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User:Pavloradchenko/Ivan Kavaleridze

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Ivan Petrovich Kavaleridze
Born1 (13) April 1887
Died3 December 1978
Resting placeBaikove Cemetery

Ivan Petrovich Kavaleridze (1 (13) April 1887, Khutor Ladanskiy, now Romny Raion, Sumy Oblast3 December 1978, Kyiv)— Ukrainian sculptor, film director, playwright, screenwriter and production designer.



He was born in a peasant family of Kylyna Lukivna Kuharenko and Petro Vasylyovych Kavaleridze (Khvaridze) - son of Vaso Khvaridze, a descendant of Georgian noble origin who in mid-XIX century was brought to Ukraine by Russian general Ladonsky after the end of the Caucasian War.

His childhood passed in Talalaivka of Poltava Governorate (now Chernihiv Oblast).

1899— graduated from primary school.

What he enjoyed most as a kid was sculpting figures of people and animals out of clay. This attracted the attention of his uncle, the artist and archaeologist Serhiy Mazaraki, who had graduated from the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts and worked as a curator of the Scythian department at the Kyiv Archaeological Museum. He took the boy to Kyiv, where Ivan studied at Valker's private gymnasium.

19071909— studied at the Kyiv Art School, where he was mentored by the famous sculptor Fedir Balavensky.

19091910— studied at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts under I. Hinsburg.

19101911— perfected his artistic skills in the private studio of Naum Aronson (Paris), then returned to Kyiv to take part in the competition for the best design of the monument to Princess Olga. From 1912 he was a set designer for P. Timan and F. Reinhard.

Monument to Princess Olga, Kyiv

In February 1915 he was mobilized into the Russian army and sent to serve in the 119th Reserve Battalion, stationed in Vyatka, and in April 1915 he was transferred to the school of ensigns in Petergof (near St. Petersburg), later - to the 3rd Combined Guards Reserve battalion in Tsarskoe Selo, which stood guard near the rooms of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II in February 1917. During the times of Ukrainian State of Hetman Pavlo Skoropadskyi, at the end of October 1918, in Romny, he created the first full-size monument to Taras Shevchenko. While working at the local department of public education, he taught drawing in 6 schools, led a city drama club and was the main director of the Romny Mobile Workers' and Peasants' Theater (1925-1930). He was an extraordinarily energetic man. His friends, Auguste Rodin and Feodor Chaliapin, supported his desire creative desire. During his six-year stay in his hometown (1917-1923) he organized a society for the protection of ancient monuments and promoted the opening of a museum of local lore. Railway workers offered 40 barrels of cement for the monument to Shevchenko. For this they asked Ivan to organize a troupe and build a theater. Kavaleridze agreed. The theater was opened.

He was able to unite creative people around him. 125 people joined the theater: directors, conductors, artists. "Performers were talents among talents, it was difficult to get a ticket to the theater," - said the theater's director Ivan Kavaleridze. Among people who were a part of the theater were Stepan Shkurat, Vasyl Yaremenko, Hanna Zatyrkevych-Karpynska and many others. The repertoire was carefully selected. "Forest Song", "In the Catacombs", "In the House of Labor, in the Edge of Captivity" by Lesya Ukrainka, "Burlak" by Karpenko-Karyy.

In 1941, during the Second World War, he headed the culture department of the Kyiv City Council.

After the war, when the communist authorities harassed the artist for having lived under German rule, and the Kyiv film studio evicted him from his office apartment, Kavaleridze was sheltered by theatrical actress Lyubov Gakkebush in her apartment at Velyka Zhytomyrska, 17.

He died in Kyiv on December 3, 1978 and was buried at Baikove Cemetery.



As a film director, Kavaleridze has made only 9 feature films.

Kavaleridze came into the movie industry after meeting O. Dovzhenko and the deputy chairman of VUFKU Zinovy Sidersky.

His cinematic debut was the film "Rain" in 1929, which was lost under mysterious circumstances. The film was created by Kavaleridze on the wave of admiration for constructivism, the work of the Berezil Theater and the poetry of Taras Shevchenko.

It is known that he received very sharp and polar responses in the press due to his constructivist approaches.

Therefore, in subsequent films, Kavaleridze tries to gradually move away from his avant-garde style.

The next film was Perekop which came in 1930 was close to the genre of epic cinema, the third film, Assault Nights was heavily based on the various editing techniques and came out in 1931. He also created one of Ukraine's first sound films titled Koliivshchyna in 1933. All of them still partially gravitated towards constructivism, because Kavaleridze did not give up this approach completely. These works did not find sufficient support from the Soviet film critics of the time.

The turning point for Kavaleridze's creative activity and for Soviet cinema in general was the 1936 film Prometheus. The film received devastating criticism and this marked the arrival of the state-approved socialist-realist genre in the cinema of the time and the rejection of all experimental and innovative. B. Shumlyatsky, a famous critic of the time, actively criticized the film in his article "Simple and clear cinematography".

After such a resonance in the cultural environment of Soviet Ukraine in the 1930s, Kavaleridze was transferred to shoot conflict-free musical operas. For example, Natalka-Poltavka in 1936, Zaporozhets on the Danube in 1937.

During the filming of the next film, Oleksa Dovbush in 1941, Ivan Kavalerizde found himself in German occupation.

He did not lose his desire for artistic work, so he tried to agree on cooperation with the German authorities, who temporarily occupied the Ukrainian lands. This was his mistake, as this led to the brand of a collaborator getting firmly attached to him in the Soviet Union. Therefore, he was no longer allowed to work in cinema. Only during the "thaw" was Kavaleridze allowed to make films again: Grigory Skovoroda in 1959 and Prostitute in 1961. These films were shot in the old-fashioned manner typical of his 30s films and therefore they did not have a lot of success.



In his lifetime Kavaleridze has created numerous monuments, among them are:

  • Princess Olga (Kyiv, 1911; destroyed in 1919, restored in 1996)
  • Taras Shevchenko (Romny, 1918; Poltava 1925; Sumy, 1926 - destroyed in the early 1960s. At the very beginning of the "Khrushchev era", namely in 1953, the monument was demolished: Nikita Khrushchev saw in the work of Kavaleridze manifestations of "Caucasian separatism", plus the Secretary General did not like Cubism.
  • Hryhoriy Skovoroda (Lokhvytsia, 1922; Kyiv, 1977)
  • Artem (Bakhmut, 1924; Svyatogorsk, 1927)
  • Lenin with Komsomol members
  • Yaroslav the Wise (project 1944-1960, created in 1997.)
  • Monument to Peter the Cossack in Bila Tserkva (1971).

Author of the project of the monument to Bohdan Khmelnytsky in Kobeliaky (1962), sculptural portrait of Feodor Shalyapin (1909), sculptural compositions "Amvrosiy Buchma as Nikolai Zadorozhny" (1954), "Prometheus" (1962), "Leo Tolstoy" (1965), "Svyatoslav in battle", "Zaporozhets on horseback", "O. Pushkin and M. Gogol", "Marko Kropyvnytsky", "Flying cranes" and many others.


Museum-workshop of Ivan Kavaleridze
  • 1987 - the I. Kavaleridze Art Memorial Museum was founded in the village of Novopetrivka, Sumy region.
  • 1989 - a gallery of sculptural works was opened at the Sumy Art Museum.
  • 1992 - The Ivan Kavaleridze Charitable Memorial Foundation was established in Kyiv.
  • 1993 - a museum-workshop of the artist and an exhibition hall "In the house of Ivan Kavaleridze" were opened in Kyiv.
  • A street in Lviv was named after Ivan Kavaleridze (1990).
  • A memorial plaque has been placed on the house in Kyiv (Velyka Vasylkivska, 16), where the artist lived in 1954–1978.
  • 2014 - A street in Kyiv (Podilskyi district, Lipinka-2 residential complex) was named after Ivan Kavaleridze
  • The following films are dedicated to the artist:
    • "Faces of Talent" (1970, M. Linichuk)
    • "Ivan Kavaleridze. At the turn of time "(1987, t / f, R. Sinko)
    • "Prince's Monument" (1992; L. Borisova)
    • "From the Hem to the Golden Gate" (1999, video; R. Efimenko)
    • "The Way of Ivan Kavaleridze" (1999, G. Desyatnik)
  • On April 13, 2017, a memorable date was celebrated at the state level in Ukraine - 130 years since the birth of Ivan Kavaleridze (1887-1978), a sculptor and a director

See also



  • Іван Кавалерідзе. Мемуари. Драматургія. Публіцистика : [критич. комент. до життя і творчості укр. кінорежисера та скульптора : зб. ст. / упоряд. С. Мензелевський]. — Київ : Нац. центр О. Довженка, 2017. — 688 с., [56] арк. іл. : іл. — ISBN 978-966-97362-6-0
  • Митці України : Енциклопедичний довідник / упоряд. : М. Г. Лабінський, В. С. Мурза ; за ред. А. В. Кудрицького. — К. : «Українська енциклопедія» ім. М. П. Бажана, 1992. — 848 с. — ISBN 5-88500-042-5. — С. 281—282 .
  • Ковпаненко Н. Г. Кавалерідзе Іван Петрович // Енциклопедія історії України. — К. : Наукова думка, 2007. — Т. 4. — ISBN 978-966-00-0692-8. — С. 12—13.
  • Дєдов В. М. Творчі здобутки Івана Кавалерідзе в Донбасі. Науково-популярний нарис. — Славянск: Печатный двор, 2002, 78 с. з іл.
  • Виставка творів Івана Петровича Кавалерідзе. Каталог. — К., 1962.
  • Кавалерідзе Іван: життя і творчість / Н.М. Капельгородська, О.Р. Синько, Г.Я. Скляренко та ін. – Київ : Кий, 2007. – 335 с. – ISBN 966-8825-36-1.
  • Кино и время. Вып. 3-й. Режиссерьі советского художественного кино. — М., 1962 . — С. 123—124
  • Лінгарт Л. Іван Кавалерідзе і три етапи його кінотворчості. — Прага, 1962 (чеською мовою)
  • Німенко А. І. Кавалерідзе — скульптор. — К., 1967
  • Лелюх С. Кінематографічний пошук І. П. Кавалерідзе у відтворенні героїчного минулого українського народу. — К., 1970
  • Донець Л., Медведев Т. Иван Кавалеридзе // 20 режиссерских биографий. М., 1971 . — С.136—153
  • Зінич С., Капельгородська Н. Іван Кавалерідзе. — К., 1971
  • Нозадзе Шота. Іван Кавалерідзе. — Тбілісі, 1971 (груз. мов.)
  • Сценаристы советского художественного кино. — М., 1972 . — С. 157—158
  • Кавалерідзе Іван. П'єси. — К., 1976
  • И. П. Кавалеридзе (1887—1978). Каталог выставки. — Сумы, 1987
  • Кино: Знциклопедический словарь. — М., 1987. — С. 162
  • Великий Жовтень і Громадянська війна на Україні: Енциклопедичний довідник. — К., 1987. — С. 230
  • Иван Кавалеридзе: Сборник статей, воспоминаний. — К., 1988
  • Енциклопедія українознавства. Т. 3. — Л., 1994. — С. 911
  • Капельгородська Н., Синько Р. Іван Кавалерідзе. Грані творчості. — К., 1995
  • Капельгородська Н., Синько О. Відновлення історії. Пам'ятник княгині Ользі в Києві. — К., 1996
  • Мистецтво України: Біографічний довідник. — К., 1997. — С. 280—281
  • Капельгородська Н., Синько О. Іван Кавалерідзе. Скульптура. — К., 1997
  • Синько Ростислав. Поза часом і простором: Спогади про Івана Кавалерідзе. — К., 1997
  • Капельгородська Н., Синько О. «Ярослав Мудрий» Івана Кавалерідзе. — К., 1998
  • УСЕ: Універсальний словник-енциклопедія. — К., 1999. — С. 588
  • Видатні діячі України минулих століть. — К., 2001. — С. 224—225
  • Синько Р. На зламах епох: І.Кавалерідзе й оточення. — К., 2002
  • Юнаков О. Архитектор Иосиф Каракис. — Нью Йорк : Алмаз, 2016. — 544 с. — ISBN 978-1-68082-000-3.

[[Category:Burials at Baikove Cemetery]] [[Category:People from Romny]] [[Category:Recipients of the title of People's Artists of Ukraine]] [[Category:Ukrainian screenwriters]] [[Category:Ukrainian film directors]] [[Category:Ukrainian dramatists and playwrights]] [[Category:20th-century sculptors]] [[Category:Ukrainian sculptors]] [[Category:People from Sumy Oblast]] [[Category:Official website not in Wikidata]] [[Category:1978 deaths]] [[Category:1887 births]]