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User:AvonnaPollard22/Psychological impact of climate change/Jkb0001 Peer Review

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Link to draft you're reviewing
Psychological impact of climate change
Link to the current version of the article (if it exists)
Psychological impact of climate change

Evaluate the drafted changes

  • Is everything in the article relevant to the article topic? Is there anything that distracted you?
The statement "Climate change affects everyone, their friends, their families, and their communities differently." seemed distracting to me as I did not understand its relevance or purpose. Maybe it could be slimmed down, such as "while climate change affects everyone differently..." then provide evidence.
  • Is the article neutral? Are there any claims, or frames, that appear heavily biased toward a particular position?
While maybe not bias, statements like "As an adolescent, relationships are important" seem to need more information or some sort of evidence to back them up. Also in the last section the use of the word "diabolically" seems strange.
  • Are there viewpoints that are overrepresented, or underrepresented?
I did not think there was too much of an overrepresentation, but sometimes the article focused too heavily on climate change itself and not the psychological impact.
  • Check the citations. Do the links work? Does the source support the claims in the article?
Most sources worked, sometimes the sources would support most of a claim but not the entire claim. Some older sources such as "Climate Change and Human Health: Risks and Responses" did not open.
  • Is each fact supported by an appropriate, reliable reference? Where does the information come from? Are these neutral sources? If biased, is that bias noted?
As mentioned above, the statement "As an adolescent, relationships are important" set up a claim that would be supported but that statement itself was not. It may seem to be something which is obvious, but should still be supported.
  • Is any information out of date? Is anything missing that should be added?
The oldest source of information's link did not open. It was the 11th source titled "Climate Change and Human Health: Risks and Responses"