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Physical origin


While relativity holds that the speed of light in a vacuum is a universal constant (c), the speed at which light propagates in a material may be significantly less than c. For example, the speed of the propagation of light in water is only 0.75c. Matter can be accelerated beyond this speed during nuclear reactions and in particle accelerators. Čerenkov radiation results when a charged particle, most commonly an electron, exceeds the speed at which light is propagating in a dielectric (electrically insulating) medium through which it passes.

Moreover, the velocity that must be exceeded is the phase velocity rather than the group velocity. The phase velocity can be altered dramatically by employing a periodic medium, and in that case one can even achieve Čerenkov radiation with no minimum particle velocity — a phenomenon known as the Smith-Purcell effect. In a more complex periodic medium, such as a photonic crystal, one can also obtain a variety of other anomalous Čerenkov effects, such as radiation in a backwards direction (whereas ordinary Čerenkov radiation forms an acute angle with the particle velocity).

As a charged particle travels, it disrupts the local electromagnetic field (EM) in its medium. Electrons in the atoms of the medium will be displaced and polarized by the passing EM field of a charged particle. Photons are emitted as an insulator's electrons restore themselves to equilibrium after the disruption has passed. (In a conductor, the EM disruption can be restored without emitting a photon.) In normal circumstances, these photons destructively interfere with each other and no radiation is detected. However, when a disruption which travels faster than light is propagating through the medium, the photons constructively interfere and intensify the observed radiation.

It is important to note, however, that the speed at which the photons travel is always the same. That is, the speed of light, commonly designated as c, does not change. The light appears to travel more slowly while traversing a medium due to the frequent interactions of the photons with matter. This is similar to a train that, while moving, travels at a constant velocity. If such a train were to travel on a set of tracks with many stops it would appear to be moving more slowly overall; i.e., have a lower average velocity, despite having a constant higher velocity while moving.

The geometry of the Čerenkov radiation.

A common analogy is the sonic boom of a supersonic aircraft or bullet. The sound waves generated by the supersonic body do not move fast enough to get out of the way of the body itself. Hence, the waves "stack up" and form a shock front.

In a similar way, a charged particle can generate a photonic shock wave as it travels through an insulator.

In the figure, the particle (red arrow) travels in a medium with speed and we define the ratio between the speed of the particle and the speed of light as where is speed of light. n is the refractive index of the medium and so the emitted photons (blue arrows) travel at speed .

The left corner of the triangle represents the location of the superluminal particle at some initial moment (t=0). The right corner of the triangle is the location of the particle at some later time t. In the given time t, the particle travels the distance

whereas the emitted electromagnetic waves are constricted to travel the distance


Note that since this ratio is independent of time, one can take arbitrary times and achieve similar triangles. The angle stays same, meaning that subsequent waves generated between the initial time t=0 and final time t will form similar triangles with coinciding right endpoints to the one shown.




此外,要超過的光速是光的相速度而非群速度。透過採用週期性介質(periodic medium)的方法,光的相速度可以被大幅改變,甚至可以讓切侖可夫輻射沒有最小粒子速度的限制——此現象稱為史密斯-柏塞爾效應(Smith-Purcell effect)。在更複雜的週期性介質中,例如光子晶體,可以得到各式各樣的異常切侖可夫效應(anomalous Cherenkov effects),例如反向傳播的輻射(在尋常切侖可夫輻射中,輻射和粒子速度呈一銳角)。


和切侖可夫輻射相類比的是超音速飛行器或子彈的音爆現象。由超音速物體產生的音波速度無法快到足以離開物體,因此波「堆積」了起來,形成了一個震波波前。類似的情形,快船超過水波速度時也會在水面上產生很大的弓形震波(bow shock)。





