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Rehabilitation robotics was introduced two decades ago for patients who have neurological disorders. The people that you will most commonly find using rehabilitation robots are disabled people or therapists. [1] When the rehabilitation robots were created they were not intended to be recovery robots but to help people recognizing objects through touch and for people who suffered from nervous system disorder.The Rehabiltion robot is used in the process of recoperation of a disabled persons in a standing up, balnacing and gait.[1] Since, these robots are rehabilitation robots it needs to keep up with a human and their movement. In the making of a rehabilitation robot the makers need to be sure that the robot will be able to be consistent with the human. These robots are designed and put together very carefully because they are working with people who are in disabled and not able to react quickly in case something goes wrong. [2]



The rehabilitation robots are designed with applications of techniques that determine the adaptability level of the patient. There are different techniques such as: active assisted exercise, active constrained exercise, active resistive exercise, passive exercise and adaptive exercise. In active assisted exercise, the patient moves his or her hand in predetermined pathway without any force pushing against it. Active constrained exercise is the movement of the patient’s arm with an opposing force; if it tries to move outside of what it is suppose to. Active resistive exercise is the movement with opposing forces. These machines MIT-Manus, Bi-Manu-Track and MIME make the active resistive exercise possible. Passive exercise needs to be pushed from the patient. Finally, an adaptive exercise is an excessive workout that the robot has never done and is adapting to the new unknown pathway. These devices Bi-ManuTrack and MIME [19,20] support the adaptive exercise possible. The active constrained exercise is supported by all the machines that are mentioned.[2]

Over the years the number of rehabilitation robotics has grown but they are very limited due to the clinical trials. Many clinics have trails but do not accept the robots because they wish they were remotely controlled. Having Robots involved in the rehabilitation of a patient has a few positive aspects. One of the positive aspects is the fact that you can repeat the process or exercise as many times as you wish. Another positive aspect is the fact that you can get exact measurements of their improvement or decline. You can get the exact measurements through the sensors on the device. While the device is taking a measurement you need to be careful because the device can be disrupted once it is done because of the different movements the patient does to get out.[2] The rehabilitation robot can apply constant therapy for long periods. The rehabilitation robot is a wonderful device to use according to many therapist and scientist and patients that have gone through the therapy. In the process of a recovery the rehabilitation robot is unable to understand the patient’s needs like a well experienced therapist would.[1] The robot is unable to understand now but in the future the device will be able to understand. Another, plus of having a rehabilitation robot is that there is no physical effort put into work by the therapist.

Lately, the rehabilitation robotics has been used in training medicine, surgery, remote surgery and other things, but there have been too many complaints about the robot not being controlled by a remote. Many people would think that using an industrial robot as a rehabilitation robot would be the same thing, but this is not true. Rehabilitation robots need to be adjustable and programmable, because the robot can be used for multi reasons. Meanwhile, an industrial robot is always the same; there is no need to change the robot unless the product it is working with is bigger or smaller. In order for a industrial robot to work would have to me more adjustable to its new task.[2]

Reasons to use this device


The number of disabled people in Spain had gone up due to aging. This means the number of assistance has gone up. The rehabilitation robot is very popular in Spain because it is a acceptable cost, and there are many people in Spain that has strokes and need assistance afterward. Rehabilitation robotics are very popular with people who have suffered a stroke because the proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation method is applied. When you suffer a stroke your nervous system becomes damage in most cases causing people to have disability for six months after the stroke. The robot would be able to carry out exercises a therapist would carry out but the robot will do some exercises that are not so easy to be carried out by a human being.[1] The pneumatic robot helps people who have had strokes or any other illness that has caused a disorder with their upper limb [3]

Types of Robots


There are different types of robots that can be used in the results of a stroke. The InMotion 2 can be used, it allows participates to practice reaching movement in horizontal plane with a reduction of gravity. The motions that are preformed require shoulder flexion and extension and external rotation. It is very easy to set up the usage of this robot. The procedure of using this robot is the following. The participant sits down at a desk and places her or his into a trough. Then the participants’ looks at a computer screen and try to reach out for the target. As you are reaching out for the target the device gives guidance so that your therapy can be successful. [4]

Some workers are working on robots that support a patient’s body, so that the patient can concentrate on something else while he or she is walking. [1]


  1. ^ a b c d e Carrera, I., Moreno, H., Saltarén, R., Pérez, C., Puglisi, L., & Garcia, C. (2011). ROAD: domestic assistant and rehabilitation robot. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 49(10), 1201-1211. doi:10.1007/s11517-011-0805-4
  2. ^ a b c d Munih, M., & Bajd, T. (2011). Rehabilitation robotics. Technology & Health Care, 19(6), 483-495.
  3. ^ Tefertiller, C., Pharo, B., Evans, N., & Winchester, P. (2011). Efficacy of rehabilitation robotics for walking training in neurological disorders: A review. Journal Of Rehabilitation Research & Development, 48(4), 387-416. doi:10.1682/JRRD.2010.04.0055.
  4. ^ FLINN, N. A., SMITH, J. L., TRIPP, C. J., & WHITE, M. W. (2009). Effects of robotic-aided rehabilitation on recovery of upper extremity function in chronic stroke: a single case study. Occupational Therapy International, 16(3/4), 232-243. doi:10.1002/oti.280