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User:Millifolium/List of endangered lichens in Canada

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This page lists the species of lichens that Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) recognizes as being at risk in Canada. Each at risk species is assessed and placed in one of the following categories, as defined by COSEWIC:[1]

  • Endangered: A species facing imminent extirpation or extinction.
  • Threatened: A species that is likely to become endangered if nothing is done to reverse the factors leading to its extirpation or extinction.
  • Special Concern: A species that may become threatened or endangered because of a combination of biological characteristics and identified threats.
  • Data Deficient: A category that applies when the available information is insufficient (a) to resolve a wildlife species' eligibility for assessment or (b) to permit an assessment of the wildlife species' risk of extinction.





Special concern


Data deficient


Species currently being assessed


High priority candidates for assessment


Rare lichens


Rare lichens in Canada list:[17]

Occuring entirely or mostly in Canada


Greatest risk


Less risk


North America endemic species occurring equally in Canada and USA


Greatest risk


Less risk


North America endemic species occurring primarily in the USA


Greatest risk


Less risk


Widespread species occurring in North America entirely or primarily within Canada


Greatest risk


Less risk


Widespread species occurring in North America equally in Canada and the USA


Greatest risk


Less risk


Widespread species occurring primarily in the USA


Greatest risk


Less risk


Removed from rare list



  1. ^ Status Categories as defined by COSEWIC
  2. ^ COSEWIC documentation on Erioderma mollissimum:
    Species profile
    No Status Report
    No Recovery Strategy
  3. ^ COSEWIC documentation on Erioderma pedicellatum (Atlantic population):
    Species profile
    Status Report
    Recovery Strategy
  4. ^ COSEWIC documentation on Heterodermia sitchensis:
    Species profile
    Status Report
    Recovery Strategy
  5. ^ COSEWIC documentation on Physconia subpallida:
    Species profile
    No Status Report
    No Recovery Strategy
  6. ^ COSEWIC documentation on Leptogium rivulare:
    Species profile
    Status Report
    No Recovery Strategy
  7. ^ COSEWIC documentation on Erioderma pedicellatum (boreal population)
    Species profile
    Status Report
    No Recovery Plan
  8. ^ COSEWIC documentation on Hypogymnia heterophylla:
    Species profile
    Status Report
    No Recovery Plan
  9. ^ COSEWIC documentation on Nephroma occultum:
    Species profile
    Status Report
    No Recovery Plan
  10. ^ COSEWIC documentation on Pseudevernia cladonia:
    Species profile
    Status Report
    No Recovery Plan
  11. ^ COSEWIC documentation on Pseudocyphellaria rainierensis:
    Species profile
    Status Report in progress
    No Recovery Plan
  12. ^ COSEWIC documentation on Sclerophora peronella (Nova Scotia population):
    Species profile
    Status Report
    No Recovery Plan
  13. ^ COSEWIC documentation on Chaenotheca servitii:
    Response Statement
  14. ^ COSEWIC documentation on Phaeocalicium minutissimum:
    Response Statement
  15. ^ a b c d e COSEWIC Status Reports in preparation
  16. ^ a b c d e Candidates for Assessment by COSEWIC
  17. ^ Goward, T, IM Brodo, SR Clayden. 1998. Rare lichens of Canada: A review and provisional listing. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. Ottawa. 74 pp.

Category:Biology lists Category:Nature-related lists Category:Taxonomic lists (species) Category:Lists of fungal species Category:Ecology lists