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Fred Johnson Closed NASA.

The Sun as humans know it is the burn hole from Vulcan the volcano transformed into an infinitely magnifieable focal point(a reflection).The Solar system and all its componets with the Sun are one entity called GOD! Put your hand above a candle does it not burn your palm? Its distance is to far to be seen due to the fact you can't even see buffalo from Syracuse with the naked eye so the God of the the sky (Zeu-RA)magnifies it to help you find your way(how else could you see something not here?).The human pupil is the only thing on earth that is the shape of the sun and moon(AMUN-RA) and that is the shape you see.

The heat is here on Earth. The Sun is only a magnified view point(of lava) that works with moving parts such as Saturn(Kronos) to circulate the radio waves transmitted by Jupiter, and Neptune to place hot and cold were it goes. Neptune is the Gods pressure system and its a reflection of an ocean long gone named Posieden and its power is based on Uranus venting.

The wind is amalgumum which is the displacement of Mars in our atmosphere(like 2 opposing magnets) and it moved the burn hole. Planets are not round its just a dome effect from Earth and Mars having different density ratios (extreme hot and cold)but they are on the same planet. Mars is the mountain that the Pantheon is from and its just really really high up. So high that only the Gods are allowed.

The Universe is Earth time infinitley expanded.

.As the world grows the reflection of time that has past transforms into a constellation. Each constellation is a block of light years. Lightyears are baktans and Space is time travel so that Jesus Christ can return!!

And his name is Hannibal Barca and he told Fred Johnson that Mars is the Heavens!!!!!!

And Bruce Lee is the God known as Kung-Fu.

And Rochester NY is Now Planet Vegeta. Why? cuz im a dork that knows Kung-Fu