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Drahoman Prize


Drahoman Prize is an award for translators from Ukrainian into the languages of the world, founded in 2020 by the Ukrainian Institute,  PEN Ukraine and the Ukrainian Book Institute.[1][2]

Objective of the prize


The aim of the prize is to support and celebrate the collaborative work of translators from the Ukrainian language into the languages of the world, who open to the world Ukrainian literature, and hence Ukraine, reproduced in the texts of its writers.

For what is awarded:

  • high translation skills;
  • contribution to the promotion of Ukrainian literature abroad.

Nomination requirements

    • Translators are nominated for the Prize, regardless of the country of residence, for the completion of which at least one translated and published work of art or documentary. Artistic and documentary works include prose, poetry, drama and non-fiction publications (essays, reports, interviews, biographies and memoirs).[3][4]
    • The book with which the translator is nominated must be published in a foreign publishing house during the last three years, and must not contradict the values and principles of the founding organizations.
    • Foreign cultural institutions, diplomatic missions, research centers, publishing houses, creative associations and members of the Chapter may nominate a translator for the Prize.[5][6][7]

The Selection Process


The Prize winner is selected in three stages[1][2]:

  • Stage 1 — members of the jury will come up with a long list of candidates; Stage 2 — jury members will vote on a short list; Stage 3 — the jury will determine the winner of the Prize by anonymous vote.

The Prize Jury


Склад Капітули Премії The Prize jury consists of nine experts — reputable writers, translators, linguists, literary scholars, and cultural leaders. Every year the jury will include the General Director of the Ukrainian Institute, the President of PEN Ukraine, and the Director of the Ukrainian Book Institute. Other jury members will be appointed annually by the founding organizations.

Appointed jury members may not serve for more than three consecutive years at a time.

Jury members have the right to consult with experts (such as translators, linguists, literary scholars, and diplomats) in the process of their deliberations. [1][2]

2020 [1][2]

    1. Andriy Kurkov, writer, president of the Ukrainian PEN
    2. Volodymyr Sheiko, General Director of the Ukrainian Institute
    3. Oleksandra Koval, director of the Ukrainian Book Institute
    4. Olya Hnatyuk, researcher, professor at NaUKMA and the University of Warsaw, vice president of the Ukrainian PEN
    5. Ostap Slyvynsky, poet and translator
    6. Valentina Stukalova, book and intellectual project manager of the French Institute
    7. Natalia Ivanychuk, translator
    8. Yuriy Prokhasko, translator
    9. Marco-Robert Stech, Ukrainian and Canadian literary critic, writer

Award ceremony


The name of the winner of the Prize is announced every year during a solemn ceremony in Kyiv, which takes place in April. Three finalists of the Prize are invited to participate in the ceremony. The winner of the Prize receives a statuette made by a famous Ukrainian sculptor, a cash prize of 2,000 Euros (including taxes), as well as additional opportunities for work and promotion of his work from the Ukrainian Institute and the Ukrainian Book Institute (participation in translation residences, foreign fairs and festivals ). [8][9][10]

The origin of the name of the award


Yuri Prokhasko, translator and member of the Chapter of the Prize:

"We have an incredibly favorable convergence in the paradigm of Ukrainian culture, from which an exceptional semantic added value is taken, which would be a sin not to use. Etymological kinship of the term "dragoman" as "translator, interpreter and interpreter, mediator, (cultural) diplomat, craftsman and servant of understanding and understanding" - and the name of one of the leading figures in the canon of Ukrainian history of ideas - Mykhailo Drahomanov.

It is quite obvious that this award is not dedicated purely to Drahomanov and is not consecrated directly in his name, is not under his protection. However, it is also obvious that the fact that Mykhailo Drahomanov is the personification of the conviction and practice of translating Ukraine to the world, and the world to Ukraine, to attract, to join Ukraine to the world, and the world to Ukraine, congenially connotes with the main idea and pathos of this award gratefully enhances the richness, the shimmer of these values.

It is good if a knowledgeable contemporary can read all these meanings at once. But it is enough when at least one person speaks to him from this name: we are talking about translators. Moreover, the concept of dragoman has a circulation and is immediately reported in many world languages. Writing the name of this international award in Latin transliteration through the aspirational h only further emphasizes its Ukrainian origin."




  1. ^ a b c d "Drahomán Prize". pen.org.ua (in ua). Retrieved 2021-02-17.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  2. ^ a b c d "Український інститут.Drahoman Prize". ui.org.ua (in ua). Retrieved 2021-02-17.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  3. ^ "Drahomán Prize". pen.org.ua (in ua). Retrieved 2021-02-17.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  4. ^ "Український інститут.Drahoman Prize". ui.org.ua (in ua). Retrieved 2021-02-17.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  5. ^ "Drahomán Prize". pen.org.ua (in ua). Retrieved 2021-02-17.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  6. ^ "Український інститут.Drahoman Prize". ui.org.ua (in ua). Retrieved 2021-02-17.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  7. ^ "Премія Drahoman Prize для перекладачів з української мови на мови світу". litakcent.com (in ua). Retrieved 2021-02-17.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  8. ^ "Drahomán Prize". pen.org.ua (in ua). Retrieved 2021-02-17.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  9. ^ "Український інститут.Drahoman Prize". ui.org.ua (in ua). Retrieved 2021-02-17.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  10. ^ "Оголошено довгий список номінантів премії Drahoman Prize". litgazeta.com.ua (in ua). Retrieved 2021-02-17.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)

