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User:Arnold Hailassie

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There are many truths about me and there are many that were outright false information which unfortunately permeates people's thoughts. I am not concern about what people think about me, but I am concern about truth. What you read about me were about 5% truth, the rest was outright lies upon lies. Yes I was the owner of Financial Funding of California an up and coming financial institution many years ago in (in 1997). I made many people lots of money and I also made myself lots of money too. That success came from my Island up-bringing of nothing but share hard work ethics and high discipline, which led me in achieving a PhD. degree at the tender age of 34-35 years old. During my business operation, unfortunately I have encountered many people and even hired some as it turned out were outright crooks, one was stealing loans and selling them to other companies along with people's information, while others were doing loans in fake names and even dead people's name (which I thinks is disgusting) and unfortunately because I was the legal owner I was responsible for signing off on the loans. I later passed a telephone number to a patron who then passed that number 2 times in 3 years to his friends who had possession of a $3.8 million stolen check in San Diego, California in 1999. Along with 15 other people they foolishly attempted to cash this stolen check, many of the 15 people were in law enforcement (in very high positions). "They" asked me to cooperate to testify, however after knowing the people that was involve in the scheme, I said "hell no". The result was followed. I would be more that a fool to even put myself and my children in a predicament to follow a lie just to please those wicked bastards. They outright lied about my involvement because I failed to cooperate with them, the honest truth is I never saw a $3.8 million check in my life much less had anything to do with it, you can't even cash a $500 check without banks asking for 2-3 forms of ID much less millions of dollars, I might be many things but stupid is not one! But like I have told them, I have lived and someday I will die, but not to destroy people's life with lies that you want me to say. What was amazing however was the people who I thought was my beloved friends, at times I bailed friends out from their homes being in foreclosure, or from their car being repossessed or and even paid to help them out while getting silent abortions from their mistresses. What made matters worse was a woman who I once had a close relationship with and after being unstable as hell called those bastards and told them that I was involved in the scheme. This was an outright wicked lie. But the question is bigger than that, why would my loyal friends deceived me and created these bad things about me? I have learned that people in general really don’t like to see other people prosper in life, as long as they are unhappy with their lives they will make it their mission to make sure that you are not happy with yours, this is the sickness with many people and unfortunately I was a victim of my own success. I have never robbed or stole a penny from anybody, but yet I was crucified, mainly because I was a strong Black man who was not willing to bow down and follow a series of lies, I spoke the truth. After all I am a committed student of Marcus Garvey. I am one of the most dedicated and honest man you will ever meet, I am not falling victim to the conspiracy of lies that has stricken the lives of Black America. If I was White they would have honored my characteristics but because I am Black they take joy on watching Black educators picking up cans on the street begging for money. But like Garvey said "you can't keep a good man down, especially with God's (Isis) blessings.

One Love Arnold Hailassie