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DESIGNER/BIO: From a very young age our fascinating and creative designer and CEO of ENGINEERED BLISS Rashad Richardson has maintained a very high interest in design. He has the ability to organically design and create anything the mind can imagine! Rashad is easily inspired by just about anything, shapes, colors, textures, architecture and the list goes on.. This combined with his innate creative abilities along with the direction he receives from his clients allows him to create the most magnificent showpieces you could have possibly imagined! Several years ago Rashad began making furniture in his uncles basement as a way to express his artistic creativity. He believed he could and so he did! His desire is to always make a design as unique and as beautiful as your mind can imagine. Rashad is true to his clients and promises that each design will always remain 1 of 1 in its nature, meaning he will never mass produce your design. In his words, “Its never mass production, but your vision constructed!” This is what makes ENGINEERED BLISS, ENGINEERED BLISS! Rashad's designs have boundless imagination, and his creativity is infinite! Rashad has been known to whip up concepts in secs of glancing at open spaces or following very brief conversations with client request. He prides himself in crafting and customizing to your own unique sense of style. His designs are profoundly unique and exquisite! Unlike most companies, Rashad doesn't make designs for just anyone “no offense” He is one of the few business men/designers that chooses who he spends time with, as his work is truly a piece of art! This is what allows Rashad to continue to love what he does. “If you love what you do, then you never work a day in your life!” So consider yourself fortunate if Rashad himself is trying to get your attention, because what he will do is only give you BLISS!

What you may NOT know about Rashad:

Rashad Richardson was employed as a General Population Instructor for one of the most notorious state prisons in the country (Walpole State Prison, MCI Cedar Junction level 6 Maximum Security) it was that job that inspired Rashad to take his mentoring to another level. Rashad worked there for over two years and says, “Its the best “Job” bar none that he's ever had! That job taught him a lot even as the teacher; he learned never to judge a book by its cover and became extremely humbled by his pupils. In his words, “We're all the same, some just decide to play checkers with their lives and other's chess!” being proactive will always make you the best reactor! Rashad believes in the signifigance of community involvement and inspiring others while giving back. When he is not designing new showpieces, he is mentoring young men and women on how to become successful and reach their highest potential. He feels its necessary and almost an obligation to show and express his gratitude by mentoring and giving back. Rashad believes that when you are in a position of financial wealth and/or have the ability to reach more than you may see, then you should guide those urning for direction. Mentoring youth and adults is something he'll always do, this also comes natural to him!