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Talk:Global Peace Index/Archive 1

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Archive 1


Many of the references are dated 2008, they should probably be 2007. Stevage 01:57, 7 October 2007 (UTC)

fixed --Spitzl 11:14, 7 October 2007 (UTC)


I'm confused by this article. Is Ireland (island) listed 4th? or the Republic of Ireland listed 4th? GoodDay (talk) 22:23, 7 May 2008 (UTC)

I've fixed it up; on the assumption that the latter was meant. GoodDay (talk) 22:25, 7 May 2008 (UTC)

2008 list

New 2008 list should replace the 2007 list. http://www.visionofhumanity.org/gpi/results/rankings/2008/

If anyone have the time to update, please do :) —Preceding unsigned comment added by UlrikOldenburg (talkcontribs) 21:21, 20 May 2008 (UTC)

Semi done, though it could use some make over. If someone can point in the direction of a proper template I can regenerate it in a flash, -anon.

the Colors

are too mixed. Please use more distinct colors. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Fs (talkcontribs) 00:07, 6 January 2009 (UTC)


I note the second graphic "Change of number of countries in each GPI class from 2007-2009." has the wrong symbol for less than on the bottom legend entry. UselessFactMan (talk) 10:15, 11 January 2010 (UTC)


How the mighty have fallen...ha ha ha...Valhalla has frozen (or thaw?) over, Thor and Odin must rolling on their grave. Funny how they dominate the rakings. (talk) 01:05, 13 February 2010 (UTC)


Question- how many countries in the list ? Can we put the total number in the first paragraph of the article ? —Preceding unsigned comment added by Bill Ladd (talkcontribs) 20:46, 22 February 2010 (UTC)


Question- how many countries in the list ? Can we put the total number in the first paragraph of the article ? —Preceding unsigned comment added by Bill Ladd (talkcontribs) 20:49, 22 February 2010 (UTC)

My question about the criticisms is, how does freedom affect peace? While some of the countries listed may actually give its citizens less personal freedoms, the index is measuring peace, not freedom. Oranges91 01:52, 21 July 2007 (UTC)


The Index ranks 144 countries, up from 121 in 2007 and aims at adding more countries every year, as data becomes available. Who edits this page? Some of the criticism might have to be looked at as well as parts of the text, since the index now ranks Iceland, North Korea etc. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Camillaschippa (talkcontribs) 01:56, 24 March 2010 (UTC)

ex aequo

Ex aequo countries should be taken into account. Why is Canada 8th and Portugal 9th if both have a 1.481 score? Because Canada comes first alphabetically?... That is not very scientific. The correct list should have two countries ranked as 8th and no country ranked as 9th. The same is true for Qatar and Costa Rica (ex aequo at 30th), France and Vietnam (34th), Kazakhstan and Bahrain (61st), etc. Gazilion (talk) 14:53, 7 May 2008 (UTC)

Actually, these countries had a different score, beyond the 3rd decimal point. So the correct approach would be to include the 4th decimal point. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Camillaschippa (talkcontribs) 01:58, 24 March 2010 (UTC)

Making Comments

Please refrain from making complaints regarding a country's placement on the list relative to other countries. The discussion section is designed to allow editors to share ideas on how to improve the article. (talk) 15:06, 18 May 2010 (UTC)

Map to old

Can someone please update the map to the latest 2010 information?? Thx for the effort in advance —Preceding unsigned comment added by Hammer of Habsburg (talkcontribs) 18:33, 28 June 2010 (UTC)

Russian Federation Rank

You should feel offended. While yes, Russia has been involved in at least 2 internal wars (Chechnya, Dagestan) and the South Ossetia conflict in Georgia... The U.S. has initiated Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan wars (And yes there are U.S. Soldiers in Pakistan whom are fighting/dying). Now they want to invade Iran under the pretext of attempting to build 'Nuclear Weapons'. Not to mention, the several conflicts in which you don't hear about often. (ie. Somalia,Philippines) What I don't understand is why U.S. is above Iran. Since the Revolution, the Islamic Republic of Iran hasn't invaded any country. In fact, Iraq invaded Iran, starting Iraq/Iran war. Also, a nuclear weapons manufacturer, deployer and two-time user of these Weapons of Mass Destruction which resulted in an estimated 200,000 civilian deaths is hassling a nation that current evidence from IAEA suggests to be simply trying to find an alternate power source and fissionable use for medical purposes. If it's because of 'Human Rights', the 'Economist Intelligence Unit' should study KSA (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia). The Mutaween (Religious Police) there are not much different from those in Iran but KSA should be ranked towards the very bottom because of Regime's corruption. Excuse me for the long speech. :) I know at least a few people will see it this way too.☼Ṅạẇạḟ Ṙạṡḥiḍ☼ (talk) 08:33, 15 July 2010 (UTC)

What about Tibet people?

They shouldn't be off of the charts! I hope it's at least weighed in with China's ratings. Tibet should remain recognized by all countries that remain allied with Tibet. Don't turn your backs on people in need of your good will! —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 10:01, 9 November 2010 (UTC)


So some group decides to make some index, which we're glad to see that Libya's more peaceful than Jamaica - let those who adhere to this plan their vacations in the sun accordingly. Carlossuarez46 (talk) 01:17, 4 March 2011 (UTC)

Costa Rica

This article places Costa Rica at 26th, yet the country has no army. To my knowledge, was never involved in either the 1st world war or the 2nd. So why is it 26th?????? It should be 1st!!!!!!! Jaws999 (talk) 06:57, 24 March 2011 (UTC)

New map

We need 2010 map :) -- (talk) 01:41, 30 April 2011 (UTC)

Libya in yellow?

I wouldn't exactly call Libya nor Pakistan particularly peaceful at the moment. Could someone update the map? —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 20:03, 15 May 2011 (UTC)

New map for 2011 data - done.

Hey all, I made a new map (in SVG) for the 2011 data. It took me two iterating steps since I realized a bit late that it's better to use the same coloring scheme as the GPI time change graph and that a legend is a good thing to have. Unfortunately, the article now shows only the first (miscolored) version; the latest version is only displayed upon clicking all the way through to the SVG or custom PNGs. Does anyone know how to fix this? (It's not my browser cache.) Or is the solution just "waiting"? jankur (talk) 22:01, 28 May 2011 (UTC)

Edit: Yep, solution was just waiting. jankur (talk) 08:55, 29 May 2011 (UTC)

the Russian data is a joke

how can the country rank in the same category like congo, north korea and afghanistan delete this list since this institute is a joke — Preceding unsigned comment added by Kasmanis (talkcontribs) 07:27, 8 June 2011 (UTC)

Just my opinion

WTF, USA should be the last country in the list!!!!! They had troubles with Russia, Germany, Japan, Italy, Cuba, Iraq, Iran, North Corea, Mexico, Spain, India, and a lot of more countries!! Iraq doesn't. I don't want to have trouble with U.S.A. people, but their goverment always sucks... Sorry for my english ja... from South America, Meee! —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 13:49, 5 November 2008 (UTC)

I agree with the you. I can't remember the last time USA was not involved in a war. I am from India, and the last time we were in a war was in the 70's. And India has never invaded any nation ever, so how come it is ranked below USA, who thinks that any rising country is a threat? —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 21:32, 12 November 2008 (UTC)

I think USA is more peaceful than Inida, there are always troubles between India and Pakistan. I am from China —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 08:21, 18 January 2009 (UTC)

Despite what you guys think, the USA is far more peaceful. Lemniwinks (talk) 02:58, 6 March 2009 (UTC)

As of this year the USA has had more actual conflict with Pakistan then India and that's setting aside the ongoing conflict in Afghanistan and the conflict in Libya, if you look at the GPI website right now India's ranked as having been involved in more conflicts. Even more then Pakistan itself which just boggles the mind. The GPI is a sad joke. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 20:39, 15 June 2012 (UTC)

Proposal for deletion of this article

This index does not have any encyclopedic value at all and does not seem to be based on facts, it is rather a speculative meta data. Just look at the data for 2011 and 2010 both before Arab spring. It ranks Tunisia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Greece above Turkey, India, Iran and Russia. Is this for real? Since the report for those years are out, we have seen the countries portrayed as "peaceful societies" to be actually in turmoil. The reality beats the purpose of this article easily. It seems that the whole thing is a speculation by a small group furthering their personal agenda. Such a thing should not have an entry in Wikipedia.-- (talk) 18:30, 14 August 2011 (UTC)

I don't think the article should be deleted but I do think that a Wikipedia article shouldn't be repeating the GPI 'data' instead focusing on what the GPI is, who supports it, criticism, etc. Obviously there's a lot of issues with the GPI's findings and I'll often be referencing other more fact-based Wikipedia articles to dispute the GPI in forums and conversation. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 20:43, 15 June 2012 (UTC)

Outdated images

Some of the images appear to be outdated; they should reflect the most current index. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Serhan131 (talkcontribs) 20:50, 24 April 2013 (UTC)

the list is a joke

how can russia be 2007 more peaceful than in 2008 after the georgian war and increasing after the war was over, this index is typical western bias and probably backs more up what western countries see as democrazy, look at belarus the country is red but never made a war like nato countries, also south korea is green like europe while north korea is pure red this is so retarded, both should be red than.--Askosh (talk) 00:22, 25 August 2011 (UTC)

It's not just about how many wars have been fought in. It's about military expenditure, aggressive foreign policy, etc. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 05:21, 1 October 2012 (UTC)

Yes, I completely agree, the list is totally unfair. It is not possible USA with over 700 foreign military bases all over the world and with several times lager military budget than the second largest military budget (China) and totaly agresive forein policy to be more peaceful than Russia (only 25 foreign bases, 24 of which on former USSR territory), Belarus, Venezuela India and many other countries. USA took part in almost any military conflict in the world after the SWW, a total number of over 200 foreign invasions and is “green”, while Russia and Soviet Union together have around 20 for the same period and is "red". Ok, I guess you will say, it is year by year classification, but this is also unfair, because it is inhumane large conflicts with thousands to millions victims and refugees like Vietnam, Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan to be forgotten already next year and overridden by street protests followed by temporal arrest of a couple of people. The index is unfairly composed to serve the political propaganda of the western democracies which, with their NATO, are actually the most militaristic countries in the world today. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 08:10, 1 November 2012 (UTC)

Can someone tell me why Bangladesh is more peaceful, after the jihad movement and the treatment to minority there. Bangladesh may not have fought wars, but it has resulted in more jihad and more killing of innocent people. I guess either the people made a joke preparing the list or they didn't even bother to do a peaceful survey (they just took some stupid data). Also giving Arab countries (real source of terror) as more peaceful countries is a big joke.... ????? Countries causing problem are trouble, not the one where trouble is happening. May be we need to change the definition of Global peace Index... — Preceding unsigned comment added by Vishstar (talkcontribs) 03:19, 29 November 2012 (UTC)

Russia is evil?

Russia is evil? The index is a fiction, a false propaganda. Democracy with weapons from NATO countries (from USA, UK, France and allied "democracy" Katar, Saudi Arabia, Kosovo, Georgia) in countries: Yugoslavia (Serbia and Kosovo), Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, South Ossetia, Syria) is a "peaceful operation" from "peaceful" NATO countries and "peaceful" allied. — Preceding unsigned comment added by RosssW (talkcontribs) 11:03, 22 May 2013 (UTC)

2013 report abd reflectioms on Russia

New report was released today.

I do think that Russia is actually in correct place. It is a highly corrupt country run by mafias and a de facto dictator who wins elections by fraud. Russia is also a regular violator of human rights and a nationalistic spot where anyone who is not Russian is treated differently-sometimes extremely well, often well but with suspicion, and sometimes with hostility or aggression. Minorities are not well integrated, hence many terrorist attacks. Russian authorities ban any mention of homosexuality, calling it 'promotion' or 'propaganda', totally forgetting or not knowing that sexual orientation cannot be learned, because it is a personal trait, otherwise all people would be heterosexual :) In fact I would jue that Russian authorities know little about the world. I know many Russins may feel offended bit note that I mostly relate to dictatorial authorities, not citizens, and id you si not like the image of Russia that is being painted, please si something something about it before it is top late. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 18:43, 11 June 2013 (UTC)

Changes in data over time

The Q and A page online at the Institute for Economics and Peace website says that the most up to date data for all editions of the Global Peace Index can be found in the Interactive Peace Map on the Vision of Humanity Website (http://www.visionofhumanity.org/#/page/indexes/global-peace-index)<ref>http://economicsandpeace.org/about-us/faq</ref> Natalia.Beghin (talk) 03:38, 17 December 2013 (UTC)

Incorrect information

New Zealand was actually number 1 for 2009 and 2010. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 10:57, 20 December 2013 (UTC)

re 'Incorrect Information' - (New Zealand Scores '09-'10)

The Vision of Humanity website which contains the most up to date information on the Global Peace Index ranks New Zealand 2nd overall for both 2009 and 2010. Here is the link: http://www.visionofhumanity.org/#page/indexes/global-peace-index/2009/NZL/OVER (Natalia.Beghin (talk) 01:09, 6 January 2014 (UTC)).

2013 Data

I've just added the 2013 data to the chart. However, I've noticed that the data from other years according to their website (http://www.visionofhumanity.org/#page/indexes/global-peace-index/2013) doesn't match with the data from Wikipedia, although it does match with http://www.theguardian.com/news/datablog/2012/jun/12/global-peace-index-2012. Is there a reason for this, or have I used the wrong source by mistake? In response to the criticisms above: I'd like to add that I myself don't agree with the rankings - I simply want to update the page to reflect the Index's current view. JTST4RS (talk) 20:17, 6 August 2013 (UTC)

Answer - I have just looked online for some more information regarding your question. The Q and A page at the Institute for Economics and Peace website notes: 'Scores are consequently subject to change as new data becomes available. As a result, country rankings and scores may change as the methodology is refined and estimates are updated. For this reason, country rankings may differ where comparisons are made across different years.' <ref>http://economicsandpeace.org/about-us/faq </ref>

It appears the most recent data from the Vision of Humanity website that you cited has been modified so that all the scores are comparable with one another over time. Natalia.Beghin (talk) 03:29, 17 December 2013 (UTC)

Thank you for the clarification and all of your recent edits to improve this page JTST4RS (talk) 22:35, 12 January 2014 (UTC)

Is there a mistake?

Australia and Singapore are both marked 16. There is no 17. Next is Portugal on 18th. Is this a mistake? If so please correct.Saurabhsorby (talk) 15:53, 10 April 2014 (UTC)Saurabhsorby,9.22 p.m.,April 10, 2014

In this case there is no mistake. Due to the fact that Australia and Singapore have exactly the same score they are considered joint 16th and as such there is no 17th. Thank you for taking the time to look through the article, it is indeed very easy to make a mistake when lots of numbers are involved. JTST4RS (talk) 14:05, 22 May 2014 (UTC)


New Report: http://www.visionofhumanity.org/#/page/indexes/global-peace-index — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 01:12, 19 June 2014 (UTC)

Relevant text deleted . Vandalism?

This text that has a relevant and established contribution to the article was deleted - with the comment that it was 'an anti-US screed' - that's a value judgement, the paragraph is simply factual:

" The 'Peace Index' has widely been criticised for not reflecting the fact that the USA is the most aggressive invader on the planet, and not a 'peaceful country' at all.[citation needed] This is largely because of a misunderstanding of what the index measures, which is how physically dangerous it is to live in the country. As is noted 'According to the Global Peace Index, Iraq is the second most dangerous country in the world (after Somalia).' by this comment in the context of this article explaining why the USA is not counted as the least peaceful country. <ref>{{cite web |url=http://antiwar.com/blog/2013/03/27/the-supreme-crime-against-humanity-in-iraq-and-beyond/|title=‘The Supreme Crime Against Humanity’ in Iraq, and Beyond|accessdate=2014-08-09}}</ref> "

" Im sorry,I don't know how to do comments correctly,so bear with me.I think this article was the final straw.I just can't take wikipedia serious anymore.I have passively read alot of dirt about it,and now,I see with my own eyes how it isn't neutral at all! It tries very hard to seem so,but it really isn't.It doesn't take a genius anaylist really.The U.S.A , the most bloodthirsty country of them all,is ranked better than iran in terms of warmongering(iran did not fight a single attack war in its whole history). So yeah,wikipedia.I still will use you,but I will take everything you say with a grain of salt,and double and triple check on your so called "neutral" information.~

" — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 22:02, 3 January 2015 (UTC)

Coloring in table

I am wondering if the colors in the table are used correctly. The article currently says: "Countries with rankings in green are in the most peaceful 20% for that year". If we look at the column for 2012 we can see that Romania has rank 29 yet is not green. On the other hand the UK is green despite being ranked as 41. -- (talk) 09:04, 30 March 2014 (UTC)

I think that the coloring on map is rather broken. Please compare Slovakia and Poland on map and in the table for 2014. -- (talk) 21:27, 19 January 2015 (UTC)

Global Peace Index ranks

I've noticed that user:Wikipediaw is changing the country ranks for a number of countries. These changes are incorrect. Please refer to 2014 Global Peace Index rank and to Guardian 2014 article. I have tried to undo these changes but they get changed back. In particular I've noticed changes to the ranks of Denmark and Syria aslo in the opening paragraph. Camillaschippa (talk) 01:03, 3 June 2015 (UTC)

There have been many random changes to the list recently and it is now entirely unreliable. A complete mess. It started on 2 May with vandalism by 2602:306:BC57:480:9227:E4FF:FEED:D0B1 and has been going on ever since, also incl. many edits by user:Wikipediaw that you mentioned. Both these editors are still active and have been vandalizing lists all over wikipedia with random changes to countries and numbers. It will be a lot of work to clean it all up! Under normal circumstances I would simply have copied the entire list from the earlier version (I could not find any mistakes in that version, but didn't check everything). However, it appears there have been recent major changes to the table format itself, so I'm not really sure what to do about it. Perhaps it is best to disregard the format and change it anyway? After all, I presume the most important is that the content is correct. (talk) 12:57, 15 July 2015 (UTC)
The matter has now been referred to WP:ANI, and the list has been reverted to the 27 May version. This removes all the mistakes introduced by user:Wikipediaw, but leaves the few edits by user:2602:306:BC57:480:9227:E4FF:FEED:D0B1. I will check every entry in the list and add the relevant citations for each year. This will take some time and I may not be finished today. (talk) 16:31, 16 July 2015 (UTC)
I've gone back to the end of April to get those out too. You might want to manually check your recent edit for Angola though. Andy Dingley (talk) 16:41, 16 July 2015 (UTC)
Thanks, it's appreciated. Angola is fine. Just to be sure everything is ok, I'll check the remaining years and add the citations. (talk) 16:44, 16 July 2015 (UTC)
I've now checked 2014–2010. 2014 and 2013 were almost entirely correct, but there were numerous mistakes in 2012, 11 and 10. I'll have to check 09 and 08 later. I don't know if the 09 and 08 reports are online, but the rankings are here (no score). Note that immediately after the ban of user:Wikipediaw, an IP in the same range as 2602:306:BC57:480:9227:E4FF:FEED:D0B1 (who I commented on above) made his entry and reinserted the same mistakes here and here. I've reverted it again, but wouldn't be surprised if we'll see more from the editor. (talk) 21:04, 16 July 2015 (UTC)

The sun?

Isn't the sun the most peaceful place on Earth? — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 04:51, 2 July 2016 (UTC)

I'm not sure I'd say the offices of a UK tabloid newspaper are particularly peaceful. clpo13(talk) 23:17, 8 July 2016 (UTC)

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Notice of Conflict of interest noticeboard discussion

Information icon There is currently a discussion at Wikipedia:Conflict of interest/Noticeboard regarding a possible conflict of interest incident. The thread is Steve Killelea. Thank you. ~ ToBeFree (talk) 05:32, 15 January 2019 (UTC)

Rankings table redone

I've rebuilt the rankings table from scratch using information from the two "Results" PDFs linked from the site (see last footnote). The main differences are:

  1. The "change" numbers are now correct; they were completely wrong before. Also, I've had to format them somewhat strangely: unfortunately, if any non-digit characters are used in any cells (like a hyphen or minus sign), apparently the column gets sorted as text (thus, for example, 10 sorts between 1 and 2, and not after both); the leading zeros help to get a more reasonable sort order (but still not completely correct).
  2. Green and red colors are used, as in the PDFs, to indicate the highest and lowest 20% of peace scores in each year.

- dcljr (talk) 05:36, 17 June 2008 (UTC)

Literally every 2008-2010 result is wrong though... — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 11:24, 6 April 2018 (UTC)

Following that, I've just rebuilt the table again with the updated information from http://visionofhumanity.org/indexes/global-peace-index/ using a small script, which also includes updates to data from older reports. After finding out that there were some discrepancies between the reports and the data they use for the interactive map, I contacted them via email:

> Unfortunately I found some discrepancies between the data you provide in the
> CSV and the actual report. I tried to use 2018 as the reference because
> that's the latest data in the Wikipedia entry and found that for example in
> the report, Cambodia is listed as rank 96, while it's rank 97 in the CSV.
> Another one which is off is Guinea, which has a rank of 100 in the CSV and 96
> in the report, this one in particular even has a different score: 2.106 in
> the CSV, 2.101 in the report.

Scores are subject to change as new data becomes available. As a result,
country rankings and scores may change as the methodology is refined and
estimates are updated. For this reason, country rankings may differ where
comparisons are made across different years. The most up to date data can be
found on the interactive Global Peace Index map
(http://www.visionofhumanity.org/#/page/indexes/global-peace-index) on Vision
of Humanity.

aszlig (talk) 15:07, 17 June 2019 (UTC)

This data is rubbish

I am not sure what to add, UK being on 45th place, Venezuela is safer than Russia and Turkey. WTF. Brazil next to Thailand. Idiots — Preceding unsigned comment added by 2402:4000:13C3:5461:6484:E637:858B:AD89 (talk) 07:48, 29 January 2020 (UTC)

Here is the report: [1] Andrew Z. Colvin • Talk 21:11, 1 December 2020 (UTC)

We need more information

The article must say somewhere how to acccess the more detailed information, so we can see why the countries are ranked the way they are. It gives the thinkers information on how we're doing as a country. Some might find one aspect more important than another. Or is it unavailable? deisenbe (talk) 01:25, 13 March 2020 (UTC)

Here is the report: [2] Andrew Z. Colvin • Talk 21:11, 1 December 2020 (UTC)

Turkey and Russia???😢😢😢

How is Turkey and Russia in 150 plus numbers??? To say SA and US more safer than Turkey and Russia? Nlivataye (talk) 12:25, 10 October 2020 (UTC)

Did you read the report? [3] Andrew Z. Colvin • Talk 21:11, 1 December 2020 (UTC)


I am a traveller from South Africa, and lived and traveled all around the whole world.

Was really shocked to see inaccurate the article is. The author clearly has never been to any other countries. And the table was structured just based on whether the author is racist towards this country or not.

I’ve lived in many countries, and looking at the false information presented in this article is just really disappointing. Romania and Bulgaria should be at least below 90, it is really easy to witness a street beating just by staring at a hotel window for 10 minutes. While you could sit for 10 hours on the Adderley Street in South Africa and not hear a single shout.

It’s a common judgement that Russia is unsafe, however, it is perhaps one of the safest countries I’ve been to. The amount of police officers you see on the street is like nowhere else, strict rules and order. Must be in top 50.

I could keep talking but I guess fighting racists is not really my duty, so please don’t trust everything you see on the internet boys and girls. Stay safe — Preceding unsigned comment added by Leo6781 (talkcontribs) 11:38, 23 October 2021 (UTC)

This will be needed to be taken up with the Institute for Economics & Peace. CMD (talk) 12:58, 23 October 2021 (UTC)

Absolutely also because a country is a dictatorship doesn’t mean it’s unsafe I mean Russia, China or Saudi Arabia might be autocratic but are way safer than other democracies like Brazil, Mexico or South Africa. I too don’t believe many things on the internet especially Wikipedia and their GDP data about countries Nlivataye (talk) 14:20, 23 January 2022 (UTC)

Coloring on Map Objectively Incorrect

While many of the concerns about this page are appealing to perception of danger vs the actual analysis of the report's findings, I can say that there is objectively incorrect information presented on the map towards the top of the page. A good example of this is the Netherlands, Bhutan, and Malaysia, which constitute 21-23 on the 2021 Peace Index respectively, but each have a different color denoting significantly different levels of peace (green, yellow, and orange). This isn't incredibly surprising since the own map from the organization contains errors denoting European countries in a more positive light (e.g. Poland, which is also inconsistently colored based on rankings on this page's map). I'm unsure how many errors there specifically are, but regardless, the map should either be corrected or removed. Sam WalczakTalk/Edits 17:02, 2 February 2022 (UTC)


Will Norway be safe and peaceful? (talk) 13:25, 27 February 2022 (UTC)

2021 map

The Global peace index has a public updated map for 2021, and here it is. (talk) 18:51, 12 April 2022 (UTC)

I'm sorry, this index is all wrong

Peacefulness is relative. For example, one country can be more peaceful to a specific country then another country. (talk) 19:10, 29 August 2022 (UTC)

This is not a place to discuss personal opinions of the index. Are there reliable sources that discuss this? CMD (talk) 21:07, 29 August 2022 (UTC)

2022 peace index😂

South Africa more safer than Saudi Arabia? (talk) 07:51, 3 September 2022 (UTC)

Global Peace Index rankings (2008–2019) section

The source website has a spreadsheet of all scores for the years 2008-2022, but they differ a little from the scores published in annual reports - I guess because of data revision.

The data from the spreadsheet is below in a wikitable - it can be added to the main article if considered acceptable.

Country[1] 2022 rank 2022 score 2021 rank 2021 score 2020 rank 2020 score 2019 rank 2019 score 2018 rank 2018 score 2017 rank 2017 score 2016 rank 2016 score 2015 rank 2015 score 2014 rank 2014 score 2013 rank 2013 score 2012 rank 2012 score 2011 rank 2011 score 2010 rank 2010 score 2009 rank 2009 score 2008 rank 2008 score
 Iceland 1 1.107 1 1.146 1 1.104 1 1.094 1 1.112 1 1.097 1 1.152 1 1.153 1 1.175 1 1.181 1 1.182 1 1.125 1 1.133 1 1.151 1 1.139
 New Zealand 2 1.269 2 1.284 4 1.279 4 1.285 2 1.234 3 1.278 4 1.269 4 1.291 5 1.318 6 1.335 3 1.325 3 1.311 2 1.312 3 1.300 3 1.294
 Ireland 3 1.288 6 1.307 10 1.357 8 1.326 8 1.332 11 1.375 12 1.381 13 1.382 8 1.369 10 1.395 7 1.409 14 1.452 11 1.437 15 1.453 10 1.397
 Denmark 4 1.296 3 1.293 6 1.306 5 1.288 5 1.302 5 1.310 2 1.209 2 1.219 2 1.198 2 1.219 2 1.258 2 1.304 4 1.352 2 1.285 2 1.286
 Austria 5 1.300 7 1.318 3 1.251 3 1.249 3 1.263 4 1.298 3 1.220 3 1.233 3 1.265 3 1.283 5 1.364 7 1.395 5 1.357 5 1.365 4 1.347
 Portugal 6 1.301 5 1.303 2 1.244 2 1.247 4 1.295 2 1.259 5 1.286 11 1.366 14 1.396 15 1.460 14 1.450 9 1.427 9 1.413 7 1.373 7 1.355
 Slovenia 7 1.316 4 1.295 7 1.312 6 1.293 7 1.330 6 1.313 7 1.321 7 1.354 9 1.370 8 1.376 6 1.386 4 1.344 3 1.347 4 1.347 5 1.348
 Czech Republic 8 1.318 9 1.331 9 1.341 9 1.335 9 1.337 8 1.320 8 1.335 15= 1.392 11 1.380 12 1.421 11 1.431 6 1.378 10 1.416 14 1.445 16 1.461
 Singapore 9 1.326 10 1.346 5 1.304 10 1.348 12 1.398 12 1.396 15 1.390 14 1.391 16 1.429 16 1.464 13 1.447 15 1.461 18 1.490 19 1.523 23 1.584
 Japan 10 1.336 11 1.355 12 1.370 12 1.380 10 1.352 9 1.347 11 1.380 10 1.365 7 1.364 7 1.367 10 1.416 8 1.402 8 1.397 9 1.402 12 1.405
  Switzerland 11 1.357 12 1.384 13 1.389 11 1.370 11 1.397 10 1.354 10 1.357 9 1.364 10 1.378 9 1.394 8 1.411 13 1.447 15 1.469 16 1.476 14 1.440
 Canada 12 1.389 8 1.325 8 1.333 7 1.319 6 1.316 7 1.314 6 1.308 5 1.310 4 1.283 4 1.301 9 1.414 12 1.440 19 1.499 12 1.437 13 1.409
 Hungary 13 1.411 15 1.458 22 1.534 17 1.494 20 1.514 19 1.479 19 1.456 20 1.489 19 1.471 18 1.492 18 1.512 21 1.539 16 1.481 18 1.503 11 1.398
 Finland 14 1.439 13 1.406 11 1.365 13 1.406 14 1.440 14 1.435 9 1.348 6 1.331 6 1.324 5 1.331 4 1.336 5 1.370 6 1.369 6 1.371 8 1.369
 Croatia 15 1.440 14 1.452 21 1.529 23 1.549 25 1.556 26 1.568 25 1.557 25 1.557 26 1.545 28 1.591 26= 1.611 30 1.629 26 1.623 31 1.687 31= 1.667
 Germany 16 1.462 19 1.494 19 1.513 22 1.534 19 1.509 18 1.465 17 1.436 17 1.430 17 1.451 20 1.518 23 1.595 27 1.610 23 1.610 23 1.589 20 1.564
 Norway 17 1.465 17 1.483 17= 1.509 18 1.500 16 1.480 17 1.460 20 1.465 19 1.463 25 1.542 19 1.516 20 1.553 18 1.512 12 1.440 11 1.419 9 1.395
 Malaysia 18 1.471 22 1.520 26 1.545 29 1.589 32 1.629 35 1.679 35 1.668 28 1.610 29 1.558 25 1.582 29 1.626 23 1.575 30 1.657 30 1.686 35= 1.691
 Bhutan 19 1.481 16 1.478 15 1.489 16 1.473 18 1.494 27 1.580 24 1.555 31 1.627 37 1.654 37 1.682 44 1.753 66 1.916 71= 1.947 67 1.892 67 1.883
 Slovakia 20 1.499 25 1.545 25 1.541 20 1.519 22 1.532 32 1.596 27 1.568 23 1.518 23 1.530 24 1.581 22 1.587 25 1.590 21 1.543 20 1.525 19 1.537
 Netherlands 21 1.522 23 1.525 20 1.528 15 1.471 15 1.463 15 1.451 18 1.443 18 1.453 18 1.469 17 1.476 17 1.505 19 1.537 22 1.558 21 1.546 18 1.531
 Belgium 22 1.526 24 1.531 17= 1.509 21 1.526 21 1.530 16 1.456 13 1.386 15= 1.392 15 1.401 13 1.437 15 1.476 16 1.476 17 1.489 17 1.479 17 1.468
 Qatar 23 1.533 29 1.581 27 1.575 31 1.617 38 1.730 22 1.532 28 1.579 32 1.628 24 1.536 23 1.571 19 1.534 17 1.487 14 1.466 10 1.411 25 1.597
 Bulgaria 24 1.541 27 1.562 30 1.612 28 1.585 27 1.580 30 1.589 31 1.597 33 1.643 30 1.575 36 1.674 34 1.644 26 1.609 32 1.668 34 1.691 31= 1.667
 Poland 25 1.552 21 1.513 29 1.609 26 1.580 29= 1.619 31 1.595 21 1.499 21 1.491 20 1.482 22 1.524 21 1.561 22 1.563 27 1.649 22 1.585 22 1.576
 Sweden 26 1.564 20 1.497 16 1.508 19 1.515 17 1.482 21 1.504 16 1.422 12 1.375 13 1.389 11 1.416 12 1.434 10= 1.439 13 1.444 13 1.441 15 1.450
 Australia 27 1.565 18 1.485 14 1.428 14 1.427 13 1.422 13 1.414 14 1.388 8 1.359 12 1.386 14 1.451 16 1.497 10= 1.439 7 1.387 8 1.376 6 1.349
 Mauritius 28 1.570 30 1.590 24 1.540 24 1.554 23 1.533 23 1.534 23 1.542 24 1.522 21 1.517 21 1.522 24 1.601 29 1.619 25 1.614 26 1.620 27 1.605
 Spain 29 1.603 32 1.641 35 1.673 36 1.691 29= 1.619 20 1.487 22 1.513 22 1.504 22 1.527 27 1.589 25 1.609 33 1.673 38 1.719 36 1.707 30 1.652
 Taiwan 30 1.618 33 1.653 34 1.668 38 1.697 39 1.732 39 1.720 39= 1.702 44 1.729 34 1.606 30 1.609 28 1.617 34 1.689 34 1.711 59 1.852 48 1.795
 Romania 31 1.640 26 1.560 23 1.537 25 1.574 24 1.539 25 1.560 30 1.592 26 1.581 31 1.587 31 1.613 30 1.628 31 1.632 28= 1.655 25 1.599 21 1.574
 Italy 32 1.643 34 1.661 33 1.639 34 1.677 34 1.705 34 1.653 33 1.644 35 1.658 38 1.658 40 1.716 39 1.726 40 1.740 40 1.722 37 1.710 29 1.635
 Estonia 33 1.662 28 1.563 28 1.577 27 1.582 28 1.598 29 1.588 32 1.598 30 1.619 27 1.553 35 1.658 36 1.679 35 1.701 42 1.729 39 1.723 33= 1.689
 United Kingdom 34 1.667 36 1.672 39 1.740 35 1.681 40 1.741 36 1.683 36 1.686 40 1.705 45 1.736 43 1.743 42 1.746 49 1.785 48 1.783 48 1.782 57 1.837
 Latvia 35 1.673 31 1.634 31 1.617 30 1.599 26 1.562 24 1.557 26 1.562 27 1.609 28 1.556 29 1.596 35 1.656 32 1.660 31 1.666 32= 1.688 24 1.595
 North Macedonia 36 1.704 37 1.687 47= 1.800 56 1.835 77 1.944 97 2.013 87 1.989 65 1.891 67= 1.904 68= 1.911 56 1.843 51 1.804 61 1.851 66 1.884 61= 1.856
 Lithuania 37 1.724 35 1.668 32 1.622 32 1.650 33 1.687 38 1.704 38 1.701 37 1.691 39 1.675 39 1.709 45 1.757 43 1.770 33 1.683 29 1.676 37 1.692
 Costa Rica 38 1.732 39 1.715 38 1.704 41 1.728 44 1.748 37 1.701 37 1.689 38 1.698 48 1.757 52 1.781 40 1.731 48 1.781 28= 1.655 28 1.646 28 1.632
 Kuwait 39 1.739 38 1.702 36 1.685 45 1.748 58 1.839 58 1.837 39= 1.702 34 1.655 32= 1.590 32 1.614 26= 1.611 20 1.538 20 1.525 24 1.595 26 1.603
 Ghana 40 1.759 41 1.759 46 1.796 44 1.743 43 1.747 43 1.760 43 1.728 41 1.707 47 1.745 45 1.757 43 1.750 52 1.805 55 1.832 43 1.767 41 1.718
 Albania 41 1.761 44 1.769 43 1.771 39 1.712 36 1.714 47 1.774 47 1.761 53 1.806 53= 1.810 54 1.816 51 1.799 50 1.797 46 1.770 47 1.779 49 1.806
 Mongolia 42 1.775 40 1.758 40 1.745 46 1.760 46 1.764 41 1.750 50= 1.778 42 1.708 43 1.725 62 1.870 55 1.818 55 1.814 78= 1.981 83 1.983 90 2.015
 South Korea 43 1.779 51 1.825 41 1.764 52 1.804 51 1.805 52 1.799 52= 1.779 50 1.789 49 1.774 46 1.762 48= 1.789 59 1.879 51 1.802 46 1.776 44 1.756
 Vietnam 44 1.786 50 1.817 74= 1.952 66 1.895 65 1.895 64 1.882 61 1.871 72 1.932 58 1.832 63 1.871 66= 1.923 57 1.860 63 1.870 57 1.846 55 1.832
 The Gambia 45 1.792 55 1.847 69 1.925 68 1.910 88 1.995 116 2.195 101 2.058 103 2.083 97= 2.055 90 2.027 81 2.009 69 1.936 66 1.892 64 1.869 69 1.891
 Uruguay 46 1.795 42 1.763 37 1.702 37 1.695 35 1.713 33 1.637 34 1.658 36 1.662 36 1.642 34 1.629 32 1.636 28 1.618 36= 1.713 35 1.704 33= 1.689
 Indonesia 47 1.800 45 1.781 52 1.814 42 1.737 42 1.746 44 1.765 46 1.747 46 1.734 44 1.732 38 1.690 37 1.685 39 1.736 41 1.723 41 1.750 47 1.778
 Botswana 48= 1.801 43 1.765 51 1.812 50 1.791 48 1.775 40 1.730 41 1.716 48 1.753 64 1.869 44 1.749 46 1.782 53 1.806 45 1.766 51 1.788 56 1.833
 Montenegro 48= 1.801 48 1.796 49= 1.806 53 1.811 41 1.742 50 1.792 45 1.745 51= 1.801 52 1.793 49 1.771 72 1.949 80= 1.996 82 1.994 91= 2.021 100 2.071
 Sierra Leone 50 1.803 52 1.828 58 1.855 54 1.814 37 1.719 42 1.757 48 1.762 51= 1.801 56 1.818 55= 1.820 60 1.865 56 1.834 56 1.835 52 1.806 50= 1.807
 Laos 51 1.809 46 1.782 49= 1.806 47 1.761 49 1.780 45 1.766 56 1.814 47 1.740 46 1.739 47= 1.770 48= 1.789 42 1.768 43 1.746 68 1.908 70 1.918
 Serbia 52 1.832 47 1.785 42 1.765 40 1.724 45 1.763 49 1.782 52= 1.779 57 1.838 66 1.891 76= 1.968 79 2.001 71 1.956 76 1.977 77 1.950 72 1.929
 Greece 53 1.838 67 1.917 59 1.856 67 1.903 72 1.930 69 1.911 67 1.910 66 1.900 91 2.017 89 2.026 84= 2.026 76= 1.985 81 1.991 75 1.948 76= 1.957
 Timor-Leste 54 1.839 54 1.839 47= 1.800 43 1.742 52 1.807 48 1.778 55 1.785 55 1.813 50 1.785 42 1.741 41 1.738 44= 1.771 60 1.848 62 1.861 75 1.941
 Chile 55 1.840 49 1.798 53 1.828 33 1.652 31 1.628 28 1.583 29 1.582 29 1.612 32= 1.590 33 1.626 33 1.641 41 1.748 39 1.721 32= 1.688 35= 1.691
 Zambia 56 1.841 66 1.915 45 1.788 48 1.768 50 1.787 46 1.773 54 1.782 56 1.816 53= 1.810 41 1.728 54 1.814 37 1.730 54 1.827 55 1.834 58= 1.843
 Jordan 57 1.849 72= 1.930 78= 1.964 82 1.962 97= 2.041 84 1.966 73 1.936 73 1.939 61 1.859 68= 1.911 68 1.924 58 1.863 65 1.886 65 1.872 71 1.921
 Bosnia and Herzegovina 58 1.850 57 1.860 65 1.899 62 1.871 69 1.903 63 1.874 49 1.763 49 1.781 41 1.721 50= 1.773 53 1.810 47 1.778 49 1.792 49 1.783 43 1.736
 Equatorial Guinea 59 1.863 53 1.835 44 1.775 58 1.843 56 1.830 51 1.793 50= 1.778 54 1.812 59= 1.846 57 1.823 62 1.882 67 1.925 58= 1.844 53 1.808 68 1.884
 United Arab Emirates 60 1.865 61 1.890 71 1.930 51 1.797 47 1.774 54 1.815 42 1.721 43 1.710 35 1.624 26 1.588 31 1.633 24 1.577 24 1.611 27 1.627 38 1.699
 Panama 61 1.876 60 1.885 61= 1.877 55 1.816 53 1.820 55 1.820 57 1.835 68= 1.913 63 1.866 58 1.842 58 1.849 54 1.813 64 1.881 44 1.768 53 1.815
 Cambodia 62= 1.882 68= 1.918 63 1.889 75 1.928 89= 2.003 70 1.916 91 2.005 95= 2.040 109 2.121 108 2.137 107 2.155 97 2.099 105 2.121 110 2.105 85 1.994
 Moldova 62= 1.882 56 1.848 56 1.848 61 1.869 60 1.855 66 1.887 68 1.922 67 1.903 71 1.923 73 1.937 76 1.966 75 1.981 78= 1.981 76 1.949 79= 1.966
 Oman 64 1.889 64 1.902 67 1.906 73= 1.919 75 1.940 67 1.888 70 1.927 78 1.973 67= 1.904 59= 1.867 63 1.888 62 1.891 36= 1.713 42 1.764 42 1.735
 France 65= 1.895 72= 1.930 68 1.916 59 1.861 66= 1.899 62 1.871 44 1.744 39 1.703 40 1.712 50= 1.773 52 1.802 44= 1.771 50 1.794 50 1.787 45 1.760
 Malawi 65= 1.895 63 1.900 64 1.898 49 1.787 54 1.825 56 1.823 59 1.864 45 1.731 51 1.787 47= 1.770 50 1.794 36 1.710 52 1.809 56 1.838 58= 1.843
 Cyprus 67 1.903 65 1.914 61= 1.877 65 1.880 59 1.848 68 1.901 65 1.900 64 1.890 73 1.930 64 1.873 66= 1.923 63 1.895 67 1.906 38 1.720 40 1.712
 Namibia 68 1.908 59 1.883 55 1.845 73= 1.919 57 1.832 57 1.834 60 1.869 68= 1.913 65 1.878 70 1.918 69 1.927 74 1.976 93 2.049 98 2.049 98 2.058
 Argentina 69 1.911 74 1.931 72= 1.948 87 1.978 71 1.914 74 1.936 84 1.981 82 1.984 69 1.905 81 2.001 61 1.872 65 1.909 71= 1.947 74 1.946 54 1.818
 Senegal 70 1.916 58 1.878 54 1.840 63= 1.872 55 1.826 71= 1.927 78 1.959 83 1.986 103 2.077 104 2.098 105 2.128 107 2.149 106 2.122 103 2.078 106 2.111
 Kosovo 71 1.938 79 1.976 76 1.959 69= 1.911 76 1.943 65 1.885 71= 1.932 71 1.922 70 1.908 79 1.976 73 1.953 76= 1.985 80 1.983 81 1.978 82 1.980
 Rwanda 72 1.945 81 1.984 86 1.990 84 1.974 109 2.150 102 2.037 109 2.133 123 2.200 121 2.230 109 2.149 92= 2.056 88= 2.044 74 1.974 73 1.945 50= 1.807
   Nepal 73 1.947 80 1.981 72= 1.948 81 1.959 87 1.992 88= 1.980 80 1.965 60 1.863 76 1.950 82 2.006 82 2.012 102 2.130 101 2.104 99 2.052 107 2.114
 Morocco 74 1.969 83 1.996 97 2.045 92 2.037 73 1.933 73 1.932 99 2.050 98= 2.057 95 2.050 91 2.034 97= 2.071 88= 2.044 75 1.976 85 1.988 87= 2.002
 Gabon 75= 1.973 84 1.998 104 2.096 100 2.069 100 2.052 95 2.007 86 1.986 79= 1.976 74 1.931 80 1.988 84= 2.026 90 2.048 92 2.042 79 1.962 78 1.958
 Liberia 75= 1.973 76 1.961 60 1.864 57 1.841 64 1.892 86= 1.978 75 1.939 70 1.920 59= 1.846 61 1.869 71 1.936 80= 1.996 84= 2.005 80 1.967 76= 1.957
 Paraguay 77 1.976 85 2.015 89= 2.017 99 2.060 89= 2.003 88= 1.980 94 2.009 97 2.051 82= 1.992 96 2.054 74 1.954 68 1.932 84= 2.005 72 1.935 66 1.879
 Angola 78 1.982 92 2.025 85 1.989 79 1.955 83 1.972 75 1.938 81 1.974 76 1.957 100 2.062 101 2.089 100 2.087 91 2.049 86 2.006 101 2.066 99 2.062
 Ecuador 79 1.988 90= 2.023 94= 2.041 78 1.950 70 1.908 59 1.846 77 1.958 77 1.967 82= 1.992 86 2.021 89 2.044 105 2.138 116 2.189 115 2.189 114 2.159
 Bolivia 80 1.989 94 2.038 89= 2.017 85= 1.975 80 1.969 83 1.958 69 1.923 90 2.020 89= 2.015 97 2.055 88 2.037 73 1.974 91 2.039 89 2.012 73 1.931
 Dominican Republic 81= 1.990 78 1.970 77 1.960 90 2.019 97= 2.041 100 2.027 98 2.035 94 2.039 93 2.035 95 2.051 90 2.045 96 2.093 96 2.075 87 1.999 84 1.989
 Jamaica 81= 1.990 77 1.969 78= 1.964 77 1.944 78 1.954 76 1.942 79 1.964 84 1.987 89= 2.015 92 2.036 99 2.084 87 2.038 83 1.999 82 1.979 83 1.981
 Armenia 83 1.992 86= 2.016 74= 1.952 106 2.121 122 2.228 114= 2.177 107 2.105 114 2.157 112 2.134 117 2.198 113 2.194 114 2.193 118 2.229 118 2.219 118 2.196
 Madagascar 84 1.995 75 1.951 66 1.905 60 1.867 63 1.891 77 1.944 66 1.903 85 1.990 96 2.054 105 2.101 109 2.164 110 2.164 77 1.980 95 2.035 46 1.772
 Tunisia 85 1.996 82 1.994 80 1.975 85= 1.975 93 2.012 82 1.956 62 1.878 74 1.944 94 2.038 94 2.044 87 2.036 64 1.901 44 1.757 54 1.815 52 1.814
 Tanzania 86= 2.001 71 1.928 57 1.854 63= 1.872 62 1.889 53 1.809 58 1.856 59 1.861 55 1.811 53 1.801 47 1.786 44= 1.771 47 1.778 40 1.744 39 1.707
 Uzbekistan 86= 2.001 93 2.032 98 2.049 97 2.056 102 2.071 101 2.033 104 2.088 112 2.141 113= 2.142 121 2.234 125 2.304 121 2.274 115 2.178 112 2.120 109 2.131
 Trinidad and Tobago 88 2.005 90= 2.023 88 2.014 98 2.059 89= 2.003 98 2.014 89 1.995 91 2.031 87 2.010 84 2.013 103 2.102 92 2.050 97 2.079 91= 2.021 102 2.082
 China 89 2.010 95 2.050 92 2.026 95 2.047 101 2.065 110 2.121 106 2.099 105 2.116 107 2.091 100 2.088 111 2.175 112 2.185 113 2.176 107 2.094 115 2.169
 Sri Lanka 90 2.020 103 2.095 82= 1.982 76 1.943 66= 1.899 61 1.870 90 2.002 106 2.119 108 2.110 118 2.213 145 2.523 148 2.596 148 2.689 145 2.560 142 2.470
 Kyrgyz Republic 91 2.028 70 1.919 94= 2.041 96 2.054 105 2.088 108 2.103 111 2.136 120 2.184 126 2.283 134 2.387 139 2.429 119 2.250 120 2.251 122 2.253 126 2.259
 Tajikistan 92 2.031 98 2.058 112 2.153 111 2.168 104 2.077 105 2.070 105 2.094 108= 2.127 125 2.261 122 2.244 112 2.177 111 2.180 114 2.177 117 2.209 119 2.203
 Eswatini 93 2.033 62 1.893 70 1.929 72 1.917 82 1.971 78= 1.948 95= 2.013 98= 2.057 97= 2.055 87 2.022 80 2.006 86 2.035 69 1.926 70 1.924 74 1.939
 Papua New Guinea 94 2.046 96 2.051 84 1.986 80 1.958 84 1.973 80 1.949 85 1.983 86 1.992 77 1.969 75 1.965 77 1.973 82 2.011 73 1.967 84 1.986 86 1.997
 Georgia 95 2.065 86= 2.016 82= 1.982 89 1.992 86 1.986 93 1.994 88 1.992 89 2.005 111 2.133 136 2.400 143 2.497 145 2.577 155 2.971 149 2.688 149 2.655
 Bangladesh 96 2.067 102 2.077 103 2.091 104 2.109 95 2.022 85 1.969 92 2.006 88 1.998 88 2.012 102 2.094 108 2.158 104 2.134 102 2.110 93 2.028 96 2.039
 Kazakhstan 97 2.071 68= 1.918 81 1.978 69= 1.911 74 1.939 78= 1.948 76 1.957 81 1.979 86 2.007 74 1.962 101 2.094 99 2.111 110 2.148 111 2.109 101 2.077
 Cuba 98 2.083 89 2.020 89= 2.017 88 1.988 79 1.961 86= 1.978 82 1.975 87 1.993 80 1.987 85 2.018 86 2.032 79 1.990 88 2.016 90 2.017 93 2.023
 Bahrain 99 2.085 100 2.075 105 2.103 113= 2.191 124 2.272 126 2.291 122 2.191 104 2.114 117 2.206 110 2.152 96 2.068 106 2.147 53 1.812 63 1.868 64 1.869
 Lesotho 100 2.089 105 2.110 102 2.088 108 2.144 106 2.090 96 2.012 74 1.938 62 1.870 57 1.820 59= 1.867 59 1.858 60 1.883 62 1.852 61 1.857 61= 1.856
 Peru 101 2.091 88 2.018 87 2.005 83 1.973 85 1.979 94 2.001 97 2.028 93 2.037 92 2.029 98 2.083 94= 2.057 84 2.027 94 2.061 86 1.995 94 2.027
 Togo 102 2.094 109= 2.144 100= 2.084 102 2.099 92 2.010 60 1.868 63 1.889 61 1.867 72 1.926 66 1.883 64 1.915 70 1.937 68 1.922 69 1.914 87= 2.002
 Thailand 103 2.098 112 2.153 117 2.190 112 2.182 110 2.167 121 2.224 125 2.210 131 2.353 132= 2.378 131 2.375 137 2.415 135 2.384 135 2.379 135 2.396 132 2.326
 Turkmenistan 104 2.116 109= 2.144 111 2.152 118 2.220 119 2.214 118= 2.207 112= 2.139 107 2.124 101 2.063 103 2.096 106 2.139 95 2.075 104 2.120 96 2.037 111 2.145
 Benin 105 2.125 107 2.123 115 2.178 69= 1.911 66= 1.899 91 1.989 71= 1.932 63 1.886 85 2.000 88 2.023 102 2.097 108 2.151 98 2.093 106 2.092 104 2.093
 Guatemala 106 2.139 113 2.163 113 2.171 116 2.206 113 2.181 118= 2.207 118 2.155 101 2.080 113= 2.142 115= 2.196 115 2.207 120 2.253 111 2.150 108 2.099 116 2.176
 Guyana 107 2.140 106 2.115 99 2.063 101 2.088 96 2.035 90 1.985 102 2.060 92 2.033 81 1.988 78 1.972 75 1.962 100 2.122 109 2.147 97 2.048 95 2.038
 Cote d'Ivoire 108 2.144 108 2.137 107 2.129 109= 2.153 120 2.221 120 2.220 126 2.226 121 2.189 131 2.376 146 2.523 128= 2.318 134 2.366 112 2.163 124 2.267 135 2.388
 Algeria 109 2.146 119 2.258 120 2.234 119 2.235 117 2.212 117 2.206 127 2.238 127 2.263 127 2.293 133 2.383 135 2.399 141 2.479 128 2.333 129 2.333 130 2.306
 Guinea-Bissau 110 2.156 101 2.076 100= 2.084 105 2.110 112 2.178 114= 2.177 110 2.135 110 2.136 136 2.399 124 2.269 128= 2.318 123= 2.300 129 2.334 130 2.342 133 2.348
 Republic of the Congo 111 2.184 118 2.239 122 2.276 121 2.279 125 2.290 125 2.264 128 2.245 116= 2.163 110 2.125 99 2.085 92= 2.056 94 2.067 99 2.100 102 2.074 112 2.147
 Mauritania 112 2.193 117 2.237 116 2.184 117 2.214 121 2.223 123 2.241 120 2.160 124 2.203 123 2.243 120 2.231 123 2.296 123= 2.300 119 2.243 131 2.351 127 2.278
 Djibouti 113 2.213 104 2.099 110 2.145 103 2.103 111 2.172 109 2.111 116= 2.153 102 2.082 75 1.942 76= 1.968 65 1.917 98 2.100 87 2.009 78 1.954 79= 1.966
 El Salvador 114 2.231 114 2.180 114 2.177 113= 2.191 114 2.197 113 2.173 114 2.141 118 2.174 105= 2.081 107 2.129 114 2.197 109 2.161 107 2.127 109 2.100 91 2.016
 Haiti 115 2.254 99 2.073 106 2.128 94 2.044 81 1.970 81 1.950 93 2.007 95= 2.040 105= 2.081 72 1.923 78 1.976 85 2.030 95 2.064 104 2.085 110 2.140
 Belarus 116 2.259 116 2.225 96 2.042 93 2.042 94 2.019 92 1.991 100 2.057 108= 2.127 104 2.080 106 2.109 104 2.122 101 2.128 108 2.144 113 2.137 108 2.127
 Honduras 117 2.269 122 2.330 119 2.223 120 2.264 116 2.200 111 2.149 124 2.200 111 2.137 116 2.178 119 2.220 118 2.269 122 2.295 132 2.343 116 2.205 117 2.178
 South Africa 118 2.283 123 2.331 124 2.321 132 2.410 127 2.302 127 2.292 130 2.290 133 2.390 128 2.332 127 2.330 130 2.334 130= 2.341 134 2.365 134 2.390 121 2.221
 Saudi Arabia 119 2.288 127 2.412 127 2.388 131 2.405 130 2.416 128 2.338 116= 2.153 100 2.070 99 2.056 111 2.175 119 2.274 113 2.189 121 2.268 121 2.234 129 2.301
 Kenya 120 2.303 121 2.325 128 2.395 126 2.365 128 2.401 133 2.426 139 2.439 138 2.441 143 2.487 145 2.520 140 2.452 142 2.528 143 2.551 142 2.509 139 2.425
 Uganda 121 2.309 115 2.214 118 2.222 115 2.193 108 2.149 106 2.083 103 2.078 116= 2.163 119 2.215 115= 2.196 120 2.277 118 2.246 125 2.311 137 2.423 147 2.540
 Mozambique 122 2.316 111 2.150 108 2.132 107 2.140 107 2.121 104 2.060 83 1.977 79= 1.976 78 1.972 67 1.891 57 1.845 72 1.969 57 1.843 60 1.853 65 1.870
 Guinea 123 2.332 97 2.052 93 2.032 91 2.026 103 2.072 103 2.056 121 2.166 122 2.196 118 2.212 112 2.184 110 2.174 127 2.310 127 2.326 123 2.261 124 2.244
 Nicaragua 124 2.334 124 2.333 129 2.405 122 2.293 61 1.872 71= 1.927 64 1.896 75 1.948 62 1.860 65 1.877 70 1.930 61 1.885 58= 1.844 58 1.850 60 1.846
 Philippines 125 2.339 129 2.452 132 2.424 133= 2.469 133 2.464 136 2.459 134 2.403 137 2.402 134 2.387 128 2.350 133 2.393 128 2.312 124 2.306 125 2.296 123 2.237
 Egypt 126 2.342 131 2.487 133 2.450 130 2.398 135 2.479 132 2.419 136 2.412 136 2.400 146 2.529 132 2.382 124 2.302 115 2.203 70 1.942 71 1.930 97 2.041
 Zimbabwe 127 2.350 125 2.381 123 2.302 123 2.315 115 2.198 112 2.165 115 2.146 115 2.162 124 2.260 135 2.395 138 2.422 149 2.660 149 2.732 148 2.660 134 2.376
 Azerbaijan 128 2.437 120 2.286 109 2.144 129 2.376 129 2.413 134 2.434 133 2.380 134 2.394 135 2.389 139 2.456 131 2.368 133 2.348 131 2.342 127 2.320 128 2.283
 United States of America 129 2.440 128 2.430 125 2.356 125 2.361 126 2.291 124 2.248 112= 2.139 119 2.175 115 2.172 113= 2.191 116 2.229 117 2.239 122 2.286 126 2.312 122 2.236
 Brazil 130 2.465 130 2.454 130 2.412 127 2.370 118 2.213 122 2.235 119 2.158 113 2.156 102 2.075 93 2.038 91 2.052 83 2.019 90 2.030 94 2.029 92 2.022
 Burundi 131 2.470 126 2.409 131 2.418 135 2.476 136 2.481 142 2.531 143 2.529 130 2.313 122 2.241 126 2.302 122 2.290 130= 2.341 139 2.456 136 2.411 140 2.437
 Eritrea 132 2.494 135 2.551 137 2.567 139 2.558 142 2.592 137 2.464 135 2.408 132 2.369 130 2.372 130 2.365 136 2.405 137 2.426 138 2.447 139 2.462 143 2.475
 Palestine 133 2.552 133 2.520 139 2.607 141 2.604 143 2.623 147 2.744 149 2.789
 Israel 134 2.576 142 2.635 146 2.753 146 2.717 147 2.731 149 2.786 147 2.741 146 2.633 150 2.630 152 2.713 153 2.761 154 2.867 152 2.886 154 2.883 156 2.892
 India 135 2.578 138 2.615 140 2.616 142 2.611 138 2.499 141 2.526 141= 2.520 141 2.485 144 2.493 143 2.501 142 2.487 146 2.579 146 2.579 138 2.449 136 2.402
 Chad 136 2.591 137 2.578 135 2.549 136 2.499 132 2.441 139 2.523 137 2.414 140 2.454 139 2.438 129 2.361 150 2.612 150 2.668 153 2.908 152 2.843 150 2.785
 Mexico 137 2.612 139 2.626 138 2.575 138 2.533 139 2.536 138 2.510 138 2.416 135 2.398 137 2.416 140 2.473 144 2.518 136 2.404 130 2.336 128 2.323 125 2.251
 Lebanon 138 2.615 144 2.719 143= 2.700 147 2.756 145 2.678 146 2.716 146 2.632 144 2.577 147 2.561 137 2.410 134 2.394 147 2.583 145 2.573 146 2.566 148 2.627
 Myanmar 139 2.631 132 2.488 126 2.379 124 2.347 123 2.239 107 2.096 108 2.122 128 2.297 120 2.229 125 2.295 117 2.248 116 2.229 136 2.383 144 2.521 145 2.494
 Niger 140 2.655 141 2.631 136 2.558 128 2.374 131 2.440 130 2.389 123 2.194 126 2.237 79 1.981 83 2.009 94= 2.057 93 2.062 103 2.117 105 2.091 89 2.013
 Iran 141 2.687 143 2.675 145 2.705 137 2.512 137 2.486 129 2.371 131= 2.359 143 2.511 141 2.452 144 2.512 146 2.564 143 2.544 141 2.465 133 2.389 144 2.488
 Cameroon 142 2.709 146= 2.737 141 2.645 140 2.572 140 2.554 135 2.455 131= 2.359 125 2.204 84 1.999 71 1.921 83 2.017 78 1.986 100 2.101 88 2.009 81 1.970
 Nigeria 143 2.725 145 2.733 147 2.782 149 2.769 148 2.754 148 2.756 148 2.787 150 2.767 151 2.719 151 2.602 147 2.581 140 2.455 140 2.459 140 2.467 146 2.499
 Colombia 144 2.729 146= 2.737 142 2.691 145 2.686 146 2.690 145 2.689 145 2.616 147 2.670 148 2.610 150 2.596 152 2.648 153 2.714 150 2.806 151 2.727 151 2.797
 Turkey 145 2.785 150 2.851 151 2.919 151 2.886 149 2.798 144 2.670 144 2.539 142 2.490 140 2.440 142 2.487 132 2.375 139 2.435 142 2.500 143 2.515 141 2.450
 Burkina Faso 146 2.786 134 2.543 121 2.241 109= 2.153 97= 2.041 99 2.021 95= 2.013 58 1.856 42 1.723 55= 1.820 38 1.686 38 1.735 35 1.712 45 1.774 63 1.858
 Pakistan 147 2.789 148 2.827 149 2.842 152 2.891 152 2.929 154 3.011 156 3.086 155 3.097 157 3.128 161 3.194 160 3.126 160 3.111 159 3.101 158 3.066 154 2.870
 Venezuela 148 2.798 151 2.878 150 2.848 143 2.673 141 2.574 140 2.525 140 2.515 139 2.448 129 2.333 123 2.256 121 2.284 129 2.337 133 2.364 132 2.359 131 2.313
 Ethiopia 149 2.806 140 2.627 134 2.507 133= 2.469 134 2.468 131 2.402 129 2.285 129 2.300 132= 2.378 141 2.483 148 2.587 138 2.432 137 2.413 147 2.650 138 2.409
 Mali 150 2.911 149 2.830 143= 2.700 144 2.685 144 2.630 143 2.648 141= 2.520 145 2.589 145 2.514 138 2.424 126 2.313 125 2.303 126 2.313 120 2.232 120 2.216
 Libya 151 2.930 156 3.101 155 3.068 156 3.106 157 3.113 159 3.218 155 3.079 151 2.864 142 2.481 148 2.558 141 2.467 152 2.694 89 2.023 100 2.055 103 2.086
 North Korea 152 2.942 153 2.917 153 2.977 153 2.899 151 2.927 150 2.946 150 2.922 152 2.954 152 2.946 154= 2.935 155 2.921 157 2.982 154 2.935 155 2.886 155 2.887
 Ukraine 153 2.971 136 2.558 148 2.793 148 2.768 150 2.874 153 2.999 154 3.007 148 2.712 138 2.433 113= 2.191 97= 2.071 103 2.131 117 2.217 114 2.173 105 2.095
 Sudan 154 3.007 152 2.908 152 2.941 150 2.866 153 3.038 155 3.062 157 3.096 156 3.130 160 3.182 159 3.128 159 3.117 159 3.102 157 3.041 157 3.016 158 3.022
 Central African Republic 155 3.021 154 3.036 156 3.072 158 3.163 159 3.164 158 3.166 159 3.215 159 3.240 158 3.144 157 2.998 154 2.780 151 2.679 147 2.611 150 2.703 152 2.810
 Somalia 156 3.125 158 3.181 158 3.128 154 3.054 158 3.134 156 3.103 158 3.156 157 3.133 159 3.171 160 3.184 162 3.228 161 3.157 160 3.300 160 3.237 160 3.153
 Iraq 157 3.157 159 3.231 162 3.398 160 3.249 161 3.312 163 3.421 163 3.394 158 3.238 156 3.054 158 3.077 158 3.085 162 3.193 161 3.421 161 3.460 161 3.510
 Democratic Republic of the Congo 158 3.166 157 3.161 157 3.109 157 3.111 156 3.109 151 2.963 152 3.001 154 3.068 153 3.005 153 2.862 157 2.934 155 2.884 151 2.876 153 2.852 153 2.825
 South Sudan 159 3.184 160 3.248 160 3.287 161 3.280 160 3.289 160 3.239 160 3.299 160 3.266 155 3.049 149 2.567 127 2.315 132 2.345
 Russia 160 3.275 155 3.038 154 3.056 155 3.099 154 3.063 152 2.975 153 3.006 153 3.065 154 3.043 154= 2.935 156 2.929 156 2.940 158 3.054 156 3.001 157 2.919
 Syria 161 3.356 161 3.296 161 3.334 162 3.331 162 3.381 161 3.405 161= 3.362 162 3.359 162 3.278 156 2.989 151 2.634 126 2.305 123 2.292 119 2.222 113 2.154
 Yemen 162 3.394 162 3.342 159 3.259 159 3.211 155 3.106 157 3.112 151 2.974 149 2.738 149 2.611 147 2.547 149 2.609 144 2.565 144 2.562 141 2.474 137 2.407
 Afghanistan 163 3.554 163 3.600 163 3.592 163 3.520 163 3.513 162 3.412 161= 3.362 161 3.316 161 3.212 162 3.258 161 3.154 158 3.021 156 3.040 159 3.191 159 3.095
Question: Why do the scores for 2021 in this table not match what was published in this pdf from the IEP? I’m confused. (talk) 01:08, 21 August 2022 (UTC)
The table (spreadsheet) you linked is the Institute for Economics and Peace's Positive Peace Index 2022. If you go to this page: https://www.visionofhumanity.org/public-release-data/ - you'll see spreadsheets for 1) Global Peace Index 2022, 2) Global Terrorism Index 2022, 3) Positive Peace Index 2022, 4) Ecological Threat Report 2021. The Global Peace Index 2022 has scores for previous years (not just 2022), as well as scores for the three sub-scores of Safety and Security, Militarisation, and Ongoing Conflict. Camberstowe (talk) 23:33, 27 August 2022 (UTC)
Ah, I'm sorry, I only just noticed that I put the wrong source for the link, hence your question. I think it's correct now. Camberstowe (talk) 00:41, 28 August 2022 (UTC)
No, I’m still left unanswered. First of all, the first words printed on the pdf I linked say “Global Peace Index”. Second, the map that has the 2021 data for—for lack of better term—“global peace”, which I’m pointing out, is on pages 9-10; the positive peace data, which you’re pointing out, is in the pdf, but it’s on pages 63-64.
Now do you understand my confusion? My confusion with conflicting sources from the same publisher? (talk) 13:20, 10 September 2022 (UTC)
Ah, I see. I have no idea about that. I guess the figures were revised and the recent spreadsheet is supposed to be the correct scores. Camberstowe (talk) 12:21, 15 September 2022 (UTC)


  1. ^ "GPI-2022-overall-scores-and-domains-2008-2022". Institute for Economics & Peace. June 2022. Retrieved 28 August 2022.

Terrible index do not use this index for anything

How the hell is France "a peaceful country" literally the slightest change happens in France and people riot about it? Also, how is the USA less peaceful than countries like Zimbabwe, Serbia and Romania? The hell???? Vktrvk (talk) 12:53, 20 September 2022 (UTC)

It's called statistical analysis of crime levels in diff countries. Check the sources. --Dhyana b (talk) 20:59, 30 October 2022 (UTC)

Is it possible to set some form of edit-protection for this page?

From what I see, at least in the 2008-2019 table, countries & values are scrambled (check the bottom countries of the 2019 column, for example). Seeing the frequency with which people try to vandalise the page & the fact that the 2018 column is almost entirely inaccurate -- it could be that a lot of the table is actually wrong... When editing, there is a message about using a script for an easier retrieval of data, however I don't know if I'll be able (/figure out) how to use it.

I will try to check and correct some mistakes nonetheless, perhaps even update the table with the 2020 & 2021 reports, but it all seems pointless if the page just immediately gets scrambled. People come & mismatch country names from their proper corresponding rows, sometimes even changing ranks or values -- and it isn't always caught. Then, prob new people come & edit on top of those mistakes.

I don't think it's ok for this article to be left without editing restrictions.. Dhyana b (talk) 21:41, 30 October 2022 (UTC)

K pop made the change for the countries index?

Is there any officials sayings about the lasts changes here that put away Iceland from the top1 despite the text readings which shows a complete otherwise? Meanders2001 (talk) 19:17, 5 April 2023 (UTC)