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Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Ternopil

Coordinates: 49°19′52″N 25°21′11″E / 49.331001°N 25.353014°E / 49.331001; 25.353014
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Dominican Church (Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Holy Mother of God)
AffiliationUkrainian Greek-Catholic Church
LocationUkraine, Ternopil
Geographic coordinates49°19′52″N 25°21′11″E / 49.331001°N 25.353014°E / 49.331001; 25.353014
Architect(s)August Moshynsky

Dominican Church (Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Holy Mother of God) - unique monument of the sacral architecture, the Cathedral of the Greek-Catholic Church in Ternopil, the main temple of Ternopil-Zboriv diocese. Built in the middle of the 18th century, this unique monument of the sacral architecture is still one of the most attractive sights in Ternopil.


Project - August Moshynsky (for a long time it was mistaknely imputed to Jan de Witte)

Interior was painted by Stanislav Stroyinsky, fresco of sideload naves - Y.Hoynytskyy

Sculpture - Sebastian Fesinger


The first name - Roman Catholic Church of St. Vincent Ferrer.

The construction of the monumental Roman Catholic Church started in 1749, on the place where the Old Russian Orthodox Church used to stand, and finished thirty years later.

As soon as the building was completed, then master of Ternopil, polish magnate Joseph Potocki handed the Church to Dominican monks, who, in addition, were annually paid 6000 Zloty for temple's maintenance. Soon, the monks adjoined two-story cell building to the Catholic Church and turned the complex into Dominican Monastery. Cozy Italian courtyard was equipped between the church and the cells. Today it is a separate, worthy of note sight.

In the first half of the 19th century, the church's building belonged to Jesuit monks who opened a Collegium on monastic premises. However, soon the Dominican monks took the cloister back and restored the fallen into decay Catholic Church. In particular, they built a new cupola instead of the old one, restored the original frescos and decorated the walls with new paintings, installed the organ and additional altars.

October 20–22, 1851 Emperor Franz Joseph I was in Ternopil, formal meeting was in the Dominican Church of the city.

During the World War II, the Dominican Cathedral - the same as the whole city - was severely destroyed. It was fully restored a few years after war's end, though. In the Soviet times, church's premises were used as a picture gallery, and only in the late 20th century, the church started operating again. It passed to the Greek-Catholic community of Ternopil and was renamed into the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Holy Mother of God.

The present time

The Temple had 9 altars: central, St. Vintsetiy and lateral. Now, instead of lateral, it is possible to see the copies of wonder-working icons of Ternopil region: Zarvanytsa, Pochaiv, Terebovlya and Ternopil. State Archives works here, nowadays.

Today, the park is laid out right in front of the Catholic Church and the monument to the Prince Danylo Halytskyi is installed there.


↑ Zaucha T. Kościoł parafialny p.w.Narodzenia Najśw.Panny Marii i Św.Szczepana pierwszego męczenika w Potoku Złotym // Kościoły i klasztory rzymskokatolickie dawnego województwa ruskiego.-Kraków:«Antykwa», drukarnia Skleniarz,2010.-Cz. I, tom 18.368с., 508 іл. ISBN 978-83-89273-79-6 с.213

Вгору ↑ Баронч С. Rys dziejów zakonu kaznodziejskiego w Polsce.-Львів,1861.T.2.-530с.,(пол.) с.507

Вгору ↑ Акти ґродські і земські.-Львів,1928.Т.23.-707с.,(пол., лат.) с.451

Вгору ↑ Баронч С. Rys dziejów zakonu kaznodziejskiego w Polsce.-Львів,1861.T.2.-530с.,(пол.) с.507

Вгору ↑ І.Дуда, А.Сеник. Франц-Йосиф I // Тернопільський енциклопедичний словник. — Тернопіль: видавничо-поліграфічний комбінат «Збруч», 2004—2010. — ISBN 966-528-197-6, том ІІІ, 2008, с.532