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Global Warming and Polar Bears are interchangeable as Global Warming effects the survival of the Polar Bear species. Global warming is the ongoing controversy of the earth becoming increasingly warmer over time and causing changes among the planet. Polar Bears are a unique species that live on the ice in the far north and thrive in cold temperatures. Global warming is directly affecting the Polar Bears, as it is a process that threatens their existence. People have the ongoing concern of this degrading environment and what the world will come to if this global warming continues. The biggest controversy known and discussed is why this is happening and who is causing it.

There is much information out there concerning this topic of global warming and Polar bears, yet no one can seem to find a real cause to why the environment is changing. Many people believe that it is a natural process that no one can control and it will just take its toll. It is discussed that greenhouse gases may have something to do with this warming but it is not certain. Other people believe that it is because of the human race that this warming is occurring because of our misuse of the environment and resources the world provides.[1] These controversies are widely discussed with no real answer. One real answer is, that this warming trend is changing the face of the planet and the polar bears that live on the ice.[2]


The term Global Warming has become a more recent idea because of the devastating affects it is having on the environment and species that live on the planet. Throughout the last century, the near-surface air and the oceans have become increasingly warmer and it is projected to continue at a rapid and devastating rate.[3] Because of this warming, Sea levels are predicted to rise causing the ice to melt and could possibly create extreme weather.[4] This warming trend has caused many people to look to the cause of why this is happening. According to Tom Arrandale, he has predicted that the number of species living on the planet will disappear within the next 50 years due to this crisis.[5] The major theory that has been said to cause this warming is the increase of greenhouse gases, which could be caused by human activity.[6] The affects of this warming have caused depletion to the environment in a vicious cycle that is unknown whether it can be stopped or irreversible. With the temperature rising every year, the land on earth depletes every year, which affects all species living on earth. The main species being affected by this warming is the Polar Bear. The polar Bear is one of the biggest bears on the planet and they live and thrive in cold temperatures. Their species in native to the Arctic Ocean with there bodies being adapted for the cold.[7] Their species is largely hunted in the north also because of the tradition of the native people living there.[8] These large carnivores mainly hunt seals as their source of food and diet, and with this warming trend it has caused their ability to find food very difficult due to the melting ice by not being able to find sufficient food.[9] As this trend continues, the survival rate of these bears rapidly drops constantly with there day-to-day struggles.


One of the single most important points on this issue is what is causing this warming and who or what is amplifying the process. Many researchers have found that Anthropogenic Greenhouse gases are what are causing this global gradual warming process.[10] The earth over the past 40 years has become gradually warmer many think due to human activities.[11] Due to the levels of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere, the earth has gone through significant changes causing species and the environment to disappear.[12] With the increase of these gases, it causes the environment to heat and melt the ice around the world. It is widely talked about how the humans misuse and mistreat the environment and the resources people use.[13] The causes of this warming are projected to continue without any change due to the levels of gases in the atmosphere. These gases have increased in the atmosphere due to the emissions of industry and people, and there is no sign of the emission levels to drop.


The wide range effects from this warming trend have caused a lot of worry for the environment and the human race. Many of the damages to the planet have already been declared as irreversible, with no way to fix what has been done.[14] Effects such as rising sea levels, arctic shrinkage, extreme weather and problems with agricultural land are seen as direct consequences of human activities.[15] Higher temperatures and change in rainfall patterns have been the most recent effects due to this warming and this weather is only projected to get worse.[16] Polar Bears are the one species that is the most effected by this warming trend because of there geographical location on the ice and the far north ice melting faster than any other part of the world.[17] With the gases in the atmosphere, the warming trend will only continue on its current path if there is no change.

Current Controversies[edit]

Many people discuss what global warming is and what is occurring around the world and there are many different opinions. Some people believe that Global Warming does not even exist and that it is all some sort of phenomenon that people are making up. Others believe that Global Warming is a very serious issue and that humans are the direct cause of the gases in the atmosphere and that there needs to be a big change. There are many opinions of what and how global warming is and occurring, yet there is evidence that it is happening and that it could be caused by a combination of things.


The environment and the polar bears work counteractively together with each other, and with the temperatures rising the survival of the polar bear species declines everyday. Scientists predict that two thirds of the world polar bears will be gone by 2050 based on the shrinking of the ice due to global warming.[18] These predictions are all varied depending on how the bear can adapt and survive with the warmth. The polar bear has been known to be an endangered species due to hunting activities, but considering global warming, it is slim to see a better chance of survival. While the gases continue to spike temperatures, so does the depletion of the earth and the species living on it.


  1. ^ "Global Warming." Global Warming. “Wikipedia, The free encyclopedia.” 6 Apr. 2009 <>.
  2. ^ "Arctic Ice Reduced To a Bear Minimum." Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 89.11 (Nov. 2008): 1637-1637.
  3. ^ "Global Warming." Global Warming. “Wikipedia, The free encyclopedia.” 6 Apr. 2009 <>.
  4. ^ "Global Warming." Global Warming. “Wikipedia, The free encyclopedia.” 6 Apr. 2009 <>.
  5. ^ Arrandale, Tom. "Disappearing Species." CQ Researcher 17.42 (2007): 985-1008.
  6. ^ "Global Warming." Global Warming. “Wikipedia, The free encyclopedia.” 6 Apr. 2009 <>.
  7. ^ "Polar Bears." "Wikipedia, The free encyclopedia." Wikipedia. 8 Apr. 2009 <>.
  8. ^ "Polar Bears." "Wikipedia, The free encyclopedia." Wikipedia. 8 Apr. 2009 <>.
  9. ^ "Polar Bears." "Wikipedia, The free encyclopedia." Wikipedia. 8 Apr. 2009 <>.
  10. ^ "Global Warming." Global Warming. “Wikipedia, The free encyclopedia.” 6 Apr. 2009 <>.
  11. ^ Clemmitt, Marcia. "Climate Change." 16.4 (2006): 73-96.
  12. ^ Clemmitt, Marcia. "Climate Change." 16.4 (2006): 73-96.
  13. ^ "Global Warming." Global Warming. “Wikipedia, The free encyclopedia.” 6 Apr. 2009 <>.
  14. ^ "Effects of Global Warming." "Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia." Wikipedia. 8 Mar. 2009 <>.
  15. ^ "Effects of Global Warming." "Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia." Wikipedia. 8 Mar. 2009 <>.
  16. ^ "Effects of Global Warming." "Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia." Wikipedia. 8 Mar. 2009 <>.
  17. ^ "Effects of Global Warming." "Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia." Wikipedia. 8 Mar. 2009 <>.
  18. ^ "Polar Bears." "Wikipedia, The free encyclopedia." Wikipedia. 8 Apr. 2009 <>.