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Jose and Guillermo Vázquez open “Circo Hermanos Vázquez” in the small community of Xalostoc, in central México. At this time, “Circo Hermanos Vázquez” consisted of two tents: one for the performance, and one for the entrance. Both tents were made by the Vázquez family (Jesús, Aurora, Rafael, and José Guillermo). The rest of the circus equipment was rented.

1969.- Circo Hermanos Vázquez officially opens to the public. On opening night, the show consisted of Poly and Coyol “Los Bautista”, “Porky” and “Pitiburrín” as clowns, Rafael Márquez, Luis and Yolanda Campa, and Aurora balancing on a tight rope. The Vázquez brothers were part of the show with their balancing bars act.


Circo Hermanos Vázquez begins performing in México City. Because of popular demand, they begin taking their show around central México. It is around this time, that they acquire their first elephant, “Berry”.

1971.- José Guillermo and Rafael Vázquez (founders of Circo Hermanos Vázquez) decide to separate. Rafael decides to keep “Berry” the elephant, and José Guillermo keeps the tents and a transportation truck.

1975.- José Guillermo obtains the paperwork and permits to perform in “Buenavista”, which at the time was México’s best venue. After preparing a colossal 6 pole tent, the Vázquez brothers start performing, advertising their show as the first time an “American style” circus performs in Buenavista. The brothers success allows them to continue their performances in Buenavista, with their main attraction: Johnny Lam and his baby gorilla.

1976.- Circo Hermanos Vázquez begins bringing international productions to the Mexican circus arena. “El Planeta de los Simios, Planet of the Apes”. The actors are a mix of acrobats and hired actors, and their show success allows them to start broadcasting in national television.

1977.- Continuing on their tradition, the Vázquez brothers present “La Guerra de las Galaxias, Star Wars.” Because of popular demand, they begin touring across the country.


Circo Hermanos Vázquez continues its growth. Guillermo, Gina, José, Jesús, Ramón, Aurora and Aldo Vázquez join the circus, bringing vitality to their performances. “La Nueva Generación de Hermanos Vázquez” (Vázquez Brothers New Generation) begins touring the country covering states like Baja California, Chiapas, and everywhere in between.

1982.- Circo Hermanos Vázquez continues the production of international acts by presenting “Drácula”. Their show consists of “Drácula” flying inside the circus’ tent.

1985.- Circo Hermanos Vázquez presents “Tarzán”. “Tarzán” Swims around a crystal swimming pool while wrestling a crocodile live on the ring.

1987.- Circo Hermanos Vázquez returns to México City, presenting their show on three rings. This same year, the Vázquez brothers land a contract with “Televisa”, (México’s biggest television network) that would last for over a decade.

1988.- Circo Hermanos Vázquez presents “Kalitron”. “Kalitron” is the first auto/robot to be presented in México, and it transforms from car to robot in four seconds.

90’s Circo Hermanos Vázquez International

1992.- The Vázquez brothers open up a second circus. This newly founded branch of Circo Hermanos Vázquez immediately starts touring around Central America, visiting countries such as Guatelmala, El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Panamá.

1993.- Circo Hermanos Vázquez extends their touring in the United States. For an entire month, Circo Hermanos Vázquez presents a new show across Texas.

1995.- Circo Hermanos Vázquez returns to the United States. This year, they tour across Texas for 3 months.

1996.- For the third year, Circo Hermanos Vázquez returns to the United States. Their touring extends to 8months.

1998.- Circo Hermanos Vázquez has the honor of being invited to “Zócalo, Plaza de la Constitución”. The Vázquez brothers are then the only circus to have ever presented their show at this venue.


2000.- Circo Hermanos Vázquez continues its success, taking its show to the West coast. Their touring reaches Arizona, New Mexico, California and Nevada.

2002.- Circo Hermanos Vázquez is invited to perform at “Zócalo, Plaza de la Constitución” in México City for a second time.

2005.- Circo Hermanos Vázquez extends its touring to the East coast, reaching states such as Florida. Because of their success in Miami, they’re able to present their show in “Television Hispana Nacional” (National Hispanic TV).

2010.- Circo Hermanos Vázquez is named one of NYC Media and Entertainment Commission’s “Must See Event”. During their NYC, the Mayor’s Office officially named October 8th “Circo Hermanos Vázquez” day in New York City.