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User:Awesome93/Food for Thought

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This is a place for my "Food for Thought" ideas.

Right to bear arms?


December 13, 2007

We have an individual right to bear arms. It's in our constitution and if we couldn't bear arms we couldn't defend ourselves. Sincerely, Gee 20:39, 13 December 2007 (UTC)

I kind of think that things were different back when the Constitution was made, times were different then they are now. Back then, the Revolutionary War had just ended, and I think the law was made with the intent of Americans defending themselves against the British or other foreign enemies, not each other. I really don't stand anywhere on this, but I just wanted to put that out there. ~ Bella Swan 22:16, 13 December 2007 (UTC)

What a coincidence. I was saying the same thing to here. I also think that you should add a link to the page "The Second Amendment". Do you remember how? Did I show you? --ObentoMusubiminhas contribuções 06:36, 18 December 2007 (UTC)

I don't believe that we should have the right to bear arms. This world would be better off without guns. To everybody asking, "How will we defend ourselves from killers and whatnot?" my answer is: "If guns were banned, then how would the killers get guns?" Hypothetically, if the killer had something besides a gun, i.e. a knife, then you'd have an equal chance if you had a knife. Also, have you heard of a small thing called 911? --ObentoMusubiminhas contribuções 06:37, 18 December 2007 (UTC)

I don't think compeletly banning guns is a good idea at all. I mean, I see where, if everyone obeyed the law, no one would have guns, but how in the world would we be able to take the guns from EVERYONE. Think about it. People would certainly try to hide the guns, and most would succeed. The black market is a super effective way of buying drugs, why not guns too? Don't forget the police force. They could easily be robbed of their guns. Another issue I find is that with how much murder abounds now, I doubt that taking guns away would really improve the situation. People would just be more desprate to get guns for murder, or just switch to using another weapon to murder. We might even have people killing each other with guns, for guns. I think banning them outright would be a disater, and is also a violation of personal rights. ~ Bella Swan 22:02, 18 December 2007 (UTC)

I really like your input! I agree with Bella. If a murderer really wanted to kill someone he could find a million other ways to do it. Taking away the right to bear arms punishes the law-abiding citizens not the criminals. The criminals can find arms in the black market or somthing. There are ways you can get around the government. Banning guns won't solve anything, it might even make it worse. I can think of worse ways to die than a gunshot.--yours truly, Edgar Allen Poe 20:22, 20 December 2007 (UTC)

Then perhaps what we need to do is eradicate all violent people and leave the people who have no wish to kill somebody else. I think it's impossible to have a perfect world. I try, but it's impossible. --ObentoMusubi - Contributions - 04:20, 25 December 2007 (UTC)

Assisted suicide


January 15, 2007

No, I don't think it's bad. I mean, it depends in what case that person is in. If I love the person and there's no valid reason to do so, then I definitely wouldn't. However, if someone who I dearly loved was in a persistent vegetative state and requested to have the plug pulled, then by all means, I would. In some cases, it would be acceptable, but in other cases, it wouldn't. Like many moral issues, I believe that this is not a black and white issue. — ObentoMusubi - Contributions

okay this one's kinda boring, time for a new one. yours truly, Edgar Allen Poe 23:27, 30 January 2008 (UTC)

Homosexual Marriage


You SOO stole this from me! — ObentoMusubi - Соитяівцтіоиѕ 00:52, 13 February 2008 (UTC)

So? I stole assisted suicide from This doesnt hurt. I actually stole this from Ms. Shlachter. Mua ha ha! — the Awesomest Vampirechick 21:22, 22 February 2008 (UTC)

Okay once again no hits so I'm changing it again. the Awesomest Vampirechick 18:45, 4 March 2008 (UTC)

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict


This may be a little controversial, I am not allowed to discuss this by the way..sorry. Rgoodermote  22:35, 4 March 2008 (UTC)

Well, um... I'm what people call a Mormon, so we have a bunch of modern-day prophecies about Jewish people and Christ coming again...it's a little complicated... but basically I believe that people of the Jewish faith should keep Isreal. ~ Bella Swan 00:00, 5 March 2008 (UTC)

I'm Jewish so I obviously want the Jews to keep Israel but I still think the Arabs have rights too. Israel hasn't treated them fairly and I wish there was a way to solve this so everyone wins. the Awesomest Vampirechick 18:44, 5 March 2008 (UTC)