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History of The Roger Wyburn-Mason and Jack M. Blount Foundation for Eradication of Rheumatoid Disease,Inc. (AKA The Arthritis Trust of America or The Rheumatoid Disease Foundation)


Introduction Research on ca uses of various forms of arthritis started before[1] the Roger Wyburn-Mason and Jack M. Blount Foundation for Eradication of Rheumatoid Disease was chartered in the State of Tennessee in October13,1982 and approved as a tax-exempt foundation by the Internal Revenue Service. Professor Roger Wyburn-Mason, M.D., Ph.D. -- author of several important medical textbooks and articles[1] [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24] and a renown specialist in nerve diseases, honored by having two nerve diseases named after him during his lifetime -- along with Vice Admiral Stamm -- a world-class protozoologist -- came to the conclusion from their experimental work that a common Limax amoeba was responsible for about 100 differently named collagen tissue diseases, including Rheumatoid Arthritis, Scleroderma, Psoriasis, and many other named diseases. All of these he now called "Rheumatoid Diseases." Wyburn-Mason and Stamm were probably wrong when identifying the particular amoeba, Limax, for reasons this foundation's later research uncovered, but the treatment protocol developed from Wyburn-Mason's hypothesis -- that an organism infecting all systems in the human body for a person who has a genetic susceptibility for that organism, causes collagen tissue diseases -- serendipitously determined the very first medical treatment regimen to consistently and favorably affect the progress of Rheumatoid Diseases according to Gus J. Prosch, Jr. and Anthony di Fabio(1982).[25] in Rheumatoid Disease Cured at Last. (Rt. 4, box 137, Franklin, TN 37064: AC Projects, Inc.. pp. 177. ISBN 0-9615437-3-6. , M.D., Dr. Paul K. Pybus and Roger Wyburn-Mason[1], M.D., Ph.D. (See "The Roger Wyburn-Mason M.D., Ph.D. Treatment for Rheumatoid Disease," http://www.arthritistrust.org.) Thomas McPherson Brown, M.D., of course, is owed a great deal for his research in uncovering the possible role of mycoplasm in Rheumatoid Disease, and also in developing a partially successful treatment according to a number of health professionals.[26]<[1] Also see Thomas McPherson Brown[[1]].

From the 1960's onward Professor Roger Wyburn-Mason experimented with different chemicals (bile, copper sulphate for example)[1] that seemed to have an affect on the progress of Rheumatoid Arthritis and related collagen tissue diseases, but were too toxic for non-experimental human use. He finally settled on the use of clotrimazole, tinidazole, ornidizole, nimorazole, allopurinol, rifampicin, potassium para amino benzoate and furazolidone.[1]

Professor Roger Wyburn-Mason's research, summarized in 1976-1977, was originally published under the title of The Causation of Rheumatoid Disease and Many Human Cancers in March 1978 in an expensive, limited hardcover edition, in Japan, and then summarized in a Precis and Addenda[27]<[1] titled the same name as his book by this foundation in 1983. The Precis and Addenda is available on Kindle at Amazon.com and Nook at Barnes and Noble.

Jack M. Blount, M.D. and Robert Bingham, M.D.

Robert Bingham, M.D., an orthopedic surgeon from California, who had devoted his life to the problems of crippled children, and later crippled adults, visited Professor Roger Wyburn-Mason in England, and thereafter tried Wyburn-Mason's treatment with a great deal of clinical success. He wrote up Wyburn-Mason's hypothesis in Modern Medicine32, an article that was subsequently read by Jack M. Blount, M.D., a Philadelphia, MS, physician who had had crippling Rheumatoid Arthritis all of his adult life.25

New Discoveries


Dr. Blount was bed-ridden, drug- and alcohol-ridden, and no longer practicing medicine because of the scourges of Rheumatoid Arthritis.25

On reading Dr. Bingham's article, Dr. Blount tried to locate some of the recommended drugs -- especially Clotrimazole -- but no drug company would sell clotrimazole to him in the United States at that time. Jack Blount, therefore, on reading through the chemical structure of many different drugs, discovered that Metronidazole was related to Wyburn-Mason's Clotrimazole, Ornidazole, Nimorazole and Tinidazole, a class of compounds called the nitroimidazoles.[[25]].

Dr. Blount treated himself and some older patients obtaining wellness on using Metronidazole25, and thereafter reopened his medical clinic, where he became known briefly throughout the United States for treating and bringing great relief -- often permanent relief -- to more than 17,000 patients, including the Executive Director/Secretary of this Foundation. (See "Rheumatoid Arthritis: Two Case Histories," http://www.arthritistrust.org.)<name="RDCured"/>

Later Robert Bingham, M.D., through his clinical work, added diiodohydroxyquinon to the list of possibly effective medicines,<name="RDCured"/>[28]<[1][29][30] Seldon Nelson, D.O. developed and was able to utilize resin-coated copper ions, which was also added to this foundation's recommended treatment protocol.

Amoebic Research


The Rheumatoid Disease Foundation/AKA The Arthritis Trust of America was founded by Branch Own Adkerson, M.A., Frederick H. Binford, M.A., Robert Bingham, M.D., Jack M. Blount, M.D. , Milas Brandon, M.D., Warren B. Causey, Perry A. Chapdelaine, Sr., M.A., E. Harrison Clark, Ph.D., Terry Crommelin, George Hay, H.P.A., Robert Kemp, Gus J. Prosch, Jr., M.D., Dr. Paul Pybus (South Africa: a surgeon and former student of Roger Wyburn-Mason's), Carl J. Reich, M.D., research pharmacologist John R.A. Simoons, Ph.D., Don Vansant, Eugene S. Wolcott, M.D., and Roger Wyburn-Mason, M.D., Ph.D. As the treatment for various forms of collagen tissue diseases developed by Roger Wyburn-Mason worked well in a high percentage of cases -- as high as 80% according to the records of some doctors, providing the patient had not already had their immune system ruined by traditional treatments, in which case effectiveness dropped to about 50% -- this Foundation and its medical advisory board -- felt that more should be learned about amoebae. Toward that end, Tony Chapdelaine, B.A. (now an M.D., M.S.P.H.) volunteered to work without charge for one year with one of the world's leading specialists in certain types of amoebae, Robert Neff, Ph.D. of Vanderbilt University, TN. They were able to show the effect of different chemical environments, particularly the effect of our then recommended treatment drugs, on amoebae in vitro (in the test tube).

When Tony Chapdelaine entered medical school, Dr. Neff assigned a graduate student, Deborah Asbell--Gillespie, to finish the project, and Dr. Neff's final report is titled Isolation and Cultivation of Soil Amoebae from Fluids and Tissues of Patients with Rheumatoid Disease, Vanderbilt University received a grant from this foundation of $31,399.

Additional Discoveries


Our medical advisor, Dr. Paul Pybus -- based on Wyburn-Mason's theory of the causation of joint pain in both Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis, as Wyburn-Mason had hypothesized some thirty years earlier -- developed a successful treatment procedure which he titled "Intraneural Injections." This treatment, for the first time, permits Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis victims to have relief from joint pain while undergoing other treatments, without the use of harmful systemic cortisone. In many cases, Pybus' treatment brought complete and permanent relief especially for arthritis-like pains and Osteoarthritis.

Dr. Pybus prepared a booklet entitled , and also The Control of Pain in Arthritis of the Knee.Intraneural Injections for Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis This booklet is now available at Kindle at Amazon.com and Nook at Barnes and Noble.

Gus J. Prosch, Jr., M.D. of Alabama became the first U.S. physician to learn and further develop Pybus' intraneural injections. Dr. Prosch contributed additionally to the development of Intraneural Injections, teaching some 600 physicians in the proper protocol.


Gus J. Prosch, Jr., M.D. and other physicians, such as Robert Johnson, M.D. of South Carolina, prepared formal medical treatment protocols that are in use to this day. These treatment recommendations include the importance and specifics of diet and vitamin and mineral supplements in the treatment of various forms of arthritis, and both the medical treatment protocol and diets and supplements were published by this foundation and made available to the public and other physicians, and are found in a list of articles on the foundation's website. The work of Carl J. Reich, M.D., on the importance of ionic calcium deficiencies in Arthritides was also included. (See "Calcium and Vitamin D Deficiency," http:www.arthritistrust.org.) Where indicated, simultaneous treatment for candidiasis and food allergieswas also added to the treatment protocol. Later the importance of mercury poisoning (tooth amalgams), improperly performed root canal work, biodetoxification of intestinal tract and lipids (fatty parts of cells), and other factors were seen as contributing "causes" of rheumatoid diseases. Also See "Biodetoxification and Food Allergies," "Candidiasis: Scourge of Arthritics," "On the Microbiology of Peridontal Infections," "Root Canal Cover-Up," & "The World's Greatest Medical Discovery.

The Rheumatoid Disease Foundation's First National Medical Seminar: Public and Physicians

Three medical seminars were held by this foundation. The first was held in 1985 in Birmingham, AL with a number of important speakers.

Gus J. Prosch, Jr., M.D. and Dr. Paul K. Pybus not only taught other physicians on the use of intraneural injections, but also held a free medical clinic for the benefit of patient attendees and doctors. These doctors were assisted in the clinic by Wilfred W. Mittelstadt, D.O., Seldon Nelson, D.O., and Wyatt Simpson, M.D.

In seminars, Garry F. Gordon, M.D. discussed the controversial effects of Chelation Therapy on Circulatory Diseases and Arthritis.

Tony Chapdelaine, B.A. discussed his work under Dr. Neff at Vanderbilt University and presented a paper entitled "Preliminary Report On Drug Research Involving Acanthamoeba and Naegleria."

Gus J. Prosch, Jr., M.D. presented living demonstrations of amoeba described by Tony Chapdelaine,

B.A. and the Virginia Livingston-Wheeler, M.D. Progenitor cryptocides, using a dark field microscope. Orville J. Davis, M.D. presented the paper Presently Accepted Practices of Medicine that Have Not

Been Proved.

Maureen Salaman presented How to Survive in '85 (Freedom in the Practice of Medicine).

Kwang Jeon, Ph.D., biologist from University of Tennessee, Knoxville, presented Amoeba in Biomedical Research.

Ronald M. Davis, M.D. presented What I've Tried for Multiple Sclerosis. Ronald Davis later was able to demonstrate a very successful treatment for Scleroderma and Lupus Erythematosus, which this Foundation now recommends.

William E. Catterall, D.Sc. presented Allergies and Their Modern Therapies. This foundation also held a doctors' panel with questions fielded from both Rheumatoid Disease patients as well as physicians in the audience.

Search for the Limax amoeba in Human Synovial fluid

In one research program, referral physicians submitted samples of synovial fluid from the inflammed joints of patients and mailed cartridges containing the fluid to two researchers. One was Robert Neff, Ph.D. of Vanderbilt University, and the other was Kwang Jeon, Ph.D. of University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Kwang Jeon, for no charge to the foundation, was able to demonstrate that there were no live Limax amoebae in the synovial fluids, and that further, the synovial cells "piled up and formed tissue-like structures," and that the cells were "secreting collagen-like fibrous material."

He found that the cells that had been passed into new cultures many times were multiplying normally after 12 months in a vitro culture, which was a significant feature in itself, because other investigators in the past had failed to obtain long-term cultures from synovial effusions. Furthermore, their karyotype (specific characteristics) exhibited no abnormalities.

Unfortunately we were unable to fund further work by Kwang Jeon, Ph.D., although we would have liked to do so, considering his spectacular results with synovial fluids submitted by many of our physicians.

Double-Blind Studies at Bowman Gray School of Medicine and Laboratory Studies at Medical College of Virginia

By now Board Members, and consulting physicians, had decided that, funding permitted, we should tackle the research question as to why Wyburn-Mason's treatment regimen worked when others did not by three approaches: 1. Double-blind studies on Rheumatoid Disease victims through a reputable medical school, to determine the efficacy and safety of one of our recommended drugs; 2. To verify, if possible, Wyburn-Mason's and protozoologist Stamm's apparent discovery, that a common Limax amoeba was at the source of causation of Collagen Tissue diseases; 3. To determine via in vitro tests and later simulated arthritic rat tests, the biochemical behavior of the chosen drug, Clotrimazole. Bowman Gray School of Medicine

Robert Turner, M.D. of Bowman Gray School of Medicine was chosen to conduct double-blind studies on the use of [ [3]], with a carefully screened group of Rheumatoid Arthritis patients, using Clotrimazole and a placebo. To insure that the treatment protocol would satisfy all scientific requirements, the foundation had the final research proposal reviewed by a professional biostatistician; and, although we felt that there was one flaw in the study, Robert Turner, M.D. and his assisting physicians assured us this potential problem would be handled properly. The flaw had to do with the Herxheimer Effect, which all foundation referral physicians knew would occur for those who were favorably affected by Clotrimazole (or any of the other recommended drugs). Based on studies performed by Dr. Paul K. Pybus, and his paper titled "The Herxheimer Effect," we knew that the stronger the Herxheimer, the more likelihood of wellness. One of Roger Wyburn-Mason's strong indications of a protozoal causation for Rheumatoid Diseases was the fact that whenever a recommended drug was given, a strong Herxheimer often occurred, which was interpreted to mean that toxins, or protein products of newly killed protozoans, were affecting the patient by means of a reaction similar to an antigen/antibody/allergenic effect inside the human body, resulting in the outward manifestation of Rheumatoid Arthritis and other Rheumatoid Diseases. If the Herxheimer were to be interpreted by those physicians who controlled the double-blind study, as being caused by "toxicity" of the Clotrimazole, then patients would be dropped from the study prior to their achieving the wellness that had been observed in many clinics by physicians who had already tried our treatment regimen.

Our research director, Dr. Simoons, and the Foundation's Executive Director, both in conference with Robert Turner, M.D. and his associates were assured that this factor would be properly compensated for in the final study. Dr. Paul Pybus made an additional trip from South Africa to Bowman Gray School of Medicine to gain further reassurance from Dr. Turner. Dr. Simoons, Dr. Pybus, Dr. Prosch and the Foundation's Executive Director all placed their concerns in writing, and all were reassured again. However, on completion of the study, and after expenditure of $137,750, it was lerned that Dr. Turner had permitted all of those who had a Herxheimer Effect to drop out based on the presumption that the Clotrimazole's "toxicity" was affecting the patient. It became clear at the end that physicians who controlled the double-blind study did not concern themselves with the Herxheimer, or, more likely, placed little, if any, credence in its manifestation in the first place, attributing all possible untoward effects to "toxicity." (See June 1993 Newsletter, "The Bowman Gray School of Medicine Clotrimazole Double-Blind Study.")

In their favor, it might be said that the nature of double-blind studies conducted under FDA auspices lends itself strongly to this interpretation. The result was that the study was totally inconclusive, in that all of those trial patients who had a good chance of getting well were dropped from the study and all of those who had a small probability of getting well, were permitted to stay in the study. This result not only was in direct contradiction to earlier scientific studies, but also in contradiction to all of this Foundation's referral physicians' clinical experiences ( i.e., J.A. Wojtulewski, et. al., "Clotrimazole in Rheumatoid Arthritis, Ann Rheum Dis 39:469-472, 1980; William Renforth, M.D., "Metronidazole Cures Rheumatoid Arthritis," originally published September 30, 1977, reprinted in Historical Documents in Search of the Cure for Rheumatoid Disease, reprinted by this Foundation in 1985.

Robert Turner, M.D. submitted Clotrimazole (C) Versus Placebo (P) In Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) by William B. Dennison, Robert A. Turner, June A. Johnson, Bradley Wells, to the American Rheumatism Association for publication, where it was never published. With additional hindsight, it is now felt that the "improvement" criteria; i.e., the means of measuring and knowing when improvement has occurred, was also faulty, it being based on traditional NSAID (Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory) comparison Medical tests, rather than wellness-outcomes criteria.

Medical College of Virginia Biochemical Research

While double-blind testing at Bowman Gray School of Medicine was on-going, Brian M. Susskind, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Surgery and Microbiology and Immunology, and Richard C. Franson, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biochemistry, both of Medical College of Virginia, were performing additional studies for this Foundation, an expenditure to this Foundation totaling, $135,387. Unlike the Bowman Gray School of Medicine research, where the double-blind study was compromised by permitting those who had a chance of getting well to drop out, all of the Medical College of Virginia studies were laboratory oriented, and seemed to begin to explain the biochemical basis to the use of Clotrimazole on human tissues, and also seemed to confirm our physicians' clinical experiences when using any of the 5-nitroimidazoles on patients. It is extremely unfortunate that we could not continue funding of the research that was beginning to unravel the effect of Clotrimazole on human biochemistry.

Can the Limax amoeba Be Found?


As verification of the crux of Wyburn-Mason's hypothesis -- that an ordinary Limax amoeba, to which certain people were genetically susceptible -- was crucial to further research efforts, Susskind/ Franson undertook to duplicate Wyburn-Mason's experiment isolating and identifying the Limax amoeba. They [Medical College of Virginia researchers] were unable to validate the Wyburn-Mason/Stamm findings. (Altogether Medical College of Virginia received $135,387.) Meanwhile, Dr. Paul K. Pybus and pathologist Davies of South Africa worked together to search for Limax amoeba in synovial fluid shipped to them by this foundation's referral physicians. This foundation funded $4,497 for laboratory supplies and equipment. Pybus and Davies were also unable to locate the Wyburn-Mason/Stamm amoeba, but were able to identify macrophages in the synovial fluids, and they were able to keep these macrophages alive for an extended period of time.

Did Wyburn-Mason/Stamm Observe Pleomorphic Organisms in Rheumatoid Disease?

Based on Pybus' summary of all of our research work, two of us (Tony Chapdelaine and Perry A. Chapdelaine, Sr.) visited with Lida Mattman, Ph.D. at Wayne State University. Dr. Lida Mattman was one of the world's leading specialists in Cell Wall Deficient Forms.34 (See her 3rd edition, published by the Chemical Rubber Company.) We also received data and advice from Philip Paul Hoekstra, Sr. and his son, Philip Paul Hoekstra, III, Ph.D. It was through review of Mattman's work that some of us came to the conclusion that Wyburn-Mason/Stamm had created cell-wall deficient forms in minced meats by use of antibiotics and thereafter had wrongly identified clusters of Cell-Wall Deficient bacteria as the Limax amoeba. Nonetheless, Wyburn-Mason had correctly (or serendipitously) derived the world's first consistently effective treatment favorably affecting the majority of those treated who were afflicted with Rheumatoid Arthritis.

In their defense, knowledge of Deficient forms, or pleomorphic organisms, was not widely spread when they performed their experiments, nor was the knowledge widely dispersed on how antibiotics strip off the walls of bacteria. Indeed, to this day a trained protozoologist can easily make similar mistakes; and obviously, most of the today's medical profession is still unaware that they are not necessarily destroying infective bacteria through the liberal use of antibiotics, but rather, in most cases, simply stripping off bacteria cell-walls so that the bacteria can no longer be recognized by our immune system. (It is the cell wall of the bacteria that permits our defense system to recognize an enemy.) Then, later, when the pleomorphic form reconstructs itself, the physician will report that, "You are infected again!" While a negative can never be proven -- that is, it would be impossible to disprove Roger Wyburn-Mason/Stamm's hypothesis, but only possible to establish high probability of its truth -- we now had good reason to believe that pleomorphic organisms33 are at the root source of one of the causations of most forms of debilitating diseases, including Rheumatoid Diseases, which encompass all of the collagen tissue diseases.

Changes in the environment surrounding microorganisms influence their form and function, thus creating health or disease states, accordingly. Known for more than 100 years, and by modern microbiologists, this pristine truth has yet to trickle through to many medical practitioners.

This foundation now accepts the fact that most degenerative diseases, including Rheumatoid Arthritis, is a multi-factorial problem. We mean that many factors operate to create the condition, such as nutrition, Candidiasis, stress, microorganisms, allergies, food sensitivities, chemical sensitivities, hormonal unbalance, [poisoning] ([amalgams]), faulty root canal surgery, foci of infection, genetics and so on. And some of these interacting factors may be mimicking arthritis syptoms, rather than the pathology of the presumed disease, itself. Clear-cut cases of Candidiases have been interpreted by rheumatologists as "rheumatoid arthritis," and mis-treated accordingly. So, while we have planned -- but remain unfunded for -- perhaps $40,000,000 worth of meaningful research to accomplish in the future, we also have to utilize the presently-known and appropriate scientific methodology capable of untangling the interrelated factors if we're to help arthritics with satisfactory explanations.

The Second National Medical Seminar

On July 1, 1986, in Santa Monica, CA, this Foundation held its Second National Medical Seminar, once again inviting both physicians and victims of disease.

The Foundation's then Chairman, John M. Baron, D.O. monitored the talks, and, as was done the year before, a medical clinic was held for demonstrating and using Dr. Paul K. Pybus' intra-neural injections, Gus J. Prosch, Jr. being the lead physician but under the auspices of Laszlo I. Belenyessy,

M.D. Gus J. Prosch, Jr., M.D. presented his paper on "Antiamoebic Treatment for Rheumatoid Disease." Seldon Nelson, D.O. talked on "Specifics of Treating Commensal and Parasitic Problems." Robert Bingham, M.D. talked on "Nutritional Requirements for Recovery from Arthritis." George Yosef, M.D., Ph.D. talked on "The Economics of Medical Care." Wayne Martin, B.S. presented "Knowledge is a Hard-Bought Thing." Luc De Schepper, M.D., Ph.D., C.A. talked on "Arthritis and Acupuncture." Kay Hitchen, who then operated our English foundation, talked on "English Serendipity." Helmut Christ, M.D., Ch.B. talked on "Psoriasis Under Control at Last -- A New Alternative

Treatment," and he also presented a paper on use of "Ozone Therapy" for various chronic diseases. Dr. Christ's "Psoriasis" paper was accepted as a new foundation recommended protocol for treatment of Psoriasis, as he was getting superior results with hundreds of patients, claiming zero failures in controlling the manifestations of Psoriasis.

David R. Soll, Ph.D. talked on "Two Newly Discovered Switching Systems in Candidas albicans and their Possible Role in Pathogenicity." This paper was the first time that physicians knew of six switching mechanisms by Candida albicans, plus a cell-wall deficient form as described by Phil Hoekstra, III, Ph.D. -- seven (7) survival forms in all! [59 hyperlink]

Since Candidiasis, like food allergies and chemical sensitivities, has such a major impact on arthritides, a major paper was prepared for distribution on the subject by this foundation.

Dr. Paul K. Pybus, M.D., F.R.C.S., D.R.C.O.G. talked on the "Status of Rheumatoid Disease Foundation Research" and also "On the Herxheimer." Dr. Pybus' paper on the Herxheimer is available through this foundation.

Luke Bucci, Ph.D. discussed "Co-Enzyme Q10: Review of Clinical Uses With Emphasis on the Immune System." Later Luke Bucci summarized discussions of many physicians on their dietary requirements for those afflicted with Osteoarthritis, which led to this Foundation's paper on "Prevention and Treatment of Osteoarthritis." His summary also included the nation's first recommendations for use of chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine sulfate when treating arthritis. Later double-blind studies by independent agencies confirmed Bucci's recommendations, and these two substance are now sold for arthritic relief throughout the United States, indeed, the world.

Phil Hoekstra, III, Ph.D. talked on "Scientific Effectiveness of EDTATherapy in Peripheral Collateral Arterial Circulation," a retrospective study which showed conclusively that EDTA Therapy solved 80% of the peripheral circulation problems. Chelation Therapy has since become an important adjunctive therapy as recommended by this Foundation.

John T. Hicks, M.D. talked on "Anti-Microbial Therapies in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Past, Present, Future."

Robert F. Cathcart III, M.D. talked on his research in Vitamin C in the "Treatment of Infections and Immune Disorders," where he described the bowel tolerance technique of determining the proper amount of Vitamin C to take for any given disease condition.

Dr. Cathcart's paper is published by this Foundation, and also serves to supplement our overall arthritis regimen.

Pat Connolly from the Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation talked on "Nutrition From an Historical Perspective."

William Rea, M.D. discussed "Environmental Aspects of Rheumatoid Arthritis and Vascular Disease," his work, and the works of earlier physicians, also serves as a basis for describing some of the interacting problems of Rheumatoid Arthritis and other Arthritides.

Zane R. Gard, M.D. discussed his medical modification of L. Ron Hubbard's sauna detoxification system under the title of "Toxic Bio-Accumulation and Effective Detoxification." This form of detoxification was also accepted by this foundation as one of the important puzzle-pieces in describing the etiology of Arthritides, that is, in decreasing the storage of pesticides, herbicides and the like in the fatty parts (lipids) of the cells.

Dr. M. Be'ly talked on "The Differential Diagnosis of Osteoarthrosis, Qualitative Bone Changes Caused by Fluoride Investigated by Polarization Optic Methods and Polarization Optic Methods in Osteoarthrology." Flouride, of course, is one of those governmentally approved poisons that lowers abilities of the immune system, and contributes to arthritic diseases.

The Rheumatoid Disease Medical Association


Under the sponsorship of this Foundation, and at the Second National Medical Seminar, Robert Bingham, M.D. founded The Rheumatoid Disease Medical Association, which also published The Journal of The Rheumatoid Disease Medical Association. Within a few months this association became independent of the Foundation. Robert Bingham, M.D. went on to publish a series of small pamphlets containing many thought-provoking articles on the treatment of arthritides. At Robert Bingham's death, all rights not held elsewhere to publication of the Journal's articles have reverted to this Foundation. the Journal's articles are available on this website. (See "Books and Pamphlets," http// :www.arthritistrust.org.) Additional Benefits Our Second National Medical Seminar had many more physicians and patients than the first convention, and, as such, it also cost the Foundation about $30,000. However, the money was extremely well spent, as the outcomes from the Seminar, as with the first seminar, stimulated useful papers, useful research, books, and successful treatment regimens.

Ronald Davis, M.D., for example, may have solved the treatment problem of Scleroderma and Lupus Erythematosus, his paper also now available through this foundation.

All of the important subjects covered in both medical seminars have found their place in educational materials that the Foundation has for many years provided to those who inquire.

Additional Foundation Publications


At very low donation-requested price -- or free in many cases of need -- Foundation publications are being read around the world.

Most of the Foundation's publications have also been reprinted, with our permission, in either Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients [now Townsend Letter but still for patients, too] a leading alternative medicine journal for doctors, or in several instances, Explore for The Professional, also intended for alternative practitioners. A website has been established making all papers and a physician referral list available to everyone, worldwide.. In addition to Roger Wyburn-Mason's 350 page book, Causation of Rheumatoid Disease and Many Human Cancers1, and his Precis'28,and Pybus' booklets on Intraneural Injections,34 three books have also been published by this foundation telling folks how to get well from Arthritis and various forms of Rheumatoid Disease. These books are Rheumatoid Disease Cured at Last,25 The Art of Getting Well,29 Arthritis: Little Known Treatments,30 Arthritis: Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Disease, Including Rheumatoid Arthritis.31 All major publications are easily available on Kindle at Amazon.com as well as Nook at Barnes and Noble.

Many professional books and publications, as well as links to our website, quote our Foundation as a resource for both physician referrals and information. As of 2013 this Foundation's website receives an average of 2,500 hits per day from worldwide sources. Additionally, this Foundation always recommends books from outside sources that appear to have an important bearing on arthritis.

The Arthritis Trust of Canada


This Foundation established a new corporate presence in Canada, as The Arthritis Trust of Canada, but, as of this printing was unable to find a director willing to handle the project without funding, and so all queries from Canada were referred to the United States Office. Without adequate funding and help, we reluctantly closed down this new Canadian non-profit corporation, but not before providing all the libraries in Ontario with a number of free alternative medical books, including some of this foundations

Rheumatoid Disease Foundation Trust of South Africa

The Rheumatoid Disease Foundation of South Africa was established in 1983 by Dr. Paul Pybus, then our Chief Medical Advisor. It had been led by Lucy Birnie. Alma Gouws later became Executive Director, and, with her unavailability, the foundation was determined to be non-functional.

Arthritis and Rheumatism Natural Therapy Research Association of England

Arthritis and Rheumatism Natural Therapy Research Association of England was founded and headed by Rex E. Newnham, D.O., N.D., Ph.D., Cracoe House Cottage, Cracoe, Nr. Skipton, North Yorkshire BD236LB. Dr. Newnham was the first researcher to discover the importance of the nutrient, boron, when treating arthritis.

The Arthritis Trust of California


The Arthritis Trust of California was established by this foundation in 1997 at the request of Lyme Disease/Psoriasis sufferer J.D. Allen. A branch office, unlike the national office, had as its chief function to collect donations for the purpose of helping those who cannot afford the cost of receiving the various treatments we now recognize as important in achieving wellness. This branch office soon became inactive. We continue to welcome inquiries to establish regional branch offices in every part of the United States. (We do not fund these branches, and they must become self-sufficient, under our charter and by-laws.)

Additional Foundation Research


(In lieu of appropriate funding) This foundation has also cooperated with several other groups in providing assistance for legitimate research, such as The Arthritis Help Centers, as well as individual exploration of promising modalities. Over a period of time, using various clinics, physicians were able to demonstrate a link between certain common peppers used in cooking or canned foods that stimulate arthritic pain in sensitive people. The Arthritis Help Centers publishes a manual demonstrating their findings for lay use. (See "Foods Found to Cause Pain, Swelling and Stiffness,")

This Foundation constantly explores alternative means for solving the disease problems of arthritics, and related diseases. Obviously, if major funding were available, we would again fund appropriate double-blind studies to establish the worth, or lack thereof, of various treatment recommendations. Meanwhile, we constantly recommend that disease victims read all of our articles before they choose a physician, especially the article "How To Get Well" found under the tab of the same name on our website.

Most likely no one physician or dentist will be trained to handle all of the treatments that arthritic victims may need to explore. For that reason, we list physicians and dentists on our webpage, (Physician Referrals." along with the kind of treatments they are willing to use.

Throughout 2001-2007 we have investigated and/or supported research in immune milk and frequency resonance therapy. (See "Universal Oral Vaccine." When Robert J. Coughlin of Pennsylvania bequethed us a sizeable amount of money our board determined to use it to develop a medical clinic dedicated to bringing together under one roof all of the treatments one should explore. Toward that end $400,000 was used to purchase land directly in front of Fairview, Tennessee's new city hall. On this land it was our intent to build a small shopping center and to use profits to establish the medical clinic.Unfortunately the downturn in the economy hindered our ability to borrow the remainder of funds needed for the project, and so we sold the land, using a part of the returned income to grant James

E. Carlson, D.O. $150,000 for his research on Structural Diagnostic Photography, a method for easily determining lax tendons and ligaments. Carlson's discovery and invention of a simple means for determining lax tendons and ligaments can be found on Kindle at Amazon.com or Nook at Barnes and Noble.

The Philipines

During 2009-2010 we expanded our program to help arthritic Philipinos. The initial plan was to establish a non-profit foundation in the Philippines and partake of the nation's official national sweepstake program. When we learned that registration for such a foundation would cost $40,000 and that political influence was its main key we lessened our interest and, instead, concentrated on helping some arthritics directly.

Donor/Members, Solicitations & Sweepstake Programs

We principally employ direct-mail solicitation in the United States. These mailings include up to 160,000 donor/members, as well as solicitation for new donor/members interested in arthritis. To keep cost of finding new donor/members to a minimum, we employ sweepstake programs. These prizes may change from time to time. All of the sweepstakes programs are operated by independent agencies. We also employ a telephone solicitor in some states.

Added in 2001 is Vehicle Donation Program with the Vehicle Donation Processing Center, Inc. of Monrovia, CA. Several other companies who accept donated vehicles were added on our website. Any kind of automobile, truck (running or not), boat, RV, trailer, lots, real estate, etc. from any part of the United States, can be donated to this foundation through links on our website."Fair market value" is provided according to appropriate IRS regulations.

Third Seminar


On July 14, 2007, this Foundation held our third seminar with the following speakers: Perry A. Chapdelaine, Sr., M.A. Is Arthritis Curable? challenging the present failed "politically correct' arthritis treatment program, describing some of the foundation's history and also successful treatments.

Dr. Curt Maxwell, alternative medical practitioner, Modern Medicine versus the Cult of Traditional Medicine, challenging the modern medical paradigm.

Perry A. Chapdelaine, Jr., M.D., M.S.P.H., A clinical Approach to Arthritis, which described the present nature of physician "cookbook" medicine, and the strictures placed on the physician by medical insurance.

Denise Chambul, B.A., C.N.C. Bio-Energetic Testing, demonstrating the use of Electro Dermal Screening with a computer-based instrument.

Luby Chambul, D.C., Applied Kinesiology demonstrating how the testing of the strength of various muscles in the body can help make medical diagnosis.


The Foundation's website also has been provided with links to other interesting sites, physicians, and excellent alternative/complementary medical publications.



Thirty thousand newsletters were mailed quarterly to all those who had donated $15 or more to this foundation. On the rise of the internet newsletter publications were discontinued. All past issues are available on the Foundation's website. These newsletters contain information related to successful treatments about arthritis, and other related stories. The last newsletter to be pulbihsed was the Fall of 2007.

Physician Referrals and Foundation Communications

Names and addresses of physicians for referral have grown from five physicians, in 1982, to more than 200 in 16 different countries (but mainly the U.S.) and the list. Alternative/complementary physicians are free to sign up through our website, http://www.arthritistrust.org.

Although the Foundation has mailed out millions of solicitation requests to potential donors since 1982, the Foundation has also answered from 2 to 10 personal letters per day since its founding in 1982. At one count, during one year, more than 40,000 actions (answered mail and telephone calls, physician referral lists, etc.) were counted. Since the introduction of our website, and the free presentation of all that we've discovered and written, personal letters have dropped drastically whereas the entry to our website has expanded regularly. Most impressive, however, was the mailing of free physician lists to every person who ordered books, articles, or simply called on the telephone, or who used our homepage e-mail. The number of 4-page physician lists mailed out numbered in the tens of thousands, and increased in quantity annually. The physician list is now most easily available on our website, "Physician Referral," http://www.arthritistrust.org.

From 1982 through the 1990s most of our communication has been via letters and telephones, sometimes overwhelmingly so. From 2000 throughout 2008, emphasis has gradually shifted to worldwide website communications, including Email. The Foundation's website has grown rather huge, including letters, responses, research papers, important health issues, free books and pamphlets and physician listings, and so on. As of January 2013 this website receives more than an average of 2,500 hits per day representing every country in the world. When additional funding is available it is our plan to convert major health articles into major languages, so that the site will be more useful to arthritics. We currently have a major arthritis book translated by volunteers to Japanese by Nobou Tanaka, a Spanish translation by Hector Solorzano del Rio, M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc., and several articles translated into Italian by Adele Basil.


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i Wyburn-Mason, M.D., Ph.D., Roger (1979). The Causation of Rheumatoid Disease and Many Human Cancers. IJI Publishing Co., Inc. p. 179.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  2. ^ Wyburn-Mason, M.D., Ph.D., Roger (1948). "A new conception of angina pectoris". Brit. Med. J. i. 978.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  3. ^ a b Wyburn-Mason, M.D. Ph.D., Roger (1964). A new protozoon, its relation to malignant and other diseases. London: Henry Kimpton.
  4. ^ Wyburn-Mason, M.D., Ph.D., Roger (1983). A precis and addendum The Causation of Rheumatoid Disease and Many Human Cancers. AC Publishing Co., Inc. p. 33.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  5. ^ Wyburn-Mason, M.D., Ph.D., Roger (1943). "Arterio-venous aneurysm of midbrain and retina, facial naevi and mental changes". Brain. 66: 163–203.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  6. ^ Wyburn-Mason, M.D., Ph.D., Roger (1959). "Association of gastroduodenal lesions with Me'nie're's syndrome". Brit.Med.J. i: 78–83.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  7. ^ Wyburn-Mason, M.D., Ph.D., Roger (1948). "Bronchial carcinoma presenting as polyneuritis". Lancet. i 203.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  8. ^ Wyburn-Mason, M.D., Ph.D., Roger (1976). "Clotrimazole and rheumatoid arthritis". Lancet. i 489.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  9. ^ Wyburn-Mason, M.D., Ph.D., Roger (1953). "Costo-clavicular compression of the subclavian vein and its significance in relation to post operative oedema in carcinoma of the breast". Bri.Med.J. iv 1198-1200.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  10. ^ Wyburn-Mason, M.D., Ph.D., Roger (1955). "Malignant change arising in tissues affected by herpes simplex". Brit.Med.J. iv 1106-1109.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  11. ^ Wyburn-Mason, M.D., Ph.D., Roger (1957). "Malignant Change following herpes simplex". Lancet. ii 615-161.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  12. ^ Wyburn-Mason, M.D., Ph.D., Roger (1954). "Nature of Bell's palsy". Brit.Med.J. iii 679-681.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  13. ^ Wyburn-Mason, M.D., Ph.D., Roger (21). "New views on the aetiology of rheumatoid arthritis". British Medicine: 12–13. {{cite journal}}: Check date values in: |year= (help)CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) CS1 maint: year (link)
  14. ^ Wyburn-Mason, M.D., Ph.D., Roger (1943). "On some anomalous forms of amaurotic idiocy and their bearing on the relationship of various types". Brit. Journ. Ophthalmol: 145–187.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  15. ^ Wyburn-Mason, M.D., Ph.D., Roger (1944). "On some pressure effects associated with cervical and the rudimentary7 and 'normal' first ribs and the factors entering into their causation". Brain. 67: 141–177.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  16. ^ Wyburn-Mason, M.D., Ph.D., Roger (1958). "Reticulo-endothelial system in growth and tumour formation". Henry Kimpton.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  17. ^ Wyburn-Mason, M.D., Ph.D., Roger. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help); Missing or empty |title= (help)CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  18. ^ Wyburn-Mason, M.D., Ph.D., Roger (1979). "The Naegerial causation of rheumatoid disease and many human cancers - A new concept in medicine". Medical Hypotheses.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  19. ^ Wyburn-Mason, M.D., Ph.D., Roger (1953). "The nature of tic doulourux". Brit.Med.J. iii 119.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  20. ^ Wyburn-Mason, M.D., Ph.D., Roger (1943). "The vascular tumours and abnormalities of the spinal cord and its membranes". Henry Kimpton.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  21. ^ Wyburn-Mason, M.D., Ph.D., Roger (1950). "Trophic nerves". Henry Kimpton.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  22. ^ Wyburn-Mason, M.D., Ph.D., Roger (1950). "The significance of the reference of anginal pain to the right or left side of the body". Amer. Heart J. 39: 315–335.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  23. ^ Wyburn-Mason, M.D., Ph.D., Roger. "SLE and lymphoma". Lancet.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  24. ^ Wyburn-Mason, M.D., Ph.D., Roger (1957). "Visceral lesiions in herpes zoster". Brit.Med.J. i: 678–681.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  25. ^ a b di Fabio, Anthony (1982). Rheumatoid Disease Cured at Last. Rt. 4, box 137, Franklin, TN 37064: AC Projects, Inc. p. 177. ISBN 0-9615437-3-6.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location (link)
  26. ^ err. 37064. p. 177. ISBN 0-9615437-3-6. {{cite book}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)CS1 maint: location (link)
  27. ^ Brown, M.D., Thomas McPherson (1988). The Road Back. New York, New York: M. Evans and Company. ISBN 0-87131-543-2.
  28. ^ Wyburn-Mason, M.D., Ph.D, Roger (1983). The Causation of Rheumatoid Disease and Many Human Cancers -- A Precis and Addenda. Franklin, TN. p. 33. ISBN 0-931150-13-2.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link) CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  29. ^ di Fabio, Anthony (1988). The Art of Getting Well. Franklin, TN: Rheumatoid Disease Foundation. p. 72. ISBN 0-9615437-1-X.
  30. ^ di Fabio, Anthony (1995). Arthritis: Little Known Treatments. Franklin, TN: Rheumatoid Disease Foundation. p. 114. ISBN 0-9615437-2-8.