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Henry Chettle (1601)

Historical Records


Payments to Playwrights (Henslowe's Diary)


F. 86 (Greg, I.135)

Layd owte at the a poyntment of Samwell
Rowley vnto harey chettell in parte of paymente
for a Boocke called al is not gold yt glesters
the last of mrche 1601 some of } xxxxs

pd vnto harey chettell the 6 of aprell
1601 in full payment of a Boocke called
al is not gold that glisters at the a
poyntment of Samwell Rowley some of } iiijli

Theatrical Provenance


Authorized by Rowley as a representative of the Admiral's men, the play would have been presented at the Fortune playhouse in late spring 1601.

Probable Genre(s)


Comedy? (Harbage)

Possible Narrative and Dramatic Sources or Analogues


The proverb that doubles as title for the play is a warning "against trusting an attractive outward appearance" (Wiggins #1280).

References to the Play


None known.

Critical Commentary


Greg acknowledges that "Nothing is known of this piece" (II.217, #216).

Wiggins adds that Abraham Hill had seen a manuscript by 1678 (#1280).

For What It's Worth


Chettle worked on several plays with proverbial titles: "Tis No Deceit to Deceive the Deceiver," "Christmas Comes but Once a Year," "Love Parts Friendship," and "Too Good to Be True."

Works Cited


Site created and maintained by Roslyn L. Knutson, Professor Emerita, University of Arkansas at Little Rock; updated 24 May 2016. category:allcategory:Roslyn L. Knutsoncategory:Henslowe's recordscategory:Proverbs