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Bangladesh is a country of 160 million people, living peacefully in a small land; emerged as a world highest density, surpassing even Hong Kong city. We are divided strongly in politically, ideologically but very much homogenous in language. We have common language, common culture, common understanding among the mass people. But our political leaders make us different in thinking & leading towards a chaotic confrontation to achieve their party interest, personal gain only. No party is thinking for the wellbeing of the country.

If you go deep inside the socio-cultural activities, you will see that in our country common people are giving the value to the social & cultural activities from a common platform. They are not thinking party line; rather in marriage, festival, cultural program, even birthday party & other religious program are observing together, enjoying & celebrating, giving a smiling lively life even though we have many owes.

Mutual respect to each other, helping mind & cooperation in need of time, family relation, caring to long distance relatives & family members all together still have deep root influence in our country. These values & customs are signaling to practice the democratic norms. So why we are fail here to serve the best democratic practice? Why after 40 years liberation is crying for the democracy? Why the uncertainty prevailing here? Who will have the answer? Party leaders, social workers, intellectuals, media, bureaucrats or else?? Or all we are responsible??

Let start to conquest for it. Bangladesh is now in critical juncture of development for democracy though it has many positive elements for success. It has glorious history to achieve the independent through nine months long armed struggle against a world class soldier. People were united for fighting, give blood, sacrifices life & wealth, kith and kin in lieu of independent. Had a leader of vision, philosophy & ideological far reaching thought. People were united under his umbrella of idea, thought, and vision to have liberty; under his guidance people were enthusiastic to have the road map of development in the time of difficulties. He was none but the Father of Nation Banghabundhu Shaik Majibur Rahman. He had given the constitution, got the recognition of world nations and world bodies with the spirit of new vision. Indian soldier had been vacated the soil without any hesitation. The tree of democracy was planted at his time but it was fallen. We have to roam in many areas now why the democracy is crying here; Root cause lies in the process, structure, progress of our nation. How we are behaving today, it was lies in the progress of our country? What was wrong in the beginning, it was the ignorance with knowledge, failure of the structuring the peoples mind, it was the failure of the than time leadership and so on successors by usury of power