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User:Chanakya Jayadeva

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Law Entertainment Media and Sports Law - www.entertainmentandmedialaw.com

Chanakya Jayadeva is an experienced Attorney at Law of the Supreme Courts of Sri Lanka practicing in Sri Lanka. He was called to the bar in 1997 after following a four year course in Sri Lanka Law college. In 1997 he was taken into the Chambers as Corporate Lawyer by Harvard Professor Dr. Neelan Tiruchelvam to his law firm Neelan Tiruchelvam Associates in Colombo. Here he was responsible for all corporate law drafting and advising Corporate Clients in both local and international contracts.

State Service

Whilst he was practicing there he was chosen to join as State Counsel to the Attorney Generals Department of Sri Lanka. From 1998 to 2005 he served in this state post and practiced in many areas of law. As State Counsel he was responsible for appearing on behalf of the government on all civil litigation in the District Court and Appellate Courts on cases filed against the state and by the state and in advising the government on legal issues on draft legislation, opinions on legal issues, and in drafting and finalizing major agreements and contracts and successfully concluding international government to government Commercial Arbitration.. In 2003 he was posted as District Attorney in charge of an entire district. Here in addition to the above work, was in-charge of the entire district of Kurunegala as District Attorney to pursue litigation and advising the Districts Central government and Provincial governments organs in all its legal matters.

Private Bar

In the year 2005 Mr. Jayadeva joined the private bar as a private practitioner. As a private practitioner he worked as a senior Legal counsel in the field of Media Law, Broadcasting and Entertainment Law and other Commercial and Civil laws as well as working as an adviser to many institutions and individuals. His specialized areas are therefore Media and Broadcasting Law, Entertainment Law, Contracts Law, Company & Corporate Law, Commercial Law, Telecommunication & Intellectual property Law, Investment Law, Tax Law, Environmental Law, Labor Law, Customs & Shipping Law, Land & Property Law, Family & Divorce Law & General Civil and Criminal Law - Consultant & adviser on above areas of law & Practitioner in District Courts, High Courts, Court of Appeal and Supreme Courts.In addition to appearing in courts for matters dealing in the above areas he served in the capacity of consultant adviser to many private establishments. He worked on the capacity of legal managerial level at some private companies and advised such institution on all legal matters and supervised and advised on in addition their Human Resource matters.( 2005 to 2008).He heads the only specialized law firm Entertainment Media and Sports Law - www.entertainmentandmedialaw.com


Mr. Jayadeva received several accolades in his career . In 1997 soon after he passed out he was awarded the Justice Fernando Memorial Prize for legal research done and submitted on Suggestions to amend the Companies Act of Sri Lanka. He also received a World Bank Scholarship under Legal & Judicial Reforms Project (LJRP) training on Commercial Law at the City University Hong Kong. April 2002. In this course specialized on International Trade Law. In 2004 he was appointed by her Excellency to National Council of Economic Development IT section for drawing up plan to restructure IT law in Sri Lanka, to look into the legal framework under this. In 2011 he was appointed as a voluntary Independent Inquirer on all Leisure and Tourism related matters at Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority, to look into all mal practices of tourism industry on reported case by case basis. In 2012 he was offered to make a speech on Media Seminar on “Media Law, Where do we Draw the line” in Mauritius. In 2012 Mr. Jayadeva was chosen by US STATE DEPARTMENT to participate in special fellowship on Television Broadcast Journalism in the United States. In 2013 he was appointed to the Ethics Committee of the Medical Research Institute Sri Lanka (MRI) to look into medical ethics.


In his career Mr. Jayadeva despite a extraneously busy schedule authored few but important articles. The article under company law called ‘Majority rule Minority Oppression’ was published on the Attorney General’s Law review in 1998. Another article called ‘Digital Signatures, Perspectives and Problems’ was also published on Attorney Generals Law review 2001. In 2013 Mr. Jayadeva published his first book on law titled “Entertainment & Broadcasting Law for Sri Lanka” The first such book in Sri Lanka and one its kind in Asia.

Give back

Mr. Jayadeva also was concerned in sharing his knowledge with his spheres and others. Hence he did not forget to take time out to be a part of organization of seminars and conferences. In 2001 he headed the IT Law session of the Junior National Law Conference. In 2010 with the Association of Corporate Lawyers Organize the International Corporate Law Conference. The Conference was participated by over a dozen countries representatives and speakers. Mr. Jayadeva also feels strongly about give back to society. His works in community activities spans from his college days. To name a few and landmark activities would be offering his serves as an Advisor on Legal and other issues and a honorary member of Foundation for Law and Justice in Sri Lanka-Foundation protecting rights of the people. Also conducting a Legal Aid clinic Colombo to the poor and needy is another. With the Rotaract Club was involved in many activities such as collection of funds to rehabilitation of Makole juvenile home, and providing medication to the needy under the master Polio plus program of the Rotary International.



In addition to his law Mr. Jayadeva is a fully trained experienced Radio and Television host. His Radio and television career spans for over a decade. Amongst his landmark hosting of programs in Radio the following are of interests. Mr. Jayadevas Radio started his Broadcasting as a newscaster. Was responsible for reporting, writing and presenting news in English. From year 2000 he worked as a Presenter, Interviewer, Producer on State Radio- Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation. Created written and presented special program on 10th death Anniversary of Princes Dianna (2007) Special Program on US elections of 2008 with then US Ambassador Robert Blake, now assistant secretary of state US are to name a few. During the time of ethnic conflicts in Sri Lanka he conducted a program series titled PEACE TALKS. Peace talks was a program done during 2006 which discussed general public view and top personalities views on the then existed peace talks in Sri Lanka on the issue of Terrorism and Peace Talks. He hosts the currently on going Sri Lankas only radios talk show personality Up Close & Personal.


He started with the state Television Network Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation. Mr. Jayadeva joined and serves as a News Anchors who anchors main news and Sports News on Rupavahini, Channel Eye and NTV. In addition he also hosted many programs. Morning English News Paper Headlines Analysis every Saturday morning at 7.30 am was one such program. This programs analyzed headlines of all segments from local/foreign/sports biz/entertainment are analyzed here and presented to the public in a half an hour capsule format. In the crucial Presidential Election – he worked as an Election Analysis Host. Anchored the crucial Presidential Elections 2010 special live analysis program for a record breaking 8 hours. Presented an analytical view on the Elections day and its aftermath. He conducts many interviews, current affairs interview for Channel Eye as and when required and depends on its importance. The Back Story of Royal Wedding : Created and Presented this program as a tribute to the Duke and Duchess on their Royal Wedding of 2011. In May Day 2011 Co-Presented a Critical Analysis of the Mayday 2011. In 2011 he conceptualized and co-created Miss Universe Sri Lanka 2011 show. In 2012 he also co-presented in English the first ever Bi lingual Sri Lankan talk show (English and Tamil) . These are to but name a name a few.