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 Introduction, In my opinion no culture or society is equal. Even though its something we really emphasize that every human being is equal because whether you believe it or not we accept the fact that small groups of people have more authority, power and respect weather in a low power distance country or high power distance country.

In our text book Interplay-the Process of Interpersonal Communication Geert Hofstede (1984) pg 39 Power Distance is defined as a term to describe the degree to which members of a society accept an unequal distribution of power.

 In our country the United states we are considered a low power degree of power because we offer the the opportunity for 

progression in life and social class . we believe in freedom and justice for all, our country is is based on the declaration of independence where it states all men and women are created equal. In the U.S we have the right to have opinions, right to challenge authority, work hard to get promoted at work in order to move up in our financial class. In a high power distant country like China its the opposite workers are more dependent on the decision their boss would make , students don’t question a teachers teaching method or way of teaching or give his or her opinion, workers have to respect and report to all superiors above them, Managers have to present a strong presence.

 Example of Power Distance from http://springflower2010.blogspot.com Posted by Detian_Chen,

For example, China has a high power distance culture. When people talk with each other they always use polite and totally respectful language. I am a Chinese person. When I took class in China, I always followed my teacher’s direction step by step. I never thought about if the direction was correct or incorrect, and I also never thought about how to make some change or improve the questions. This is an example of high power distance culture. In American, when I take classes, teachers and students always discuss together to improve teachers’ teaching and students’ study ability. This is an example of low power distance.


 This video shows an aspect of powered cultures and low powered cultures. by showing how a teacher from a low powered culture was more understanding with the student and stood at a personal level with her by letter her know its ok for her to have her fun and if things get too difficult she can contact  her for guidance. As for the teacher from a high powered culture she was much more strict about when the assignment was due and offered no help for the student making her make choices even though she had no idea what to do and how she couldn't show any upset emotions she was very polite but the teacher seemed very harsh.