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League of Legends

Downloading and Gameplay

League of legends is a riot game and is therefore a game downloader for FREE!!!! In League of Legends or LoL for short you have a variety of champions. You have
influence points.There you have tanks like Garen, Vollibear and Amumu. The newest champion is Quinn and Valor. Valor is the bird and Quinn is the champion. She
is known as Demacia's Wings. Garen is also a part of Demacia. Master Yi can beat Ashe. Ashe is a Froljord like Anivia, Trundamere and Sejuani. Lots of champions
are good, some bad, but at least they are all good friends. There are three lanes top, mid and bot. There you have a few turrets and loads of minions on each lane.
Hey, a quick advice! Don't go near the turrets at lv.1-lv.7(Unless you want to destroy the turret, with loads of minions). You'll lose your health pretty quickly. I also
suggest you kids to play against robots first so you could get used to it.

Humans are sometimes brutal sometimes weak. Unlock champions at the store with your IP or RP. You have a nexus and shops and inhibitors. Destroy the

enemy's nexus first and you win. If you let them destroy your nexus, it's either a) Your team sucks or b) no one carried your team to victory except you. :)

Also if you feel like that you are past the beginners section of LoL, then you can move onto intermediate section, then the advanced section. Good luck and I hope you enjoyed this! :)...