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Laodice of the Sameans

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Iotapa (who lived in 92 BC), was a Queen of an unknown Kingdom in Asia. She lived at the time of Greek Ptolemaic Princess Cleopatra Selene I (135 BC-69 BC) and Greek King of the Seleucid Empire Antiochus X Eusebes who reigned 95 BC-83 BC.

Historical References

Iotapa, about 92 BC, sent a petition to Antiochus X about the Parthian War. In response Antiochus X, had gone to fight in a military campaign against the Parthians.[1]


  1. ^ Burgess, Michael. "The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress – The Rise and Fall of Cleopatra II Selene, Seleukid Queen of Syria". sfagn.info.

See also