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This template is used to create a cross reference link back to an entry that was created with {{biohead}}. If the {{biohead}} entry is not in the same article as this template, a second optional parameter is used.

Thus, if in a listing of persons, each person had been entered with an identification tag, use of this template inserts a subscripted link back to the specified person.

For example, if in the same article where this {{bioxref}} template is used there exists:

{{biohead|1|George Washington|Washington Family Tree}}
{{biohead|3|Thomas Jefferson|Jefferson Family Tree}}
{{biohead|2|John Adams|Adams Genealogy Section}}


"... that Adams {{bioxref|2}} was going to ..."

will create

"... that Adams2 was going to ..."

at that point, which will be hyperlinked back to the entry for John Adams. If the {{biohead}} entries exist in a different article, then the name of that article appears as the second, optional parameter.

Example entries created with {{biohead}}


These entries illustrate what use of the {{biohead}} examples above creates. They are put here so one can test the subscripted hyperlink created in the Adams example, above. When that Adams link (in the previous section) is clicked, the Adams entry below will rise to the top of the page.

George Washington was...

There is more to Thomas Jefferson...

John Adams is often underappreciated...

See Also


Template talk:Biohead for the companion template.