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Aegithalos is a latin name, part of the latin name for the Long-Tailed Tit, a bird found in England.

A little about me


I live in Hong Kong, and attend a boarding school, The King's School, Canterbury, which is enjoyable. I have previously lived only in England, but have travelled to a variety of places. I am a philisophical taoist, and enjoy mulling over philosophy, religion, literature and human nature in my spare time.

I am interested in the works of Arthur Conan Doyle, the works of Ursula Le Guin, Ornithology, and Chinese culture in general. I am learning colloquial Cantonese from my freinds and am about to start Mandarin officially.



Reading, Keyboard, Photography, Tai Chi, applicable use of taoism, discovering more about Wicca and paganism in general and my intrest in British Mythology. To see some of my photographs, and sample my truly appalling essays, go [1].



To share what little knowledge and experiance I have, or can readily aquire, with the world via free methods such as wikipedia.