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[www.stopforumspam.com gay site]

MY Quote: "Your rights is for you to do your responsibility, associated with your rights." (grammar may not be totally correct)

MY go animate: http://goanimate.com/user/07ORI6t6OHwc. Whore is censored in goanimate.

My coin: "bishop" an impolite word for a 'northen live in'/tall people.

BEWARE! SCAM SITE! REAL NOT FAKE!(my say not the site properties) FAKE JAVA SITE! REPORT AS FAKE JAVA SITE! LINK HERE! --> {{H:titleS|REPORT THIS AS IMPERSONATE SITE! THANK YOU!}} THE REAL SITE IS http://java.com. no sandbox, its real! The person who make the scam site closed down, thanks and congratulation. maybe

Sign: http://www.change.org/petitions/copyright-to-stop-all-copyrights

Googology Wiki


Googology is a study about large nubers.

100 is the smallest large number. Then become 1, by SS.

Most active admin in the wiki: Ikosarakt1!

Mediawiki functions


{{#len:rgr4gewfgre}} {{#sub:abcdef|5}}



Forceless (when my ideas are some rights resveved)


In youtube, thers is one main reason that some users disables ratings in videos. It is... users gets emotional, when have dislikes. Due to the fucking autism or/and cyclothymic-disorder.
'"Whoever disliked Eats dog shit"' - Memy9909isgay (who does not disallows ratings)

Stickwars cheat no cheatengine


1. Train a unit
2. When finished train, then go to garrison mode.
3. After all units have enter the garrison(the necessary is your unit you want to deploy go in completely), press the hothey that you have trained(if you train sword, then press "3".
4. Go out.
5. You are undetected by any enemies.
6. Optionally, you can enter the enemies garrison.

Note: this is a cheat not a hack. I founded out this cheat in around 2011.

Avoid ulcer (unless give credit. If modify(no credit given then be fucked)


When to use this? When you accident bite your lips or pre ulcer(developing).
You need tissue and water.
First is drink water and make sure that water got touches the "ulcer", then use the tissue(with enough surface area) to press one it lightly and around thirty secounds. Then finish. If does not work, then the only problem is not long enough tissue.

©JIAWHEIN© some rights reserved, i suppose but.

My quote


"Rights is for them to do their responsibility." -Jiawhein

My Belief (some rights reserved to jiawhein)

  • Introverts can fix to be extraverts by few years.
  • (Before thinked of introverts became E) The person and anther person, not the same family but have the same surname, i think is born from same grand.....grand father, where the grand's are indefinite amount, and depends. LOGICAL BEILEF! {{H:titleS|SCRTJ|Some rights reserved to me! read the initials.}}!!!

Cheatengine processes correct


It is the "Pause the game while scanning", Makin' it obvious to know. try each process that we "suspect" then the process that make the game pauses is the correct one. noticed by jiawhein. Internet uses iexplore.exe and firefox uses FlashPlayerPlugin_[version].exe, the second flash if got two, not the firefox.exe.