86] | 18 November 1944[86] | —
Arthur Kullmer+ | Heer | Generalleutnant[86] | Commander of the 296. Infanterie-Division[85][86] | 27 October 1943[86] | Awarded 758th Oak Leaves 28 February 1945[86] | —
Josef Kulot | Heer | Obergefreiter[86] | Group leader in the 6./Infanterie-Regiment 60 (motorized)[85][86] | 24 September 1942[86] | —
Karl Kulp | Luftwaffe | Feldwebel[86] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 13./Fallschirm-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 4 "Hermann Göring"[85][Note 110] | 5 September 1944[86] | —
[Prof. Dr.] Wolfgang Kuls[Note 82] | Heer | Rittmeister[86] | Commander of the III./Panzer-Regiment 24[85][86] | 24 February 1945[86] | —
Josef Kult+ | Heer | Leutnant of the Reserves[86] | Leader of the 3./Jäger-Regiment 228[85][86] | 7 October 1942[86] | Awarded 212th Oak Leaves 15 March 1943[86] | —
Otto Kumm+ | Waffen-SS | Obersturmbannführer[86] | SS-Commander of SS-Infanterie-Regiment (motorized) "Der Führer"[85][Note 111] | 16 February 1942[86] | Awarded 221st Oak Leaves 6 April 1943 138th Swords 17 March 1945[86] |
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Alfred Kummer | Luftwaffe | Fahnenjunker-Oberfeldwebel[86] | Pilot in the 11./Transportgeschwader 2[85][86] | 18 November 1944[86] | —
Gotthard Kummer | Heer | Feldwebel[86] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 1./Grenadier-Regiment 45[85][86] | 11 March 1943[86] | —
Oskar Kummetz | Kriegsmarine | Konteradmiral[86] | Leader of Kampfgruppe Oslo[85][86] | 18 January 1941[86] | —
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Gerhard Kunert+ | Heer | Obergefreiter[87] | Group leader of the 6./Panzergrenadier-Regiment 33[85][87] | 16 September 1943[87] | Awarded 606th Oak Leaves 4 October 1944[87] | —
Hans Kunert | Heer | Leutnant of the Reserves[87] | Vorgeschobener Beobachter (forward observer) in the 4./Artillerie-Regiment 5[85][87] | 23 August 1944[87] | —
Rudolf Kunert | Heer | Hauptmann of the Reserves[87] | Leader of the II./Grenadier-Regiment 401[85][87] | 21 September 1944[87] | —
Kurt-Ernst Kunkel?[Note 112] | Luftwaffe | Leutnant[85] | Company chief in the 2./Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 4[85] | 30 April 1945[85] | —
Rolf Kunkel | Heer | Major[87] | Commander of Divisions-Füsilier-Bataillon 26[85][87] | 17 March 1945*[87] | Killed in action 29 November 1944[85] | —
Erwin Kunsch | Heer | Hauptmann[87] | Commander of the II./Grenadier-Regiment 232[87][88] | 24 November 1943*[87] | Died of wounds 28 September 1943[88] | —
Albert Kuntz | Heer | Hauptmann[87] | Leader of Panzer-Aufklärungs-Abteilung 2[87][88] | 6 February 1944[87] | —
Herbert Kuntz | Luftwaffe | Leutnant of the Reserves[88][Note 113] | Pilot in the 3./Kampfgeschwader 100[87][88] | 14 March 1943[87] | —
Albrecht Kuntze | Luftwaffe | Oberleutnant[87] | Pilot in the 6./Kampfgeschwader 26[87][88] | 16 May 1940[87] | —
Walter Kuntze | Heer | General der Pioniere[87] | Commanding general of the XXXXII. Armeekorps[87][88] | 18 October 1941[87] | —
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Adolf-Friedrich Kuntzen | Heer | Generalleutnant[87] | Commander of the 8. Panzer-Division[87][88] | 3 June 1940[87] | —
Hermann Kunz | Heer | Leutnant[87] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 2./Panzer-Jäger-Abteilung 37[87][88] | 17 December 1943[87] | —
Karl Kunz | Heer | Oberst[87] | Commander of Grenadier-Regiment 412[87][88] | 6 April 1944*[87] | Died of wounds 31 January 1944[88] | —
[Dr.] Rudolf Kunz[Note 45] | Heer | Oberleutnant of the Reserves[89] | Leader of Schnelle Abteilung 306[88][89] | 10 June 1943[89] | —
Erhard Kunze | Heer | Oberfeldwebel[89] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 2./Aufklärungs-Abteilung 341 (motorized)[88][89] | 22 February 1942*[89] | Killed in action 6 January 1942[88] | —
Gottfried Kunze | Heer | Hauptmann of the Reserves[89] | Leader of the I./Grenadier-Regiment 211[88][89] | 20 April 1945[89] | —
Herbert Kunze | Luftwaffe | Oberfeldwebel[89] | Observer in a Kampfgeschwader[88][Note 114] | 31 October 1944[89] | —
Karl Kunzmann | Heer | Oberfeldwebel[89] | Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 8./Panzer-Regiment 35[88][89] | 21 September 1944*[89] | Killed on active service 5 August 1944[88] | —
Baptist Kupfer | Heer | Grenadier[89] | Machine gunner in the 4.(MG)/Grenadier-Regiment 544[88][Note 115] | 25 July 1944[89] | —
Dr. jur. Ernst Kupfer+ | Luftwaffe | Hauptmann[89] | Staffelkapitän of the 7./Sturzkampfgeschwader 2 "Immelmann"[88][89] | 23 November 1941[89] | Awarded 173rd Oak Leaves 8 January 1943 62nd Swords 11 April 1944[89] |
Hans Kupka | Heer | Leutnant[89] | Company leader in Grenadier-Regiment 20 (motorized)[88][89] | 14 November 1943*[89] | Died of wounds 15 October 1943[88] | —
Georg Kupke[Note 116] | Heer | Oberstleutnant[89] | Commander of Grenadier-Regiment 1075[88][89] | 18 November 1944[89] | —
[Dr.] Ernst Kuppinger+[Note 45] | Heer | Hauptmann[89] | Leader of the II./Grenadier-Regiment 352[88][89] | 24 December 1944[89] | Awarded 819th Oak Leaves 5 April 1945[89] | —
Herbert Kuppisch | Kriegsmarine | Kapitänleutnant[90] | Commander of U-94[88][90] | 14 May 1941[90] | —
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Gottfried Kupsch | Heer | Oberleutnant of the Reserves[90] | Leader of the 1./Radfahr-Abteilung 72[88][90] | 3 September 1942*[90] | Killed in action 16 June 1942[88] | —
Eberhard von Kurowski | Heer | Oberst im Generalstab (in the General Staff)[90] | Chief of the Generalstab XXXX. Armeekorps[88][90] | 23 January 1942[90] | —
Hans Kurscheid | Heer | Leutnant[90] | Leader of the 1./Grenadier-Regiment 426[88][90] | 28 October 1944[90] | —
Claus von Kursell | Heer | Hauptmann of the Reserves[90] | Leader of the II./Grenadier-Regiment 3[88][90] | 17 October 1944[90] | —
Hans Kurz | Heer | Hauptmann[90] | Commander of the II./Grenadier-Regiment 994[90][91] | 9 December 1944[90] | —
Karl Kurz | Heer | Oberleutnant[90] | Chief of the 9./Gebirgs-Artillerie-Regiment 95[90][91] | 5 March 1945[90] | —
Rudolf Kurz | Luftwaffe | [90] | OberfähnrichLeader of the 2./Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 12[91][Note 117] | 18 November 1944[90] | —
![]() |
Wilhelm Kurz | Heer | Hauptmann of the Reserves[90] | Commander of the II./Panzergrenadier-Regiment 125[90][91] | 20 October 1944[90] | —
Max Kurze | Heer | Major of the Reserves[90] | Commander of Panzer-Jäger-Abteilung 187[90][91] | 20 September 1944[90] | —
Franz Kusatz | Luftwaffe | Major[90] | Staffelkapitän of the Nachtaufklärungs Staffel[91][Note 118] | 25 November 1942*[90] | Killed in flying accident 25 October 1942[91] | —
Ortwin Kuske | Waffen-SS | Untersturmführer[92] | SS-Leader of the 3./SS-Panzer-Aufklärungs-Abteilung 17 "Götz von Berlichingen"[93][Note 119] | 26 November 1944[92] | —
Herbert Kutscha | Luftwaffe | Leutnant of the Reserves[91][Note 120] | Pilot in the II./Schnellkampfgeschwader 210[91][Note 120] | 24 September 1942[92] | —
Alfred Kutscher | Heer | Leutnant[92] | Leader of the 2./Divisions-Füsilier-Bataillon 35[92][93] | 18 January 1944[92] | —
Ernst Kutschkau+ | Heer | Oberfeldwebel of the Reserves[91][Note 121] | Leader of the 6./Grenadier-Regiment 3[91][92] | 16 April 1944[92] | Awarded 777th Oak Leaves 11 March 1945[92] | —
Alfred Kuzmany | Heer | Oberstleutnant[92] | Commander of Infanterie-Regiment 338[91][92] | 2 February 1942[92] | —
Ekkehard Kylling-Schmidt+ | Heer | Leutnant[92] | Leader of the 3./Infanterie-Regiment 26[91][92] | 20 October 1941[92] | Awarded 150th Oak Leaves 4 December 1942[92] | —
Paul Kynast | Heer | Oberstleutnant[92] | Commander of Grenadier-Regiment 587[91][92] | 4 June 1944*[92] | Killed in action 16 April 1944[92] | —
[edit]- ^ Großadmiral and President of Germany Karl Dönitz, Hitler's successor as Head of State (Staatsoberhaupt) and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, had ordered the cessation of all promotions and awards as of 11 May 1945 (Dönitz-decree). Consequently the last Knight's Cross awarded to Oberleutnant zur See of the Reserves Georg-Wolfgang Feller on 17 June 1945 must therefore be considered a de facto but not de jure hand-out.[2]
- ^ For an explanation of the various naming schemes used by the Luftwaffe, Heer, Kriegsmarine and Waffen-SS refer to nomenclature used by the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS.
- ^ According to Scherzer as Leader of a Kette ("chain" or flight of three) in the Aufklärungsstaffel 1.(F)/124 (Kette Lappland).[17]
- ^ a b According to Scherzer on 5 April 1944 as Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 8./Panzergrenadier-Regiment 2 "Hermann Göring".[17]
- ^ According to Scherzer as Staffelkapitän of the Aufklärungsstaffel 3.(F)/121.[17]
- ^ According to Scherzer as commander of Kampfgruppe "Sonnenstuhl" [an alarm unit with the II. SS-Panzerkorps, in the battle area of Arnhem/Netherlands].[17]
- ^ a b According to Scherzer no doctor title and as leader of the 3./schwere Panzer-Abteilung 505.[20]
- ^ According to Scherzer as commander of Feld-Ersatz-Regiment Panzer AOK 3.[20]
- ^ Rudolf von Knebel-Doeberitz's original nomination for the Knight's Cross by his unit was either lost or not forwarded due to the military situation. A second nomination was made after the evacuation of East Prussia and the capitulation of Germany. This nomination was never processed. The order commission of the Association of Knight's Cross Recipients (AKCR) handled this case in 1982 and decided: "Knight's Cross yes, 8 May 1945". The presentation date was later changed by Walther-Peer Fellgiebel.[21]
- ^ According to Scherzer as Major.[20]
- ^ According to Scherzer as commander of SS-Sturmgeschütz-Abteilung 2.[20]
- ^ According to Scherzer as commander of SS-Panzer-Aufklärungs-Abteilung 1.[20]
- ^ According to Scherzer as commander of SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 23 "Norge" (Norwegian Nr. 1).[23]
- ^ According to Scherzer as commander of the Flak-Sturm-Abteilung I./7.[23]
- ^ According to Scherzer as adjutant in Grenadier-Regiment 266.[23]
- ^ According to Scherzer as commander of the Fliegerhorst (airfield) Wiesbaden, leader of the Alarmeinheit (emergency unit) in area of Wiesbaden near Remagen.[25]
- ^ According to Scherzer as Geschwaderkommodore of Lehrgeschwader 1.[25]
- ^ According to Scherzer as Zugführer (platoon leader) in Grenadier-Regiments Gruppe 481.[25]
- ^ No evidence of the award can be found in the German Federal Archives. The award was unlawfully presented by SS-Oberstgruppenführer Sepp Dietrich. The date is taken from the announcement made by the 6. SS-Panzerarmee.[21]
- ^ According to Scherzer as leader of a Kampfgruppe of Grenadier-Regiment 50 in the fortress Posen [presumably a "Gneisenau-Einheit" of Wehrkreis III].[28]
- ^ According to Fellgiebel Dietrich Koch is delisted without reason.[6]
- ^ According to Scherzer as General der Infanterie.[28]
- ^ According to Scherzer as leader of Sturmzug (assault platoon) of the III./Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 15.[28]
- ^ According to Scherzer as commander of Luftlande-Sturm-Abteilung "Koch".[28]
- ^ According to Scherzer as Leutnant (war officer).[29]
- ^ According to Scherzer as Leutnant of the Reserves.[31]
- ^ According to Scherzer as Hauptmann of the Reserves.[31]
- ^ Walter Koehler's nomination by his unit was sent to the Heerespersonalamt (HPA—Army Staff Office) as a teleprinter message on 15 May 1945. The HPA received this message on 16 May 1945. Major Joachim Domaschk noted "not processed". The presentation date is an assumption of the Association of Knight's Cross Recipients (AKCR).[32]
- ^ According to Scherzer as commander of the III./Regiment 4 "Brandenburg".[33]
- ^ According to Scherzer as chief of the 6./Infanterie-Regiment 199 "List".[33]
- ^ According to Scherzer as leader of Infanterie-Regiment 352.[33]
- ^ According to Scherzer as Staffelkapitän of the 3./Jagdgeschwader 11.[33]
- ^ According to Scherzer name is Franz-Heinz Koenig.[33]
- ^ According to Scherzer as Geschützführer (gun layer) in the 14./Grenadier-Regiment 111.[35]
- ^ According to Scherzer as pilot in the 8./Jagdgeschwader 52.[35]
- ^ According to Scherzer as pilot in the I./Jagdgeschwader 27.[36]
- ^ According to Scherzer as Oberleutnant of the Reserves.[36]
- ^ Walter Körner's nomination by his unit was received by the Heerespersonalamt (HPA—Army Staff Office) end of March 1945. There is no entry date listed on the file card nor in the book "Verliehene Ritterkreuze" (Awarded Knight Crosses). The HPA created a nomination request with the number 4980, which does not exist anymore, and according to the file card was submitted for further processing on 4 April 1945. No further comments or notes indicate that the nomination was finalized. Mr Meentz of the German Federal Archives stated on 20 July 2004 that it cannot be verified that Körner received the Knight's Cross. Walther-Peer Fellgiebel assigned the presentation date. Krätschmer claims that the award was approved on 9 May 1945.[32]
- ^ According to Scherzer as pilot in the I./Schlachtgeschwader 2 "Immelmann".[36]
- ^ According to Scherzer as chief of the 1./Aufklärungs-Abteilung 257.[36]
- ^ According to Scherzer as Kompanietruppführer (company headquarters leader) in the 5./Panzergrenadier-Regiment 12.[39]
- ^ According to Scherzer as Major.[39]
- ^ According to Scherzer as pilot and observer in the 1./Nahaufklärungsgruppe 2.[39]
- ^ According to Scherzer as pilot in the 2./Fernaufklärungsgruppe 5.[39]
- ^ a b c d e f g The brackets around the doctor title [Dr.] denotes that the academic title was attained after the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross was awarded.
- ^ Ewald Koj's nomination by his unit was received by the Heerespersonalamt (HPA—Army Staff Office) on 15 April 1945. Major Joachim Domaschk decided on 16 April: "Actions, even if posthumously, do not justify presentation of the Knight's Cross." A Heerespersonalamt-Verleihungsvorschlag (HPA-VV—Army Staff Office Nomination Recommendation) Nr. 5077 was created on 18 April and then forwarded, indicating that the nomination had been rejected. No further information regarding the approval or presentation of the Knight's Cross is indicated. The book "Verliehene Ritterkreuze" (Awarded Knight Crosses) notes an entry date of 16 April and forwarded on 18 April. The presentation date was assigned by Walther-Peer Fellgiebel.[32]
- ^ According to Scherzer as commander of leichte Flak-Abteilung 91.[41]
- ^ According to Scherzer as Major of the Reserves.[41]
- ^ According to Scherzer as pilot in the 7./Nachtjagdgeschwader 4.[44]
- ^ According to Scherzer as chief of the general staff of Luftflotte 3.[44]
- ^ According to Scherzer as Geschützführer (gun layer) in the 4.(schwer)/Panzergrenadier-Regiment 26.[44]
- ^ According to Scherzer as Oberleutnant of the Reserves.[45]
- ^ According to Scherzer as commander of the I./Flak-Regiment 4.[45]
- ^ According to Scherzer as commander of Flak-Regiment 37.[45]
- ^ Martin Kordemann's nomination by his unit was sent to the Heerespersonalamt (HPA—Army Staff Office) as a teleprinter message on 10 May 1945. Major Joachim Domaschk asked the Heeresgruppe C the date of action and the presentation date of the Iron Cross 1st class, which was answered on the same day. Major Domaschk approved the nomination and noted "Knight's Cross yes" without stating a date. There is no evidence of the presentation, which would anyhow have been illegal. The presentation date is an assumption of the Association of Knight's Cross Recipients (AKCR).[32]
- ^ According to Scherzer as commander of the 2. Flieger-Division.[50]
- ^ According to Scherzer as chief of the 3./SS-Kavallerie-Regiment 18.[50]
- ^ According to Scherzer name is spelled Otto Kislenko.[52]
- ^ According to Scherzer as Ia (operations officer)/X. Fliegerkorps.[51]
- ^ According to Scherzer as commander of SS-Panzer-Jäger-Abteilung 3.[51]
- ^ According to Scherzer as commander of the I./2. SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment "Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler".[51]
- ^ According to Scherzer as Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 12./Grenadier-Regiment (motorized) 29.[51]
- ^ According to Scherzer on 23 December 1942.[55]
- ^ According to Scherzer as Oberleutnant.[55]
- ^ According to Scherzer as pilot in the 7./Nachtjagdgeschwader 6.[55]
- ^ According to Scherzer as commander of SS-Panzer-Aufklärungs-Abteilung 2.[55]
- ^ According to Scherzer as Geschützführer (gun layer) in the 14./Grenadier-Regiment 19.[56]
- ^ According to Scherzer as chief of the 15. and leader of the III./Jäger-Regiment 83.[56]
- ^ According to Scherzer as Geschützkanonier (gunner) in the 19./Fallschirm-Flak-Regiment "Hermann Göring".[58]
- ^ According to Scherzer as commander of the I.(motorized)/Artillerie-Regiment 65.[58]
- ^ According to Scherzer as Hauptmann zur Verwendung (for disposition).[58]
- ^ According to Scherzer as Kompanieführer (company leader) in the I./Fallschirm-Panzer-Regiment "Hermann Göring".[58]
- ^ According to Scherzer as commander of the I./SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 26.[59]
- ^ According to Scherzer as commander of Flak-Regiment 91.[59]
- ^ a b According to Scherzer name is spelled Bernhard Kraus who received the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross as Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 2./Panzer-Jäger-Abteilung 128.[58]
- ^ According to Scherzer as leader of SS-Kavallerie-Regiment 15.[59]
- ^ a b According to Scherzer on 14 February 1942 as chief of the 1./Flak-Regiment 11.[59]
- ^ a b According to Scherzer as leader of the 2./Hochgebirgsjäger-Bataillon 201, killed in action on 19 December 1944.[59]
- ^ According to Scherzer as battalion commander in the I./Grenadier-Regiment 261.[61]
- ^ According to Scherzer as battery officer in 11./Artillerie-Regiment 6 (L).[61]
- ^ According to Scherzer as Oberleutnant of the Reserves.[61]
- ^ a b c The brackets around the professor and doctor title [Prof. Dr.] denotes that the academic title was attained after the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross was awarded.
- ^ According to Scherzer as chief of the 1./schwere Panzer-Jäger-Abteilung 656.[63]
- ^ According to Scherzer as commander of SS-Panzer-Artillerie-Regiment 2.[63]
- ^ No evidence of the award can be found in the German Federal Archives. The award was unlawfully presented by SS-Oberstgruppenführer Sepp Dietrich. The date is taken from the announcement made by the 6. SS-Panzerarmee. The sequential number "863" was assigned by the Association of Knight's Cross Recipients (AKCR). Karl Kreutz was member of the AKCR.[67]
- ^ According to Scherzer on 29 May 1940.[68]
- ^ According to Scherzer as Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 12./Grenadier-Regiment 234.[69]
- ^ According to Scherzer as commander of the leichte Sturmgeschütz-Brigade 190.[69]
- ^ According to Scherzer as Hauptmann of the Reserves.[69]
- ^ a b According to Scherzer as SS-Hauptsturmführer of the Reserves and commander of the III./SS-Freiwilligen-Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 14.[71]
- ^ According to Scherzer as leader of the Flak-Abteilung SS-"Totenkopf"-Division.[71]
- ^ According to Scherzer as commander of the II./SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment "Norge" (Norwegian Nr. 1).[73]
- ^ According to Scherzer as Spähtruppführer (reconnaissance patrol leader) in the Panzer-Späh-Schwadron 24.[73]
- ^ a b According to Scherzer as Major assigned to General Staff training with Stab/321. Infanterie-Division and leader of a Kampfgruppe of the 321. Infanterie-Division.[73]
- ^ According to Scherzer as observer in the Aufklärungsstaffel 3.(F)/Nacht.[73]
- ^ According to Scherzer as commander of Grenadier-Regiment (motorized) 71.[76]
- ^ According to Scherzer as commander of Grenadier-Regiments Gruppe 311.[76]
- ^ According to Scherzer as Zugführer (platoon leader) in the schwere Panzer-Jäger-Abteilung 655.[76]
- ^ According to Scherzer as radio/wireless operator in the Stab/Nachtjagdgeschwader 3.[78]
- ^ Jakob Kuchar's nomination by his unit was received by the Heerespersonalamt (HPA—Army Staff Office) on 11 April 1945. Major approved the nomination on 12 April 1945. A Heerespersonalamt-Verleihungsvorschlag (HPA-VV—Army Staff Office Nomination Recommendation) Nr. 5085 was created on 19 April. According to the file card, this HPA-VV was forwarded for approval. No further information regarding the approval or presentation of the Knight's Cross is indicated. The presentation date is an assumption of the Association of Knight's Cross Recipients (AKCR).[67]
- ^ According to Scherzer as Oberstleutnant of the Reserves.[78]
- ^ According to Scherzer as Staffelkapitän of the Wettererkundungsstaffel 26.[82]
- ^ According to Scherzer as pilot in the I./Sturzkampfgeschwader 2 "Immelmann".[82]
- ^ a b According to Scherzer on 24 January 1945 as Feldwebel.[83]
- ^ Spelling of name may also be Josef Kuper.[84]
- ^ According to Scherzer on 5 March 1945.[83]
- ^ According to Scherzer as Oberleutnant of the Reserves.[83]
- ^ According to Scherzer as Richtschütze (gunner) in the 14./Grenadier-Regiment 442.[83]
- ^ According to Scherzer as Hauptmann of the Reserves.[86]
- ^ According to Scherzer as Zugführer (platoon leader) in the 13./Fallschirm-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 1 "Hermann Göring".[86]
- ^ According to Scherzer as commander of SS-Regiment (motorized) "Der Führer".[86]
- ^ No evidence of the award can be found in the German Federal Archives. The award was unlawfully presented by the commanding general of the I Parachute Corps, General der Fallschirmtruppe Richard Heidrich.[67]
- ^ According to Scherzer as Leutnant (war officer).[87]
- ^ According to Scherzer as observer in the 8./Kampfgeschwader 26.[89]
- ^ According to Scherzer as machine gunner in the 4./Grenadier-Regiment 544.[89]
- ^ According to Scherzer name is spelled Georg Kupka.[89]
- ^ According to Scherzer as leader of the 2./Fallschirmjäger-Sturm-Regiment (12).[90]
- ^ According to Scherzer as Staffelkapitän of the Aufklärungsstaffel 1.(F)/Nacht.[90]
- ^ According to Scherzer as leader of the 3./SS-Panzer-Aufklärungs-Abteilung 17.[92]
- ^ a b According to Scherzer as Leutnant (war officer) and pilot in the 6./Zerstörergeschwader 1.[92]
- ^ According to Scherzer as Oberfeldwebel.[92]
[edit]- ^ Williamson & Bujeiro 2004, pp. 3–4.
- ^ Fellgiebel 2000, p. 4.
- ^ Fellgiebel 2000, pp. 113–460, 483, 485–487, 492, 494, 498–499, 501, 503, 509.
- ^ Scherzer 2007, pp. 117–186.
- ^ a b Fellgiebel 2000, pp. 261–281.
- ^ a b Fellgiebel 2000, p. 494.
- ^ Scherzer 2007, pp. 149–151.
- ^ Fellgiebel 2000, pp. 248–261.
- ^ "Reichsgesetzblatt Teil I S. 1573; 1 September 1939" (PDF). ALEX Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (in German). Reichsministerium des Inneren (Ministry of the Interior). Retrieved 21 February 2008.
- ^ "Reichsgesetzblatt Teil I S. 849; 3 June 1940" (PDF). ALEX Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (in German). Reichsministerium des Inneren (Ministry of the Interior). Retrieved 21 February 2008.
- ^ "Reichsgesetzblatt Teil I S. 613; 28 September 1941" (PDF). ALEX Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (in German). Reichsministerium des Inneren (Ministry of the Interior). Retrieved 21 February 2008.
- ^ "Reichsgesetzblatt 1945 I S. 11; 29 December 1944" (PDF). ALEX Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (in German). Reichsministerium des Inneren (Ministry of the Interior). Retrieved 21 February 2008.
- ^ Fellgiebel 2000, p. 112.
- ^ Fellgiebel 2000, pp. 102–111.
- ^ a b c Scherzer 2007, p. 451.
- ^ a b c Fellgiebel 2000, pp. 261, 494.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al Scherzer 2007, p. 452.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q Fellgiebel 2000, p. 262.
- ^ a b c d e f Fellgiebel 2000, pp. 262, 494.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai Scherzer 2007, p. 453.
- ^ a b Scherzer 2007, p. 149.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w Fellgiebel 2000, p. 263.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah Scherzer 2007, p. 454.
- ^ Fellgiebel 2000, pp. 263, 494.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag Scherzer 2007, p. 455.
- ^ Fellgiebel 2000, pp. 264, 494.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Fellgiebel 2000, p. 264.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai Scherzer 2007, p. 456.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af Scherzer 2007, p. 457.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad Fellgiebel 2000, p. 265.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj Scherzer 2007, p. 458.
- ^ a b c d Scherzer 2007, p. 150.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an Scherzer 2007, p. 459.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab Fellgiebel 2000, p. 266.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah Scherzer 2007, p. 460.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al Scherzer 2007, p. 461.
- ^ Fellgiebel 2000, pp. 266, 495.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t Fellgiebel 2000, p. 267.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae Scherzer 2007, p. 462.
- ^ a b Fellgiebel 2000, pp. 267, 495.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an Scherzer 2007, p. 463.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad Fellgiebel 2000, p. 268.
- ^ Fellgiebel 2000, pp. 268, 495.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al Scherzer 2007, p. 464.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al Scherzer 2007, p. 465.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w Fellgiebel 2000, p. 269.
- ^ Fellgiebel 2000, pp. 269, 495.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag Scherzer 2007, p. 466.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v Fellgiebel 2000, p. 270.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag Scherzer 2007, p. 467.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al Scherzer 2007, p. 468.
- ^ a b c d Scherzer 2007, p. 443.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u Fellgiebel 2000, p. 271.
- ^ Fellgiebel 2000, pp. 271, 495.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al Scherzer 2007, p. 469.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al Scherzer 2007, p. 470.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x Fellgiebel 2000, p. 272.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj Scherzer 2007, p. 471.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah Scherzer 2007, p. 472.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Fellgiebel 2000, p. 273.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj Scherzer 2007, p. 473.
- ^ Fellgiebel 2000, pp. 273, 495.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai Scherzer 2007, p. 474.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w Fellgiebel 2000, p. 274.
- ^ a b c Fellgiebel 2000, pp. 274, 495.
- ^ Fellgiebel 2000, p. 103.
- ^ a b c Scherzer 2007, p. 151.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af