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KickAssClown is an avid online personality since approximately 1998. A self styled freethinker, scientist, philosopher, artist, and iconoclastic clown.

Holding no particular achievements todate, strives for excellence in the fields he studies, though often falls short of his own standards.

Currently an active member of [Hypography Forums], and Wikipedia.

Philosophical Doctrines


Dialectical Materialist
Secular Humanist

Religious Doctrines



Scientific Doctrines


Unified Physist
Big Bang Critic
Dark Theory Critic

Artistic Doctrines


Artistic Formalist
Literary Formalist

Current reading


GPU Gems 2

Game Coding Complete, 2nd Edition, by Mike McShaffry

Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, by Marshall Mcluhan

Godel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid, by Douglas R. Hofstadter

The Sandman series, by Neil Gaiman