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Dr Abdullah Rashed is assistant professor and researcher. He is full name is

 Abdullah Abdali RASHED		 

R&D Centre Algoritmi, of the University of Minho, 4700-320,Guimarães, Braga, Portugal E-mail: AbdullahRashed@yahoo.com

Cell-Phone: +35-917410255

Education • 2004: Ph.D., Computer Information Systems, The Arab Academy for Banking and Financial Sciences, Amman, Jordan. Specialization: Intelligent Encryption Decryption System Using Genetic Algorithm and Rijndael Algorithm. • 2000: Masters, Information Systems, The Arab Academy for Banking and Financial Sciences, Amman, Jordan. Research: Solving Shallow Data Problem with Memory Based Reasoning. • 1997: B.Sc. Computer Sciences, Applied Science University, Amman, Jordan. Graduation Project: Registration System for Instructors and Exams Monitoring System.

Job Experience Participating in Azal University foundation (Sana’a Yemen): regulation system, policies ,forms,….. 1. Thamar University, (Assistant Professor, Head of Information Technology Department, Faculty of Information and Technology Systems: 2007-till present: Sana'a Yemen. • Taught courses: o Java and Object Oriented o Programming Language with Java o Operating Systems o Information Systems o Advanced Information Systems o System Analysis 2. Azal University for Science and Technology , Sana'a Yemen (Assistant Professor, Vice president, Dean of IT faculty): (2007-2008) 3. Saba University, Sana'a Yemen (Assistant Professor, Head, Saba University Researches, Studies and Training Center ): (2006-2007) • Head, Information System Security Department,: faculty of Computer and Information Technology. • Head, Computer Information System Department,: faculty of Computer and Information Technology. • Taught courses: o C++ and Object Oriented o Artificial Intelligence o Information Security o Cryptography Encryption Decryption o Information System and Decision Support System • Member, Saba University Council. Activities o Founding MIS BSc Program: faculty of Economics and Administration o Founding MIS Diploma Program: faculty of Economics and Administration o Founding Information System Security BSc Program: faculty of Computer and Information Technology. o Founding Information System Security Diploma Program: faculty of Computer and Information Technology. o Founding Saba University Researches, Studies and Training Center.

4. Arab Academy for Banking and Financial Sciences, Sana'a Yemen (2006-present Part Time, Assistant Professor), Computer Information System Department. I taught the following courses(Masters Students): o Advanced DataBases o Information System Management o E-Business o Object Oriented Programming with Java. o Advanced Operating Systems o Introduction to DataBases 5. Arab Academy for Banking and Financial Sciences, , Amman, Jordan: 2005- 2006 (Full Time Assistant Professor, Head, CIS Department) Faculty of Information Systems and Technology, Computer Information System Department. I taught the following courses: For Master Students o Information System Security. o Advanced Operating Systems o Information System Management o Business Information System o Object Oriented Using Java o Advanced Operating Systems For BSc o Object Oriented Programming with Java. o Information Security o Computer Skills For London School Program • Computer Language 6. Arab Academy for Banking and Financial Sciences, Damascus, Syria:2005-2006 (Part Time Assistant Professor), Computer Information System Department. I taught the following courses: o Information System Management o Information Security o Business Information Technology 7. Applied Sciences Private University, Amman, Jordan: 2004-2005 (Full Time Assistant Professor) Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Management Information Systems. During my work as lecturer I taught the following courses: o Decision Support Systems and Expert Systems. o Database Management Systems o Computer Skills II (Visual Basic) o Information System: Analysis and Applications o Introduction to Operating Systems 8. Arab Academy for Banking and Financial Sciences, Amman, Jordan:2001-2005 (Part Time Assistant Professor), Computer Information System Department. I taught the following courses: For Masters Students o Information System Security. o Advanced Operating Systems o Data Structures with Java o Computer Systems. For High Diploma o Advanced Operating System. o Computer Programming with Java. o Object Oriented Programming with Java. o Computer Skills. o Data Structures with Java. o DataBase. For BSc o Introduction To Computer Science. o Object Oriented Programming with Java. o Operational Research. o DataBase 9. Petra Private University, Amman, Jordan: 2/2005-till 6/2005 (Part Time Assistant Professor) Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Management Information Systems Department. I taught the following course: o Computer Skills II (Visual Basic) 10. Applied Sciences University, Amman, Jordan (2000-2002): (Full Time Lecturer) Faculty of Computer and Information Technology, Information System Department: during my work as lecturer I taught the following courses: o Object Oriented Programming with Java., Computer Programming lab with Java (JDK 1.2.1, JBuilder 3 and JBuilder 7). o Object Oriented Programming with C++ using Microsoftt Visual C++ and Turbo C++. o Internet Programming (HTML, JavaScript and VBScript ) o Computer programming with C (CI). o Computer programming with C (advanced CII). o Computer programming with Assembly. o Introduction to Computer Science (DOS, Windows2000 and MS office 2000). o Data Structures (using C). o Computer Logic Design and Organization lab using Electronics Workbench packages(Elwb41a and Elwb50a). o Computer Skills, Computer Skills lab : Windows 2000, MS Office 2000, Access 2000, internet. 11. University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan (1997-1998 as TA): I taught: C language, Pascal, Windows 95, MS Office… 12. FutureNet Company, Amman, Jordan (1999): as Part Time Lecturer : I taught Java, Internet Programming. 13. CompuWay Center, Amman, Jordan ( 2000- 2003): As Computer lecturer and programmer: Java 2, Access97, MS Office, C++, Pascal, C language, Prolog, HTML, Internet courses Sytem Software course, Data Structure using C Language and internet programming (HTML, JavaScript and VBScript).

Supervisoin 1. I a co-supervised of a Ph.D. thesis at (Khartoum, Sudan): A New Model to Measure the Impact of national Culture on the E-Readiness in Yemen I co-supervised the following Masters Researches: 1. The Effect of Laws and Legislations in Reducing Software Piracy 2. The Role of Ethics of Reducing the Software Piracy. 3. Evaluating the Role of Concerned Parties in Media Awareness Against Software Piracy: Case Study of Jordan 4. Security Risk Assessment 5. Message Authentication

Other Activities • A chair of Special Session, Cryptography Cryptosystems: Applications and Issues, 4th International Multi-conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (CSIT2006), April 5-7, 2006, Amman, Jordan, http://csit2006.asu.edu.jo.

• I established Masters Security Program at CIS Department, Faculty of Information Systems and Technologies in Arab Academy for Banking and Financial Sciences. • A Judging committee member, ITSAF 2006 (Information Technology Students Activity Fair), www.uop.edu.jo/itsaf

• In charge, NARIC program that leads to European Accreditation, in Faculty of Information Systems and Technology at Arab Academy. • Committee Member: MIS plan at Applied Sciences University. • A Committee Member of Ph.D. Dissertation : Arab Academy,Faculty of Information Systems and Technology (Amman, Jordan): Arab Writer Identification

Conferences and Workshops • E-Learning & Distant learning, Workshop, 17 June 2007, Sana's University, Yemen. • Country Program Action Plan, National Workshop,UNFPA, 21-22 Nov 2006,Sana'a, Yemen. • 2nd conference, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Quality in Knowledge and Information Technology, Applied Sciences University, Amman, Jordan, 26-27 April 2006. • Business Ethics and Knowledge Society Conference, Zaytoonahj Uni., Jordan, Amman, 17-19 April, 2006. • 4th International Multi-conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, April 5-7, 2006, Applied Science University, Amman, Jordan. • The 2nd International Conference on Information Technology "Human Computer Interaction" May 3-5, 2005, Al-Zaytoonah University, Amman, Jordan. • National Conference for High Education and Research, Distance learning and e-Learning (6th track), Applied Science University, Amman, Jordan, March 2005. • International Conference on Telecommuting and Information Technology, ICTIT 2004, 22-24 September, 2004, Applied Science Private University, Amman Jordan. • Islamic Banks Forum (Sixth Conference), 27-29 September 2003, Amman-Jordan. • Islamic Banks Forum (Fifth Conference), 12-14 October 2002, Amman-Jordan. • The Third Scientific Conference on Computers Conference on Computer And Their Application, 11-13, February, 2001 Applied Science University, Amman-Jordan. • Oracle and Sun Forum (Oracle and Java Products), Hyat Amman, Amman-Jordan, January 2001.

Reviewing for Conferences • Technical Committee Member of E-MEDISYS 2008, 2nd International Conference: E-Medical System November 06-09, 2008 – TUNISIA • Technical Committee Member of ACIT’2008, 16-18 December 2008, Mir@cl, University of Sfax, Tunisia. • Technical Committee Member, Global Conference of the Global Institute of Flexible Systems Management at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, New Jersey, USA, June 14-16, 2008. • Technical Committee Member, Computer Science & IT Education Conference(C S I T Ed 2 0 0 7) http://CSITEd.org November 16-18 The Republic of Mauritius (Indian Ocean), Hosted by the University of Technology Mauritius. • Technical Committee Member, The 1st International Conference on Digital Communications and Computer Applications (DCCA2007), Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan. http://www.cis.just.edu.jo/dcca2007/index.html

• Technical Committee Member, 18th IRMA International Conference, May 19-23, 2007, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada • Technical Committee Member, Informing Science & IT Education Conference http://InSITE.nu InSITE 2007 , J u n e 22 - 25, 2 0 0 7, Faculty of Economics , University of Ljubljana Slovenia, • Technical Committee Member, The 7th IBIMA Conference 14 – 16 December 2006 Brescia, Italy www.ibima.org

• Technical Committee Member, The Second Jordan International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (JICCSE2006), December 5, 2006, Al-Balqa' Applied University, Amman, Jordan. • Technical Committee Member, The 6th IBIMA International Conference on Managing Information in Digital Economy, June 19-21, 2006 Bonn, Germany

• Technical Committee Member, the 4th International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology CSIT 2006, Applied Science Private University, Amman, Jordan. • Technical Committee Member, InSITE 2006, Informing Science + IT Education joint conference,Greate Manchester, England, 26-28,2006, http://InSITE.nu/

• Technical Committee Member, InSITE 2005, Informing Science + IT Education joint conference, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA, June 16-19, 2005, http://InSITE.nu/

• Technical Committee Member, ACIT’2005, 6-8 December 2005, Al-Isra University, Amman, Jordan. • Technical Committee Member, the IBIMA 2005 Conference, Information Management in Modern Enterprise, 5-7, July 2005, Lisbon, Portugal. • Reviewer, the IBIMA 2005 Conference,Theory and Practice of Software Engineering for 21st Century, 13-15, December 2005, Egypt, Cairo. • Technical Committee Member, Informing Science + IT Education joint conference, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA, June 16-19, 2005. at http://InSITE.nu/program_committee.php

• Technical Committee Member of ACIT’2006, 6-8 December 2005, Yarmouk University, Irbed, Jordan.

Reviewing for Edited Books • Simulation and Modeling: Current Technologies and Applications (2007), edited by Asim ElSheikh, Evon M. Abu-Taieh, Idea Group Inc, www.idea-group-ref.com

• Enterprise Information Systems Assurance and System Security: Managerial and Technical Issues (2006), edited by Merrill Warkentin and Rayford Vaughn, Editors, Mississippi State University, idea group, USA . • Outsourcing and Offshoring in 21th Century: a Socio-Economic Perspective, Edited by Dr. H. kehalm and V. Singh, University of Western Sydney, Australia, publisher IdeaGroup. • The Learning Objects ,2005, the Informing Science Press (http://www.ispress.org/).

Reviewing for journals • The Journal of Information Privacy and Security (JIPS). P.O. Box 680392 ,arietta, GA 30068 USA. ,el: 770-649-6718,Fax: 770-649-6719 website: www.ivylp.com

• The International Arab Journal of e-Technology IAJeT(2008-present), published by Arab Open University, Jordan(2008-now), www.iajet.org

• The International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology (IJEDICT) (2004- present), http://ijedict.dec.uwi.edu

• Information Science Journal(2004- present), www.inform.nu

• Journal of Information Technology, and Organizations JIITO (2005-present) http://jiito.org. published by the Informing Science Institute, 131 Brookhill Court, Santa Rosa, California 95409 USA. • The Business Process Management Journal of Emerald(2004) Special Issues on Innovations in IT, www.emeraldinsight.com

• Ad Hoc reviewer for the Editorial Advisory Board of the International Journal of Cases on Electronic Commerce (IJCEC 2004-2005), www.idea-group.com/ijcec

• The Journal of Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology(2005-2006) http://www.Inform.NU.

• The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT 2004- present), Website:www.iajit.org • The Journal of IT Education (2004-present), http://www.JITE.org.

• The Interdisciplinary Journal of Knowledge and Learning Objects (2004-2005), at http://www.IJKLO.org, US.

• The Journal of Information Security(2005-2006), www.jissec.org

• The Journal of Information Science and Technology(2005-present) www.jist.info/index.html

• The International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline, Informing Science Institute, (2006-present) : http://inform.nu/

Publications Peer Refereed Journals 1. A. Abdali Rashed, Designing and Implementing, Object Oriented AES System, Journal of Saba University, Issue (1), may- November 2009, pages:178-191. 2. Al-Eryani, A. ; Rashed, A. (2008) The Impact of National Culture on the E-Government Readiness, Arwa University Scientific Journal, Issue no. 4 Sana’a, pp 1-25:.

3. Asim El-Sheikh, Abdullah Rashed, Bashar AlQudah and A. Graham Peace, An Exploratory of Software Piracy in Jordan, Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, Vol. 23 (2006). http://www.ejisdc.org/ojs/viewissue.php?id=151

4. Naim Ajlouni, Asim El-Sheikh and Abdullah Rashed, New Approach in Key Generation and Expansion in Rijndael Algorithm, International Arab Journal of Information Technology, vol. 3, no. 1, January 2006, ISSN:1683-3198, www.IAJIT.org.

5. Asim Elshiekh, Abdullah Rashed, Aref Elsheikh (2006), The Effect of Eduction and Curriculum in Reducing Software Piracy, Al-Basair, vol. 10, No. 1, pp:207-237, Jordan. ISBN: 9957 - 8592 - 0 –X, National Number: 2129/9/2005 6. Salim Al Zoabi, Abdullah Rashed, Supervised Learning in Neural Network for Moving Figures, Jordan Applied Sciences Journal, 2007. : Vol. 9, No. 1,1-11. 7. Asim El-Shiekh, Abdullah Rashed, Mohammad Hattab, The Effect of Using the Computerized Teaching on Achievement of the First Year Secondary School: Case Study of Jordan, Jordan Journalof Applied Sciences, 2006: Vol. 8, No. 1, 1-16. 8. Asim El-Shiekh, Abdullah Rashed, Majed Balbeed, The Effect of Laws and Legislations in Reducing Software Piracy: Case Study of Jordan, Jordan Journal of Applied Sciences 2005 ,Vol. 7, No. 1, pp: 11-33. Scholarly Books/chapters 1. Abdullah Rashed, Mohammad Oliamat, Firas Al Khaldi: Risk Analysis in Simulation, chapter in a refereed Book: Asim Elsheik et al. , Simulation and Modeling,Idea Group Inc., 2007. 2. Asim El-Sheikh, Abdullah Rashed, A. Graham Peace: Software Piracy: Possible Causes and Cures, chapter in a refereed Book: L. Freeman and G. Peace, Information Ethics: Privacy and Intellectual Property,Idea Group Inc., 2005. Peer Refereed Conferences 1. 2. Rashed Abdullah, Al-Eryani Arwa, Abu Shama Hisham, Measuring E-readiness for E-government in Developing Country: Comparative Study, 2010 International Arab Conference of e-Technology (IACe-T'2010) , Kuwait, March, 2010.

3. Abdullah Rashed, Henrique Santos, Odour User Interface for Authentication: Possibility and Acceptance: Case Study,The International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2010 (IMECS2010), (The 2010 IAENG International Conference on Bioinformatics), Hong Kong 4. Abdullah Rashed, Henrique Santos, Acceptance and Use of Odour Interface in ATM Machines: Case Study, AITEM2010:Aviation Information Technology Engineering & Management, March, 22-24, 2010, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. 5. Abdullah Rashed, Using Modified Genetic Algorithm to Replace AES Key Expansion Algorithms, The International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT’2007) at Al-Zaytoonah University, Jordan on May 9-11, 2007. WWW.alzaytoonah.edu.jo/icit2007

6. Abdullah Rashed, Asim El-Sheikh, AlQudah, Evaluating the Role of Concerned Parties in Media Awareness against Software ,1st International Conference on Digital Communications & Computer Applications, March 22-23,2007 Jordan University of Science & Technology,Amman, Jordan. 7. Abdullah Rashed, Asim El-Sheikh, Ali Al Najar, and Ali Al Abdallat, A Heuristic Approach to Calculate the Inverse in RSA Cryptosystems,1st International Conference on Digital Communications & Computer Applications, March 22-23,2007 Jordan University of Science & Technology,Amman, Jordan. 8. Ala Eddin Jabr, Asim Elsheikh and Abdullah Rashed, Message AuthenticationPPMG: Preprocessing Phase for MAC Generation Algorithm, the International Business Information Management Conference (6th IBIMA) on June 19, 20, and 21, 2006 in Bonn, Germany, (ISBN: 0-9753393-5-4. 9. Mohammad Olaimat, Asim ElSheikh, Abdullah Rashed, Waseem Al-Farah, The Impact of Electronic Commerce on Supply Chain Management, the International Business Information Management Conference (6th IBIMA) on June 19, 20, and 21, 2006 in Bonn, Germany, (ISBN: 0-9753393-5-4. 10. Asim El-Shiekh, Abdullah Rashed, Rogayah Bayan, The Effective Factors Affect on Adopting International Quality Standard of Companies, 2nd Conference, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Quality in Knowedge and Information Technology, Applied Sciences University, Amman, Jordan, 26-27 April 2006. 11. Feras AlKhaldi, Mohammad Olaimat, Abdullah Rashed, Agile Knolwledge Security Awareness Systems: a Proposed Framework, Business Ethics And Knowledge Society, Zaytoonahj Uni., Jordan, Amman, 17-19 April, 2006. 12. Asim El-Sheikh, Abdullah Rashed, Ala Abu Samaha, The Prospects of Global Software Outsourcing in Arab Countries: Case Study of Jordan, The 2006 International Conference on e-Learning, e-Business, Enterprise, Information Systems, e-Government, and Outsourcing (EEE'06: June 26-29, 2006, Las Vegas, USA). 13. Asim El-Sheikh, Abdullah Rashed and Mamoon AlNadi, The Influence of Ethical and Moral Values of Individuals in Software Piracy: Jordan Case Study, Business Ethics And Knowledge Society, Zaytoonahj Uni., Jordan, Amman 17-19 April, 2006. 14. Mohammad Oliamat and Abdullah Rashed, E-Security Evaluation Proposed Model, 4th International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology, April 5-7, 2006, Amman, Jordan., ISBN: 9957 - 8592 – 0 –X, National Number: 2129/9/2005 15. Khanfar, A. Khalid, Rashed, A. Abdallah , Elzamly, M. abed Elrafe and Elmasri, A. Abed Elbaset Customer Satisfaction with Internet Banking Web Site (Case study on the Arab Bank), the 4th International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology CSIT 2006, Applied Science Private University, Amman, Jordan. ISBN: 9957 - 8592 - 0 –X, National Number: 2129/9/2005 16. Ibrahim Tadros, Asim El Shiekh, A. Abdali Rashed, Jordan E-Government: Success Factors, The 2nd international Conference on Information Management Business, 13-16 Feb, 2006, Sydney, Australia. 17. Abdullah Rashed, Using Modified Genetic Algorithm in Private Key Cryptosystems: Key Generation and Expansion, 4th International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology, April 5-7, 2006, Amman, Jordan. ISBN: 9957 - 8592 - 0 –X, National Number: 2129/9/2005 18. Asim Al- Sheikh, Abdullah Rashed, Rania Al- Ahmad and Rawan Abulail, The Impact of IT on Organizations' Structure in Jordanian Companies, 4th International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology, April 5-7, 2006, Amman, Jordan. 19. Hani Jaber, Naim Ajlouni, Abdullah Rashed, Using Checksum Algorithms to Preserve Database Data Integrity, the 2005 International Conference on software Engineering Research and practice, 2005, Las Vigas, Nevada USA. 20. Hani Jaber, Naim Ajlouni, Abdullah Rashed, Distributed Database Security, 9th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WSCI 2005) Orlando, July 10-13, 2005, USA. url: www.iiisci.org/sc2005

21. Abdullah Rashed and Mohammad Oliamat, Software Industry in Jordan the Prospects and Hopes, The 2nd International Conference on Information Technology "Human Computer Interaction" May 3-5, 2005, Al-Zaytoonah University, Amman, Jordan, pp:455-460 www.mota.gov.jo. And www.alzaytoonah.edu.jo

22. Asim El-Sheikh and Abdullah Rashed, The Prospects of GSO in Jordan, Applied Science Private University, International Conference on Telecomputing and Information Technology/ ICTIT 2004, 22-24 September 2004, Amman Jordan. 23. Abdullah Rashed, Naim Ajlouni, An Extended Rijndael Block Cipher Using Java, the 2004 International Conference on software Engineering Research and practice, June 21-24, 2004, Las Vigas, Nevada USA